EP 3: How To Move Past Decision Deadlocks

Published: April 23, 2020, 6:49 p.m.


This week, Nicole talks about why it is hard to make the decisions that we know we need to make. She wants us all to understand it\'s ok to not know everything. It\'s ok to struggle with how you feel. It\'s all about giving yourself liberty to be honest to yourself.

Nicole opens up to us about a time two years when she was afraid to make a decision to make a big change. There were so many things at work that she\'d become comfortable doing that she didn\'t want to make a shift anymore, but she knew she had to take that step.

Change isn\'t easy because it requires a lot of intentional focus.

Nicole shares a few things that helped her in making a major decision that made her uncomfortable:

1. Being completely honest with yourself as to why you don\'t want to make the decision
Allow yourself to be honest. While we can\'t physically hide from ourselves, we can sometimes lie to ourselves. It could be because of expectations of other people or simply not believing in ourselves.

2. It is OK that you want to decide about it
Once you made that decision either people will come alongside you, understand and grow with your decision or the relationship may change but it\'ll make room for those that are supposed to be with you going forward.

Change is not about perfection. It\'s about progress. Take the pressure off yourself. Now that you know it is ok to make that change, what are you going to do if there\'s some ambiguity around it?

The best person to be honest with is no other than yourself. Your decision is your open door to reality.

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