Awareness posters and conferences

Published: Nov. 4, 2015, 8:23 p.m.

b'Episode #186. You’re 10 years old, you stutter, and the first day of school is approaching. You’re thinking about the negative reactions the other kids in your new class will have towards your stuttering. You’re afraid of being teased, bullied, and not making any friends. So what do you do? You create a poster about stuttering and present it to your class! This is what 10 year old Natalie from the U.S.A. did recently. On this episode, I speak with her and her mother, Regina, about the stuttering awareness poster that Natalie made and the results from talking to her class about her stuttering.
\\nI also talk about several events in honour of International Stuttering Awareness Day: the special awareness comic I made starring Franky Banky, giving a speech in French in Montreal and hanging out with francophone stutterers at the Association des B\\xe8gues du Canada, and interviewing attendees of the Canadian Stuttering Association one day event. October was a very busy month!
\\nSpeaking of French speeches, I play audio submitted by Audrey Bigras, author of The bilingual Advertising Stories blog. She talks about 10 stuttering myths in French to help me practice my French in preparation for my speech in Montreal. The stuttering myths are as follows:
\\n1. Le b\\xe9gaiement est caus\\xe9 par la timidit\\xe9 (Shyness causes stuttering)
\\n2. Le b\\xe9gaiement est caus\\xe9 par un \\xe9v\\xe8nement traumatisant qui a eu lieu durant l’enfance (Stuttering is caused by a fearful event that happened in the childhood)
\\n3. Lorsqu’on chante, on ne b\\xe9gaie pas (We don’t stutter while we sing)
\\n4. Tout le monde b\\xe9gaie! Par exemple, quand je suis fatigu\\xe9 ou stress\\xe9, je bafouille et je cherche mes mots – dit par une personne fluide (Everybody stutters! When I am tired or nervous, I stutter! – said by a fluent person)
\\n5. Les personnes qui b\\xe9gaient ont de la difficult\\xe9 \\xe0 dire leur pr\\xe9nom (People who stutter stuggles when they have to say their own name)
\\n6. Le b\\xe9gaiement est de la faute des parents ou de la famille (Stuttering is parents or family’s fault)
\\n7. On peut \\xe9liminer le b\\xe9gaiement avec un r\\xe9gime alimentaire pr\\xe9cis (We could eradicate stuttering with a special diet)
\\n8. On peut arr\\xeater de b\\xe9gayer en changeant de lat\\xe9ralit\\xe9 (We could stop stuttering by changing our laterality)
\\n9. Il existe des chirurgies de la langue pour vaincre le b\\xe9gaiement (A surgery of the tongue could eradicate stuttering)
\\n10. Le b\\xe9gaiement garantit une vie mis\\xe9rable (Stuttering causes a life of misery)
\\nLinks mentioned on this episode:
\\n* Stuttering is Cool LinkedIn page
\\n* Advertising Stories Blog\\xa0and Twitter account
\\n* Live tweets during the Canadian Stuttering Association one-day event
\\n* Franky Banky comic book
\\n* Canadian Stuttering Association
\\n* L’Association des b\\xe8gues du Canada
\\n* Diary of a Stutterer
\\n* International Stuttering Awareness Day Online Conference 2015

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