Being Left in the Middle of the Right

Published: March 17, 2020, 2:19 a.m.

b'What\\u2019s it like being a socialist in a region many people consider to be a conservative stronghold? What are the obstacles and opportunities? Joining Michael this week are Sheetal Rawal and Holly McDaniel. \\nSheetal is an elder millenial living in the exurbs of Toronto. A lawyer by training, she is an aspiring lady of leisure who has, on occasion, put the Champagne in "Champagne socialist." \\nHolly is a hermit who loves nature, animals, and humans who protect nature and animals. These days she can usually be found yelling at her partner about why we need to do a better job protecting each other, our nature, and all its biodiverse glory.\\nWant to reach Michael? Email him at'