Retrohaling your Cigar Smoke

Published: Dec. 29, 2008, 8:51 a.m.


DESCRIPTION: Retrohaling is a technique that we practice and recommend so that people can experience the broadest range of flavors and sensations from their cigars. In this video, Doc explains why retrohaling is important and how to retrohale your cigar smoke.


  1. Doc provides a little background info on the origin of the term "retrohale."
  2. The second section provides a little anatomy lesson regarding gustation (taste) and olfaction (smell).
  3. Orthonasal olfaction involves moving particles to your olfactory bulb via the front of your nose.
  4. Retronasal olfaction involves moving particles to your olfactory bulb via the "back door," that is, via your mouth and throat.
  5. Doc explains techniques for retrohaling.
  6. Doc summarizes the importance of retrohaling to the cigar enthusiast.