Ep. 11: My Experience With Severe Burnout and How I Got Through It

Published: Feb. 19, 2021, 2 p.m.

The origin story of this podcast is about burnout. As I was struggling to finish my PhD a few years ago, I suffered from burnout that was so severe I was largely nonfunctional as a human being. In this episode, I talk about what that looked and felt like, and the realization I eventually had about my condition that enabled me to pick up all my pieces and recover. Don't worry, this isn't a depressing story! It's full of interesting thoughts about burnout and society, why I think we are all the burnout generation right now (it's not just Millennials!), and it ends with a hopeful message for anyone out there also suffering from burnout, or who is feeling stuck and confused about the direction of their life and what they really want from it. I started my creative business (my writing site kendrapatterson.com and this podcast) to reach out to other creative, sensitive types who are struggling, and to provide them with information I would have loved to have found when I was struggling like that. I'm so proud to have this episode out there in the world, and hope that you find it thought-provoking and inspiring!

This episode's accompanying blog post can be found here.

Here is some more stuff I've written about burnout's relationship to my creative business.
