E88. Getting Through the Void Stage of the Creative Process

Published: Sept. 2, 2022, 6 p.m.


Has this happened to you? You're on a roll with your creative project, getting stuff done, you feel enthusiastic and excited about your progress, and then bam! Something happens (usually some kind of setback), and suddenly you feel like you've fallen off the edge of the map. You're no longer clear on your goals, you doubt your talent and skills, and you wonder if it's a sign you should just give up. It's not! You've just entered the void. This is the part of the creative process where you enter the "here be dragons" land, a place where you will be challenged to the height of your capabilities because there are no map and no signposts, and you'll encounter monsters that will make you cower in fear. There is only one rule when you enter the void: you must keep going. In this episode I tell you how.

The episode with Chrissa Trudelle that I mention is #36.
