E86. The Feedback Episode: When to Ask--and Not Ask!--For It and How to Deal With It

Published: Aug. 19, 2022, 6 p.m.


I have two main pieces of advice when it comes to asking for and dealing with feedback. First, you don't have to be "good" at receiving feedback to ask for it. Some of us will never have a thick skin and that's okay. Second, if you are not sure exactly what you are hoping to get out of the feedback and ready to ask for and receive that specific advice, err on the side of not asking for feedback. Getting bad feedback or getting feedback at the wrong time can damage our creative practice and cause blocks. In this episode I talk about different kinds of solicited feedback and their pros and cons (there are more cons than pros to much of it, in my opinion). I also discuss how to know when you're ready for feedback, what kind to ask for, depending on your personal goals for your work, and how to handle challenging critical feedback that hurts but you know will help you take your work to the next level.

My blog post on feeling insecure about putting your work out into the world (dealing with unsolicited and/or imagined feedback).
