E71. Writing a Novel Without a Plan (The Intuitive Approach to Writing)

Published: April 22, 2022, 5 p.m.


In this episode I tell you what writing my novel, The Gentle History, has looked like. I am an intuitive discovery writer, which means that I rarely sit down with any kind of detailed idea of what I'm going to be writing that day. Whatever comes out when I'm in a flow state is unplanned and spontaneous, and may only loosely connect with my overarching idea of the novel, at least in early drafts. I get to know my characters and story as I go along, refining my ideas in each subsequent draft. This is not an efficient way of writing, but it's inspired, and it's the only way that works for me. If you are struggling with your own writing, this episode will give you some ideas about how to move forward in a creatively inspired way that isn't overly controlling of your process and final product.

You can find the blog post associated with this episode here.
