E6. Feel Like a Late Bloomer? This May Explain Why

Published: Jan. 15, 2021, 4 p.m.


Have you spent your life watching people around you hit all the milestones, wondering when your turn will come? Do you feel like there's something you're just not getting about how to do life the right way, or have you found that you've had to reinvent yourself a number of times in your life? This episode is for all of you out there who don't have lives that follow that linear trajectory our culture tells us is the "right" way to live. I discuss the difference between being a conceptual creative vs. an experimental creative, as well as why being an experimenter is going to be increasingly important in this new economic era we are entering. Plus, I talk about why experiencing life crises where it seems like you've lost the plot isn't a sign of personal failure - so let's stop feeling like it is!

You can find this episode's accompanying blog post here.\\xa0

The article I reference is Weinberg and Galenson, 2019 (open access).\\xa0
