E54. Making Friends With Your Ultradian Rhythm

Published: Dec. 24, 2021, 2 p.m.


You've heard of the circadian rhythm, I'm sure, but did you know there are others that govern our daily functioning? One is the ultradian rhythm, which occurs in ~90 minute itervals through the day and night. The ultradian rhythm influences everything from our REM sleep to how long we can effectively focus on tasks.

For years I felt something was wrong with me that I have a very clear 60-90 minute window for doing concentration-heavy tasks like creative writing. I'd hear self-proclaimed "serious" writers talk about how they write for 4 hours a day and feel like I must be inherently lazy. Nope. I'm just strongly in touch with my body. This episode is also about trusting our intuitive knowledge of ourselves and what works for us.

Plus, stick around at the end of the episode for a holiday surprise! (Here is the link I mention!)

If you'd like to learn more about the science of the ultradian rhythm, this episode of the Huberman Lab podcast has some info.\\xa0
