E36. Interview! Chrissa Trudelle Talks Personality Typology (Myers-Briggs & Enneagram) and the Cognitive Side of Flow

Published: Aug. 13, 2021, 2 p.m.


In this episode I interview Chrissa Trudelle, a fellow INFP, and we talk all things personality typology! Both being INFPs, we have many points of resonance, but as I'm an Enneagram 4 and she's a 9, we also diverge on many points. You'll hear about how being an HSP interfaces with being certain personality types in the Myers-Briggs and Enneagram systems, the difference between INFPs and INFJs, and what it's like for Chrissa, an INFP, to be married to an INFJ.

Chrissa has a science background and has taken workshops on flow, so we also discuss the cognitive side of flow, how the brain works when entering flow, and the brain waves involved. And finally, we talk about how we both handled being in situations where we had jobs that just made it too hard to switch our brains at the end of the day from that focused, task-oriented cognition to life-giving creative cognition, and how the "depression flu" can be a warning signal that you're living the wrong life. What a great conversation!

Chrissa Trudelle is a writer and a coach for writers. She specializes in creative nonfiction and helping others bring their own creative work to life. As a lifelong learner, she is passionate about emotional states of being, human connection, flow states, and finding magic in the mundane. Chrissa lives high in the mountains near Lake Tahoe with her husband where they fuel their passion for entrepreneurship and outdoor adventure together.

Chrissa Trudelle's website

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