E22. The One About Money! All About My Finances, My Creative Business, and Being a Creative Trying to Earn a Living in 2021

Published: May 7, 2021, noon


Money is always such an elephant in the room, don't you think? In the field I now find myself in, where we are all are trying to make a living based on creative content we put up online, people seem hesitant to speak publicly about the specifics of their own financial situations. I want to change that, and here's why. As a content creator, I make my money from people who are willing to give it to me in exchange for my work and services. It's a very personal, one-to-one type of financial transaction. Because of that, I want to be transparent about my personal finances with the people who decide my work and services are worth paying for, as well as about my evolving thoughts on making money this way. I plan to do this kind of reporting as a regular feature of my work, probably on a yearly basis. Think of it sort of like how a company issues a yearly shareholder statement. In this episode I discuss how I plan to monetize (hate that word) my business, the projects I've already put into motion, how I'm currently making money (spoiler: it's not from my creative business, yet!), and how I feel about doing creative work for money. This is a new type of episode that I'm trying out, just me saying whatever comes out, an experiment of sorts. I hope you enjoy it!

Note: Sunday evening tarot podcast no longer available.
