E12. Cultivating a Generalist Mindset for the New Era, aka I Love Being a Generalist!

Published: Feb. 26, 2021, 3 p.m.


Have you ever felt like a failure because you haven't become an expert in one area, or at anything? Our society expects us to specialize, especially in terms of career. Those of us who can't seem to settle on one path and stick with it are considered dilettantes or worse. I'm here to tell you that being a generalist is a benefit! Our world may seem like it's made for specialists, but generalists are already thriving and they will rule the future. The good news? Most of us are natural generalists. In this episode I talk about what it means to be a generalist, why generalists are actually more likely to make stand-out contributions, and what living as a generalist looks like. Plus, I offer some tips on how to cultivate your own generalist mindset and value your generalist inclinations. I've struggle a lot in my life with being a generalist, but I can truly say that now I'm so grateful that I am one. If you are a reluctant generalist too, I hope this episode helps you develop a different perspective so that you can glory in all your awesome generalist power!

This episode's accompanying blog post can be found here.

This is the Tim Ferriss Show episode I mention.

Find out more about the book Range, by David Epstein.
