Steelers singularly equipped to handle both Titans and COVID-19

Published: Sept. 30, 2020, 6:19 p.m.

b'It\\u2019s now clear this coronavirus-shrouded NFL season will be a game of attrition and a survival of the fittest. With COVID-19 striking at least three players and five coaches on the Tennessee Titans as they prepare to meet the Steelers in the Music City Sunday, the real rules for this season like no other are emerging. One thing stands clear above all else: The NFL desperately wants to play the games as scheduled. They don\\u2019t want to be postponing, canceling or shuffling the NFL schedule, which culminates in its annual Super Bowl climax in early February. The NFL will abide banning fans from the stands. But it wants to keep things as normal as possible when it comes to the all-important TV product. This means the football organization that handles COVID-19 the best will have a decided advantage as the season grinds forward and coronavirus inevitably strikes more and more teams. The Steelers are that organization. The team is gelling after a comeback win vs. the Texans that would have been squandered in seasons\\u2019 past. And they are these\\xa0crazy COVID times that will have many more unexpected twists and turns to come.\\xa0But you can expect on thing \\u2013 the Steelers will survive. By doing so, they\\u2019ll be in prime position to thrive.\\xa0The last team standing hoists a Lombardi.\\xa0 See for privacy and opt-out information.\\nLearn more about your ad choices. Visit'