Steelers facing big backlash over divided racial justice stand

Published: Sept. 16, 2020, 5:31 p.m.

b'The Steelers look good on the field, but they\\u2019re facing a big backlash over their divided social justice stand off of it.It was a mixed message to say the least. The Steelers high profile Monday Night Football attempt to stand united against racism was seemingly sabotaged by a war-hero left tackle. With the rest of the team wearing the name of Pittsburgh-area police shooting victim\\xa0Antwon Rose Jr. on their helmets, Afghanistan war vet and Army Ranger Alejandro Villanueva seemingly went rogue.\\xa0He hand-scrawled the name of fellow vet Alwyn Cashe on his helmet in Sharpie ink. Cashe, who is African-American, died of injuries suffered pulling fellow soldiers out of a burning vehicle in Iraq.Now a large segment of Steelers Nation is divided, TV ratings are tanking and many now-former NFL fans are tuning out the league\\u2019s aggressive venture into divisive politics.\\xa0Will it prove a poison pill in Pittsburgh \\u2013 and across the rest of the NFL? We have all the best takes on these off-field troubles, plus plenty of coverage of what happened on the field vs. the Giants -- including running back James Conner\\u2019s suddenly shaky starting status \\u2013 all in this controversy strewn edition of the Steelers Update Podcast. So listen up, Steeler fans!\\xa0 See for privacy and opt-out information.\\nLearn more about your ad choices. Visit'