How will Steeler fans react to players kneeling during National Anthem in protest of George Floyds death?

Published: June 10, 2020, 5:33 p.m.

b'Colin Kaepernick\\u2019s kneeling National Anthem protests now seems prescient. Eight-plus excruciating minutes of video showing a white police officer kneeling on the neck of George Floyd until his heart stopped beating has made it so. It sets up an explosive start to what was already going to be a very unusual football season due to the coronavirus pandemic. It\\u2019s a very good bet NFL players, including your Pittsburgh Steelers, will take a knee during the National Anthem this season. The most fitting tribute to the memory of George Floyd and what it means for all of us will be genuine understanding, empathy and acceptance of the players\\u2019 point of view. And above all \\u2013 fundamental policing changes and criminal justice reform so America is America for all. Fittingly, America\\u2019s Game will be right in the middle of this significant cultural moment. So will your Pittsburgh Steelers, as it should be. The only question is where will Steelers Nation stand \\u2013 or kneel? See for privacy and opt-out information.\\nLearn more about your ad choices. Visit'