Alex and Marie Mateos - Paramotor World champs explain a special towing system amongst other themes.

Published: May 24, 2020, 6:51 a.m.

Recorded 14 may 2020. Alex (27) and Marie (28), this delightful couple, are married for 4 years and very successful in the world of paramotoring... Multiple World champs in all disciplines. They own a paramotor school 1 hour south of Paris. The area is flat. Alex loves to free fly. They experimented and came up with a unique system whereby Marie flies the paramotor and aerotows Alex up. It looks much simpler than it is. We discuss the challenges in this. Cutaway systems and communications. Their powered paragliding school Training explained.. Max 4 students..7 lessons.. The electric motor! So in love.. Maybe the secret of their success? Classic paramotor competitions.. The 3 disciplines explained. Funny map story. Travel and flying. Oman, New Zealand. Ozone viper 4..16m2..75+ kmh Macfly 250cc Polini 200cc Using under 2litres per hour in the economy task. Fun moments with comps. Our work is a dream, Tandem paramotor discussed. Dedicated motors for each discipline. Trike motors for tandem. Slalom racing.. 14m2 gliders, 80-90km/hr.."really exciting" Water landings The baboon family visits. Links... The towing video.. Their school, And Here is the video from the Last world Paramotor championship in Thailand It was a classic competition but with maniability with pylone Others : Macfly Paramoteur ( Ozone Power ( POLINI MOTORI SPA ( Propellers E-Props ( Icaro 2000 ( AIR Courtage Assurances ( YACCO ( Rip'Air Talloires ( L'Atelier Idécom ( UCOM ( Fédération Française d'ULM - FFPLUM (