Nick Reed PODCAST: 09.10 - Biden To FORCE Mandated Vaccinations On Companies With 100 Employees

Published: Sept. 10, 2021, 12:08 p.m.

Hour 1 -  Nick Reed is live on location at Scramblers Diner for the Friday Road Show. Here's what he covers: President Joe Biden announced Thursday that all employers with more than 100 workers to be vaccinated or test weekly for the coronavirus. All health facilities receiving federal Medicare or Medicaid will also be required to get their employees vaccinated. More than 600,000 letter-carriers and administrative staff of the US Postal Service won’t have to get a shot. Biden also left out mandating the vaccine for illegal immigrants crossing the border. Missouri Gov. Mike Parson made a statement regarding the vaccine mandate, saying it's “unwelcome in our state.” Will Gov. Parson actually DO something about this? Or is this just lip service?