Nick Reed PODCAST 04.03.23 - Left-Wing Activists Storm Tennessee Capitol While DOJ Stays Silent

Published: April 3, 2023, 12:07 p.m.

Hour 1 -  Good Monday morning! Here's what Nick Reed covers this hour: We have a KSGF Happy Hour this Friday! Join us from 4-6 p.m. at Retro Metro! Hope to see you out there! A mob of anti-Second Amendment activists stormed the Tennessee Capitol on Thursday, demanding restrictions on Americans’ right to bear arms following the Nashville killing of six Christians, three of whom were children, at the hands of a transgender-identifying shooter. Wyoming House Minority Whip Karlee Provenza (D) posted a meme of a grandma using an AK-47 to protect transgender people on Saturday, less than a week after a 28-year-old transgender person went into a Christian school and shot six people dead.