Your Path is Opening Up

Published: Aug. 21, 2020, 10:15 p.m.


Brandon Handley 0:00
What is going on? How are you? How are you I figured we would do a little podcast from nature. Don't get out to too many awesome natural surroundings too often.

But today

I'm kind of ridge climbing


spider webs and gone through brushes

seeing cool scenery

awesome gorge here stream and you know took the time to

just come and spend some time with it

Unknown Speaker 0:50

Brandon Handley 0:52
it's available right it was available it is available spiders in my face part of nature. And, you know, what can we what can we kind of take a take a look at today today was one of the things that I thought of while I was

walking around here


the idea that the path kind of always opens up the path is always available.

And it always opens up for you.

Yeah, there's always that option.

And how does it open up? I mean,

so first you got to you got to kind of look got to be on the lookout. And you've got to want to go somewhere, right? You got to kind of have some kind of destination in mind, in order for the path to open up. Right, so maybe, as we've talked to you before,

once you make that decision Where do you want to go?

What do you Who do you want to see? Who do you want to be?

And, you know, sometimes it's making that decision on who it is you want to be or where you want to be today. For me, it was simple. I just wanted to get to a Oh, that's so simple. I guess I want to get to the perfect place to meditate today. I wanted to find a place that was in the streams that I could sit down and meditate.


as I will continue to walk, there would be openings in the path that just continue to kind of unfold as as I continue to look for the right spot for me to be And everywhere that I stepped that was something underneath and needed support it every every time I went forward

the footing was sure.

And I think that

oftentimes we

were afraid to take those steps we're afraid to make those decisions.

We've been told that

you know, you're not old enough I mean, there's customer comes from definitely comes from youth could come from could come from bosses

could come from people who who just don't

come to never believed in you and then, you know, so

Unknown Speaker 3:46

Brandon Handley 3:49
didn't kind of lend themselves to

allowing for a belief in you.

I guess I'll give you an idea. Example.

I remember I was working with one boss at a restaurant and you know, at some point he, man, beautiful Hawk. At one point, I forget why he was giving me read me the riot act. And, you know, he asked me, he says, How many people do you think there are? Just like you come in and take this position, it was like a bartender position. As a man, I guess, you know, plenty and you know, it's just to that degree, you know, he was like, you're replaceable.

And, you know, it was a super shitty feeling.

Obviously, right, it's just still sticking with me. After all these years, even though even though I know differently today

But but it's still but it's still kind of holding me back in

some places Oh my god, you

know that well anybody can do what I'm doing and fill whatever role that I'm doing and and you know what that that that that's what seizes up the path, right so you gotta you can't hold on to those things. You can't let those be the things that that hold you back because I mean those you've got a story like that i'm sure you've got somebody that's just Yeah, they push it so much they put you in your place they put you down. They're trying to anchor you to that spot. They want you to believe that whatever, whatever it is that they're giving you in that situation is a gift from them. And the gift really, from them is your ability to uh, to step up, step out of step away from that that's, you know, toxic it's It's, uh, you know, that's what the paths are open up. Past are so open up when you step away from that. And you find that there's so much more that's greater for you out there. You know, and it'll be years later and that person but yeah, I knew you were too good for this place. And, you know, I was just trying to force you out so that you could

find out who you really were.

And yeah, sure, yeah.

But the path will open up for you. path will open up for you and you'll find yourself just loving life that much more when you allow for the for the belief in yourself to occur for it to happen. And when you take that moment of courage in your life, and that's what it is. It's just a moment. All right. I think I made a post yesterday with Matt Damon saying it only takes 20 seconds of crazy Crazy courage

and for the world to open up for you. And

when you make that decision to embrace that for just 20 seconds, right? The whole world can open up the path will open up for you. Each step you take will be firm underneath your feet.

And who knows even if even if it's not

and you slip and you fall, it's what you find on the ground that on your path, it's just there's so much available for you. That if you just let go of all the things that you think that are not it's it's it's when that it opens up right, that's when you will see so much more and start looking for ways that is possible and Books, bugs and spider webs then then your path right your path that becomes something beautiful.

And, and in reading

you know, Carl Young's Red Book, you know, he talks about he goes,

he talks about his own path. And how it can't be like anybody else's it wouldn't be like anybody else's and, and you how you need to find your own path. And it can't be anybody else's you can find someone who started the clearing for you. Maybe you can establish that with somebody but your path is your path is your own. So sorry for meandering this morning, but we can look we covered we covered this finding your own path and being on it and having the courage to take steps to go to go on that journey. Alright, so establish that to make the decision to believe in yourself to let go of the story. Is that have that have held you back then have hold held you down and understand that when you take that opportunity and you take that one step encouraged you'll find that everything just opens up for you.

Alright, well that's been it from the

little, little nature. Nature climb here. Take it easy

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