That time a branch fell on the car during a podcast

Published: April 18, 2022, 7:48 p.m.



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Brandon Handley 0:00
What is going on spiritual dope, on a little bit of a, we'll call it a holiday with Megan, the boys. And while we're on holiday ended up doing over Easter, happy Easter, everybody believed in Easter ended up doing a breathwork session with Soma breath on their primary page. And there was a lot of like, a lot of a lot of things have to fall into place to make it work. Because again, we were traveling, we're in a place that we've never been in before, and was just really exciting to participate, do it, create it, experience it, if you did not experience the breath work. It was it was great. And there were there were some technical difficulties. But we were able to leverage those technical difficulties as things that happen in real life, there was some static, and maybe the volume wasn't exactly where it needed to be. But once adjusted, we were able to tune in to, you know, the, I'm trying to think there's a phrase I keep that's eluding me, he talks about, you know, when you when he really tuned there's a certain signal that kind of leads all the other signals. And so what you want while you're tuning into something, there's going to be static. So we use part of what happened during that meditation, as just that very breathwork is just very piece of that, right you in life, there's going to be static. In life, there's going to be, there's going to, there's, there's not going to be clarity, and you're going to be seeking clarity. And in the midst of seeking clarity, you've got to tune in, right, you've got to adjust the dial, you've got to get it right. Something I wanted to share with you. So I want to share that first of all. And the other thing I wanted to share was about this book called The tools by Phil Stutz. And Barry Michaels Nichols, I don't know, written in 2012 really great book, I've got to sit here in my lap. And the reason I do is because I wanted to go through a couple of things with inside of it with you, before I jumped on to my next book, and I think that's important, right, stop and pause, reflect and be with it for a minute. My next book I'll be reading as it's another book on breathwork. So I just wanted to get through this. There's a couple tools. Right now, there's about five tools in this one book, that I think are very impactful and usable. One is called the reversal of desire, basically running into your pain instead of running away from it. And using your pain, and things that cause pain, theoretical pain, not necessarily true pain, to propel you through the situations, in a number of different ways, you'd have to just kind of do high level on this active love. act of love really just being the idea that giving true love to everyone that you see unconditionally, and not the kind of, you know, let's go to bed kind of love but just every you love everything and have it come from the depth of who you are. And you'll experience some pretty, pretty powerful, pretty powerful things there. Another one of the tools is inner authority. Again, we talk about all the things that you're going through and your spirituality and your life, and the things that have been subjected to all of it for you. Only you can determine what that really meant and what that really felt like. And sometimes the experience has to be, it can only happen, you can only determine something by experience. And you've got to be willing to stand by that you've got to be willing to feel that. And you've got to be willing to be there, share it, don't share it. But that's you know, according to you what you experienced. And that's pretty powerful stuff. A lot of times, you're looking for an authority outside of you to tell you what you've experienced, a lot of times you're looking for approval or guidance and other things from people outside of you when really you need to be able to give yourself a little bit of courage, a little bit of love and support and follow some of what you believe follow some of your intuition follow some of your bliss and see where that goes and and see what happens. So inner authority is one of them. The Grateful flow I think that we're pretty well versed in, in in gratitude

these days. We III have a real strong idea of knowing that, you know, the more that you share gratitude, the more that you experience gratitude, the more that you look for things to be grateful for, the more of it that you'll have inside of your own life. A couple of other tools here really is the one of them is Jeopardy. And Jeopardy, as I understand it, is you just like everything else that you're doing any other tools that you're already using to get you from where you've been, to where you are, you need to keep using those tools, right? You need unless you find a better tool, you need to keep using these tools. When you stop using the tools progress stops. Right, it's like when you get to ride on a roller coaster, and it's whipping around. And then sometimes it's got to pull everybody to the top there, add to the climax, that big ol ride, you click, click, click, click, click, click, if it stops, ratcheting you up if the tool stopped working, that's basically what happens for you. And me, right, I'm just as guilty as anybody else they talk about this is that you get into a place where you've used the tools, you've gotten yourself to a place where you feel comfortable. And then you start fucking using the tools. Like I'm cool, bro, everything's exactly I got everything exactly where I want it, I got this thing nailed. You stop using the tools, that shit starts falling apart. And you've got to remember to continue to use the tools. Now, not necessarily just these tools in this book. But these are very good tools that they shared with you. And this book, he talks about listening in the end of all this, which I think is really powerful and potent. I'm actually gonna flip to kind of like the back of this book. Some words that kind of stuck out to me, in the end here talks about the idea that you need problems in your life, so that you can begin and that so that you begin to start using these tools like meditation and all the other tools that were listed in here, this act of love. I've employed different types of these tiles, but they give some really inner authority. This is shit I promised you like I've been using and have used but I didn't have names for it. Right? I couldn't accurately depict it, or I didn't have a scenario for it. And these, these two put it into a really cool scenario. I believe I shared where I had somebody telling me about my awakening experience and having a conversation like oh, no, that's not what it was. And I almost fucking bought into it. I almost said, You're right, maybe that's not what I thought that it was. But you have to remember to be your own authority, you have to know that that was your own experience. And, and that is exactly what kind of happens in the back of this book. They're talking about fruits of a new vision.

And essentially, you connect with higher powers going through all this right? So that's kind of the blurb as you get through all this. You connect with some higher powers. And here's the thing, right? They give chapter eight fruits of a new vision. Pillar one thinking about higher forces is worthless, you have to experience them. Oh, yeah, fucking, I get it right. Again, this is the experience that I've had on my own. And the search that I've been on, has been like, where are the words like, what is the language that how do I express this? And so he says here, you, you can't prove or disprove the existence of higher forces. They're only real for you. If you can feel them. Okay. I absolutely am in talks about the floor off philosopher Kirk Kirk guard hinting at this principle when he wrote life has its own hidden forces, which you can only discover by living on the line and here's your only your whole being can experience higher forces is real. And again, I try to this is this is what I went through. And so it's just really great to see. While you don't need any external validation, finding, it certainly feels great. pillar number two, when it comes to spiritual reality, each one of us is his own authority. Whatever you're going through, you are the authority on you. They talk about this as the new spirituality. Each individual must experience higher forces and arrive at his own conclusion about their nature, external authority figures can no longer define your spirituality. fucking love it. So. And these are two, like one guy who was a lawyer went into, went into a psychiatric practice. And the other guy had always been into the psychiatric practice. Great book. And this is where I talked about pillar number three personal problems drive the evolution of the individual, if you don't have any problems, what are you going to fucking fix? If you don't have any challenges? Where are you going to look for ways to grow opportunities to grow? So challenges pop up in your life. You employ these tools, you have an experience, you have the experiencing, like, oh, or was that what the fuck just happened, and then you continue to have those experiences. So I think that that's pretty cool. I'm looking for any other pillars on this. I don't see it right now. Looking for, they talk about, well, good book, included, including the shadow, you got to include your shadow, grateful flow, those are the tools again, as they kind of do a highlight on them. I'm just looking for some of the last last pieces, I can definitely say that this is a book worth reading, I wanted to share this book with you. Here we go. It says and the universe has been designed so that higher forces are available every moment of every day, we simply have to use the tools to stay connected with them. Talks about what the fuck was like literally, tree ranches fell on the car.

Little bit of a little bit of what's it called small tree branch talks about writing this talks about writing this book and talks about you as a creator. And not the consumer. And again, that's another reason why I came out here to talk about this book a little bit was that you go from one thing to another to another to another to another rarely digesting or using some of the tools that have been implemented. Again, this book says hey, stop, pause for a second use these tools, don't just be a consumer, pick up the book, read it, and then go straight to another one without having some sense of of connectedness to it. So I think that it's definitely a book worth checking out for yourself. It's the name of the book again is the tools. subtext is five tools to help you find courage, creativity, and willpower and inspire you to live life and forward motion. Flip into the tools again here in the book, just so that I can share them with you the reversal desire, active love, inner authority, grateful flow, and Jeopardy. And you will, you'll have some I believe that if you've leveraged these tools, if you do it on a daily basis, for any period of time, that you they will have a cumulative effect. Anytime you stop using them, I promise you, you will notice that you have stopped using them. Life will feel different, there'll be a different texture and feel to life. Anytime you stop using them. And they'll have an effect. I think that's that's life lasting for you, if you continue to use them in my own practice in my own life. These tools and similar tools have proven to just be so, so powerful and so potent. So check out the book. I'm happy to leave a link, I'll leave a link to the book in the podcast notes. And, you know, wishing you the very best if you haven't checked out any of the breathwork sessions, just yet, you know yet another tool that I have found to be super impactful in my own life, and it's been impactful on others already that I've shared it with the summer breathing methodology coupled with, you know, kind of adding other pieces into it as I come along. But check it out. There should be you know, reach out to me, or check out on Facebook. There should be any event for most Sundays, around 1:30pm ESP. It's middle of April 2022. Just check out the Facebook profile and to reach out to me if you don't see any information on the breath work and find out what's not still going on. Hopefully it's still going on. And you get the opportunity to experience it for yourself. That is it and we'll talk later

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