Spiritual Dope Confused About Microphone, Blames Dark Forces

Published: Feb. 17, 2023, 12:13 a.m.



What is going on spiritual dope? I have no idea which microphone this is even using.

Is it using the microphone on the phone? Is it using the microphone from the car?

I don't know. What I do know is that it is dark out.

I was trying to think it was funny because I was going to be like a dark AF.

Finn was telling me that on YouTube if you swear within the first 8 seconds or 8 minutes,

8 minutes seems like a really long time to not swear.

But if you do that then they won't cut you off. They are like no, you can't do that.

You have some type of strike. It wouldn't be the first time I have gotten a strike.

It is dark out man. It is winter. Before 6 o'clock was up the break of dawn for something to change.

This morning I headed up to New York from the Philadelphia area for work.

The train station that I am using today is right across from this really nice kind of like,

you think of Shakespeare and the homes that were built then with the big timbers and the stucco plaster.

Really cute little community like that. That is right across from the train station.

Some 20 odd years ago there was also a Dunkin Donuts there.

At this hour we were actually dropping people off and headed home.

That was my first, I think, I want to say my first rave, air quoting rave party.

Where did we go? We went down to Baltimore from the Philadelphia area.

I went to a club called Rise which was in some CD part of Baltimore, warehouse area.

I had to chuckle because here we are 20 odd years later where today,

this is the same place, same time of day, different functions, different things going on.

On my way here today too, on my way to this, I was also thinking about an ex-co-worker of mine

who I learned recently had passed away within the past seven days.

That is a lot to take in. We always wonder whether or not we are kind of on our path.

Are we living our best life? Are we living the highest and best versions of ourselves?

Are we being of service? Are we doing all the things?

Are we the perfect parent for our children and all this other shit?

Most of the times was probably not.

I also thought about the fact that this gentleman, he died of cancer.

He had a really rough run of it.

What is it like, I don't know more but thinking, this isn't always fun and games in our lives.

What is it like to know that you are dying and that there is nothing you can do to stop it?

There is nothing you can do. You are not in a condition to accelerate it.

To have your family watch it as well.

The family even of itself has had these roughest challenges.

Such a nice person, at least a great co-worker, a nice guy who is going through his own stuff.

I can't help but think about how the body keeps the score.

I read about so many other things about how the body retains this emotional stress.

This energy, if it can't go anywhere, it gets trapped in the body.

The things that this gentleman was going through in his life that I was aware of, to me would indicate,

yeah man, that is absolutely the case.

For so many of us that we are going through things and we don't release, we don't share the pain.

We don't share the anguish.

We don't release it in any way and we do everything that we can to contain it, to restrain it,

to do anything, anything other than let it out.

Nothing, we are not doing anything.

I think even coupled upon that, going through that,

trying to do your day job so that you don't lose insurance,

so that you can keep trying to save yourself in some kind of way.

To me, it just seems wrong.

If I knew that I was headed out, I knew that I only had a limited amount of time.

Even if I thought that I could beat the odds, I would have to say, I would want it to be YOLO.

I'd want it to be YOLO well before I found out I was fucking dying.

I'd want it to be YOLO well before I knew I had a problem.

I'd want to be living my life because I live only once, because I am only living once,

to its ultimate right, to the best that I could be doing.

I don't know that I am.

I know that I haven't been recently.

This is me being honest.

I know that I do a lot of things that a lot of people aren't willing to do,

pressing record, sharing this, going out, finding people to put on the podcast,

having in-depth conversations and having real conversations around spirituality

and sharing that across the globe.

To me, that's something a lot of people aren't willing to do,

getting up at 5 o'clock in the morning, going and doing exercise and participating in other things.

But am I living my best life?

Am I doing as much as I could be doing?


I know I've made a pledge to myself recently, even before that,

to kind of get back to it, to get back onto it,

and at least put a little more effort into it.

I think that even that one degree variance is enough to separate us from so many things.

If you've ever read the Atomic Habits, then you're familiar with,

I don't know which bicycle team it was,

but they look to make 1% of a change in their overall,

and it was that 1% that won them world records.

If you take a look at flying from across country,

like I just flew from San Francisco to Philadelphia recently,

if those calculations had been off by one degree,

then it would have been a different trip entirely.

So 1% difference is what I'm looking to make,

to change the trajectory of all of my life,

and so in saying that,

look for me to put 1% more effort into all the things.

It doesn't have to be everything, guys.

It doesn't have to be all or nothing.

It can be 1%, which is enough of a change.

1% is about five minutes a day of breath work that I talked about for you to do,

for me to do. I too need to do these things.

Look for coming up at least a monthly breath work session on spiritual dope.

I'm looking to do Thursday evenings.

So look for that in the coming weeks.

If you catch this after, where are we?

Sometimes it's Valentine's Day.

Happy Valentine's Day, y'all.

It's Valentine's Day 2023.

If it's after that, then be on the lookout for breath work on Thursday evenings.

Head over to Spiritual Dope on Facebook or Instagram for more information.

Reach out to Brandon at SpiritualDope.co for more information.

I will, with guest answers, will honestly come from Spiritual Dope on Instagram or Facebook.

Take it easy
