Shannah White

Published: Nov. 1, 2020, 11:15 p.m.

Who can you go to if you are looking for some Superhumanity Coaching?

You head over to and connect with coach Shannah White.

Take a listen to our conversation to learn what it means to be love in motion as Shannah and I cover a variety of topics such as energy, relationships and becoming superhuman.

Brandon Handley 0:00

4321 Hey, there's spiritual dope and welcome back to another interview session with. I'm here today with channel wave. She is a super humanity coach. at Sacred reality his sacred reality is an organization that is making the mystical, practical. And what they're doing there is they're giving, helping you to create a paradigm of natural giving from an inner sense of wholeness, real intimacy, peace and freedom to be off in authentic and relationships, ease of self expression and communication, confidence and gentleness, sensitivity to love, within an inner guidance system for appropriate harmless action, and joyful alignment between inner purpose and one's work within the community. And Shana, her coaching focus is on practical skills of mine that enable you to connect with your own inner spiritual resources by which you can naturally blossom in a wholesome sense of self worth, peace, joy, and freedom to be yourself and be in love with your life. This work heals your relationship with the self, which is the basis for all healing, and all other relationships. The foundation of the self awareness practice is summed up by coming to experientially understand all aspects of the following morning meditation, which I'm not going to read about that. How are you today?

Shannah White 1:35

I just have to make one correction. It's Shauna,

Brandon Handley 1:38

Shauna, you know, it's so funny. It's so funny. I totally ignored intuition. When I was like, I asked her This is Shana or Shan Shan. Hundred percent, not not even not even a lie. Like I was like, let's just kick it off. So you got a shout out. Thank you so much for for being here today. And I love I love I love the I love the piece about super humanity. Let's Um, so I'd like to start this off with the idea that source speaks to us, right? divine energy, we are conduits for the universe. And the idea is that you are speaking to somebody who is listening today. This message only flew for them through universal source. What does that message?

Shannah White 2:28

Oh, what is that message today was a message we have right

Brandon Handley 2:31

now what's called source?

Shannah White 2:33

Aha, thank you.

Shannah White 2:36

Gosh, well, I suppose messages that you are loved in motion. And yet, I understand that you may not know how to experience that in yourself. But it's simpler than you think. It's not as far away or as complicated as we make things with the complexity of our thought process and the way we tie our emotions into our thought process.

Shannah White 3:07

It's really

Shannah White 3:10

giving yourself permission to relax completely out of thinking. And there can be fear involved in doing that. But if you can open up a space where you can relax, and let your thoughts also relax. And then move your feelings and sport. Actually, you know, there's a transition from thinking to feeling because we even think in order to experience ourselves, we experience ourselves through imaging. So it's really like, the step is to turn off the imaging. Maybe you notice how you feel yourself where your sense of self is, like, I'm familiar with feeling my sense of self behind my eyes, if I'm in my head if I'm thinking and then shifting out of that place, turning off the visual processing, and moving that awareness and feeling into the body. Like for me below the jaw, maybe I start with back my head, let him move down into my being and just become curious what there is to feel in this space. And this is already the beginning of peace possibly mean really depends on who. Well, people can have challenges you might have emotional energy builds up in your fields. So that might be the first thing that you notice that you feel when you get yourself to To just feel. But as we go deeper in this experience of just feeling without thinking, and breathing, allowing the breath to be the navigation device for our feeling,

Shannah White 5:18

which means for instance,

Shannah White 5:22

I can breathe right now and feel like

Shannah White 5:27

everything in letting the breath, open up my middle back and feeling what my middle back feels like. But I'm not just feeling the physical quality of my middle back, I'm also feeling the kind of emotional or energetic quality in that space in my being. So and then just being with what I feel, noticing it being curious, and being so something magical happens just from us showing up to witness what we feel. And emotion can clear just from being with that process. So that's the beginning and stop, where I'm ultimately looking to end up. There's no end really, but where I'm looking to go is deeper inside the center of my chest with this feeling quality. So after I feel a sense of ease in the hole of my body, then I will pull myself deeper inside or bring my focus, look inside with my feeling, not with my visual, but look inside with my feeling into the center and my chest. Now just keep going deeper and deeper and deeper into that center. So it's, it's kind of deeper, like the center is maybe four inches in or whatever. But I'll go deeper than those four inches into that very center. And I just keep going deeper until this warm energy ignites of its own accord.

Brandon Handley 7:08

So this is kind of a description of love and motion, right, you are loving motion. And that's kind of the journey to and through it. And some of the experiences that you'll feel throughout that process.

Shannah White 7:18

This is the description of how to connect with love energy. The to become loving motion is, you know, every time we move, okay to become loving motion is to listen to the energy of love, to find our movement to inspire our movement. In every moment, we're listening to a voice inside us, that is telling us what to do. And that's either the voice of our history, the way we've learned to process it through our personal reality, which is unfamiliar calling that the ego. Or we're listening to the voice of spirit, the voice of the heart, this love energy that comes from the center of our core, but we have to be available to hear it. When we're all busy in our head. and pulling from our history and getting emotionally involved in the way we're thinking about things. Our attention is all in the outer sphere of our being and on the material plane. Our attention is like a spotlight. So if you've ever noticed that, perhaps you've gotten a bruise and you don't know where you got it from.

Shannah White 8:39

All the time, all the time.

Shannah White 8:42

Well, for me, that's proof that my attention is like a spotlight and my attention was so exclusive on something else that I didn't even notice that I hurt myself that is on there.

Brandon Handley 8:54

That's all like that. I like that. Yeah, so God.

Shannah White 8:57

Yeah. So when we're our attention is all focused up in here. We're looking away from and not listening from, we're looking away from our feeling sense. And yet our feeling says comes back around and becomes full of our emotional reactions to what we're thinking. So there's another layer of distraction. So this way, we have this kind of unplug the thinking and let the feeling sense clear. It's like all the ripples on the water just settle out in the water becomes still and then in the stillness. Now we can start to hear like heart music

Shannah White 9:36

in the center.

Shannah White 9:39

So it's a

Shannah White 9:43

it's a listening skill, inner listening skill. But then when we can listen and actually start to feel that love energy. Then we have somebody to work with for how do I move in This moment as when when we go to do something, the first thing is going to happen is we're going to go back up here because we have a whole library of ideas that we chest of how to handle different situations. So we reach for typically, we reach for the easiest thing that we know how to do, right? So it takes patience and practice, but we can learn, we can rewrite our choices about what we trust, for how to move. So here's a really great way to think about it actually. It's whether we reach for the known, or for the unknown. Because the unknown is basically like we reach for something from memory could be a belief, well, I don't know what else it would be actually, because we started because we believe that we thought, Hey, this is good, I'll use this again, right. But the place, the alternative to that is a place where we are hanging out in the inner and I call the inner unknown, where we are choosing not to go for what we know from before. And instead, we're allowing ourselves to say, Hi, this is a completely new moment. And I do not know, based on history, I do not know, let me feel what do I feel right now.

Shannah White 11:22

Jeff becomes our

Shannah White 11:25

vehicle for discernment.

Shannah White 11:30

So but then also, when we practice feeling that love energy in our center, and then we choose to move to our day, with the patience to wait in the unknown before we move. And to wonder what our What are feeling sense has to tell us about this moment, then we start to find that we can move in alignment with love energy.

Brandon Handley 11:57

I like the idea of feeling sense. All right, what does that what does that mean? Right? And what is what is feeling sense? Because, you know, I get the feeling and I sent something, right? Is this an internal external feeling? You know, just to expand a little bit on what you mean by feeling sense?

Shannah White 12:17

Sure. Okay. So the feeling sense is our intuitive sense, it's our ability to read energy.

Shannah White 12:28


Shannah White 12:30

our feeling sense, is also where our emotions register. I think of emotions as the energetic feedback from our thoughts. So when so it's like an instrument, this feeling senses like an instrument. And I feel it from my jaw, to my belly button, in a sphere. So I also also actually feel like I feel sometimes I feel like I feel energy kind of behind and below my arms. So it's not limited to the body. I do feel like in order to use my feeling sense, I have to bring my attention inward. If I look outward, thinking, I'm going to feel something out there. I lose my feeling sensitivity. And the energetic sense that, you know, emotion can just come and find you.

Shannah White 13:29

Where you are. Right?

Brandon Handley 13:32

Well, you know, I'm a little caught up in the idea of the Taurus right now. Like there's a toroidal field. Right? And, and so, you know, if you're looking anywhere outside of yourself, you're kind of fumbling and signals may be weaker, whereas when they come into your core, that's your receiver. Right? So I mean, to me, like, you know, that's, that's where the, that's where the signals being sent, it's a matter of tuning yourself to, to signal, right, and especially if you're not familiar with this space, if you've never been taught how to tune in the first couple times, you start to tune in, it's gonna be real weak, right? I mean, just like, again, is eerie and funny as it was at the beginning of our conversation, I had an inner sense that I should ask you, how should I pronounce your name? Right? And I totally ignored it. But now I'm like, right. And so it's when we it's, it's these small recognitions of catching those moments and jotting them down and remembering that that just happened, that you begin to develop that ability to tune in more and more often, and that's going to come to the inside though. Does that sound fair?

Shannah White 14:52

Yes. But I think so part of what's going on in what you're talking about when you say writing it down. You You're taking the time to process what happened, which allows you to, to actually incrementally increase your trust in that. And then you're like, Oh, I can trust that. So then next time, you might be more interested in listening. And the other thing is that there's a Would you agree that there's an element of do blow right past, like do rush to be rush past the intuitive hits? versus exercise in patience in the unknown? And say, Wait, I just felt something that would you say, that's part of the,

Brandon Handley 15:41

you know, I am, I am so bad at waiting on anything. So, patience, as I was growing up, I was always taught patience is a virtue. I given to the idea of of letting things unfold. Right. I love the Buddhist, you know, one of the sayings is the flower blossom thing, right? If you're trying to squeeze the bud of a flower to accelerate it blooming, that doesn't, that doesn't do it, right. So you can't squeeze that you got to let it unfold on its own. So I agree with you that it's just a matter of stop doing right start being

Shannah White 16:20

and allowing the sign and waiting like that, right, I will either move slow enough that I can process it and say, wait a minute, I just heard something, right? Or I won't. And I'll be like, Nope, sorry, I'm reaching for the nearest file and made a structure for this one.

Brandon Handley 16:41

Right, right. No. And I think that that comes that comes with time, and I love I love the idea of,

Unknown Speaker 16:49

we don't have to

Brandon Handley 16:49

slow down, we need to calm down, right? And just let the things come to us again, instead of trying to accelerate anything. We were actors in this whole thing, right? We are, you know, our lines are given to us or coming to us and and we're kind of acting them out. And we're following our intuition. But if we can slow down a little bit, we can enjoy it a little bit more,

Unknown Speaker 17:17


Brandon Handley 17:18

And we can allow for it to blossom. And I don't even like that I don't like evolve anymore. I don't like leveling up anymore. Words like that. To me. That's just Where are you? Right? Where are you not above or higher than anybody else? You're just you are becoming more aware of what already is? So that's right. I mean, there's everything, you know, everything already exists. It's just what's our awareness of it.

Shannah White 17:47

That's true. That's true. What do you mean by work? factors? Enter? Right?

Brandon Handley 17:54

Yeah, I don't know. I'm just, you know, just kind of throw stuff out there. Again, like, so, you know, when we started this things off, right? Like, what's coming through us isn't sometimes even necessarily for us. Right? The acts that we do and given sometimes we're like, Why don't just do that. And I'll use an example. Like, I wrote something out last week and shared it and like, I didn't, didn't honestly put much effort into it social media posting, like, Oh, my God, I got to get a post out today, because I'm on a schedule, my train is going to be late, that kind of thing. Um, so anyway, I put a post out there. And yeah, I put some thought into it. But again, just nothing crazy. And somebody reached out to me, a friend of my friend of my wife's, she goes, she goes, can I use the words that you wrote there? I was looking for something to you know, say it. My mother's wake about my mother. And this was, this was it and this is like a day or two before and she'd been struggling find these these words. I was like, by all means, right. I was like, obviously, that wasn't for me.

Unknown Speaker 18:59


Brandon Handley 19:00

And it's like, the only you know, one or two people that saw or liked the posts. And, you know, that's what that was for. So we're kind of actors where we are receivers. And it's kind of like, um, we can act on our intuition or we can ignore it. Right. And I find that when we act on it, we tend to be doing somebody else outside of ourself. Some good

Shannah White 19:28

right? Right. I was talking about this with someone today that I feel like we could think about I don't mind the word God, but could be universe could be love of capital L could be whatever. Sure. Um, but

Shannah White 19:44

I was thinking about that.

Shannah White 19:48

Loving motion is actually God's thoughts coming to be expressed sure that it's not just us that we're, you know, are you I think from my perspective, so that looks like one person. We're all in this ocean of thoughts moving. And we can either like stick your head out of the ocean and be like, I'm gonna think my thoughts, my little thoughts, you

Unknown Speaker 20:10

know, be the wave, right?

Shannah White 20:12

Go library, right? Or I could just ride slow flow in this ocean and be part of a dance that includes everyone who's willing to relax, and also feel the flow and flow in the flow. Yeah. And then things like that happen. Which is beautiful. That's beautiful.

Brandon Handley 20:34

Yeah, when it open, when it opens up, it's great, right? And that's just the, the constant awareness, developing an awareness, being open to it. And all of that fun jazz, I want to talk about you and your super humanity coaching, let's talk about, let's talk about what it means to be a super humanity, coach, give me a one to know all about it.

Shannah White 21:01

Okay, so first of all, what we were just talking about actually does touch a little bit on what I'm indicating, by the word, super humanity. where, you know, it's natural for the human being to be an extension of love, or to be loved in motion. But we are not taught how to use our minds to enable this way that we're indoctrinated in, in a when we're young, I think from our head, and to distressed, shuts down our capacity to, to experience the energy of love in our center. And we're also taught that all the following ways you become an expert is by consuming information outside yourself, and then get a badge that says, Look, I consumed all this information outside of myself, I am now authorized to regurgitate it to you and you have to listen because now I'm an expert.

Brandon Handley 21:58

Right? I think and we were talking about this before, right? How annoying is it? Like you have to you have to run around you have to go pick up a certificate for from somebody or somebody be like, Listen, I can do this because I I consumed all this stuff guy Kiko.

Shannah White 22:10

Right, right, where there's this whole other level of authority and knowledge that comes from within, you can't get by consuming from without. So this is where this is where super humanity comes in. Because it's our heart center is a portal to connect with the divine. And that is beyond the definition of human that has been created by the mundane materialistic focused world, the the outside in focus world. So super humanity calls to, for calls out this experience of being human that is beyond what the world has defined as human and humanity. Where it's about letting go of your beliefs, getting out of the belief, emotion, dynamic of personal reality. And actually, walking in service to love energy, it really feels like walking in service, because it's not about what I want from a little I place. It's about feeling letting this energy come in and, and move you but what's really wild, okay, is that before experiencing this, it feels like, Oh, no, I'm going to give up my self, I'm going to give up my will. I'm going to be I'm going to sacrifice myself to be in service. But when you actually experience it, it doesn't feel like that. It feels like oh my god, I feel so aligned, and peaceful and relaxed in myself. And I feel fullness from my wants instead of wanting in a way that I feel empty and needy. And these wants become like, Oh, this is what I'm creating. This is what I'm becoming.

Brandon Handley 24:13

So I love I love that. Right. So I mean, a big key of this is you're working to teach other people how to create. Yes, yeah. Look, I used to listen to a YouTube channel all the time called you are creators. Right? You are creators. I mean, what else are you right? If we're here and live, let's use the Bible since everybody else using it. You know, you are made in His image. And you know, what does he do? He creates,

Unknown Speaker 24:42

right, right.

Brandon Handley 24:44

So what do you do? And you know, we've been taught to consume, right? Yes. But then if we look at Maslow's hierarchy of needs, right, the top the pinnacle of that is to self Express right to self reliance, self reliance, which is the suffix Which is to create something that will, you know, expression is that what, what's within you? Right? So and let that out and create something, bring it to reality. And that's self realization is to bring yourself to the to reality. And how do you do that yourself is inside of you, right?

Shannah White 25:23

Yes. Right? Well, so there can be self confusion because we identify with whatever we experience. Mm hmm. So, and that's where it gets tricky, because people can feel like they're expressing themselves when they're throwing a temper tantrum. temper temper tantrum because they didn't get what they want.

Brandon Handley 25:42

Sure, sure. There's definitely so there's self expression. And then there's, there's there's a emotional outburst?

Shannah White 25:51

Yes. Right. So it's the question of what is the self? And who? Who do I think I am in this moment? Am I feeling identified with a sense of perception that's based on my history, and my emotional definitions of comfort? Or have I surrendered that sense of self, and I'm grounded in feeling that love energy and the clarity that comes from that love energy, which could be called truth. And that, and then I'm feeling like, these things that are coming through me through my core, instead of from my head? Through my core, are myself. Right,

Brandon Handley 26:35

your energetic self? Is that you know, the term does that, what would you would say?

Shannah White 26:41

Yes, it's definitely energetic.

Brandon Handley 26:43

Versus versus the egoic. Self, right? Like, I don't, I'm not really good with, I'm discerning between, like, you know, you know, because to me, the the mind is, I guess, the ego itself, right? That's the piece. It's like, latching on to everything and things that, you know, again, that, that it's a part that it's what's doing all the things, right. But the mind is a tool, right? And anything that you can observe is outside of you. And if you can observe the mind, then, right? I mean,

Shannah White 27:16

right, that's true, you can observe the mind you are not the mind.

Brandon Handley 27:20

But yeah,

Shannah White 27:21

I do consider the mind to be the entire chakra system, okay. And so I think of the ego as a mode of using the mind number one, it's a mode, okay. And number two, it's also the library of files that we stored, while using the mind in that mode. Okay, so in that mode, we're not feeling love. So we're storing beliefs about about a, an experience of self and the world that doesn't have love in it. And this is why it becomes scary, to let those ideas go and becomes scary to do something else. Because we think, Oh, this is a scary world. This is a loveless world is a scary world. And we store these beliefs, because these beliefs are part of our survival strategy in this loveless world. So if someone comes along and says, You don't need to keep those beliefs anymore, yeah, kind of like, I'm not sure I believe you

Brandon Handley 28:27

will take away my things, right? Don't take away my stuff, I worked really hard to get all this crap to I like to carry around. And you know, it's very important to me that, you know, when I go down this alley, I'm scared and terrified. Right?

Shannah White 28:42

So, so yeah, it takes a while. We've also learned in that state of mind to trust ourselves are, in other words, trust our ego self. Which is a feeling like I trust myself, and I just trust everything else. But when we're looking to switch modes of mind, so that we're not functioning from memory and imagination, and pulling from ego files, and instead, we're hanging out in the unknown, not going for me to files, and then feeling and then trusting the voice of love, to give us discernment. That voice of love is we have a relationship, we are never the voice of love, we are in relationship with the voice of love. So and it changes the quality of our sense of self. But there is a requirement of trust in order to be in that relationship. When we're in the ego mode, we are not required to trust. So when we're used to not trusting, transitioning to Okay, I'm not going to pick up any of my stuff that I've accumulated for survival, and instead I'm going to trust this other voice. That's not me. It's bigger than me. Not mean,

Shannah White 30:02

that's that takes courage to do that.

Brandon Handley 30:06

use that word courage to? Because I've been reading force versus power. Are you familiar with that book? power? So that topic. So have you ever seen the, the the map of consciousness map? right you're seeing that now. Okay so David deep dives Dr. David Hawkins I think I'm saying the guy's name right. And and it talks about the the map of consciousness and basically the different levels from like, you know, feeling like you know, total crap and worthlessness, right, and how it registers it, like, you know, sub 200. And all the things that are under like, 200 consciousness map goes up to 1000, all the things that are under 200 are the things that kind of eat away, chew and tear away at you, right?

Unknown Speaker 30:55

But 200

Brandon Handley 30:58

is the tipping point towards, you know, getting you into a more involved and more integrated sense of being in love and life and all that other stuff. But the tipping point is courage. Right? So 200 is courage and courage. lets you step into your greatness, right? Your sweat your super humanity self. Right? So, okay, that's why I love the word courage. So thank you please go on. Will Tell me tell me what, you know, if I, if I'm doing a super humanity coaching session, what's that look like?

Shannah White 31:37

Okay, well. So, in my mind, there are two categories of what people need. On the one hand, they need education. And on the other hand, they need

Shannah White 31:51

company on their journey.

Shannah White 31:54

So I do work with people. In both capacities. I work with some people just in one on one sessions, that are focused on timeline traveling with them with whatever their questions are. And I'm helping them to understand their self experience, within the model of self, that we are a vessel to express love. And that when we are not connected with that, we suffer from many stresses in the mind, and many illusions of how we understand things, or is this relationship trying to have a romantic partnership, when you don't feel your heart? You You were designed to be in partnership with love. So we try to be in partnership with love with that person. And we try to see love out there. And then what happens is because we are in our head, and we're thinking and we're feeling around our thinking, and we like this person, that's what we're thinking. And we're feeling them that we're not actually feeling our own movement. So our source of joy is not internal. It's not balanced, it's out there. Now we're leaving on this person. And leaning on this person accidentally produces control dynamics, control dynamics, now you have a friction of will, between two people. Either this person wants to be in the box that you're making for them, or they don't at some point, they're probably not going to want to be exactly in the box the way they imagined it. And, but when they don't want to be because this is totally tied to your sense of self worth, and your idea of love and all that kind of thing. Now, you can't just have a conversation about Hey, that boxes the wrong shape. It's, it's, oh, Ouch, that hurts. You don't love me. So there's emotional layers, there's will friction and it all comes back to the fact that this person is not actually feeling their heart. So their sense of their definition of love is skewed. And

Shannah White 34:13

so then, how do we correct that?

Shannah White 34:18

As a super humanity coach, I will give people exercises also to help them make transitions in their self awareness, to access that love energy inside. And a person can understand the difference. But it doesn't do it to just understand that you actually have to feel that love energy and then suddenly you come back into balance. Suddenly your perception of what's going on with you and your partner changes. Suddenly, the you know, the misunderstanding that was huge, becomes just one tiny little question that you might want to ask them and otherwise it's no big deal. Right. So

Brandon Handley 35:03

if what you know, what are one or two of your favorite tools in this space that you like to use? If you don't mind?

Shannah White 35:11

tools as an exercise? Yo, so

Brandon Handley 35:13

yeah, exercise What? So I would like to know, what's an exercise that I could do? Well,

Shannah White 35:22

the, the first exercise that I would suggest working with that I always suggest working with actually is relaxing into a feeling place. So shifting out of thinking and into feeling. And I can do this with you right now, if you want to what I do with people is they investigate where they're at, with how they can express themselves in those terms. And then I will make tailored suggestions for them. So let's go. Okay, so how? What does your energy feel like to you and a sense of give a sense of where you were sitting? If you use your body as in that? Do you have a sense of where you're sitting in your body?

Shannah White 36:10

Yes. Where is it?

Brandon Handley 36:14

Like, right below my belly button?

Shannah White 36:20

Okay, so do you have a feeling like you're looking out at the world from inside?

Unknown Speaker 36:27


Shannah White 36:29

And where are you looking at the world from?

Brandon Handley 36:32

My shoulders?

Shannah White 36:33

That's interesting.

Shannah White 36:36

Okay, so um,

Shannah White 36:40

do you feel like that feeling of looking at the world?

Shannah White 36:47


Shannah White 36:51

instead of feeling or is it a feeling quality?

Brandon Handley 36:58

Study feeling or a feeling quality is a

Shannah White 37:01

kind of instead of feeling like, looking instead of feeling? Or does it feel like it has a feeling?

Brandon Handley 37:09

Gotcha. Is it got like? I don't think that. I don't know, I'd say less of a feeling quality.

Shannah White 37:22

Okay, so can you then turn off the looking quality? And kind of bring our attention behind that, that behind it into the inner space of your body? And just notice, in First of all, can you turn off the looking quality and shift to Yeah,

Brandon Handley 37:48

absolutely. I mean, yeah, I'm doing it right now as we're talking.

Shannah White 37:51

Okay. Great. So then.

Shannah White 37:54

So then, what do you notice? was just with curiosity? I don't know if it matters if you if you tell me.

Brandon Handley 38:02

Yeah, I mean, so I think something I notice is just immediately, more, more centered feeling right? Less scattered, more calmness and to get togetherness, right. So feeling versus this kind of like, um, wolf feel pulled out right now. It's just kind of

Unknown Speaker 38:30


Shannah White 38:31

Right. So, um,

Shannah White 38:38

is that exactly easy to maintain?

Brandon Handley 38:45

I don't know. Because this is really the first time I've experienced it. Right. So so as you know, and this is part of, I think, the whole journey, right? Like and coming to somebody like you say, and we've talked about the awarenesses this is something I'd never been, has been never been brought to my attention. Mm hmm. Right. And you and it's really hard to put your finger on something, if you're not aware of it. Yes. So I'm feeling it. Right. And I think that there's like some pulsating, like, urge to be like, uh, but my energy's always all over here versus here. Right. So now I'm just paying attention to it. So I don't know. Nice.

Shannah White 39:29

So probably what I would do is I would say, Okay, we'll play with that for a few days. And meanwhile, we would be talking about any thing, any of your experiences you have questions about.

Shannah White 39:44

And then

Shannah White 39:47

I, so I can either just see somebody in a session, or here's somebody a session, we do it on the phone, or I do also work with people in a different format where there's where you have private sessions like that. On the phone or in person, and then text availability, between sessions, and then also supportive educational materials that are tailored for what somebody is working on. So and if we were working in that format, then I'd be like, okay, play with that for a few days. And, you know, let me know a couple days how that's going, right. And then depending on what you text me, I might tweak it, or suggest the next step, as I would recommend it. So, um, my

Brandon Handley 40:31

comments was to have like, a videos too, sometimes, or just like, any type of supporting materials type of thing.

Shannah White 40:37

Sporting materials of this player are written, I do have an interest in producing video. They are usually, like, for instance,

Shannah White 40:50

a three page

Shannah White 40:54

very nice. So that I

Brandon Handley 40:57

know, I know that sometimes what I'll do, I mean, just, from my, from what I'll do is like, you know, similar to you, right? If somebody is going through in a different space, and like, hey, how's that going, like, Oh, I'm feeling this way or that way. And I'm like, oh, then, you know, try out this, you know, dispenza video, or Yo, you need this Alan Watts video, or, you know, this clip, or something of that type of thing like

Shannah White 41:19

that, except that I just write it on the spot.

Brandon Handley 41:22

Okay, I love that. I love that. And, you know, I want to highlight something here that we haven't really talked about, is that you've been in this space, your entire life. Right? Like, you know, you kind of grew up in like this, you know, spirituality space. And, you know, you've been involved with it, I think, head on for how many years now? Like, I mean,

Shannah White 41:47

25 years with sacred reality.

Brandon Handley 41:49

Right? So I mean, you know, and I like to throw that out there for like, you know, the the authority of sense so that somebody doesn't go like, What if she started yesterday and got a, you know, got a certificate? Because, yes, listen, and there's nothing wrong with that. I don't think there's anything wrong with it. But I want people to understand that. You're not dabbling in this.

Shannah White 42:09

Yeah. Thank you. Yeah. Thank you. Yeah, I was, I guess it would be 31 years ago that I started with a course in miracles. And then, five years ago that I started the secret.

Brandon Handley 42:20

Are you still having into Of course, a miracle? So you think you got

Shannah White 42:24

I was writing about innocence. And I wanted to really cool, pull out all the nuances of my own understanding. Yeah. So. So I wanted to read about it. And I actually tried to find something out there in the world. But I found out that people actually have a surprising perception of innocence out in the world, it's very much like, innocence is that beautiful, blissful, untainted state of childhood that then you lose it, and you can never get it back. And, and not only that, you wouldn't want it back. Because people will just take advantage of you like it's a weakness thing. And like, really, that's what people think about innocence. Yeah. But I anyway, so I want to go off with

Brandon Handley 43:12

that. Where'd you land on innocence?

Shannah White 43:15

Oh, wow. So innocence.

Shannah White 43:18

Innocence is that place where it is, it's the untainted state of mind. And children have it because they haven't learned this trust yet. Until they do learn to this trust, and then their, their state of mind is chained to the lead of the show. So they taught to this trust. Well, they might have an experience they don't understand that's painful. And so they can learn to distress from that itself. But then there are people in their life to guide them. And it could be that people guide them in a way that he also does trust. But that's not really going on, because our culture is not educated deeply enough. With with the wisdom that I think the word spiritual or super humanity stands for, to actually help a child fully resolved.

Brandon Handley 44:15

For instance, with a lot we lost half of that we got we got hold give me once. I'm going to pause this for a second record resumed. All right, awesome. So we lost two disconnected on the idea of, um, you know, the children experiencing trauma or something like that right? To?

Shannah White 44:38

Oh, okay. Okay. Right. So that you were saying that children don't have to distressed and so I was saying that they can have a painful experience, and experience distress naturally from that. But parent or guardian, if they, if a parent or guardian can hold a space of innocence themselves. And show a child through understanding how to heal what happened for them in that painful experience, then innocence we maintain trust can be maintained. But here's the other thing that's really interesting is that childhood innocence tends to give trust away easily. Whereas the innocence of that we know we earn through discipline is the trust. It's a trusting state of mind. When we give that trust to the inner voice of love, which a child doesn't know how to do, yet, it takes

Shannah White 45:43

take something learn how to do that. Sure.

Shannah White 45:47

So So innocence is actually a strength when you can allow your mind to become peaceful and untainted. In other words, unguarded and not biased by beliefs. Just open. But, but it's not open in a way that's honorable, it's open in a way that's invulnerable. Because you're listening inside. For that voice of love, which is state of innocence allows to happen, you actually have to practice innocence in order to discover your super humanity.

Brandon Handley 46:26

would you would you? Would you say that, um, it's kind of like a non attachment and judgment free sense of being?

Shannah White 46:35


Brandon Handley 46:36

Right. I mean, that the innocence isn't and then you know, again, being love emotion. No labels, no attachments, and no judgment is a kind of a state of innocence.

Shannah White 46:51

Right? Yes. Okay. Yeah,

Brandon Handley 46:55

that's great. So

Shannah White 46:56

actually, is also allowing the voice of truth to tell you what something is.

Shannah White 47:03

Does that make sense?

Brandon Handley 47:04

Yeah. I mean, you give me an example of that. What was that? What's that look like to you?

Unknown Speaker 47:08


Shannah White 47:10

well, what comes to mind is a very, very tiny example. Sure. I just went by really quick example. But in that moment, when you have that feeling to ask me how to grasp my name, but not in innocence would just trust that in books,

Brandon Handley 47:31

right. Yeah, sure. Yeah. I like it. Like, it's so funny, though. It's so funny how that happened. But yeah,

Shannah White 47:38

this this was just an example. Yeah,

Brandon Handley 47:40

like that. You're right. Right. And it says what trust, you know, trust? And, you know, follow that up. That's great. No, that's perfect, right?

Shannah White 47:50

Yes. And if I might just answer your question from a few minutes ago. Um, so as part of my rumination on innocence, I did go look in A Course in Miracles which, which is an old friend, but I don't, I have no, you know, phases where I don't pick it up. And then I pick it up later. And oh, my God, it's such a good book. Like, every time I go back to it, I actually get more out of it, because of the growth that I've experienced in between, has allowed me to come back to it and see it deeper. And then I'm like, Man, this is

Brandon Handley 48:19

good. Where was this? 20 years ago? Do you know so? Are you do you have like the the big one that's got all three of the books? And it was it got the it's got the text, the lessons, the daily, the daily lessons, and then it's got the teacher mode in there as well as that, right? Yeah. So do I've only read it and done the lessons and by the way, like anybody that's ever listened to this listen to this never ticked off course for articles, I highly recommend that you go through it's one year worth of like, daily, you know, kind of lessons, really, there's more of like, just this kind of moment to self reflect or take something in, right, just those daily lessons, but I'd have not read the or dug into the teachers aspect of it all. Do you find value in that

Shannah White 49:08

part? of book? I do? I do. I wouldn't say I have it all committed to memory. But one thing that's very interesting in that section is levels of trust, which has already come up in our conversation, because that's really, what you're what the journey is one measure of the journey. And and since you could if you could put the journey on one metric. It's going to be the metric of what do you trust? And how is your transition of trusting the ego to trusting the voice of love going?

Brandon Handley 49:43

That's great. That's great. I love I love using trust as a metric. That's cool. Very cool. So let's talk about you know, a little bit about you know, making the mystical practical, right and Sacred reality lists, you know, what are a couple things that you do? Because that's a big part of this podcast. Right? It's bringing the the mystical and making it practical, right? How can you How can you take these kind of thoughts and ways of being and apply them to your daily life and have a more fulfilling life? Right. So let's talk about a little bit of a couple of ways that you might be doing that sacred reality.

Shannah White 50:29

Okay, well, let's see. Um, yesterday, I spent time with someone in India, he is an India. And I'm here in the United States, in New York. And this was our third chat, they were just chatting as friends, but I'm always ready to be a beginner choose, the opportunity arises. And I actually thought you might enjoy being on my email list. So I invited him to my email list. And he said that he didn't want to be on the email list, because he was enjoying just the feeling of our organic conversation in the Facebook Messenger space. But the fact that he had this response, opened up a kind of honesty in our conversation that set a tone in his space. And so we continue to talk about things life, like dynamics and rst. But

Shannah White 51:41

I'll actually here's what it was, he told me.

Shannah White 51:46

He told me, we have a whole email, man email conversation, and it wasn't a big deal. But he wanted to make sure I understood that because he didn't want to reject me, you want me to feel rejected? And so I was explaining I feel understood. And he's like, you know, I think I'm just weird today, because I'm feeling kind of off. I'm like, What do you mean? And he said, Well, I'm feeling like, I don't know what I want to do. I don't know what I don't want to do. And I said, Would you like a suggestion? And so I, and he said, Yes. And I suggested, very much similar to what I had just guided you through. And I was focusing with him, I was focusing on the breath as the navigating agent for the feeling. And she didn't want to do it, actually, because he could feel that there was going to be a bunch of emotion underneath the surface. So then, okay, fine. You don't have to do it. But our conversation continued, and a little bit later in the conversation. Oh, yeah, that's right. So he said, You know, I will say one thing, which is, I experienced you like a candle in the darkness. Why is that? And so I started to talk about I asked him some questions. But I also started to talk about holding the space of truth, energy, because that's my understanding. That's my feeling of what he's feeling. And, and then, so as we're just exploring this topic, then he comes back around, and he says, and as far as that breathing, feeling, exercise goes, it feels to me like holding your hand and going to sleep in this deep peace.

Shannah White 53:46


Shannah White 53:49

he felt he has not felt, in fact, our entire relationship started because I posted about innocence. And he wanted to talk to me about it. And he said, I I lost innocence, and I will never have it again. So that's what are Are those the beginning of our relationship some weeks ago, but here in this moment together, just being really honest about what's coming up between us. She actually found a place where he felt the peace of God or the peace of truth for the first time. And he did not expect to ever feel that or anything like that.

Brandon Handley 54:29

And that's also like the the space of innocence. Right? So it was talking about, okay,

Shannah White 54:35

yes. And he felt it very briefly that he said that it was deep and real. And so why is this mystical? Right. I didn't talk to him even though I was sharing with him about the energy that I'm that I'm holding that he's feeling. The reason that he felt it is because I was holding So we were having a conversation that's bringing his understanding along. But the actual the actual communication that allowed him to experience that level of peace was the fact that I was holding a frequency. And as he's talking to me, his intuition, which is our intuition is always operating, even if we don't know how to do it on purpose, right? his intuition is picking up this frequency of truth from my energy field, even though we're seven or 8000 miles apart. And he allowed himself in that moment, after talking, he got to feel like okay, I can trust to just feel this for this moment. And, and then he felt it. So this is the beginning. I mean, that's what of course, miracles calls miracle is when love enter someone's perception and changes it. And in fact, of course, in miracles says that that is a huge time saver.

Shannah White 56:09

Sure, alters time. Right.

Brandon Handley 56:12

All right. That's all just matter of perception. Right? So that's awesome. So this is what you do. Right? This is this is kind of a, you know, you're out there creating super humanity, people. And you're helping others out there making the mystical, practical. And I think that, you know, seems like you're doing a great job, you seems like you're, you're happy with what you do, right? And this way, like, I still remember when we first we first connected, we talked to Matt, this is a life that you've always led. And I love that, too, because because it's, um, you always hear somebody say, well make sure you didn't put your ladder up against the wrong wall. Or a ladder in life. And here, you know, in my humble opinion, you know, you put your ladder up against a great wall, right? Because at the end of the day, you know, you're out there and you're being of service, but you're, you know, not being a servant. Right. Like, you know, there's, I think there's a big difference in that. And I think that that's also a challenge

Unknown Speaker 57:21

for another

Brandon Handley 57:22

another day, but, you know, for when you come into this space, you talked about, you know, letting go of all the things and giving all the things away and wanting to be of service, but like, you still need to be of service to yourself. Right? It's Jerry,

Shannah White 57:38

actually say two things that come to mind based on what you just said. One is that, absolutely, I have to stay in my own alignment. So if I'm feeling like I need to go to sleep, and someone wants to be talking to me on Facebook Messenger, the thing I need to do is go to sleep, because if I don't, I'm actually going to a won't be able to hold the space that I bought for them, I will start to feel resentful. subtly, but nonetheless resentful, because why? Because I'm not respecting myself. So it does start with a very solid foundation of listening inside and respecting what I hear, which includes time of asleep.

Unknown Speaker 58:25


Shannah White 58:26

yeah. And I will say also, that is not just, it's not just the energy space that I hold, which is not a property of my own. It's also that listening. That's what that's what the energy is, actually if I stopped listening, then the my energy will go flat. Hmm. So it's the fact that he writes something. And then I feel inside myself. What my responses? And if I think it, it's going to come out flat. Sure. So So yes, has to take care of itself. And here's the other thing that I find really interesting and important. I did run across on Facebook, a they call it some kind of association for spiritual ethics. And they have an interesting and potentially worthwhile mission, which is that they want to get I guess, there's some people who can find themselves in an inappropriate relationship with someone who was a spiritual guide for them and and then they feel like you're hurt, whatever is going on out there. That's what they're trying to protect people from and they want to give guidelines like this is the way it should look. So it looks different than this. Maybe you need to reconsider. And sure people need help processing contrast to make healthier choices in their experiences. That's totally fine. Fine. But one of the features of this organization is that someone who serves the public in a spiritual capacity could become certified by this ethics Association, which means that they answer to that ethics Association. And I thought to myself immediately, I said, No, no, no, I don't answer to anyone but God. Like, I'm listening to love inside. And I will say and do as love directs me to do, I'm not going to sign up with some human run rulebook. completely the opposite of what it means to be in the flow, even though the character of love matches what they're trying to resemble. With their roots.

Brandon Handley 1:00:53

For me, I listen, it's not a soft, the worst thing, right? Because, you know, you and, and I could feel that way. You know, I operate out of a place of love. Whereas, you know, there's, there are the people out there that take advantage of others, and use this way of being in somehow, right, in a malicious way. Right, in a way that self serving and, and, you know, we talked a little bit, just a moment ago about, you know, a lot, you know, aligning ourselves and whatnot, but not to the detriment of others. Right. When you and I are talking about, you know, becoming into alignment with self, we're talking about how do I, you know, you know, spend time in my love being whatever that looks like to you, right, you know, love and motion as it were versus You know, this this kind of morphic space where you can create it, and you can have everybody inviting, get all this sense of being, but then, you know, basically, you're creating a cult, right, and you're like, hey, follow me, this is the only way to be you can't deviate from what I've just told you. And you know, and you're sucked in, right? And you're sucked in. And so that, to me, you know, if somebody's got a certificate, at least, like, burned by this before, I'm not doing it again, right type of thing comes from it sounds like it's not the worst thing.

Shannah White 1:02:25

It's, it comes from a good intention, for sure. It might help some people out there

Brandon Handley 1:02:30

that are upset. I know how you said to is it resonates with love, right? Just you know, from a place of love, but

Shannah White 1:02:37

it's also true that, that anyone who is hoping to grow spiritually into actualize super humanity and their self experience, the authority is within. So a mentor, such as myself, and I understand that you mentor people as well. is a is a guide. Right? But if you give, whether that guide is acting in a holy fashion or an unholy fashion, whether they, you know, morph themselves into an ego picture of spirituality, and they're acting that out for themselves in their own karmic cycle, we still have to, or whether they're acting like Jesus, we still have to, as someone who's being mentored, we still have to look within this, like, you know, we have to feel what's right. So if something doesn't feel right, and then the other person says, No, no, it is right. You gotta just leave. Yeah.

Brandon Handley 1:03:44

Yeah. And but it can be tough, right? It can be it can be really tough again, you know, we, you know, go back to the beginning of, you know, losing that son, you know, losing that selfishness sense of, of, you know, too many variables. Right. And that's the thing, too many variables. And if you have never experienced, even trusting yourself, right, that's, again, that's that that point that's that that's that tilting point that I was talking about in the in the book, Foursquare's power, of coming to courage, right, because everything under courage is is doubt, fear, all these other things because you haven't stepped into and realized your true potential. You're, you know, birthright as it were, all those things.

Shannah White 1:04:34

That's true. I have another thing to add, actually, because then this connects to what we were talking about before, like creating. And I can speak from my own experience this way too, because I had a relationship not with a spiritual mentor, but I had a relationship that before, before I really came home to prioritizing voice of love inside myself. There was this relationship with Were love was outside. And even though I was trying to work everything in a spiritual way, like really work hard at my life and in spiritual ways, but I still had this perception of love outside myself. And, and I attracted to myself, the perfect partner to act out a painful experience. Right, right. And so even when we're not relaxing and flowing in the ocean of God's creative thoughts, we're still creating because we are created in likeness and image. So our mind is creative, when we have a thought that connects with a feeling gets impressed in the magnetic component of our mind, and then that starts to magnetize something to us. So I hope if, if my desire can bless anyone, I hope that people who have found themselves in a harmful relationship of any kind, whether it's with a spiritual mentor, or not a spiritual mentor, that they find the presence of self reflection, to use the opportunity that's given to them, that where they're resonating with something that they become attracted to, and they've attracted to themselves. And if they can recognize that they can take the opportunity to become empowered through growing through that experience, rather than disempowered thinking you're a victim of it.

Brandon Handley 1:06:35

Yeah, I mean, that's not that's all along the path. Right. That's all the quote that that's the quote unquote, the process,

Unknown Speaker 1:06:41

right? Yes. Yes. That's

Brandon Handley 1:06:42

the process. So when people are talking, I always ask people that because they'll say what's the process? trust the process? was, I mean to you? Right, because I think it can mean a lot of different things. I think you just described the process fairly well. So where can we send people to connect with you?

Shannah White 1:06:59

Um, people can go to sacred and my coaching profiles on there and because send an email through the contact form.

Shannah White 1:07:10

I could also give my email address. Does that make sense?

Unknown Speaker 1:07:15

If you want to Yeah.

Shannah White 1:07:16

Okay, great. Anyway, you want people to connect with you? Very good. That's Shama s h a n n. h. at Sacred reality. Work is my email address and I'm also on Facebook. I'm Shawna dot white that three

Brandon Handley 1:07:33

nice way. I just want to say thank you so much for hopping on today. Love the conversation. I think this is a one where we could go for hours right type of conversations. So I appreciate the depth of your knowledge and you know, the things that you shared with us today and hope that the people that are listening out there they they took something away from this guy, thank you, you offer quite a lot. So thank you.

Shannah White 1:07:57

Thank you so much for having

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