Paresh Shah | Lifter | Homo Luminous Part 2 of 2

Published: July 19, 2020, 10:47 a.m.

Paresh Shah is a human being - 100% genuine article. check out part 1 for an in-depth introduction to Paresh.

We pick up where we left off on - we dig on some integrity and some great ways to keep on going on if you are feeling down.

Places to connect with Paresh:

paresh shah 0:00
Like what are some of you are yes and Brandon you have so many hi I read the deadly

Brandon Handley 0:05
bring everything I bring all of everything that I've ever done with me right you get to bring all of all of you know, diversity isn't just in the workplace for the people that you interact with. It's all of your personal experiences. Right? So it's it's, it's you know, I worked with horses I've muck stalls you know I've bartended I've been able to serve in many many different capacities and and I can bring a different aspect and I can reapply anything to this specific situation I can bring my specific experience my specific set of eyes exactly is and how you

paresh shah 0:43
show up right how you show up is what makes the difference compared to someone else.

Brandon Handley 0:49
And and, and I'm just as excited to get precious input right like I want to I want to see what what is it the press brings out you know, look, I love How I think I can't I cannot tell a lie. I love how I think and I enjoy my own thoughts. But I also enjoy somebody else's and I want to find I want to celebrate the differences right? I don't want to celebrate our same if if we're all the same stop me now. Right But I want one

paresh shah 1:20
of us is one of us is redundant.

Brandon Handley 1:23
One of you can go home now. Um, so I celebrate I celebrate our differences and what we can create because of our differences.

paresh shah 1:32
That's exactly what the centerpiece is about. It's called show up ride your yes and and what we teach is that you take these differences and I'll show you this little picture over here that actually alluded to earlier where remember that movie man? Whoa, I lose you know, so here we go. Okay. Remember that movie man on the wire about the guy who The Wire across the world trade center and he be across the high wire. Have you seen that movie? No, I didn't say so. Oh, it's an absolute 100% hundred 50%. You must watch it. All right. He basically he had to be within the dentist office. He saw a National Geographic cover. And this gets back to what you were talking about in terms of the tension and how do we really attuned the tension you were talking about earlier, right? He was in the dentist offer office and he saw National Geographic that was announcing this idea of the World Trade Center and it had a graphic artist rendition of these new tallest buildings in the world that were going to be built. And he was so fascinated with the whole idea of there being these two, you know, magnificent monster buildings that we're going to be built, right and so while in the dentist office and he used to be a judge. He was a juggler and that kind of thing. He drew a cable across the two. And he said I want to walk a tight wire across the world trade center. And he's practiced. And he put a team together around it that they broke in, which has made it even fun. It was a heist today, they broke into both buildings to get the cable across, right? And he put a team together that helped him take his vision and go Alright, we have to get this cable there. How are we gonna get this, you know, 2000 pound cable to the top floor and it's just amazing. And he actually ended up not just walking. He ended up dancing or laying down On that high wire as people in New York looked up going inside a man and he was dancing on his high wire. And one of the things we teach around this, the honoring differences, as you spoke about is when you tighten the lines, you tighten the tension

in differences, right? creative differences, you know, older people and younger people, you know, people with different points of view, then and you would tune it, you can create a resonant frequency that then basically makes that possibility, a total reality. And, you know, he was just dancing up there. He was not afraid, at all. So, show up is that third one, it's essential. serve up is foundational. You have to realize the world has changed. It's foundational rights that from transacting to service. Listen up is essential. You got to listen To your inner self, to your body and to others to go, okay, what's going on here? And how do you speak into the listening of other people so that you have that connection and you get each other, right? And in the middle is show up with your yes and go, you know what, you're different than me. And let's take those differences. And like, let's put like a guitar chord between us, and let's tune those. So we can create this resonance in this harmony that can then propel you to a higher solution that you may not have even seen existed, right? Have you compromised so we don't advocate compromising? Because that's no one satisfied when you compromise or tolerate differences. A lot of you know, teaching is let's tolerate our differences, that that dulls that connection. But if you really take that connection, and the differences and you reach across the gap, and go Okay, let's let's put a little knot here. Let's let's really tune it, and what do we want to collectively create together? And create this thing so you can just like slingshot it up and create that new possibility. That's what he was able to do. That's what we teach in that show up, use your differences not to tolerate each other and have to compromise. But, or even honor honors pretty good compliment. It's a compliment activated. Exactly. Absolutely. Yeah. That's what we call the activate our differences activate diversity. So that's the third one so it serve up Listen up, show up with all of your yes ads I miss and I'm missing on this. But uh, and then the last one is act up. It's about taking action and be purposeful and have you take a big vision of what you want to create and take that next step. And how do you use your what we call this? You fake it till you make it? Okay? You make it and so to be a ke what what do you want to create? And what does that look like? What's the visual? What's it feel like to be there now? Right? What does it sound like? To have that, you know, you know, to be dancing on that wire, you know in the wind in New York, or kinesthetically, what's it feel like to be in that moment in the ever present? Present Moment? And what's that expression and experience be like the VA ke and so, you create that you fake it till you make it and then that feeling that vibration pulses out collectively, when you have all these people eliminating you, you emanate your evany Exactly. And that guitar, that what we say is the the bow that was the hunter bow, you turn it sideways, from serve up, and it becomes an instrument with you pluck it and it becomes music, for sure. And then it becomes a catapult and it becomes like a trampoline, where everyone's holding this trampoline. And you can propel you know change at the community level, at the individual level at the company level. So it serve up Listen up, show up and act up. are the four mind shifts in this lifter leadership model and part of why we are connected why we have connected and you've connected me with amazing people is you are a lifter and lifters resonate with one another.

Brandon Handley 8:13
Yeah man No, no, it's awesome right it's awesome that you know, I think what's beautiful is that you know we talk a little bit about the spiritual side and maybe the woowoo right we go we go I but that's a little woowoo this vibrational this this heart centric stuff.

paresh shah 8:31
Hold on let me check with the little the little spirit behind me. It's too woowoo Ah, little further. Oh for sure. For sure. Thank you. St Germain.

Brandon Handley 8:42
Okay, sure. Right. Like we're nowhere nowhere even really close, I think to as a really Whoo. But the

Unknown Speaker 8:49
thing is, is that

Brandon Handley 8:51
I think there's the people on the woowoo side, right that that are doing things in the business world or afraid to kind of put their feat in the business world because they can't speak the business language even though that that's what they're doing like wow you know maybe a goal and a plan and a grand vision right in business because it's something that that's desirable right like so if you've got a you know coach or somebody a celestial person human being out there right and it's just like this is you know, all woowoo like, what's your vision and what's it feel like you know, if they can change that language just a little bit to to make themselves a little bit more marketable, right. that's acceptable because you're not you're not losing who you are. Right? You still get to do your yes and

paresh shah 9:41
yes, and yes, Brandon and the business desirability that you spoke to earlier, like the Language of Business, right? Um, I've got a guy who works with me, his name is Phil and no Was you the bullshit generator? Yeah, okay so I'm not saying I love the business speak the book like you pointed me to that website the bullshit generator and and part of this gets back to like that honest resume. So like that was kind of what you were reading in our earlier take of this to some extent had some bullshit generator type of stuff for Rashad internationally renowned, blah blah blah his mom is very proud that he got a degree from blah blah blah his his dad you know made great sacrifices so he could then get the award for our oh my god it's so funny. But anyway, there's so you know, the bullshit generated let's magnetize our, you know, scalable, strategic, transparent web readiness and reinvent our disruptive synergistic AI guys kind of done with that you get it gets,

Unknown Speaker 10:58
it gets to a certain point where it is too much, but you know, okay,

paresh shah 11:03
but you got to speak the language, you got to speak some of the language and you don't throw the baby out with it's not even the baby with the bathwater. It is part of how it works. We have to kind of look at the words and go. Does hunters Make sense? We know what what we what our intention is? Or what we're calling ourselves, right? Or do the words actually shape how we come into how we see the world and that's and you you see how it's a both way circuit? In other words effect and how what we do affects our words. And so

Brandon Handley 11:40
we write like how we describe it, I think that you know, it's it's, it's what we want when we show up, what are we showing up as and we make that determination with our words we show up. This is a home job job, it sucks, yada yada yada. I'm sitting around a bunch of people, it's a bunch of postage and being generated. You know, all right. Well, you know, everyone a while, and sometimes you, I'll fake it for myself and I'll be like, we know what I'm really doing today is XYZ. I'm making sure that the when I show up today, I don't know somebody were able to connect today because the job that I have and and do exactly. So, you know, what's beyond like, kind of this what's right in front of here? What you know, we are more than what we see. Right and and i think that's another part of the spirituality bit, right we, we limit ourselves to this, this finite vision that we see and what is right here around us with our five senses, right when we could really be everywhere all the time and beyond. Beyond here, right? We could say, I guess yeah, yeah. What I'm doing today, what you and I are doing today is echoing an eternity.

paresh shah 12:43
Yes, actually. Yeah. What there's a he wouldn't call himself a teacher. He calls himself a pointer. And Mooji Have you heard of Luigi? Yes.

Unknown Speaker 12:56
I just he's not like he's not my jam. He's not my jam. He's not you

paresh shah 12:59
You're a fan. You're a fan you love. I do love them and so I love the way that you say he's not my jam right? So it so we are all notes and his notes strike a chord with me that help me kind of be a help point me to the reminders of the truth that I am and and so you said that my gym but you don't other hand you know and like certain things might speak to you differently around that. So he would call it you know, don't be distracted and he and I love his Caribbean accent it's just so like, you know, don't be distracted by the shape of your body. It's just the shape. It's a shape of your it's an idea. It's a concept and you're more than that. You are You are the witness of that. Do you is that that's your dynamic aspect. That just that just just for now for now just be empty of that you can go back to it anytime you want. Just for now, and it's it's so reassuring around the the modernists

Brandon Handley 14:07
I like you as Mooji

I like you as Mooji

paresh shah 14:17
well, you know what's funny as moochie would probably say I've not met him. He would probably say a messiah and that's what we are we are the I am We are the is we are the isness then so, so why why are we surprised? Let that idea go You have a great imagination. Your imagination is very good but you don't need a man You don't need to create anything you already are. You are you are you are and it's made your Mooji fair just

Brandon Handley 14:50
you know it's it's let's I get myself hung up on that from time to time. Sometimes it's it's the deliver Earth You know, that's, that's why so many of us have to kind of go out there and not just uplifters right like lifters for sure, right? recognize their own divinity within and then try and light others up right? And we got to go out we have to teach from our own heart how, you know, how can I help you to get this spiritual dope, right? You get the spiritual high for yourself right? Like how can how can I get you connected to source to whatever it is, and how can I get you to recognize you're so much more than Yes, yes,

Unknown Speaker 15:38
yes and and and

Brandon Handley 15:39
you know, we all you're going to speak to a different audience and they're going to hear you as Mooji. Right. And, and and

paresh shah 15:51
it's just the shape, it's just an idea,

Brandon Handley 15:54
but if it's Mooji I'm like, just like Satguru like I'm okay but like I'd rather listen to like all listen You know, it's just like your favorite rock band right like the like the who that wasn't for me right but uh you know I like you know some other bands right like like what like what I mean look I mean for if we're talking classic rock I mean I was you know look Zeppelin Zeppelin is easy right but I was later I was later in my music life she's a Harley remember like a buddy I still remember actually listening to heart and like you know bear that Magic Man album right on like cassette like, oh, like

paresh shah 16:29
that's a great right like I mean a great album. I just saw heart before the COVID thing they were playing here yeah at the US at the forum and an NC Wilson are so gifted there boy it's it's they've been doing this for so long. Their songs Magic Man. Yeah, even at Barracuda. Great on these dreams. like that song these streams is. I'm gonna pull it up. on my YouTube, I'm gonna have them play the stream. I don't know if you're allowed legally to play this on your podcast. But listen,

Brandon Handley 17:07
listen, if I if, if I'm garnering a la la attraction,

Unknown Speaker 17:13
right, then I'm in.

Brandon Handley 17:16
Go ahead.

paresh shah 17:27
But look at Nancy.

Dude, you gotta love the ad.

Every moment I'm awake, right? And what were you talking about earlier?

Brandon Handley 17:47
of the the awakening, right? The the the, you know the second chance, right the second chance to to really recognize and capture the essence of like, all that you're still capable of right what's the Know what's what's it's, it's realizing how much more life has to give. Right? And that's that's kind of what I found and stepping into that right. You talked earlier about stepping into your greatness, right? When you when you when you realize, you know, you've accomplished something that's impossible for you when you realize that the impossible was actually a really, really fucking low bar. Yeah and you're like wow, that was a really low bar that I've set for myself.

Unknown Speaker 18:29

Brandon Handley 18:32
And he you know, then then that you're just really opened up to how much more is left and it's always it's funny because you always get the question well, what would uh, what would you tell your 20 year old self right? What advice would you give just the same advice I'm giving to myself now and I hope I take more action on it right like, this is the advice I should be taking action on. Because I have I have more than 20 awesome years to give and it looked earlier. It point earlier is like everything I accomplished up to this point. You know, I've been loath to say it myself, but I agree it's been kind of easy, right?

paresh shah 19:09
You're, you're graded you can get, you can get really good. You're a fast learner, Brandon. And you can get really good at most things that you put your mind to, sure or not your mind necessarily like your your your, you know, heart and mind. But there's something about that next level. Hmm. That you, you, you you get, you know,

Brandon Handley 19:31
that but that's what that's where that's where, you know, that's where you found yourself, right? That's where you found yourself. When you push your body there, you push your body there, and you're like, there's this next level to me that I didn't even I didn't even I wasn't even paying attention to. Right. I didn't even know that this existed

paresh shah 19:46
within me. I did not I did not exactly, exactly. And that's what's cool. And you talk about that second chance. I like that reference. Because actually, every moment we have that second chance, it's actually every moment and instead of waiting This what we talked about, like in that serve up, there's an awareness aspect or Mooji again would say you out the witness, you know, what is the awareness that sees pressures getting upset. The shape of Paresh is getting upset, who is the awareness? And when you have that awareness, then it helps you. Because I have shit days like don't get me wrong people like oh, Brad, you're so positive. I have crap days, shit days. And it's really a question of, you know, you get you give yourself a second life in the moment to go right now I could react right now to what the situation or I could be response abled. And every moment is that moment to go. I could go this way and be a YouTube for I think, honestly, I think there's five or six hours random. That'll happen. I have not done that. It's, it's gross, but you know, it

Brandon Handley 20:54
did listen, it's gross being human. Sometimes it's just disgusted.

paresh shah 20:59
But there were some there were some funny cat videos that our mortal there. So it's every moment you have that and so there's an attunement. That's really cool. And so, today has been a really great day. It is Friday. I'm speaking with my friend Brandon with Jimmy though, bro. Don't tell me it's not Friday still my god it's Thursday. Somebody told me it was Friday. You accepted that? I agree.

Brandon Handley 21:31
Who knows? Like listen some of my my supervisor last week goes man just weeks gone by pretty fast. I was like, not for nothing. But I haven't been able to tell time for like the past three months, man like, it's

paresh shah 21:42
my it's my daughter. My a second. Sorry, my my two youngest kids. It's their last day of school. So to me it's a Friday because it's your last day of school for like all this COVID and all that stuff. So I'm gonna give her a call. Let's do let's go get ice cream or some shirts. We'll do after this. So anyway, what I wanted to point out, I want to come back to something that you said earlier and share a story a little bit. You talked about being at your low, earlier, and what did you still recall?

Brandon Handley 22:13
I just don't feel like you have to get to a specific low in order to rebound to find your high, right. Like, you hear people say, Oh, you got to you got to hit rock bottom before you can bounce back up again. Well, I think you can just make a determination for yourself that there's something more to this life and what is that and chase that to that?

paresh shah 22:32
So I'm not going to comment on that specifically, because I believed that the same and then I kind of got to a low and it took that for me in that case in the traditional kind of Joseph Campbell journey. Yeah. So I can't say because I was like, no, not for me. I got it covered. I can ascend this situation he made

Brandon Handley 22:56
me hate maybe my maybe my falls on the way

paresh shah 22:59
nobody No, but what and I want to agree with you and I want to agree with you, okay. And I do want to agree with you. So I don't feel it's necessary. And in fact, I had a friend of mine who's very attuned to kind of, you know, galactic happenings. And you know, she could talk about all kinds of realms and things. She shared something really beautiful with me that I did like a real doubletake around when we were talking about the shift that civilization is going that we're in the midst of. A friend described what what we're in the midst of in terms of these lifters being you know, people recognizing the lifter within them is we've gone from Homo erectus to we're evolving as humans, from Homo erectus to Homo sapiens. To Are you ready for this next one? What we're in the midst of Give it to me? Stop mine. My friend gave it to me. homo luminous Hello. Yeah. I love it. Hold on. luminous or another word she used is homo University Talas unity consciousness. So we're becoming like beings, we're becoming lighter. And we're really kind of moving from that materialist, that kind of the 3d realm into this more esoteric higher frequency, higher dimensional kind of perspective on, uh, you know, what we experience. And so yesterday I was walking my dog. And this gets back to like hitting low and I wanted to just kind of explore it with you in a certain sanctity, so I was walking my dog and I was feeling I was really in the zone, as we talked about, like, I just feel like things are working and I'm able to, I feel good, I feel good about what's happening, despite the ups and downs, etc. And I was listening to kind of inner guidance with Julia Cameron would guide you to kind of listen to that inner voice and I'm always down walking by Dog and there are a lot of surfers out because people things are opening up here. And I saw some familiar friends who were going surfing. And what came to me was, I wonder if my other friend who I won't mention happens to be here because we tend to collide in those accidental, you know, like there's, we just happen to like collide into each other when we're not expected to in the normal kind of way. And so I called him and he's a really tough dude like he's way tougher than you know. Me super tough. He's big guy. very knowledgeable, really introspective. Just just a real kind of salt of the earth guy who grew up here. I just love him. So like, dude, how's it going? I'm having a great day. I'm here with my dog and he would always feed my dog little doggy biscuits you would get at Costco so my dog loves loves this guy. He's like,

Unknown Speaker 26:03

paresh shah 26:06
and what he shared with me was really an interesting perspective. Because he was actually contemplating suicide. Mm hmm. And I'm like, Oh, come on, dude. And then I realized he was actually like, in that space.

Unknown Speaker 26:30

paresh shah 26:33
he's a super tough guy, and he's super self aware. And what he said was, was moved to me. He said, when you're at your all time low, like a rock bottom type of low, you don't even have enough energy, to motivate yourself to do something about it. And it's all about You're way up in certain ways of see things that you might do something like that. And I was like, why? And it struck me as coming from a place of pain and knowing and wisdom. And it was very, like, wow, I haven't thought of it that way and his perspective for what it's worth.

Unknown Speaker 27:34

paresh shah 27:38
he was in a really strange place and I wasn't expecting that. And his perspective was interesting, and it was hopeful to me, which was he goes, so what I'm doing is I postponed it three days at a time. What would I do between now with that because he's kind of He's kind of planned it, which is a decent way to describe what he's planned. And so, and he goes, Well, what can I do in the next three days, that might make a difference? And then as a way of helping himself trying to move out of this feeling, which is so present to him, and I'm doing my best like Left, left left, and you know, come on. And there's a lot of pain in the world. So I I bring that up, too. He's one of the most positive people I know. Right? Yeah, cheer and you know, even when it comes with the job where my dog's tail starts wagging when she sees him, not just because of just Costco doggy treats that he always has in his his car. And so it's really getting back to that choice, right second life that you talked about earlier in each moment. Which way, you know, can we encourage ourselves to go and let's use our heart, let's use our friends, let's use our community to encourage going, you know, in one direction versus the other in every moment so we can have that second life and that next moment I'll be going to go light or dark or we're going to go, you know, anger, forgiveness, or we can go you know, self shame, versus, you know, kind of honoring. You know, how magnificent we are. And these are things that we forget very easy to me. Mindfulness is really, I don't like the word mindfulness for what we speak about in terms of if you call it spiritual Joe, it is really not about your mind being full. It's really about an emptiness of sorts of kind of being in the stillness of you're listening

Brandon Handley 29:51
to Lopa, I think Toluca that says, you know, you know, have a mind that's open to everything and attached to nothing.

paresh shah 29:59
Oh, I love That I will find this open to everything in a test nothing. Yes, I love that. And it's kind of, to me it's like, it's not mindful that it's remindful this we have to remind ourselves remind ourselves you know that there is that the second chance or that Second Life is an adventure that you may not know what your resume is gonna look like, right? Take it that adventure in the choice of this moment to go this way versus that right because lifters are not it's not that you are or are not a lifter because that would cause division and separation from the unity that we really are in how do you show up on purpose in the moment, right, you show up with that lifter attitude to lift in that moment, even for yourself

Unknown Speaker 30:46
or alone, even for even for your friend right? Like you're you're you're

Brandon Handley 30:51
lifting and positivity isn't as necessary as as you being there for him. Right? And that's how you lifted him by just being there for him.

paresh shah 31:01
Exactly. And my tendency would be to give advice. And I really resisted that. Because I really was in the space of like listening to myself, but you know, I feel like I want to call this person and I was inspired to kind of, oh, that was like an inner listening. Right? And hey, let me call him and see maybe he's, you know, gonna tap me on the shoulder and go telepathy. I was right behind you all the time. Or, you know, because that's the type of connection we often have. Right? And, uh, and it was really and here's the beauty of it. It was healing for me too.

Brandon Handley 31:38
Like, it was like he was looking for things to live for right every every third day like what are some things to live for? And so even even while he was kind of down and out, he was like, this is this is this is what I'm alive for. This is what I'm living for tomorrow. I'm gonna do this or, you know, these are reasons to live, you know? Yeah. Is I love that though. I do. I mean,

paresh shah 31:57
isn't that beautiful? It is. It is If someone's ever like, if anyone knows anyone who is in that space, that type of desperation and what he shared with me, which I feel is safe to share, because I'm not sure who it is, is there was a pervasive shame that was a that was the emotion he was experiencing. And as you and I have talked about the Harkin scale of consciousness, which is, you know, the different emotions that humans go through from low frequency to higher frequency, shame is the lowest frequency a human can have. It's like a 20 on an exponential scale. Then it moves up to like, you know, grief, anger, pride, accepted joy, unconditional love, peace. And he was so low on that scale. And it was a beautiful mechanism that he had his self awareness. His Higher Self is all the more go to dip the novel, you know, his, you know, here's your p&l x, right? Push it off three days, push it off three days and like probably like a sobriety perspective. You know, I'm not gonna have that today, one day at a time. And so I would recommend that recommend I implore anyone, because that was genius to be I've not heard that as a strategy to then hopefully you can pop out of that low vibe, and then get that perspective to go, okay, you know, that was me at a really low frequency permissioned way, it's part of the experience. I'm not gonna feel bad about that. And now I'm in a different place and a different perspective from which I can make that choice in a different different way. So it's a great strategy. I feel I'm not an expert in these matters, but I felt that it provided me some some tool he was a tool that I certainly feel is a great thing about a toolkit if you're feeling down about something before you react and make kiddie choices you know, give yourself three days to

Brandon Handley 34:08
just keep pushing it off. I love it. I love it. Well, brother Hey, look at this. It's always awesome. I feel like you know you and I could obviously we could we could probably talk for a lifetime. Unfortunately, I don't know how many people are gonna want to listen to us talk for a lifetime

Unknown Speaker 34:25
let's um, hit me with hit me with

Brandon Handley 34:31
what's like the, you know, you talk about the Four Agreements what's like the most radical you know, spiritual book that's like hits you in between the eyes.

Unknown Speaker 34:47

Brandon Handley 34:52
doesn't have to be a spiritual book like what's the one that hits in between the eyes because goodness gracious like I've been reading like business books that are like making me feel spiritual out. Right.

paresh shah 35:01
It's really like it comes from everywhere. The I was reading Psalm 23 in the Bible the other day, and it was this, like, you know, it's you between the eyes. You know, we mentioned earlier the Four Agreements, there's such a simplicity to it around what are we agreeing with? What voices are we agreeing with? Which voices are we not agreeing with? What situations are we agreeing with or not? And I think that integrity piece, and that was the one that you remember that stands out to me as well branded as, like a super tool. You know, don't take things personally, I find that the most difficult one, especially in a family situation where you know that so I find that most difficult, you know, do your best. I think we I do my best and you know, we're very hard on ourselves. And that's It's important to kind of remember those victories of Hey, we got this done this week and Today's been an epic nod Friday, it feels like Friday because we got so many things done. Right. That integrity piece, I think is the most powerful thing if I tell I tell folks that in the field of kind of, you know, metaphysics or eudaimonia human flourishing which is what really what it's about it's you die you die, Moti Alec, how do we flourish? How do we saturate ourselves with living our to our fullest and the integrity piece is very, very powerful. And I tell some of the folks that I mentor that I wish someone had taught me about the integrity of word way earlier in my life and the schema that works For me around that really helped me understand how integrity of word could co create. You want to take a minute kind of take a quick journey around a way of seeing integrity that blew my mind when when? Yeah. Okay, all mines. Let's do it. Okay, so I wish someone had taught me this when I was, you know talking to your 20 year old self for 22 years. So I wish someone had said, Hey Pradesh, this is how it works. save yourself a lot of gray hair and occurring of pain and suffering as you learn. There are three types of integrity draw here on the board just so you can visually follow along. And I get this until I got it. And then when I got it, I got it. And now it's question of practicing and remember The first type of integrity is what I teach to my coaching or my students, it kind of kind of came together is there's moral integrity, which is, you know, don't be a bad boy don't steal because if you steal from someone, they're gonna steal from you and pretty soon all hell breaks loose and it's, it's, you know, be in the field of morality, don't be a bad person or a bad boy. So that's moral integrity. And that's often what we are really habituated and trained to operate in by our parents, like don't do that, you know, that's not good. And so then shame often comes from that realm, but that's a different conversation. So that's, you know, good bad moral integrity. The second type of integrity is integrity of relationships. Which is, you know, honoring someone respecting someone, etc.

There's a third one, which is the integrity of word, which is what you spoke to your word, right? And in the realm of spiritual dope, if you'll allow me to use that word, this third one is the dope. This third one is the dope, these two are important. And the way I see things, they don't really apply as much, unless it's like in the karmic realm and things like that, as this integrity of words. So let me give you an example that will illustrate for me what kind of clicked for me. And I was like, wow, I wish I had known that way of seeing things before. So let's say that you and I have a plan to be on the podcast at four o'clock today on Thursday on Friday. And so I was like, yeah, I'll be there. So I think told you I will be there at four o'clock. And let's say that I arrived at 4:02am I violated moral integrity. Have I been a bad boy in that realm? No, no. Okay. Have I violated a relationship integrity like keeping you waiting for two hours at a restaurant or something like that? Right? So in those two realms of there hasn't been any kind of, you know, deep violation of integrity in the way that I was, like, raised to kind of think about integrity and you know, being good and respecting etc. And if I said I'll be here at seven o'clock, and I arrive at seven o to have I been in integrity with my word, no man, you're slightly you're slightly off the mark. off the mark, very great observation and you know the word sin means off the mark. Right? It's just off the mark from archery. And so the moral stuff makes us feel you're a sinner. You're a bad boy. I know church lady, Dana Carvey, you know, would be prudent at this moment to be like, Mr. Shah, we're gonna tell your mother Oh, buddy, what did you do? Again? You can jump on with the church. Maybe? No, it's Dana Carvey doing church lady. Wow. So, that day I had a David Dana Carvey medium came through. So, what's cool is this word is all domain in and of itself. So, what I've learned and learned and I apply as much as I can, when I remind myself in my mindfulness is when the universe the the the substance that we are swimming in like fissure in water, source Spirit God as we Speak our word. If it goes, Hey, Brandon, I will send you a copy of my PowerPoint tonight. And I do it. I'll be there at four o'clock. I'll do it. I you know, tell my daughter I'm going to let's go to Baskin Robbins and celebrate. you're graduating from seventh grade. Tonight. Oh, nice. Yay. Pink bubblegum is the best flavor with those little Chiclets of bubblegum a veal always guys, always. So what happens is the universe gets a reliable signal to go press said he was gonna send Brandon the PowerPoint tonight. Did he do it?

Yes or no. And it's not a judging universe. It's just a calculator. It's just an accountant. And it goes presh said it. You do it? Yep. Did he show up at four o'clock? Because that 402 is not his word. 359 or Yes, he did. It. So he said it, it happened. He said it happened, did he take his daughter for Baskin Robbins. I give you my word after this call, I'm going to take my daughter to Baskin Robbins. So yes. And so what I was taught, which I think is the most powerful thing, and it relates to the book, The Four Agreements is, when you create a pattern of reliability with the universe to say, I spoke it, it happened, I spoke it, it happened, I spoke it it happened, versus I get it to you tomorrow. Or you know what, I'm going to do that p90x tomorrow for sure. And you don't do it. What happens is you get checks that x is in a mishmash, so the signal isn't strong to go, Well, what what do we do with this, that the universe is sort of the computer kind of responding? And we and our word is our mouse and our keyboard? It's like, Well, I know like what the deal is, however, if you start, like, slicing reality in and interacting With it to go. I said this, it happened. I said this, it happened. I said this, it happened. Then when you have integrity of word, you can speak it and go. I know my friend is like, hey, meet me at the restaurant, there's gonna be horrible parking and got to go around the blog. I'm like, No, I don't agree with that. There's going to be a parking space right in front of the restaurant that's going to open up and the universe goes, he says it it happens. He says it it happens. He says it happens. And you demonstrate that then it can work backwards, which is you say it and the universe goes. It's a pattern. You say it happens. And that is this realm of integrity of word. It's your magic wand is your word. Your word is your Why have you read that book? I haven't. Mind blowing, right?

Brandon Handley 44:51
Yeah, that's awesome. I love it. I love it. Right.

paresh shah 44:53
So that to me is the ultimate like it's one of the greatest breakthroughs of thinking to go Wow. And sometimes, like, if I have a meeting at, you know, three o'clock, you'll see me running down the street or up the stairs, right? Because, like, I want to be an integrity on my word. And there's a way to reconcile it if you get there later, whatever, but it's really, because then you you're putting that impression into the universe. So, you know, I said it, it happened, I said it, it happened. And then that becomes a reliable pattern for the universe to respond. And it has nothing to do with moral integrity or relationship integrity, necessarily. And that I think is is so profound. I wish someone had taught me that, uh, you know, 20 years ago, or even sooner, and I wish every young person listening to this can just get that and go, you know, you're just creating a pattern by being in integrity with your your, your, your spoken word of your written word.

Brandon Handley 45:55
Now, I love it. I love it. definitely definitely powerful. I love I love how you got there, right? And you're right like your word is your one right? So dude, thanks for sharing that one right like who nobody saw that comment. Nobody saw that one comments so press saw everybody thank you so much man for taking the time today for for reconnecting Yeah. Where Where am I? Yeah Look, I mean, where am I gonna send people find fresh today?

paresh shah 46:20
Ah, well we are all one according to Mooji and so good to be here and there you are there I am there there there it is. If you go to our website lifters rising calm the team as you know put some things out there as resources. If you feel you're a lifter, which you know I'm imagine your your audience gets attracted into your your messaging, then come to lifters rising calm, maybe share your story. Connect with us if we can be of help to you. That's one way of getting in touch with us. We We're also creating an app. This company, that's basically an app for lifters is the way to describe blip pulse. And so we're going to be getting we're putting this app out into the world it's all about love and being lifters and and you know, creating a messaging and kind of social media experience that's around love and happiness and joy and basically spreading the spiritual dope I guess is how we might your hope dealer I mean, I oh my goodness. But as I told you do not do the sex, drugs and rock and roll of this, this situation here so so yeah, we're so we're going to be launching a beta on that app. And so connect with me however you like through LinkedIn or lifters rising and we're going to be having certain people be beta users. To help us really flesh out this experience that helps us share love and compassion and caring and giving Loving impulse, which is what glint pulse is really oriented around. So that would be glint pulse, calm, GL impulse, calm, the giving, loving impulse, cheering, that giving loving impulse. So we've got lifters rising calm and good pulse calm and if we can be of any service to you, your audience in any way. Absolutely, we're here. We're here to serve up and we want to listen up to you so we can show up in our best way to act up and make a difference. Namaste, Brandon, thank you so much. Brandon Handley.

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