Mark Youngblood | Clearing your blocks and limitations

Published: May 9, 2021, 12:41 p.m.

Mark Youngblood is devoted to elevating human consciousness and promoting spiritual growth, individually and collectively. He is the founder and CEO of Inner Mastery, Inc., and an internationally recognized speaker and author. He has been practicing transformational coaching and teaching the Inner Mastery Methodology for more than 25 years. Through his Pathway to Radiance online programs, he helps people heal their emotional wounding and clear their blocks and limitations so you can Love Yourself, create a Life you Love, and shine your Inner Light on the World!

Connect with Mark by checking out his website right here: Pathway to Radiance

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Brandon Handley 0:00
All right, well, let's let's get it fired up and we'll go 54321 Hey, there's spiritual dope. I am on here today with Mr. Maher Youngblood he is devoted to elevating human consciousness and promoting spiritual growth individually. And collectively, he is the founder and CEO of inner mastery Inc, and an internationally recognized speaker and author. He's been practicing transformational coaching and teaching the inner mastery methodology for more than 25 years, through his pathway to radians, online programs, he helps people heal their emotional wounding and clear their blocks and limitations. So you can love yourself, create a life you love and shine your inner light on the world. Mark, thanks for being here. It

mark youngblood 0:51
was my pleasure. Thanks, Brandon. I really looking forward to the conversation.

Brandon Handley 0:55
Absolutely. I think you're the first person I've ever introduced in the style of, you know, getting to the ring. But there you have it. I like to I like to open these up with the whole idea that you and I are here at this exact time, space and place in the universe. So that source can speak through us. Right. Right. And more specifically, you to somebody out there right now, a specific message and what is that message that's kind of streaming through you right now Mark?

Unknown Speaker 1:29
Well, you know, the

mark youngblood 1:30
primary theme of all the work I do and spiritual domain, really also in the corporate work that I do, is that, you know, our calling is to, is to really reveal our ratings. It's, it's to recover, that knowingness of who we truly are, and our true self level, and to be able to live our life from that center, you know, we call it living from the soul side. So, you know, in your intro, you said a little bit about kind of my philosophy, but just to recap it, you know, my approach to working with helping people to, you know, raise your consciousness and live a much better life is that we're already souls, but we don't have to become more of one, we have to become less of what we're not. And that's all the stuff that's between us and being able to be the soul, that's that, the layers of ego and all the one thing and the identification with being an ego and being a personality, that when we clear that out, the light just naturally shines, we don't have to try to shine it. And so that's, that's what's up for me, you know, it's, it's always what's up and both for myself and for the people I work with out in the world, is to shine more that light, you know, every day, clear more of that blockage out of the way center more into that identification with who we are truly, and that's the, you know, magnificent soap.

Brandon Handley 3:01
That's, that's, that's great, right? It kind of makes me think of me with the house, we just moved out of had a, this kind of this does UV light to clear the water, right? And, you know, if you didn't clear the rod, every once in a while, of that light, and then you know, the light came out, right? So it's kind of like the same thing, right? You're basically helping us clear clear the light there. That rod, one of the things that I noticed about you just kind of working with you and and just my own introspection of your choice of the word radian, right. I thought that I think that was a really great choice of words and determine and what we do here. How did you? How did you land on the word radiant? You know, actually,

mark youngblood 3:50
I had a friend who was teasing me about it and going, what are we radioactive? No, not

quite? Well, you know, there's

Brandon Handley 4:02
always some jerk out there, Mark.

Unknown Speaker 4:04
He's a great guy. So

mark youngblood 4:05
a friend of mine, who's yanking my chain on it. But you know, every image you've ever seen of awakened people, when they've been depicted, they're glowing, you know, that they just are shining. And, you know, in my own inner eye, when I look at people at the soul level, they're just blazing with light, you know, and they're in. To me, it is radiance. You know, it's just, it's, it's an effortless shining of our inner magnificence. And, you know, it's who we all are. And that's a such a liberating idea. You know? It's so funny. I don't know, what sort of religious background you have. Brandon. Maybe you can tell us about a second.

Brandon Handley 4:51
Yeah, yeah. I'm 100% open. I can you know, I think that you'd asked yesterday or today about you know, kind of who you know. You know, I was questioned about asking about a woman who had been impactful in kind of our journey, right? And I told you, my mom, because I literally, this is all the stuff that kind of were having a conversation about, I was taught at a very young age, but I wasn't able to process it the same way. Right? But now it's like, kind of it's, it's, it's almost like, this was always my first language, but I was never able to speak it.

mark youngblood 5:23
Yeah. Yeah, that's, that's fascinating. Well, I was raised in a Methodist, which is kind of a moderate Christian religion. And yeah, we were taught that, you know, we have a soul and the devil can get it, you know, like, it's some sort of a little crystal or a gem or something, you know, and you've got, with everything, like it's gonna, you know, be taken away from us. And, you know, I think it's completely opposite, instead of being a person who has a soul, where a soul who has a personality, and, you know, it's, it's invented, you know, who we think we are, we created it, from the moment, we began to have a sense that there's a self here, we invented a story. And a lot of that story is really limiting. Now, almost anybody is functional in the world has a part of their story that actually reflects some of their soul qualities. But there's so much embellishment and a lot of garbage in that, that, you know, teasing the two apart, and really knowing what aspects that I'm bringing to the world are truly coming from that soul perspective, and what is just as made up, you know, and I'm coming from this invented facade, that it's performing, you know, it's, it's out trying to convince the world of who it is. And to separate those two things. Now, don't get me wrong, I'm not saying the Eagles are bad, I'm saying that you don't want to identify with it, and you want to clear it out, you want to clear out all the limiting beliefs and all the wounding is holding on to that or as you were describing earlier, you know, that junk is blocking the UV light or blocking the soul light. And you need tools to that, you know, you need ways to go about doing it that are proven, and the work. And once you do you know, then it's, it's like eating a chocolate elephant. And I don't know if you've heard that expression before, where you know, the idea of the chocolate elephants the big change you want to make. And so with this, it's, it's about just taking a bite, you know, every day or a few times a week, and just eat, it adds up, it adds up over time, you know,

Brandon Handley 7:43
100%, I have never heard it referred to as chocolate elephant, but I will it is now Forever, forever. And they're back real quick though to to I'm gonna jump all the way back to radians and then we'll walk walk forward from there. But you know, you're talking about, you know, that that light that naturally shines, and I love that you also just kind of talk about it with being effortless. Yeah. The other idea too, is that radio, you know, radio point is, is his center, and it's spherical when it comes from all spaces, right? It's not just not just flat and 2d, it's, you know, it's, it's amorphous. And so that's the vision. And that's, you know, when I think when I thought about the choice of word radiance that you chose as a will, that's perfect. Because just like you're saying that is the light that naturally shines doesn't shine never signs in 2d. It's wherever there is space for it to shine.

mark youngblood 8:39
Right? Right. Like that. I've never heard that. I love it. It certainly fits.

Brandon Handley 8:45
Yeah, I mean, so that was that was had that's that was my thought on where it came from for you. But you know, so that there we go. Right. But then we kind of joined it up in the middle there. Never, you know, and never really thought about that too. Like the soul getting taken away. I always thought about like, maybe the soul getting murky or something like that. And so it's kind of like the idea of, you know, the devil trying to come up, take it and you've got to try and protect your soul from getting stolen, right?

mark youngblood 9:13
Yeah, yeah. It's, it's such a strange thing. To think of it that way. But but it's the common thing, you know, you know, almost any movie that has references to souls. It's like that, you know, it's like, the what's the guy's name? That was the blues singer Robert Johnson. Is that his name that that went down the crossroads and he sold his soul to the devil to be a great guitar player. You know, like he wouldn't get bargained bartering away.

Brandon Handley 9:39
I remember I mean, I think of the song right, like, uh, you know, I remember the song right, like, it's kind of similar to that, like, devil went down to Georgia. Yeah. similar background, right. Yeah. doubling down short. Anyways. Yeah. Well, um, you know, what I want to know too, is a little bit about the journey of Mark Youngblood and just kind of how you came into this space for yourself, if you could shine a little light on that, if you could,

mark youngblood 10:07
yeah, I'll be glad to, you know, and, and one of the great things about, you know, telling stories like this brand, and I really want to acknowledge you for your work and for what you do with this This podcast is, is that by hearing the stories there, they're that every man and every woman story, right, this is nothing special. You know, it's not for some select few, it's for every one of us. And, and that's, you know, one of the things that gets to come out of this. And, you know, I have a model for the evolution of consciousness, and I call it the pathway to radiants. And there's stages and, and in my own life, you know, a lot of the development of the model was based on noticing for myself what happened at various kind of plateaus in this journey. And, you know, I had a, I had an awakening moment. And it was when I hit rock bottom, and in my model, the first stage of everyone's life is the wounding stage. This is when we're born, and this is, you know, and we're growing into a personality. And we're taught all these limitations, and we have things done to us that leaves emotional scars, and energetic scars, for that matter. And, and then we come into adulthood, with the baggage, you know, all of this baggage. And that's what makes us unconscious to who we are. And, you know, I've always been really curious about what leads someone to wake up, you know, what causes that to happen. And in my own life, I had to hit rock bottom, and that's where most people crack open, they either have the opportunity, at that moment, the weight awakened to a higher expression of themselves, or clean to the behaviors that put them at rock bottom, you know, yes.

Brandon Handley 12:08
Do me a favor to like, how would you define waking up? What specifically do you feel like you're waking up to,

mark youngblood 12:14
there's more to me than this body, this personality. That was my first awakening, because it the actual event was I was highly ego identified highly. And I was also deeply wounded and insecure, and I needed to prove myself to the world. And so I started this business, and I was telling everybody, I was gonna make millions, it's gonna be famous, it's gonna be wealthy. And, and, you know, I pulled it off, I was able to actually build the product that I was trying to create, at bat couldn't sell it, because I didn't know anything about selling, and I put all my money into it. I was down to about two weeks worth of money, I was gonna not be able to pay my mortgage the next month. And, and I had been trying to avoid admitting I was going to fail, because I couldn't admit that, you know, I was it, everything would fall apart. And it did. And it did. And I remember I was in a panic, I still hadn't admitted it, couldn't eat. I couldn't almost, you know, couldn't breathe. And I was sitting at breakfast, made some instant oatmeal. And I took a bite and was like sada could not even swallow it. Because I was so panicked. And I didn't know anything about meditation. But I knew if I close my eyes, and I changed the color from red, from white hot, to read, to a cooler color to blue to deep blue to black. That calmed me. And I did that. And when I got to black, there's something in me that said, I give up. Ice, I quit, I surrender, I can't do it. And in that moment, everything within me lit up, like the most brilliant white light that you could ever imagine. But just blindingly lit up until all I could see was white in my mind's eye. And I was flooded with feelings of well being and of love and comfort and peace. Well, my eyes popped open, and I felt like I had never seen the world before I walked outside and birds It was like I never heard birds so beautiful. I've never smelled air so pure. I never seen a sky so blue. Everything was just lit up for me. I went inside I was voraciously hungry. I ate three bowls of oatmeal, call my parents and said the company's got this failing. I got to get a job. And that's what we are. You know it was it was hitting bottom. And when I woke up to was this tremendous hunger to find out what that something more was because Some part of my soul was able to break through. And and I wanted more. And so I just started this incredible journey of reading everything I could get my hands on, starting to do kind of out there transformational things like holotropic breathwork. And oh, yeah, I

Brandon Handley 15:22
mean, I'm gonna jump in here real quick. I mean, because I mean, right there, right? I mean, you're, it's funny to me, right? You're seeing a lot of breathwork popping up now in the social media space, but it's always been going on, it's just a new awareness to maybe this generation, right or this space. But at the time that you were doing it, my guess is like, when did you start doing that? breathwork

mark youngblood 15:49
I think there would have been in about 1985

Brandon Handley 15:54
or so. Yeah, you were getting some looks? Because you may you were getting some looks, you got the selfies that are, you know, yuppies are coming into their own right about that. Right? Right. Well, good mark, we told you we don't do that. No more. Right. And so so you got those guys coming in at it. But I want to I want to touch touch on a couple of things that you're talking about before moving forward. Because you know, you're talking about your ego identity. I'm personally I always get caught up in exactly what ego is. But you know, you're sitting there, you're in a space, you're being overwhelmed. You're you're feeling like massive constriction, you've lost like all flavor and sensation, like life sensation, like, I can't, no more. And then the moment of surrenders is that kind of that, that moment of release? Yeah. And the giving up like I give up, doesn't have to signify I give up on life. It's like I give up on. I'm gonna say, pardon my French on my podcast, where I give up on all this shit. And I let it go. Yeah. Right. And as soon as you do that, as soon as you did that, yeah. You opened yourself up.

mark youngblood 17:02
Right? And here's the thing about it. I, I didn't know I was going to do it. It was spontaneous. And it doesn't work to just go okay, I give a

Brandon Handley 17:13
we talked about this in your group the other day, right. And we talked about the idea that if this is something that you're looking this in relation, my similar state of that space of this, the all of Canada, I jotted down here I tuned into a whole new channel right there like you went outside you like you You walk in as the Disney Channel now it's all lit up. It's vibrant. There's their sense, there's smell is this is like, where, where's this? Where's this wonderful place? Ben my entire life. Right? And it's like, and it's like back then. Right? Like, and I was already thinking about this earlier is like, we had we had those rabbit ears back then. Right? We had to tune in even like the UHF. If you really wanted to get like Fox back in the day, you had to like go to channel 47. And channel 47, you had to direct it, you know, put it put a little bit of aluminum on top there to really get to get to that channel. But you knew a sense of space. Yeah, that had always been available to you. Yeah. Right. But it wasn't until you let go of who you thought you had to be to be successful. Or, again, just letting go of it all.

mark youngblood 18:21
It was, you know, probably letting go might not be a word that represents what it was more like a collapse. It was more like you think about the ceilings coming down. I'm getting crushed under the weight, I've been trying to hold it up trying to hold up and while I was holding up was the false image of who I was right. And, and trying to defend it against the world. And the weight got too much. And I just went I quit trying to hold it up. And it's just like, and to me, it was ego death. And you know, there's definitely a part of me died in that moment.

Brandon Handley 18:57
And this, I just want to get back to the point though, to where like you, it's really hard to time this moment. Right? Nobody, nobody times overall collapse, right? A life collapse. You know what, like, I think Tuesday at 445. And falling heat to the ground with all with all this and it's on the calendar

Unknown Speaker 19:17
is gonna happen, right?

Brandon Handley 19:18
If I'm lucky, I'm gonna have a spiritual breakthrough at the same time. Right? So don't bother calling me at 445 on Tuesday, I'm busy. So that it doesn't it doesn't happen like that. And I think that was one of the things that you're saying to Salt Lake. Yeah.

mark youngblood 19:33
Right. Right. Lots of other people wake up in different ways that I think many, many, many people wake up when they reach their own personal collapse. That could be you know, if you're identified with your job getting fired, it could be a scandal. It could be you know, the collapse of your marriage or death of someone close to you a threat to your own life. Yeah, lots of things. And kind of in the painful way of waking up, can do that. But you know, it can also happen spontaneously just out of grace. You know, it's, that's what I was saying a while ago, to me, it's a little bit of a mystery how it happens. And I don't think I could have rushed it, I don't think I could have done it, you know, in any other way. Now, I will say this, the people who are listening, if you haven't had that moment, I do believe that you can gently evolve your way forward, using tools like a I'm gonna say, my inner mastery methodology, which is kind of a toolkit for emotional healing, you know, being able to change how you think clear your energy, that sort of thing. But there are other tools out there. If you devote yourself to doing that healing, proactively, without waiting for things to get bad, you're going to be raising your vibration, and you will reach a threshold because there's not just one threshold, maybe we ought to talk about this, Brandon is the plateaus, you reach a threshold new plateau, then you climb again, and you reach the next threshold, you break through to another kind of awakening to that next level of consciousness. And then you know, you're there for a bit and then you climb, climb, climb, and you break through the next one. And you can get there you can break through without the world having to go to pieces, if you do your work, because this is as your vibration increases, you got to think about it. Kind of like turning the the stove, the heat on the stove up under a pot. And it reaches a boiling point. And at that point, everything in the water comes out, right? Because it's boiling it out to the surface. Well, when you reach these thresholds, it's a quantum leap, you're here in your vibrational frequency and boom, you pop up to another frequency, but you still have frequencies in you that don't fit this new frequency, they're appropriate for that bed level you were before, and they're going to boil out, they're going to start coming to the surface to be cleared. And that's why we call it a dark night. This kind of disrupts your world for a while,

Brandon Handley 22:21
I would have to say that, you know, I shared this again, in the group that I think that I you know, my first kind of stumbling into enlightenment as it were right. I hesitate to call it enlightenment, my, you know, I stumbled into just a different channel, right? A different way of being real similar to your moment. Right, and I couldn't have timed it. But to your point, and maybe you reminded me of the book, neuro Dharma by Rick Hanson, too, right? He echoes your sentiment where you can cultivate this space, right? You can, you can, you can begin to do the work now. And that'll make the landing or you know, the space, a little bit more prepared, right, like yours, because yours was under the heap of ego identification. You know, I was like, What just happened? Right? Like, you know, like, Where am I and what just happened. But if you kind of just do the study, eating the chocolate elephant, right, the elephant, you know, and with the idea of just cultivating the space for yourself, right? And I always, I use this line at work all the time that you gave me in terms of even coaching, right, or working with a teacher is that, you know, as like, Hey Mark, I'll reach out to you, if I hit a wall or something you're like, well, wouldn't it be a better idea to like, I don't know, kind of not hit the wall. Maybe just, you know, get some guidance, and just be like, Hey, hey, Brandon, there's a wall up there. Don't hit it. I like to say, you know, because, and again, we are so I think as as Americans, I would say hardwired to Yo, yo, I get it from my children, they're still young, right? I can do this myself, right? Because we've asked them to do some things on their own, like, you know, we want you want you to be self sufficient, but we don't want you to get hurt. Right. Right. And and so we, you know, it's very difficult for us to ask for that help, or go to somebody to get that guidance, right. Because we've been taught that we're supposed to kind of do this on our own. How do you How would you, you know, I imagine he would do it just like you told me like, well, maybe you don't want to hit that wall, but like to somebody who's not engaged in the space yet and wants to get there.

mark youngblood 24:40
Yeah, you know, I happen to think based on years of doing this work, you know, I did lots and lots of development, self development work by going to programs, like neuro linguistic programming, but then getting into shamanism and doing some really intensive work. shamanism and just different things like that. And over decades, I collected what works, at least what works for me. And kind of put it together, you can think of it like, you know, a cool toolkit or a medical kit. And, and you use the tool that's appropriate for what needs to be changed in any moment. But I believe there's four dimensions here that are vital to the journey, and you can't leave any of them behind, or you'll regret it. One of them is soul connection, is that it's absolutely essential that you learn how to engage the soul in your journey, so that it will support you in that journey. And, in a real sense, do some of the clearing away of stuff for you, but will be your companion and you can get guidance from yourself. So that's part one. And part two, is you have to be able to manage your thoughts, because we're the CO creators of our reality. And our thoughts are going to play a huge role in what's going to manifest for us. So being able to change your thoughts to learn how to not let the autopilot run things, but to stay in the driver's seat is crucial. Third is emotional mastery. And this is not only do you not want to act out in the world in a way that damages relationships and, and that sort of thing, or, or suppress the emotions as a way to not act them out, you want to get in there and get rid of all the emotions that have been piling up since almost birth, because many of them are still there. And that's leads to not only are they low vibration, and there's some of the biggest boulders you need to move out, but they lead to inflammation in the body. And that leads up all the chronic diseases, and we've got an epidemic of chronic disease right now. And then the final is we're energy beings, right. And as energy beings, we need to manage our energy body, just like we do our physical body. And you have to have hygiene, because we pick up each other's energy and are you able to, to keep that heavy energy off of you. You know, it's like, if you were to climb around the attic with a white outfit on, what's it going to look like. And that's what our world is like, and if you pick up everyone else's heavy energy is going to bring your vibration down. But also we have vibrating frequencies, that are patterns in our energy body that are like magnets. And you can think of them as karma, you know, they're the, they're the unresolved patterns that are looking to be completed, they're looking for the end. Like there's this little musical tittie, that goes down that, again, it has an end to it. But if you went down after that, and stopped right there, there's, there's just this waiting and waiting and waiting for, you know, for it to finish. That's the way these patterns are. And so they'll stay there and keep attracting into your world. Everything you're experiencing until you clear that pattern out and put patterns in place to manifest what you do want. So those are the four dimensions. It's soul connection, mental mastery, emotional mastery, and energy mastery. And I think you need tools and all those dimensions, whether you get information you get them from, you know, any number of sources, is that you need to have those, you need to be able to do your own work to progress. So, I don't know if that was a tangent or if that answered your question.

Brandon Handley 28:34
Well, I don't know. I think that you know, for for sake of anything marketing wise, for dimensions that are vital. You know, that's a headline right there. Totally using that. You know, as you lead into that, I was like, well, we need to know what this is. Right. So very good there. For sure. One of the questions I mean, I don't know that I've ever noticed overly much in the groups or the workings that we've done together. As you as of a law of attraction kind of guy. Are you a law of attraction kind of guy? Or are you just kind of like, this is just how it works? I don't call it law of attraction.

mark youngblood 29:14
Well, I mean, you can call it law of attraction, and because it is the way it works, and I don't emphasize spending a lot of energy, trying to get the world to dance to your tune. I'll spend a lot of energy on that. I did, I did early in my journey, you know, cuz it was kind of, you know, that shiny object exciting, right? It's an appropriate part of most people's journey to learn, hey, I can manage that stuff. And, and that's totally cool. And it is cool. But it's like, it's like a, you know, a baby discovering they can talk, you know, but I mean, it's our nature to talk. And it's our nature to manifest and we're, you're already manifesting thing in your world, right? It's just it's not directed. It's not intentional, right? And it's disrupted by you know, a lot of the garbage that's in the way of being able to bring in, you know, what would be a great life. But I would say my focus is on get clear about your life path, get clear about your life purpose, learn to tune in to guidance that shows you your path forward, and it's going to open up for you. But part of getting there is your thoughts have to line up with that path. Right. And when you do, that's not to say that you won't have challenges, I promise you, you'll have challenges. But it'll feel right. You know, it feels like this is just the journey. But I bet you, Brandon, that you have had times when you weren't on your path, that you had difficulties, and you knew something was wrong with the fact that you had those difficulties. Right.

Brandon Handley 30:54
So I mean, looking back and and even looking ahead and a right now, especially right as I think as we become more aware of this feeling of the sensation of you know, hey, I'm, I'm working towards this thing, and I'm putting way too much effort into it does that, you know, why am I putting this much effort into it? And is it on? Is it in alignment with my purpose and path? Right, and then we kind of take a look at it that way, you're able to realize, oh, because it's not in alignment with with anything that I truly believe in in life. I think that's kind of what you're getting at, right?

mark youngblood 31:31
Yes, that's right. There's a different feel to challenges when you're on your path than when you're off your path. And you know, you're off your path.

Brandon Handley 31:39
100% I couldn't agree more. I mean, again, spiritual dope is on my path. Yeah. Right.

mark youngblood 31:46
I can feel it in you.

Brandon Handley 31:47
Yeah. And, you know, it's it very differently compared to the other two projects that I've spun up that were real similar, right. So those, that was a massive effort, massive, doing massive, like, ah, right, and, and, you know, the second one was less, and this one is even less, you know, more so, right. And there's still moments to your point where I'll be doing things I'm like, is this really is this necessary? Yeah. All this doing what I'm doing? And who's this? Who or What is this? And even recognizing Who or What is this for? Is this for my ego? Right? It's just for me, just to say, Hey, I just did this, and whatever. But, you know, I think one thing that I think I lost track of here in our conversation, this is all all been really, you know, great, great conversation, you know, so I want to go back to you being suffocated underneath of them, you know, your crashing moment? And how do we how do we, you know, move forward from that moment to integrate that awakening into the rest of your life and fulfilling life? Yeah.

mark youngblood 32:51
So so the question you're asking that if someone right now is in that point, and they're their breaking point, what do they do? Yeah, yeah.

Brandon Handley 32:58
How do you move forward from there? And how do you Well, I think next up, you know, the

mark youngblood 33:02
thing I didn't mention a while ago, and, and, and it's crucial, really two pieces to in successful spiritual evolution. One of them is you have to have the tools to be able to do your work. But number two is you need a community. And I would say, to everyone out there, that the number one thing to do, even before you get tools, the number one thing is, is get with a spiritual community. Because that community is a space, it's an energy, that when you tap into it, it's going to lift you up. And this world, if you have to navigate it by yourself, there's so much about it that is designed to cause you to go down and we call it the elevator, kind of go down the elevator to lower consciousness, and your community brings you back up your community lifts you up, and starts helping you see a vision for yourself that you never even saw for yourself before. And that's part of you know, what I offer as well, I have a free community on Facebook and a common rating. So community and then one that you join in, it's private, and it's got a ton of content in it called salsa community. But that's so you marry content with community and you've got a wonderful combination. And so, you know, I guess that's my best advice is, is go get in a community and then start finding what are the tools and practices that I resonate with most that I will adopt and start using for myself because, you know, this is not about how anybody else fix you. This is not about having anyone else take responsibility for your journey. This is a fundamental thing that your journey is your job. And, and a lot of people don't want it they they want someone to come do it for them. And and you'll be waiting a long time. It just doesn't work that way. You've got to be able to be the one sponsible

Brandon Handley 35:00
and that's important, right? And I do love the community to definitely want to hit on the communities that that you've created. I would also, you know, I would also say to like, if you find a community, and it doesn't, and it's a spiritual community, and it doesn't feel like a fit, leave, go find another one that feels like it's a fit, because there are plenty of them out there, right? If you if you're kind of in this space, and you're like, I found a community, but I don't feel like I'm in the right place, then you might not be and that's okay. You might not be That's right. One of the things that comes up a lot mark, I'd be curious to just kind of what your take is on it is that you see people who are often going through this process, and they feel like their relationship is hindering them from growing? And, and, you know, and it's funny, because I initially struggled with this. But you know, I came pretty quick to terms to in my own relationship, and, you know, everybody's relationships a little bit different. But, you know, it was like, Well, I'm not, we're not growing at the same rate and pace. Right? You see that a lot? How do you address that to somebody that asks you,

mark youngblood 36:13
oh, my gosh, I've spent so much time thinking about that. You know, there's, there's a point at which the gap becomes so great that you're operating from completely different worlds. And there's almost no meeting in terms of making meaning of things, there's no meeting of the mind that the meaning is fundamentally different. If the two people stay close enough, that they can synchronize their interpretation of things in the world, and then the path forward, so that you're able you as the spiritual aspirant are able to continue to follow your guidance, you're able to continue to walk your path, then that's relationship that can continue to work. In my own personal opinion, speaking solely for myself, I believe that our number one job, you know, our number one purpose for being here is their spiritual journey. And if a relationship is holding you back, then it's finished its job, it no longer serves you, it's time to move on. Because there will be another one waiting for you, that is a partner that meets you where you are, and is ready to walk the path with you. And I had that happened to me divorced about 10 years ago. And it wasn't a match. That's all I'm gonna say. It wasn't a match in terms of how we saw the world. And it was a big barrier for me to be able to move forward. And, and guidance, you know, I had several times where Spirit said, you work together as done, it was beautiful. It served its purpose, you know, it catapulted you on your journey. Congratulations, move on. And I fought and fought and fought until it ended up being a painful break. And right at that moment, a new woman came into my life, who happened to be my high school sweetheart, who had evolved tremendously in the 35 years since I'd seen her. And, and our journeys are perfect, you know, right, where her consciousness is, mine met hers. And we had been walking with spirituality at the center of our relationship ever since. And my consciousness has skyrocketed since that shift. So I'm only speaking for me. And there's a lot of people with lots of family that are affected. And it has to be a personal choice. It has to be something you know that you get clear guidance on, what's the right thing for you. And I always believe that, that the number one thing to do is if you get your own inner guidance, that's your truth and follow it, no matter how painful it might be. Is that helpful?

Brandon Handley 39:04
It is helpful. It is helpful, right? Everybody's journey is certainly their own. And you I guess one question that comes out of that, for me is, you know, why did you fight it to begin with? Right, what took Why did you know? Let's talk a little bit about that fight.

mark youngblood 39:17
You know, I think I mentioned earlier that that we go through these plateaus, and we have these breakthroughs, okay. And this was a breakthrough for me, because I had I had tried to leave that marriage when my son was three years old. And I realized because we continue to go to counseling, and we were just separated. I hadn't done my work that I was, is the least as big a part of the cause of what was going on is her contribution. And what's the point of going somewhere else to ruin that relationship when I I could stay in this So I came back. And you know, and from that point on where we are married 21 years, so is there a long time. And believing meant going through that, again, leaving meant leaving my son who was a junior in high school, it meant going through the pain of a separation, it which is no picnic, and it wasn't, you know, it was it was extremely difficult. And so I kept rationalizing it away, because it was that doing it would have been too painful. And spirit told me three distinctly clear times, move on, it's, it's time to go until there was a breaking point, something happened. And that was it. That was it couldn't stay anymore. And it was certainly the right thing. But that's what I would say, is that I was clinging to a smallness, you know, I was clinging to a smallness,

Brandon Handley 40:56
claim to a smaller thing, you know, as you were talking, just jot it down, like, you know, pain and fear, right? Like, who wants to go through all that? I mean, you know, like, you know, you've invested a lot of time, and energy, right, and believe that So,

mark youngblood 41:10
oh, friends, you got to remember, you know, you've built up 21 years of friendships and all that. And, you know, you have to everyone has to ask themselves, if the end of my life, what will have mattered, that I played small, and I didn't upset people around me, or that I followed my truth. And I'm broke through and I would I had this massive shift in my consciousness. Yeah. And that's something I think about all the time, there'll be a point when we check out when not one thing on this planet is going to matter. Right? It's kind of matter is the evolution that you achieved. Right, this spiritual evolution. Now,

Brandon Handley 41:49
that's, that's great. Thanks for sharing. I mean, I think that that's, that's really helpful for for people that, you know, who feel like they are kind of hindered by the things or you feel like they want to try and make it forward. And, you know, they, they, they're suffering through a lot of the same stuff that you suffered, right, like the pain and the fear. And, you know, is, is something better on the other side of that, and for you something was right. And yeah,

mark youngblood 42:15
well, here's what I would say to that, if you don't mind me stepping in here, I don't know is that when you say yes to your journey, Providence moves, that Spirit will come to you. And spirit will bring people it will bring the resources you need, it will bring the opportunities, it will support you and moving forward on your path.

Brandon Handley 42:38
Because it's like that trust game, right? Where you fall backwards. And you know, I'm a big fan of Alan Watts, right? Where he, you know, he's got that one, we're just looking to trust the universe is another, right, and, you know, universe to be your friend. Let's talk a little bit about that. And thanks for sharing, you know, kind of the journey into that space and kind of how to navigate going forward. Let's talk a little bit about some of the programs that you've created. I know, you've got a couple books out there as well. Yeah, what did you know what is uh, you know, the program you've got coming up here. So Mark?

mark youngblood 43:12
Well, I would say the first thing people would want to explore would be the soul side community that is available for people to join. And, you know, you're a member of that brain and you know, how magnificent You know, this experience is and, and how much evolution can come from it, and how much good can come from it. And when you join, you don't just get to come into the community, and have, you know, all those people surrounding you and being supported and being able to show up now, let's see more about that in a moment. But you're also going to come in, you're going to get some initial training for free. And initial training is the sole connection and divine guidance trainings, because job one remembering is to learn how to connect with yourself. So the very first thing you're going to get when you come in is how to do that. And there's I think there's seven or eight lessons in that that are really powerful lessons, to in just a matter of a few weeks, achieving that goal for you, is to be able to have that connection. And to get that guidance, and the community itself. I provide content every week, you get some new information that will help you to learn and grow, provide new tools, new tips, we have group calls, zoom calls, that we get together and talk about a topic and everybody gets to share their point of view. And, and if you have questions about life, about your own situation about any of the training that you're going through, then you can bring them up there and you're going to get answered about one of the things you asked earlier. You know, and you're making the comment that the people don't ask for help because of this whole, you know, the strong you know, gotta be strong, do it yourself. But there's another reason The other reason is the lack of safety. And that's one of the things that community provides, is it is such a safe place, it's utterly private, no one can see what's happening in there. Everyone's committed to everyone else, no one gets invalidated, nobody gets shamed, that you can say anything you need to say. And then people are baring their souls about crises that they're having. And Kim, you know, helped me have the strength to move through it. You know, we don't, we don't fix it for anybody, what we do is support you in having the strength and, and knowing how to do it for yourself. And that's one of the great beauties of this, as most people, most people never had a relationship. So honest, you know, so open, and so willing to be seen, and, and for others to be gentle, when you are trying to be seen. And it's about kind of the messiness in your life. Right.

Brandon Handley 46:00
Absolutely. Real Humpty Dumpty stuff, right, like I fall down and all the king's men Couldn't put back together again, but like, you know, it is it is I love the idea of not fixing it for you. Right, I think helping others to fix it themselves with with the support of the community. Yes. Right. And not only, you know, with the supportive community, but with with some new tools, and not just with new tools. But hey, here's how to apply these tools. Yes, what you offering do a really wonderful job. And one of the things that I like I love about what you put out there, and the support that you offer, and the community offers is patience. Right, right. And it takes it takes patience, because sometimes people like myself, you know, for example, they always get it right the first time. I know, that comes this sounds crazy. But you know, and so, you know, you work with it through to a solution for people. And another thing that you you offer offer, often that I see posts is you asked for prayers for people, right? Yes, I love that you do that. Right. So I think that that's something that's kind of underestimated the power of prayer, or we, you know, good vibes, or whatever you need to call it right, you know, I let's all send like, you know, concentrated thought of good thought and healing towards this one space. And so, I enjoy that you do that? I don't think I've ever shared that with you before. So, you know, I think that that's a real powerful tool that you're helping others to see for themselves. Yeah, one of the other tools that you you've given a couple of free transformational coaches assessments to me personally, yeah, I found them to be I was just thinking about it earlier. So the, the work that you do is so surgical. Right. But it's, you know, when you think about it word for it really is though, is surgical, like and, you know, not like, you know, I'm a barber from the 1800s surgical, but like laser surgery, and where it doesn't feel like I'm being you know, beaten and battered to our conversation, there's a there's a true, it's not invasive, and I come out of it. And like, there's like this, this is, you know, just amazing feeling. So I think that, you know, that's, that's awesome. And you share those with people through the group as well. The right wanted to, you know, once you just really quick, let's walk through doing like, you know, I love the kind of the clearing the energy thing, walk, walk, walk us through, you know, we kind of do the cyclone process, right? Yeah, yeah, yeah.

mark youngblood 48:44
So, this would be a great thing, that's a tool you can everyone can begin using right away. And it's the idea that our energy body, you know, it interacts at an energetic level with everything and everyone, and we pick up other people's energy, we also kind of off gassing our own negative energy. And if you ever saw the movie peanuts, and the little boy that walked on and, and dust just fell off them, that's, that's what our energy bodies look like, they're really generally dirty. But there's a very simple technique that gives you two versions of it, that you can use to clean this out and wash it out. And one of them is just thinking, imagining a white waterfall, you're, you're standing on a waterfall of white sparkling light, that's washing down through every part of your energy field all the way out to the edges of your RF through every cell of your body, washing any loose or negative energy negative, and then a kind of evil way but negative in a heavy vibration way. So it's washing this energy out and just visualize that and you can almost imagine water, this clean water coming in and then it gets dirty as it as it flushes this out. And you'll you'll start to have sensations you'll feel lighter, cooler, often. So that's the white waterfall, and a more powerful version. But different people respond to different forms of this is to imagine like a whirlwind like a tornado, that is a brilliant white light starting 30 feet above your head, coming down to the center of your body and out larger than your whole energy field, sweeping out that that heavy energy sweeping out the cells of your body, and then carrying that down 30 feet in the earth, and it deposits it there because there's beings that will consume consume that energy, because it's just, it's just heavy energy. It's nothing bad or toxic or bad. It's just heavy, and you want it out of your field.

Brandon Handley 50:42
Now, thanks for sharing that. And I always find that to be I always find that process to be super helpful, right? It's just yeah, helps me feel lighter, brighter, like, I've just been Clorox or something.

mark youngblood 50:56
Well, and you want to do it many times a day. Anytime you've gone out, and you've been around people, before you go to bed, it'll help you sleep when you first get up. You know, you had a lot of people when they're taking a shower, it's a good reminder, I'm in the shower, let me just do a white waterfall on in the shower. And I call it energy hygiene. Yeah. And you keep your energy clean, just like you do your body. It's one of many tools that are important. Like

Brandon Handley 51:22
something else you you hit on during that that I know that I've been personally struggling with is that when you think about the idea of you talks about kind of washing this energy away, or getting you know the cyclone to deposit this other energy. Yeah, and using the word negative simply because we don't have a better term for it. But But what you're saying, and I'm hearing, and it's great for me, because I've always been like, well, I just want to be like all positive energy. So I'm gonna breathing positive, and I'm gonna read out positive and I'm not trying to bring any detriment to anybody anywhere. I'm gonna say it's the idea is the idea of, you know, that energy, the may not be benefiting me may be benefiting something somewhere else. I like to thank you. Yes, that's very helpful. Yeah, like, I'm

mark youngblood 52:20
okay. Right. It's just, it's just frequencies, right? Maybe we should call heavy because it's heavy, this heavy energy that you want.

Brandon Handley 52:31
Yeah, yeah, no, and that's helpful, right? Just the idea of, of, of that, which isn't serving me may serve something or someone else. And in a positive, beneficial manner,

mark youngblood 52:44
right. By the way, one final thought on this is I may, is, every time you do any sort of healing work, energy work, meditation, yoga, you want to do one of those waterfalls, or whirlwinds. Because you're breaking up at least little bits of energy. And if you don't flush them out, they'll congeal onto the structures of your energy body, and it's still heavy. Yeah, getting there. So so just clean it out and let it go. And that's how your vibration pops up and up and up and up. And you can imagine, you know, doing that, in the eating the chocolate elephant form of doing healing techniques, fleshing that out, how it just gets lighter, and lighter and lighter, and all of a sudden, you start to be intuitive. All of a sudden, you start to understand things, all of a sudden, you have greater emotional control, because more of your light is shining out. And you're not having to try as hard anymore, to be a more magnificent, radiant person. That's how it works.

Brandon Handley 53:43
It's great. And thanks again, Mark. I mean, this is I actually I want to hit on one more thing is, is your book The the emotional mastery, but it wasn't the emotional mastery of the book that you share with me. I wanted to mention that book real quick to people as a tool that Mark has craves, really, really well done. And I think that that's another space that men in America, especially shy away from, right is dealing with their emotions. Yeah. So this job, maybe a five minute segment on how the how to start that work as a guy, right? Yeah, show mastery. Yeah.

mark youngblood 54:23
Oh, my gosh. You know, it's interesting that you bring that up. You know, I've got to two communities. And the ratio of women to men is about 75 to 80% women, and they're balanced as men. And we needed 5050 we need a lot more men to get on board with it. But the book is called dear human, mastering your emotions, dear human master your emotions, and I have a bunch of tools in there. That's a really great book. And you know this brand and but I don't think this audience is hurt yet. In the other part of my world I'm an executive coach, I work with CEOs and corporations and their teams, their senior team on how to be exceptional leaders. That's your long program, one on one work, very intensive, and it's all about consciousness. And these people brain And to your point, they'll do an assessment and assessment comes in and goes, your emotions are shut down. And so a big part of the work is to get them to, you know, reclaim their emotions reclaim their body. And and also to not let those emotions run them. And to be we call it the pilot or autopilot who's in charge here. Is your reactivity, your autopilot, and subconscious reactions running things, or is your pilot staying in charge? And then how are you going about that? So we teach tools for that we teach tools for this inner self mastery. And, and that's one thing that men can relate to, you know, if you give them an analytical process that they can see where simple,

Brandon Handley 56:05
yeah, we're simple creatures, we like pictures and things you can see, you know, you know, just tell me a map, and I'll follow it.

mark youngblood 56:13
So here's what I do I teach these tools, I have a tool called during the pain, that when you're triggered, it's a quick visualization to release the emotional energy may affect anyone who joins my email, this gets that immediately. give that away. That's one of those must have tools. And so it's a way that when you lose the charge, your head clears up, and you're able to make better choices. But then there's also, you know, how do you let go of insecurities and he clear those out? You know, how do you? How do you clear out old resentments? You know, what are the practices for that? So, one of the things I have found, as a motivator for men, I believe that was your question is how do we get men moving? What do you care about? Do you care about having a better marriage? Do you care about a better career? Do you care about being a better leader? What's the goal that would make doing this work worth it for you? Because that's what I do with my executive coaches to say, I mean, my executive clients, when I'm coaching them, what's, what do you want to have happen? Well, I want to be able to be a CEO one of these days that, you know, I want to be able to lead this company and really have it grow, I want to have a huge impact on the lives of the people that work for me, awesome. Here's what you have to do to get there. You know, so you can think of it like a Trojan horse, the Trojan horse, is the goal they want, you know, it's the big shiny thing. And inside is the thing that delivers it, okay. And that's transformation. That's the raising of your consciousness, learning how to master your emotions and, and elevating how you see and interpret the world.

Brandon Handley 57:50
That's powerful. Right? So I mean, essentially, you know, what I'm hearing you say is, you know, give them something to make the transformation worth it, right, be like, you know, help them to identify, you know, alright, well, hey, this, this, this massive goal for you in your life that you would like to get to? Well, guess what, the one thing that's keeping you out of, from that space is everything that you've ignored for the past.

Unknown Speaker 58:17
You've done

Brandon Handley 58:18
really well with, you know, you got good grades, you did the right things, and you climbed the right ladders for right here, right now, where you're at, you've got to address the shit that you haven't addressed. My life. And, and, and it's important to write and I think one of the things that I always hit on when I talk with some of my clients, or even just conversations is that, again, especially as men, and I'm sure there's plenty of women out there, too, like, we've been told to shut we feel like we were taught to shut down our emotions. And so we don't even have the the tools. Yeah, to to identify them. And and that's that that doubles the frustration too, right? We're like, wow, what am I feeling? Like? I don't know what it is. Is it anger, frustration is all the things and just gonna lash out? Because you have no way if you don't know what it is, how can you?

mark youngblood 59:16
That's exactly right. And I was raised in a spare the rod spoil the child household. And my father was pretty extreme in his punishment. And then, you know, after he'd beaten us, he would say, Stop crying, or I'm going to give you another reason to cry. And so we just weren't allowed to cry. I mean, I'm sure you've heard that story from other men. Yeah. And of course, their peers shall not simply show any sort of weakness and nothing worse than to be a boy called sissy. So sadly, now, I think it's changing. You know, it's changing. Yeah, I

Brandon Handley 59:50
would say it's changing. It doesn't it doesn't, you know, it's, we're definitely at the changing of the guard, right. We've got, we've got the boomers that you know, kind We still are holding on to, to that as we've got. And I hesitate to call it like an evil society or anything like that. Because again, you know, yeah, I think that each generation serves its purpose. Yeah. move us forward. Right.

Unknown Speaker 1:00:16
Right. Yeah.

Brandon Handley 1:00:18
So to your point that I believe, that I see changing, could it also be that I'm so saturated in this space? That that's all I'm tuned to? I don't know, I'm okay with either one of those two, though, to be honest with you, right. So, in order to address some of this emotional mastery do do check out, first of all, the book that Mark has mentioned, I think that that I think that's very helpful and beneficial. And then, you know, if, if you're looking to join the community, where should we send people mark to go ahead and join the communities? Yeah,

mark youngblood 1:00:57
so there's a free community that I'm in periodically, because I'm finished so much time and salsa community, it's, it's called the radiant soul community on Facebook, and you can just search for it. And it's free, and you can join, that's a public community. So it, you know, it's lovely, but it isn't the place you go to actually tell the truth and do your work, because it's public. But to join the soul side community, here's the link, and I'm going to read it to you. It's go, like the word go dot pathway to Ford slash soul site. So it's go dot pathway to, slash Ford slash salsa. And you'll go to a page that describes what all you get in the community. And you'll see some videos where I've talked to you about it. And it's got a, you know, if you get the money back guarantee, you know, there and it's a 30 days free, so you get to trial for 30 days. And and once you join, you can quit at any time. And and so, you know, what's, you know, what's the risk, right? And you get to keep the training,

Brandon Handley 1:02:18
right, I love it, who is who do you think is an ideal fit for this program?

mark youngblood 1:02:26
I think the ideal fit are the people who are starting their journey. And the people, so beginner to intermediate, I do have training for advanced, it won't be there probably for another year. But for right now, if you're beginner to intermediate, and you're wanting support to really accelerate the transformation of your life, to raise your vibrational frequency to evolve your consciousness. And in doing that transform your world for the better. If you're hungry for that, then this is the place we're going to support you in that, we're going to give you the tools to be able to heal and to and to let go of the stuff that's blocking your soul light from shining. And, and you'll, you'll see dramatic changes and even a year, you know, you'll see dramatic changes in a year.

Brandon Handley 1:03:24
So I'm gonna, I'm gonna just jump in here to and share that I believe that what one of the things that I really enjoy about your community and the materials that you've created to help accelerate the journey, or even facilitate the journey, right, not even necessarily accelerate, it could be there. But it's in a world where there's a lot of Whoo, which I enjoy the hell out of it. Right. I enjoy that content. And in and in the world of, you know, just corporate, you know, follow these rules, lines, and whatever you've created what I would, I would, I would, I would say a happy medium. Yeah. Right. Which which, which allows for anybody in off the streets to come in into a space where, you know, you're not gonna nobody's gonna shove CBD oils in your face. And, you know, you're not gonna get like, I hit a pothole you as soon as you step in, and you can have real honest conversations. There's some other groups that I'm in to where, and I'll not say they're not right or true or anything, but there's something they're not for me, really, they're talking about, like, Oh, I was possessed by a demon. And then they go off on these, like, there's none of that, which makes me feel more comfortable because I feel like I'm surrounded by normal people. Yeah. normal life who are on their journey, right. And so, so no, that's

mark youngblood 1:04:49
that's such a great point. Yeah. Thank you for calling that out. And I think I'm an everyday guy, you know, somebody who can sit down and look eye to eye with the CEO and talk to him. About how to run this business, and also someone who can guide you on a shamanic journey. You know, it's about grounding it. You know, to me, it's all about, can I use it to live a better life? Can I use it to bring more light into the world? Can I use this predictably to evolve my consciousness? And that's what I care about, you know, and that's, I think, what you were pointing out and what you're describing

Brandon Handley 1:05:25
now 100% Exactly. So Mark, thanks for being on today. We can go over to I scroll all the way up to the top we go go that pathway to radiants calm soul side if this is a program that appeals to you, Mark and you'd mentioned a email program to His will. What if they just want to join your email list? How would they do that?

mark youngblood 1:05:50
Yeah, so to join my email list, you want to go to drain the pain calm drain just like the drain in the sink, drain the and you'll see some information there you just sign up and and you'll you'll get a bunch of really great stuff right away including the drain the paint at me. Yeah,

Brandon Handley 1:06:12
I'm just gonna you know keep piling on the the love for Mark and the tools that he's given here during the pain technique is really awesome. super beneficial. That was in one of our we did that one of our sessions. Together, you walk you through it, and I just did the amazing, just just amazing techniques and you're going and you can't sort of stuff you can't describe as this the stuff you've kind of got to experience for yourself and go through it. But so for a few of you listened and you've made it all the way to the end here today. Head on over to drain the pain and check it out and you know, reach out to mark for some of these other awesome communities. Thanks again,

mark youngblood 1:06:48
Mark. All right. Thank you, Brian has been just an absolute pleasure.

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