Jean Walters | Spiritual Transformation Coach

Published: Dec. 20, 2020, 1:57 p.m.

Stop in and check out the conversation that Jean & I had reviewing her recent book “The Journey From Anxiety to Peace: Practical Steps to Handle Fear, Embrace Struggle, and Eliminate Worry to Become Happy and Free".

 Jean Walters is a Saint Louis based teacher of self-empowerment principles for over thirty years.  She has studied metaphysics extensively and applies univeral principles to every area of her life. 

Jean's mission is to guide people to the Light - to encourage, instruct, and assist others to live freely and express from their Highest Selves.  Jean is an Amazon Best Selling Author.

She has been listed in Who's Who over 30 times.

Connect with Jean over at

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Unknown Speaker 0:00
Your journey has been an interesting one up to hear you've questioned so much more than those around you. You've even questioned yourself as to how you could have grown into these thoughts. Am I crazy? When did I begin to think differently? Why do people in general appear so limited in their thought process? Rest assured, you are not alone. The world is slowly waking up to what you already know inside yet can't quite verbalize. Welcome to the spiritual dough podcast, the show that answers the questions you never even knew to ask, but knew the answers to questions about you this world the people in it? Most importantly, how do I proceed? Now moving forward? We don't have to have all the answers but we sure do love living in the question. I for another head of spiritual dub with your host, Brandon Handley. Let's get right into today's episode.

Brandon Handley 0:42
Hey there spiritual dope. I'm on today with Jean Walters. She's the author of the journey from anxiety to peace, practical steps to handle fear, embrace, struggle and eliminate worry to become happy and free. Now Jean has written a large number of other books and has you know, she's been at the forefront in this movement for personal transformation, clarity and truth for over 40 years through her writings, consulting coaching and Akashic Record readings, which we got to talk about for people all over the world. She's been a consistent source of light, clarity and inspiration, she's intention and commitment to deepest truth have brought her to share her wisdom and guidance to 10s of 1000s of clients and students as the leading authority on metaphysics, she promotes deep spiritual connection and enlightenment. She's authored articles and columns and major newspapers and magazines all over the United States, and is a best selling author on There's quite a bit more here, which will be part of the post. But your overall mission gene is to lead people to light to encourage, guide and assist others to live freely and express from their highest selves. Yes,

Unknown Speaker 1:52
thank you, instead.

Brandon Handley 1:55
Thank you. Thank you, and thank you for being on today really looking forward to the conversation happened for a little bit here. Now, one of the things that we touched on there, see Akashic Record reading, and I think it's gonna play really well into how I like to open these up. And that is, there's somebody who is listening to this podcast today. And as you and I are designed more as like these vessels for energy to speak through, right? What is that message that somebody needs to hear from you today? That's kind of sources speaking through you,

Jeane Walters 2:30
you know what, as we talk, they're going to find their message. So we'll probably cover a range of topics and ideas through this podcast, but something's going to stand out to each person that listens, that at the end of every class, I say to this, who is what was it that stood out to you tonight, and they always have something and the point of it is, is that you're going to hear something different than maybe I do, but it's going to resonate to exactly where we are in life. And that always works. It's, it always works because spirit is omnipresent, omniscient, omnipotent, and it's always there, we're in it, we're above it, we're living in it, we're breathing it. And so we're constantly being guided every single day to what it is that we need to understand, change, let go of move forward with the opportunities are there. So somebody I what you really, I hope people will email you and say, Hey, this is what I heard. That would be wonderful for you. And then you're pass that on to me. And we'll both we'll both celebrate. How's that?

Brandon Handley 3:32
Absolutely. I love that. Right? That says nothing better than somebody reaching out to you and letting you know how you've impacted them. Yes. And And to your point, you never know what is they're going to hear or receive. And they come back with some of the kind of uncanny things like, wow, okay, I didn't hear that in the conversation. But I'm glad you did.

Jeane Walters 3:52
And people call me like, 40 years later and go, you said this, and it changed my whole world. And I went, Oh, well, that's cool. I don't remember saying it sounds like something I would say.

Unknown Speaker 4:05

Jeane Walters 4:06
It's always thrilling when that I get that kind of feedback.

Brandon Handley 4:09
That is absolutely. So let me let's talk a second about how you found yourself in this space to begin with. And I love the listeners to understand that and a lot of us, myself included, I mean, I'm probably three or four years into this kind of journey myself. So I'm super curious to hear how you came into it and how you stuck with it and what that's done for you.

Jeane Walters 4:29
Yes, well, I had the opportunity to grow up with a very fear based mother and so she was a constantly worried constantly anxious and pretty much a wreck and today we would probably have diagnosed or medicated her and you know, so forth. But back then we didn't do any of that stuff. But she was she was everything I read accuse her that you could make a hangnail into cancer, you know, because everything was just disastrous. So I I didn't like it and I was constantly talking trying to talk Come out of it. And I was trying, I was pointing out things that she could be happy about all the time. And so we were fighting, and we were, we were like on opposite ends of things. But the thing that occurred to me is that I'm going to find another way, I'm going to find another way. In fact, I'm going to eliminate worry from my life. And, and that's exactly what my journey was started. You know, I started reading and studying and finding ways and this was before you heard about meditation, and now it's rampant. But this was before that, and I did, I went into some metaphysics classes, I learned to meditate. I read the Bhagavad Gita, I read the life of masters of the Far East, I just gobbled it up. And but the thing is that I learned how to practice it, because I have a very practical side to me where I don't want to just hear about it. And I don't want to read about it, I want to do it. So that's how it moved me forward into a different kind of lifestyle. So I can say that I have eliminated worry from life, because I see that there's another way to be, you can get above the things that are going on, and you can look at it from another dimension, and you can get your answers that way. But when people Meyer themselves, and I mean, that's the right word, Meyer themselves into trauma and drama, and so forth, all they can see is more trauma and drama. And that's what was going on with my mother. So she was unable, she was unwilling, I think, in many ways, she was unwilling to actually look at life from another point of view. But I at the very end, she was she actually thanked me and was very respectful, which I thought was pretty amazing. For someone like that, you know, it I I saw her anxiety affecting her health, and I really knew that it was affecting all of us as a family. So anyway, I don't know, I think, I think that was a gift in many ways, because it really motivated me to look beyond to find other ways to dealing with life. And there are answers everywhere. I mean, Jesus gave us a lot of answers. So did Buddha, and probably every other master that we could study, you know, they all had the same kind of answers to help us though.

Brandon Handley 7:14
I love it. Um, it you know, when you when you say it like that the the idea, even like we already said is that, you know, you've got Buddha, you got Jesus, and they've got their, you know, they're their kind of doctrine, if you will, or at least knowledge that then wisdom that they passed on. But each person is kind of going to have a different approach to that. And they're only going to be able to hear maybe so much from from one of those. So you need, I think you need all those different flavors, if you will, so that everybody's able to kind of come at it from a different direction.

Jeane Walters 7:45
Well, they were kind of like the finger pointing in the direction, basically, I don't think they were here to be worship. In fact, I don't I know for a fact that they did not, that was never their intention, but they pointed the finger in a direction and the direction is really self mastery. So that's, you know, basically what I'm getting to more in this book is how to manage how to take control of your own mind. because your mind is the part of you that creates your experience. And if we're constantly looking at what if this, and what of that and what I should be afraid of today, then we're gonna constantly be creating, you know, an experience of fear and drama and pain and suffering, which is unnecessary. But we have but is it by discipline, because we have been surrounded with all kinds of negative messages. I mean, just all you have to do is turn on the TV for five minutes, and you've got a half a dozen right there. So we have to choose very carefully who we allow in our life, what kind of activities we partake in how we choose to look at these things. And you know, it's like, I think you and I were talking a little bit earlier that an opportunity can show up or, you know, to meet a certain person or to try a new experience, what I've learned to do is listen to my intuition and go, is this something I need to do? Is this some business, right? And when it clicks, as I say, what sort of clips then I move forward with it. And I think anybody can do that. It's not magic or anything, but we have to train our minds so that we're actually receptive. Also, people tend not to create goals, they don't decide this is, like I said, early, you know, I want to learn away so worries, not even part of my life. And I so that was a focus. And because of that focus, I took all the steps to move in that direction. It didn't happen overnight. But I learned and I think that's the thing that people have to understand is that this is not this is not like a lightning strike that hits you and all of a sudden you're aware, but but it's a matter of steps because we we have to in many ways we have to move beyond the the ideas and beliefs that we were taught you know, I that's a big thing that I do is I help people recognize where they got stuck, what kind of belief they bought into that has kind of in many ways messed up their life. And unworthiness is a universal thing. You know, and they base it on the craziest stuff, you know, be I'm unworthy just because I must be because that's what I was taught. That's silly.

Brandon Handley 10:24
Yeah, like that. I mean, you talked about one in the book to the, the, he talks about kind of putting yourself not first, right, because, you know, some of you are maybe smarter or raver come to answers ahead of others. So you learned a lesson, you thought the lesson then was, hey, I need to hold back and let the rest of the group catch up. You want to talk about that for a second, and maybe how you broke through that one?

Jeane Walters 10:48
Here. Yeah, that was a very powerful remembrance that I had. And it was only a few years ago, I remember that. And then it kind of made sense to me how I had been conducting my life. But I'm a twin. And my twin sister was always a little bit behind on certain things like math and things like that. And so I was constantly like, you know, Gene, teach Jane, you know, Gene, she doesn't get it work with her. And so I learned how to be a teacher early in life. But one day, my mother, my sister, and I, and we were together with our third grade teacher. And she said to my mom, Jean is ahead of the class, and she could skip the next grade. But Jane is with the class and she's right where she needs to be. So I think you should hold Jean back, because it would embarrass Jane. So think about all the messages that were there, you know, the message is, Jane's embarrassment is way more important than jeans moving where she needs to be. And, and so I was basically taught to be ahead, or to be in some way smarter, was not the thing that was going to be honored, what was going to be honored. And this was definitely honored and my family, the poor, the victim, the poor, poor me person, that was the one that got the attention. So I disengaged early in life and became very independent. Because I saw this phenomena I saw really that you know, and I would even try to talk her out of it. Now I can change, you can do this, of course, you can do this. So later in life, I realized, oh my gosh, that's a phenomena that has taken hold in my life like I hold back, because I know the answer, but they don't. So I'll wait. And I and I have done that I did that. It really made me very mad, which was a good thing. Because I was I wasn't mad at myself for buying into it. But of course, I was a kid at the time. And I think some of the people in your audience are going to this is going to resonate to them, I really do believe. But at the same time, I thought no more. I'm never holding back again. And so that became my credo from there that point forward is like, if I feel an urge to take a trip, or learn a new subject, or speak in front of crowds, or whatever, doing it, I'm doing it. And even if it scares the crap out of me, I'm going to go do it anyway. In fact, I'm going to do it twice as hard.

Brandon Handley 13:16
Yeah, one of the things that I heard another two is a, Your Honor, anger almost a little bit, right, you had this energy. Yeah, this is something that recently for me, had always been dismissive, kind of, of like, my anger or whatever. And more to your point, like when you grow up, you know, you, your parents be like, Well, you can't be mad at this. Can't be mad at that. So it's like a kind of a depression, right? Well, I guess I won't be angry at this, and I won't be angry and mad the other day, and, and it was a, I just held it for a minute. I was like, You know what, that's I'm just angry. And that's okay. You know what, that's that's what that emotion is that I'm feeling. And you could take it from there and redirect it right. And, you know, kind of redirect that energy. But there's no sense in not acknowledging it for what it is to open this other door for you. Right, that, you know, that anger, that frustration when you found it and acknowledged it opened a new door for you?

Jeane Walters 14:09
Yes, it did. And also, the other thing I would urge people to do is when they feel that anger to ask themselves some questions, what am I really angry about? Because I can say I'm angry at my teacher, I'm angry at my mom, I'm angry at my sister. But really, it was me that took on the message and said, Okay, now you have to hold back. They didn't say it. I just said it to myself. And that's what happens with most people. They take something and then they internalize it and make it about themselves. You know, and though that's so those are some of the things we're in what I work with someone I can catch that and go, this is what I heard you saying this is where you're telling yourself you can't move forward. Right? And when a lot of times when they just see it, it's like whammo, you know, like for me, it was a breakthrough. And, and for them, it could be a breakthrough. too, so we have a lot of breakthroughs in life if we learn to use them. I don't think anger is bad. I think it's really hard on you if you live in anger.

Brandon Handley 15:09
Sure, sure. I mean, again, like SOS It was a I've been dismissive of anger, right? And kind of like I had like, a wall off from from accepting or acknowledging the emotion versus Okay, that's anger, you know, to your point. Where's that coming from? Why am I feeling it? Am I angry at me? Or the situation? Right, you know, just don't even pretend.

Jeane Walters 15:32
What do I believe that I'm angry about? Sure.

Brandon Handley 15:34
Yeah, I mean, because the opportunity to kind of take one step back away from it. And I love that you kind of talked about this in the book, tuners, a.

Jeane Walters 15:42
angers powerful. Yeah, it's very powerful. And I what I notice about anger is we people get angry, when it's time to take a step forward. Anger is like something that serves you, if you use the power of it to move forward. Yeah,

Brandon Handley 15:58
yes, it's making me think it's making me think of the thrust of wings, right? Like, you're right. I'm just gonna get every lift off out of here. So

Unknown Speaker 16:07
so I really Yeah,

Brandon Handley 16:09
I like that, too. So and one of the things that to anxiety that your book is kind of covering anxiety, right, how to go from anxiety to another. And, and one of the ideas that struck me, and I'm not sure if this is true, like you are not on anxiety, but like, to me anxiety is kind of like this energy source and not being able to direct it right, appropriately. And, and so you're just kind of like, ooh, what do I do with all this, and then having no internal or external appropriate, quote, unquote, direction causes this, this anxious thing happens, that makes sense,

Jeane Walters 16:42
oftentimes, is being in it, whatever the in it is, you know. But one, one thing I would say, and I say, to give you an immediate change, is if you're sitting, then get up, or if you're inside, go outside, whatever you're doing, stop that and do something different. Just shift it, shift the energy, and just like that, you'll get some relief. But once you like, let go of what you're doing and where you're at, then you can actually move your mind to a higher place, like imagine that you're sitting on top of a mountain, and you're looking down at the problem, whatever you think the problem is, and you're just sitting there observing it, without any feeling, just watching it, your mind will now be open to some other ways of dealing with some possibilities will come through. But we have to shift our mind to get out of that mindset first, you know, and most of the time, we're anxious because we're feeling helpless, or it but the truth of the matter is, you're you're never really helpless. You, you can always do something different. You know, even if it's like, stop everything, go to the gym for a while or just get outside and take a short walk five minutes, you'll come back, you'll you'll be have a new fresh mind, your mind will always channel your answers, if you discipline your mind to be able to do that. Do you want to talk about that?

Brandon Handley 18:07
Yeah, I do. So I think he talks about it in the book too, right? And I'll give you just my perspective. And see we'll play off of that if that's okay, you know, just kind of, you know, your, your your consciousness, like what we're eminently aware of, like, I can see you You can see me we can hear this conversation, but the, to leverage it as kind of a filter as to kind of what you accept, assess like the, we'll call it the 5%. Right? That's my active brain. And then my subconscious is the rest of my brain like another 95% of there's like, this is the thing that breeds my breath, does my blood draws my hair knows, I don't know how to do any of that. But I'm doing it right. So once I realized I'm doing all these super powerful things already, I'm like, Well, why don't I toss this question that like this 5% of like, my brain does, like, there's a squirrel type stuff, right? I'm like, Alright, well, I tossed you know, the the one that's got the capability to breed the breath and do all these things. I'm going to toss the I'm gonna toss the question to that. Yeah. And, and, and just walk away? Because I don't know that I mean, so how is your approach similar? Where would you you know, I'm sure yours is different. But I'm just curious. So

Jeane Walters 19:20
no, I love that. But because it's like getting into the not knowing is what I call it getting into not knowing is powerful. And the reason it's powerful is because we open our mind to the field that knows, but we can't open our mind to the field that knows, as long as we're going, Well, I know what I have to do. And I'm going to do this and I'm going to do that. And this is way we've always done it and so forth. And all we're doing was is on the dribble. We'll go around it. Yeah. So if you take if you go to not knowing and go, I don't know. I don't know. I don't know it. I just think there's tremendous power in that. My method is to meditate and so basically What I'm doing is going into my 5%, as you would call it into my Viber set and just yielding to it, and allowing myself to just live in that spaciousness, because it's very spacious. And to just be there, and whether if I have a question, okay, but sometimes I just go, there could be in the spaciousness, what it does is condition, your mind that it conditions your mind, and your mind is way bigger than your brain, by the way. But I know you know that. It conditions you to be able to live in this spaciousness all the time. So a lot of people don't understand it, because it's very nebulous. I mean, there's not a forum to it, you know, and we like to have forms to everything. But anyway, once we learn to practice that, you'll notice that people who meditate regularly are calmer, they don't tend to be reactive, so much. They're just they just healthier, because the blood pressure goes down. I mean, all of this been documented. But I love your idea about, go to the 5%. And just listen to that for a while. When you meditate. After a while your intuition gets stronger and stronger. We all have intuition everybody does, but it gets stronger, stronger to where you're really learning how to listen to it all.

Brandon Handley 21:15
Thank you. And then you know, kind of the idea of, you know, what you focus on, right? I mean, that's the other thing too, right? If you focus on that victimhood, you know what happens, right, and then how I weigh it, let's talk a little bit about that. And maybe how you've gotten some clients to shift?

Jeane Walters 21:32
Well, first of all, you have to point it out to them. And, you know, if they're real attached to it, they don't like it. If you put it, but but you know, I feel like my job is my job. And if they come here, then they're ready for me. So you have to point out that Oh, my gosh, you sound very much like a victim, you know, like, and you're letting this person run you. And I pointed out a lot, you know, I mean, people do it. Like you're letting the news run you right now and you're letting the politics and what everybody's saying run you I had a little girl in here. She's 18 very cute. And she said, I asked her a question about how do you feel about that? And she said, Well, I I have to I have to talk to my friends. And I go, No, no, no, no, I don't want to consensus. I only want to hear what you have to say about it. What do you feel? And she was like a deer in the headlight. She She was so not used to just coming from our own heart. But when I said, No, wait, just tell me what you think she did. And she was so clear and so perfect. And I was hoping that that was the moment she walked away with that, that she doesn't need a consensus to figure out what she what she feels. So but I think that's kind of typical. I hear it a lot like, well, so and so said this, and so and so said that I went and what are their credentials now?

Brandon Handley 22:51
Yeah, I mean, you know, look, we've been, we've been conditioned to look for others for answers all the time, right? School, go through school. Everybody else in front of us got the answers. Yeah, you're at home, you know, your parents have the answers for what's best for you. And even as a parent, right, like, I realized, I don't have the best answers for my own children. Right, like, but that's how we grew up. Right. That's kind of how we grew up. I think that I'd be curious on your take, too. Are you seeing from you know, you've been you've been at this for a little bit now. Are you seeing a pickup, a rise in consciousness and awareness? I like to I like the word awareness, I think more Are you seeing present arise?

Jeane Walters 23:33
I do. I think this whole time period that we're in right now is chaotic, but the thing about it is, is we're moving as a whole quantum field, we're moving into a different part of our growth, we're changing from a very masculine, you know, very aggressive kind of energy into a calmer, more nurturing energy. And it's kind of a mess. I mean, we're, we're moving from one to the other. We're not in one completely. We're not in the other completely. So it's kind of mixed up right now. But but it's all moving. And if we look around we go. There's people being very kind. There's people. Here's something I hear all the time, I'm simplifying my life, I'm simplifying my life, I'm giving everything away. You know, I don't want to have all this stuff anymore. And I think that's a sign that's a sign and I'm here at least every day, that people are just moving into a simpler energy. They don't want to be cluttered anymore. Yeah, they don't want to be owned by the what they own found out

Brandon Handley 24:33
that I mean, because he owned you, and the things that you have basically own you right and that or identify you and

Jeane Walters 24:43
you have to take care of them. You know, they're taking space in your house, or you're paying for their space that they're sitting in a box on the shelf. That'll never be in

Brandon Handley 24:51
the boxes. Lots of boxes. One of the things that you've got in the book I really enjoyed too, and I think you touched on it for Second, is that in your spiritual nature, you are also perfect. Right? We talk about this reminds me of a line that I heard from Bob Proctor a lot. It's just like your spiritual DNA is perfect. Yes. Right. So what do you mean by that? Like? And how can how can I begin to use that as a seed for my own greatness?

Jeane Walters 25:22
What a lovely question. When you see a baby, you see pure light and energy you see love, you see inquisitiveness, you see, adventure, you know, you see, what is this? And what is that? And how does it work, and I want to do it, and you see joy and laughter, right, that's our true nature. And so what we do tend to do is look at our body, we look at our things, we look at our form, and then we judge Well, you know, my nose is too big, or my losing hair, whatever it is, we make up in our mind. And we make that, you know, I, I, this thing about finding, you know, finding something wrong with you. I mean, a lot of that has been grown out of religion as a matter of fact, but as pure as pure energy. And when in the violences, God made light and called it good. And if you look, if quantum physicists look deep, they say take a microscope and look deep, deep, deep into everything, every substance, and you what you'll find is light. So that means if you look inside of us, you're going to find light. I've seen it since I was a little kid the light. But so that's who we are, we are the light, but we've taken on all these other identities. So. So when we're rebel, for instance, then we're living out of rebelliousness, which can be a good thing or a bad thing, depending on how we use it. But we're forgetting that who we are as a as a being is perfect. So that means when we come from love, we're perfect. But we're always perfect. As a spiritual being, we're always always perfect. It's when we identify with something beyond that, that's when we get in trouble. That's when we that's when we look at ourselves and find fault and judgment and so forth. Does that make sense? Is that

Brandon Handley 27:13
it does, I enjoy that. It's just so once you realize I yeah, once you realize that, you know, applying that right? And so I think, you know, for example, what I do is I once I realized that I used that as a seed for just to let my spirit grow, right? Not necessarily make myself feel better about anything, but just to realize that creature of divinity creature, the light, right type of thing, and again, spiritual DNA is perfect. So what am i growing? You know, I'm you look, I'm not gonna sit here and say, I'm perfect. You belong in

Jeane Walters 27:49
consciousness to have that awareness that you are in every moment, that perfect self. Yeah, you know, and that means if you fall off your bike, you just get back up and get on your bike, it doesn't mean anything about you. It doesn't mean you're a bad bike rider or that you're a klutz, or anything else, it just means you fell off your bike. Sure, all that life is that, you know, we define ourselves too much at the times, but what we did or did not do, and, and that's, it's good to learn from those things. But it's not okay to define yourself as a loser, or even a winner or, because that's a definition again, and it live, every definition limits ourselves. It Right now, we said we're probably going to Democrat, we're an independent, we're, we're, we're limiting ourselves, because then we had to fit into that mold, whatever we dream up that mold to be. And we're, we're we're more than that. We're more than that. So I think this whole idea that we have spiritual, our spiritual DNA is perfect is realizing that whatever direction we go, we're gonna find our way.

Brandon Handley 28:57
Let's talk about that a little bit, too, because I really love that you hit on that in the book as well, you know, kind of no matter what choice you make, you're gonna be okay. Right. So let's talk to the audience a little bit about that. And maybe some examples of where you seen that play out for yourself.

Jeane Walters 29:14
Well, divorce. I mean, the first time I got a divorce, it was like, Oh, my God, you know, it was a stigma. And yet at the same time, and I've worked with so many people and picked on was there's more diverse people than there are people are long term marriage, you know, that allowed, you know, I feel like there's a theme and a purpose to every marriage and every relationship, for instance. And that when you maybe it's to help you that my first marriage was to help me become very strong and independent, and to learn how to be responsible. I had four kids, you know, so there was a lot of responsibility there and I learned it but there was a point at which I needed to grow beyond that, and I was not going to be Be able to I was going to be held back again, hold back. So it was time to move on and and find another way. So is that a failure? Is that a success? What is it? You know, it's To me, it's like, it's not even falling off your bike, it's just realizing this particular part of the pathway is now complete. And I like the idea of going you completed that graduated from that. And because I think that's a more accurate way of looking at things than to say, Oh, that was so sorry, that failed for you. And it didn't fail. You know, it was a great success. I was even confronted someone on the radio, and he said, Oh, boy, you're just saying whatever you're saying, because your marriage failed. And I said, I didn't have a failure of a marriage. My marriage was perfect. You know, it got me exactly where I needed to be. And hopefully him too, depending on because willingness, you know, but I think that's a really typical example for a lot of people. And the same thing is true with jobs. I've seen people there was a fellow I met who was a head engineer at this company. And he had been there a long time. And he was going to be a lifer. And something happened in the company, that and they went down, the buck fell on his desk, and they said, you know, your fire, you can't be here anymore. And he, first of all, he grieved. And then he said, Wait a minute, I've always wanted to start my own company. And he said, I never would have done that as long as I was in that situation. And so he started his own company was very, very successful. So I think that that's how I look at things that happen for me and with other people is that there's beginnings, and there's endings, there's always beginnings. And the first time I did a lecture, I was a total mess. But I know I was scared. And so what I did was, of course, I did it. And it was not very good. But each time then I went out to do a lecture I asked myself, so what exactly happened just then? And when did you get comfortable? And what made you comfortable? And when I started answering those questions and looking at the whole experience, I realized, when I decided to shift my attention to the audience, and not to me, I was fine after that. So. So that's why the transitioning, inexperienced is a wonderful thing. Because you you can learn so many beautiful truths, by just observing it and asking yourself some questions. But the second you start judging it, then you're, you're kind of lost, because now it's a bad experience. You know, I've heard people told me that being sick was the best thing that ever happened to them, because they realized they weren't doing what they really wanted to do. And they can one gal one fella told me, he decided to become a clown. And he said, I've always wanted to be a clown. And so he decided to become a clown, because he got sick. And he realized I can't waste my life anymore. So those are the things that I just really get a lot of inspiration from that. That's kind of how I conducted myself.

Brandon Handley 33:11
So if you're sick, you know, you're not doing what you maybe you should be doing. realign yourself. And so I think that that's, that's also a lot of fun. And I think that there was, you know, another similar relationship that you mentioned in the book, too, that I thought was pretty cool, right? Like, there was a woman who had grown past that kind of relationship, but it was her self that needed the focus. And so she gave herself the focus. And it was just within that, that time that you know, she became happier and kind of let go with some other aspects in the relationship that she been giving energy and attention to, and therefore how to happier relationship.

Jeane Walters 33:49
Yes, yeah, right. That happens all the time. Yep, sometime, Brandon. And because we were so sort of programmed with this idea that we're here for everybody else. And I love the idea of service. I love the idea of service. But I think the first person I serve is me, you know, because there's no way I can serve anyone else if I don't pay if I haven't nurtured the quality wisdom within my own self, you know? So yeah, my mother was a great martyr. And we all all three of the girls learn Marty damn well, but I would catch it and go, Oh, my God, that's my mother. And, you know, and I need to stop and reevaluate and go, Wow, how much do I give and how do I give and what really works for me because I am a giver. But I don't want to exclude myself in the process, because that's part of what made her sick. And it makes everybody sick.

Brandon Handley 34:51
Let's uh, right. So, you know, kind of what you're saying to and you also said this in the book, give, give, give like friendship. Brain give of yourself and I love the I forget where I heard it, but you're, you know, you are the giver and the gift. Yes. So So what does that mean to you and just share that with with the group.

Jeane Walters 35:15
We have energy coming in through us all day long it comes into us. And then our job is to give it out. Okay, so we can give it out through a smile. And we can give it out through applause. Or we can give it out through supporting someone or we can give it out through writing a book or doing a podcast or giving out energy. And so many if we don't know how to do that, well, if we're not following the our own inner voice, and if I'm an artist, I want to give art, if I'm counselor, I want to give help and wisdom and support. So when we're when we're listening to that we're giving it but what happens is it comes right, the energy comes right back into us only it's multiplied. So giving is a very powerful thing. And the giver is is the one that gets the most out of it. But what we're giving is, whatever I am is what I'm giving. So I'm giving nurturing, I'm giving kindness, I'm giving loans, I'm giving you support. Somebody else is giving their artistic ability, or someone else's giving. They're fantastic on how to fix cars, they can listen to an engine and go, I know exactly what it is. I think that's a huge gift. I think somebody else's giving. They know how to grow vegetables like crazy. And then they they do that and give that. So we're giving all the time we're giving up who we are. And that's exactly perfect. That's exactly what we're here to do. So you're not to, you know, there was a story of Norman Vincent Peale. Remember him power positive thinking. And he told a story about this young man he was working with and a young man had failed at the insurance business three times. Why was he in the insurance business because his dad was very good at the insurance business. And he wanted his son to succeed. But he forgot to notice that his son was not an insurance man. So what the son with peel was noticing as well. He was talking to this kid, he was feeling the wood on the table next to him. And he made a comment. He said, I noticed you're feeling that word on the table. What is it about that? You said I love Ford. I absolutely love what I love. I have a building with it. I love making furniture out of it. I like designing furniture. I love it. And he said, Why aren't you doing that? You know, so the kid got permission to follow his heart and do what he loved. And he was wildly successful doing this furniture. So to me the gift was his beautiful creativity, ability, his skill, you know, and what he received back was was appreciation, low money, you know, whatever. And, but he prospered because of that because he was alive now doing what he giving away what he what he was

Brandon Handley 38:10
right. And I love that and you talk about it in the book as well is the idea of kind of just doing what you love. And not chasing the money for it and think I'm guilty. Just as much as the next person. Especially with like, you know, social media, Instagram, all the all the Go, go do this thing that you love and monetize it, do the things you love and monetize it. Yeah. And and just trying to let that go what you know, kind of walk somebody through that, you know, how do you detach yourself even from the monetization aspect of it? Knowing I think, again, to that everything's gonna be okay, just go do what you love. I mean, when

Jeane Walters 38:49
you get I think it, it becomes a natural movement. You know, you have to like, plan, I'm going to make a lot of money with this furniture, I think it becomes a natural movement. Like, I love your chair where you build me a chair like that, and I want to give you money for it. Okay, great. I'll do that. And so I think it becomes a natural thing it did for me anyway, I was teaching a lot and in my students would always come to me and my counseling. And then one person said to me, why don't you that's your really your job. I mean, that's really what you're here to do. Why don't you just do it and get paid? And I went, well, it made sense to me, because I realized that when people pay for it, they receive it. Have you noticed that?

Brandon Handley 39:34
Well, yeah, there's I mean, there's a big there's a big piece in there too, right? Yes. And you'll see the flip side of this where people will, you know, say, Hey, I'm gonna charge for something such as spiritual coaching, right? Like, well, you don't need to charge for that. Well, if you don't set a value for it, then then people won't value it and it's not just and and, you know, listen, that to me is more of just a socio kind of setting that works. Right. And if I don't charge you for it, then then it's gonna go on the shelf with everything else.

Jeane Walters 40:05
Exactly. And that's what I noticed. Because in my in that when I first started teaching, I wasn't charging for classes. And then then I noticed they weren't taking it seriously. When I started charging for the classes, everybody started doing the things they asked them to do.

Brandon Handley 40:20
And the results were probably, you know, twice as effective, right? I mean, if if I give you something for free, and you don't use it, how useful is that?

Jeane Walters 40:27
Yeah. And it's also frustrating for the teacher 100% Why am I doing I'm sharing this beautiful stuff, and you're not doing anything with it, you know, but I want to get to your point, though, I think it happens organically. I mean, I think that when I have a fellow that was going to the junkyard and picking up pieces of interesting metal, and then then he would solder them together or whatever, he found that and make these art pieces. And he just, he loves doing it. But at some point, he decided to take him to an art fair, at some point, he's selling his art pieces. So I don't think that you have to start out with the idea. Like, I'm gonna make a million bucks This way, you know, I but I think it comes organically, you know,

Brandon Handley 41:09
that makes sense, right? People start doing their art as kind of a again, you get and get rid of getting rid of the idea of a side hustle or putting pressure on yourself to create, right, and I think that that's not a piece of start winding down here with, you know, the idea that you need to create, you know, your experience here your spiritual, everything boils down to the need to self Express, self actualize, and create a soft people about that.

Jeane Walters 41:40
Well, and even as a dad, you know, as a creative experience that, you know, when your son asks you a question, you'll, you'll have to ponder or maybe you want to take them someplace, and then there's maybe something that you're instructing them with that, but it's a creative expense, even like when they're crying and you just hug them. That's a creative experience. So in we're here we are creative beings. And we're constantly emitting our, our channeling it. channeling is a great word, our creativity. And so we just do what comes naturally. And we're really good at it, like, you

Brandon Handley 42:17
know, so I remember talking to somebody, I was coaching somebody, and I said, hey, you're very creative. And she goes, Well, I'm not creative. I don't know how to draw, I don't know how to do this. And you're breaking out of that paradigm that creativity is bound to paint, this is bound to a musical instrument. And to your point there, you're saying creativity is creating a moment, right? Creating an instance where it's memorable doesn't have to be memorable. You are the creator of that, right?

Jeane Walters 42:43
Yeah. And then take it to another level is that where are you focusing your mind? What are you creating today? are you focusing on everything that has gone wrong in your life, then then you're just creating more of that. If you focus on your appreciation, joy of everything, that's that you've experienced everything that's right in mind you, you create more of that, wherever you put attention on grows. And so that's, I guess, the biggest meaning and message I'd like to give out is that pay attention to what you're focusing on, because that is what's going to grow in your life.

Brandon Handley 43:18
I love that you bring that up, because I'm just kind of glad I had some highlights in the book, right? While I was reading and you know, right there, what you're saying too, is when you stop focusing on negativity, but I have this line highlight is the moral Is that you, if you are removing negativity, from your thinking, be sure to grow something new. It's there. And I think that that may be a piece that is often left out in that conversation like, oh, if I just focus on both, so talk me through that one.

Jeane Walters 43:46
Yes, yes. The mind is always full of ideas and such. And so we if we say we're going to create this empty mind when we meditate, No, you're not. What you're going to do is in the beginning, and you might get there eventually. But your mind is always busy. So if you if you don't choose where you're going to focus, then it will keep going back to what you've always focused on. So you're really training the mind your it's about training the mind to be where you want it to be, you know, Arnold Schwarzenegger, I just think he's an amazing example of this. He was born in Austria, and he decided he didn't want to stay there. But he went to a Kawan movie, and he decided I'm going to be an American cowboy. And so from that point on, he focused everything he did toward that goal. And he said, people would tell me all the time, it's impossible. He said, I didn't pay attention. They told me you couldn't do it didn't pay attention. Your accent is too thick, didn't pay attention. And he just he took the English lessons. He, he did the bodybuilding thing. He found his way he people started supporting him. You got to the US me focus, focus, focus, focus, and he refused. used to any idea that he wasn't going to make it. And I think that is so powerful. But that was the way he chose to focus his mind. And when we do that, that's amazing. I mean, we can move mountains, we can move mountains. So we have to recognize when we're off the track, and then we have to recognize we are off the track and move ourselves on the track. What is it you want? Now? How can you begin to focus now, what's one step you could take today that will move you in that direction, anytime, write a letter, send an email, you know, make a phone call something, get busy, you know, and when you do that, you move toward the goal, the goal, the universe works that way. Whatever you focus on increases, the universe completely support you in that. And so when people are worried, worried, worried, worried, worried, worried about being sick, sick, sick, sick, sick, guess what happens, you know, and so this is so important, and it's so relevant right now that we decide we're what we want to focus on and keep moving. Just keep moving.

Brandon Handley 46:03
The big partner, right is just to take that first step. And make it be small. And that's fine, right? Because a just any, any, any action into the direction of your dreams, your desires, whatever you feel like calling it to me anyways, your signals, the universe is like, Okay, I'm ready to I'm ready. Right, let's let's start. One of the things that is newer to me, and I'm curious on your take on this is the idea of surrendering to the universe, right? If I surrender to the universe, how does a if I surrender to the universe, I'm like, Okay, give me all the things or do all the things and like, I'm not gonna try and direct you because the universe has a greater idea and more experience than I do. Overall, right? But how do you pair that up with like, setting goals or like, you know, trying to make a direction? I think that that's, that's an interesting one, which I

Jeane Walters 46:59
love that. Thank you for asking that question. That's great. So I said, so we set a goal, like Arnold is great example, I'm going to be an American cowboy, I'm going to be in the movies, and then he surrendered to how it was going to happen. But everything that walked across his path that looked like a pet, a way to get there, he took advantage of it. So that's what we do is that we set our, our intention, you know, I, for me, it was I want to live in this energy of this higher self, I want to live there, and I want to help other people live there. So then I look at a class and a class might show up and go is that part of my journey? Is that I look at a relationship and ask, Is that part of you know, am I lined with this vote? And my focus? Is this part of my alignment? And then we get those answers, we begin to see that all of those things show up, because they're in alignment with what we've focused on. But, but he didn't say, well, it has to be through bodybuilding, or it has to be that bodybuilding magazine showed up. And he went, I'm going to do that. And that was part of his journey. So I think he's a great example of seeing he knew what he wanted, and he didn't know how he was going to get there. But as things showed up, he would take advantage. So that's what surrendering to the universe is all about. I don't know how I'm going to get there, you don't know, you're going to get there. So we acknowledge that. And in so doing, we create mental space to go. So what's the next opportunity?

Brandon Handley 48:28
That's great. sounds a little bit like the line of you looking for the evidence of it happening, right? And also, I guess it I don't know about for you. But for me, I've got to have this kind of mentality of you know, this is a benevolent universe, I'm here for a reason and a purpose. You know, this is my intention going forward. And now I'm going to look for the evidence that the universe is kind of setting that up for me.

Jeane Walters 48:55
Well, if you think about your son and say, You're I don't know how old he is, but you're going to teach your mind or throw the basketball or something or ride a bike, you know, you know that there's you start with getting him on the bike, and maybe you're holding the bike. But at some point, he's now balancing pretty well, and you can kind of push the bike forward, and he's got it. So to me, if you look at that as an example, that's exactly what the universe does for us. You know, it's teaching us through different modes and modalities, you know, how to get on the bike and ride it know without crashing?

Brandon Handley 49:30
Sure, sure. Well, is there anything else out of the book that you want to hit on? While we're here?

Jeane Walters 49:38
The main thing that I am saying in this book is you can make a choice. Yeah, you can make a choice that if you want to live in a joyful life, you can choose that and then and then do the things that are necessary. There's practical steps in every chapter. So you start One step, start on another step to get started, and start moving your mind and your energy in a way so that you are living the life you really want to live. Your it's your choice, you have dominion. That's the main thing I wanted to teach with this book.

Brandon Handley 50:17
That's powerful. I think that, you know, toy choice, it's like, because I have it written down here, to kind of hit on choice. But, you know, making learning to make that choice. Finding that awareness is kind of where the power is at. The funny thing about that is this for me anyways, when I did my journey, I thought I was always making choices, you know, but what I was really doing was accepting others choices for me.

Jeane Walters 50:43
Yeah, right. That's what we do we start out that way, because we don't even know that we can make a choice. Right? Yeah. And then, and then sometimes the parents these days are going well, do you want to do belt volleyball? Or do you want to do soccer, you know, so there is a choice about But before that, we're just told, do this, do this go shorter this time, and whatever. So we do have to kind of teach ourselves along the way, we really are our best teachers.

Brandon Handley 51:09
And for people that haven't figured that part out yet, like, what is

Jeane Walters 51:15
your life, just like your life and go? How is my life right now? Where am I happy? Where am I not begin to look at that and go, what choices got me to this point? And what would I like to change? And then what are the choices, I need to make an order to move in another direction. Just look at your life, your life will tell you exactly what your choices have been. And that is no judgment at all. Just observe it like you're observing somebody else's life. And then ask yourself some questions. You know, does this fit me? Because sometimes we stay in things so long that they don't fit anymore. And then it's not serving anybody to stay in something that's over. It's finished. You know, people die in their jobs. I mean, they're like, they have dead eyes.

Brandon Handley 52:00
Yeah. Listen, I mean, so I mean, that was I mean, my 20s I was, I was at I was at a job. And it was, it was a fine paying job. It was a corporate job. There was money, there was benefits. But what there wasn't was living. Yeah, I looked around everybody, and I saw the day everybody's kind of walk around like zombies. What you're talking about glazed over. And I set myself as like, if this is gonna be like, the end game as it can wait. Come back, right. This isn't. This isn't where I'm gonna spend my youth. And and I didn't. And

Jeane Walters 52:38
you though, I mean, really. Kudos to you. Because you went for the, you know, he had a lot of money at the job, and a lot of people will stay for that. literally dying inside? Yeah, they have money. Sure. It's like believing it. You can have money doing anything. I mean, I feel like money is one of the easiest things to get.

Brandon Handley 52:59
Sure. But well, hey, let me share that one with people. Because I mean, what how did you develop that mindset?

Jeane Walters 53:05
Well, you got to get past the unworthy stuff. I mean, you got to get past this idea that you're limited being you know, like Arnold, he, he grew up in Austria for heaven's sakes, he didn't even know English. Right. You know, those were limitations by a lot of people's estimation, but he decided no. So I think it's how we look at things. I mean, it a lot of people just don't feel like they deserve to have an amazing life. And but their father, I call it the yellow brick road. You didn't you know, you grow up, you graduate, you get your education, and you get married, you have kids, and it's like, wait for retirement. And, you know, it's a road to death. Yeah, sure. Yeah. You know, I'm, I always want people to look a little higher than that, you know, like, those are all great things in their turn, if they're right for you. Sure. And they're not right for everybody. Right. You know, we can't make it a cross the board formula, but I think that's what we have done culturally. Right. You know, in your measured by that like, No, no, no, no, no, you don't get to be measured by that. How many toys do you have? You probably have more toys than I do. So, does that mean you're more successful than I am? No.

Brandon Handley 54:23

Jeane Walters 54:24
What is if success is joy?

Brandon Handley 54:26
Yeah, I mean, look, you got to have some joy, right? in your life.

Jeane Walters 54:30
What are the most, you know, I think about a Mahatma Gandhi didn't have any money. Okay, um, Jesus didn't work on money. You know, Buddha didn't. He was rich, but he gave it all up. So all of these great masters. I mean, I don't and Martin Luther King didn't like work to have a million dollars. He didn't do that. He had a mission show all of these great masters. were telling us that, you know, money was not their endpoint. Doesn't but I don't think money is a bad thing. I don't want to give the wrong message. Oh,

Brandon Handley 55:03
yeah, no, no, but but but but the thing, more important to what you're saying before, right? You know, do what you love and the money will follow. But we're talking about these other people, you're talking about the Masters, you're talking about Martin Luther King, what they did have was something greater than themselves in their purpose.

Jeane Walters 55:21
And they were fed and they had whatever they needed. I mean, Nelson Mandela is another great example. I mean, you know, it wasn't money was not the end all. But, you know, he had what he needed. I mean, he never went hungry. So that's how life is, you know, we can't make money, the goal, we can make it something to enjoy

Brandon Handley 55:42
100%. And it's funny, because, you know, we have this kind of this conversation with my children, too, right? They tell like, hey, I want to, I want to get a good education so I can get a good job. So I can do as I stop, I'm like, wait, you you want to you want to provide value? Right? So I mean, just kind of flip the script a little bit. Yeah, I want you to make money in our money. Absolutely. But yeah, to do it, be because you're providing value and we're columns, he wants off, whatever, you know, have those those conversations with the children. So this has been a blast. I enjoy it. I want to say thank you for you know, it was your assistant that reached out to me, but you took the call when I called you back and enjoyed our conversation that first time. Enjoyed this conversation. And you've got plenty of other books for people to go to check out on Amazon. But this one, the journey from anxiety to peace is Is it is it out there now is it released?

Jeane Walters 56:32
It's Yeah, it's available. It's actually international bestseller. Look at anything about the world ready for

Brandon Handley 56:38

Unknown Speaker 56:40
It tells me there's a lot of congratulations.

Brandon Handley 56:43
Yeah, there's a lot of anxiety and I think this is I think this is a great book and like you said you've got on you know, in the sub sub text right? Yes, you know, practical steps to handle fear embrace struggle, eliminate worry. And you did you had a lot of yet a lot of great tips in there. Just like you had the practical applications here in the conversation as well.

Jeane Walters 57:02
Thank you so much, Brandon. I really this is fun, and I really appreciate it.

Unknown Speaker 57:06
We really hope you enjoyed this episode of the spiritual dove podcast. stay connected with us directly through spiritual dove co You can also join the discussion on Facebook, spiritual dough, and Instagram at spiritual underscore go. If you would like to speak with us, send us an email to Brandon at spiritual dog Co. And as always, thank you for cultivating your mindset and creating a better reality. This includes the most thought provoking part of your day. Don't forget to like and subscribe to stay fully up to date. Until next time, be kind to yourself and trust your intuition.

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