Jaclyn Johnston | Manifest it Fast: The Spiritual Guide to Manifesting Your Dreams

Published: Sept. 26, 2021, 2:47 p.m.

Meet Jaclyn Johnston and the author of the best-selling book, “Don’t Feel Stuck!”  she works for world-renowned physicists, and she created Manifest It!®

Learn more about Jaclyn on her website where she has her blog and links to her best selling books that will help you to manifest the life you have only dreamed of here: https://themanifestit.com/about/

Brandon Handley 0:01
Boom here hey there spiritual tube I am on here today with Jacqueline Johnson of the manifested calm Jacqueline I connected, I were just talking to her a little bit earlier about how we connected on Instagram, I really kind of dig everything that you've got going on with your manifestation space and kind of what you're putting out there the messaging. And we felt like it'd be a good idea for you to hop on the podcast and share some of the messaging out and what it is that you're doing and how others can, you know, find that and implement that in their own lives. So Jacqueline, once you give me a little, give the audience a little bit of a background on yourself. And we'll jump into

Jaclyn Johnston 0:39
thanks so much for having me, Brandon. So I am My name is Jacqueline Johnston. And I'm a number one best selling author of the dolgeville stuck books, the series, and I also am the creator of the brand manifested and the podcast show host of the same name manifested.

Brandon Handley 1:05
Awesome, thanks for and again, thanks for hopping on here today. So as you know, right, we're vehicles of source right sources kind of always come in through us and speaks to us to help others out, right? Like the more that we open ourselves up to be of service to others than then the sources kind of like, blows through us. And it's in that vein, right that when you're here and you're speaking to you and I are speaking, you and I have a conversation, but the person on the other end is going to hear something totally different. And it's gonna hear this message that can only be delivered through you today, Jacqueline, on this podcast at this time, what is that message that is coming through safely,

Jaclyn Johnston 1:45
I have to one, like, literally time is an illusion, it doesn't exist. I work with physicists at a university. So I'm really, really anything and everything that you see other people manifest, it can manifest for you as well. And to us soon as you fully surrender to the outcome, and I do mean fully surrender, it just, it just shows up so quickly. Yep.

Brandon Handley 2:22
So when you say fully surrender to the outcome, were you saying

Jaclyn Johnston 2:25
I mean, there's this method that I use, and I call it manifest manifest faster. And I use it by writing into reality. So every single time I write something down that I desire, and I match it with current blessings, or past achievements, with what I want to manifest in what I want to achieve, but I write it down as if it's already happening, or has happened, your brain doesn't know the difference between what's true and what's false. And neither does the universe, because it just responds to you through the boomerang effect. So whenever I write something down, and I just take about five minutes a day to do it, it programs and reprograms. And in helps my brain to understand that you know what this is possible, it was possible for somebody else, so it can be possible. For me, it's like learning how to drive a car, learning an app on your phone. You remember when we were kids, and we were learning how to tire fuse. I mean, really, and truly, you can do this, you just have to give your permission is to give yourself permission to do so. And by writing it down, I have found that it manifests manifest faster.

Brandon Handley 3:47
For sure, so when you're writing these manifests, and you know, when you're when you're manifesting, is it? Is it repetition of something? Or is it the creation of something? Or is it the development of an idea is kind of what's that process look like for you as

Jaclyn Johnston 4:06
part of the process of fully surrendering is training your brain. And so it does involve some repetition, but not to the point where it's all you focus on because then you focus on the need, rather than then just being open. So it's really and truly learning how to appreciate everything that you do have, what you've accomplished so far, and building upon that through the compound effect of each day. And I mean, that's really and truly How do you learn the lyrics to a song that you hear for the first time and you really like it, you set the intention to learn the lyrics to the song and you may not know it after hearing it the first time around, but you do learn it because you set the intention to do so. So It's the same thing when it comes to writing in reality, you set the intention every day, hey, you know, I'm open to this. And I trust the process. And I trust the universe because it doesn't matter when or how it happens. I just know it's a possibility. And then when you mix that with other things in your life or your career, then you're not focusing solely on that particular desire. And it helps you to fully surrender. And then when you fully surrender, the universe just responds so quickly.

Brandon Handley 5:40
I had a full surrender moment this morning. I couldn't find my complaint. Right. And it but it but it was it really is in the same context, because it's a and it was funny because I felt myself in this moment. Like, I can't find it. And like, my chest started to get all tight. Like I wasn't even like, I was like, frantic rain like that. It wasn't a big deal. But it was like, I felt like this panic, I felt like this thing. And I was like, Oh, I'm putting all this like yuck energy. And like finding my phone, I'm like, this sucks. I was like, Alright, well, I guess I won't have it with me, I'll just roll on out. And I turn the corner is like, there was like, right there to my right. And I'm like, and it was like just a matter of just letting it go, just a moment of just like letting it go be like, I would like to have it, I don't have to have it, it would be great if it showed up sooner rather than later. But whatever, we're just gonna roll it, that kind of what we're looking at,

Jaclyn Johnston 6:35
because the it's like with the wave in the the waves in the ocean, you know, there's so much tension that pulls back when the wave comes back into the ocean. And it reminds me also have a bow and arrow, like you're you're stressing out and you're and don't get me wrong, I live with anxiety every single day, and I'm a type a person. So I I'm constantly surrendering and practicing, it's a lifelong journey. But you get better at it with practice. And so you have that tension, you know, mentally in your emotions. You're like, Oh, my gosh, I can't find my phone in your case. And you're just like I need, I need to control this outcome. I need to control the surroundings. I need my phone. And then as soon as you like you said, you just said okay, well, whatever, I'm just gonna roll with it, then the wave surges forward, and you start hanging 10 because then instantly your manifestation or your desire, whatever it is, shows up. And yeah, instantly, that arrow just propelled forward towards the target. And it really and truly is learning how, like you said, to let go and stop controlling the how and the when, and I know everybody hears that all the time. But it really truly is a, a practice. And it's a daily practice. Because as human beings in our society, we're trained to want to control everything around us. Because let's be honest, the unknown is scary. And I had that same experience. Most recently. I mean, I've manifested so many things in such a short amount of time in my life. But most recently, a couple of weeks ago, I gave up gave up but let go and gave into the how and the when of wanting to move to Cincinnati I have right now live in Dallas. And I've been with my boyfriend for four years. And I were you know, we want to be closer together. And I just kept like, feeling frustrated, up until about two weeks ago, because I thought, well, I'm gonna have to find a job. And then, you know, I work at the university with businesses, and I love my job. And I do I love working with them. And once I finally just was like, You know what, I'm not gonna stress about it. It'll come in to play, it'll, all the pieces will come together when it's the right time. And then as soon as that happens, I literally got a phone call from the University of Cincinnati. Also in insight, it's like the College of Medicine, but that's still science base. But yeah, so I got a job offer to work in the College of Medicine to do their accounting, and I got actually offered a lot more money, then I'm getting paid here. And so I realized now every time I realized this, whenever I do manifest anything and everything. I realized that if I just stop trying to control the outcome, then things either manifest exactly how I expect it. Or much better comes to me and it's usually much better, I would say 95% of the time, it's much better than I can, you know, expect or or imagine because honestly, I wasn't expecting the salary increase, like it is and I just felt so blessed in so now everything's happening so fast. And the universe, I mean, it's a boomerang, it just responds, but you got to let go of the control.

Brandon Handley 10:32
That's great. The, the, the, the idea is if I, if I'm, if I'm following this or something better, right. And then I think it's interesting that you've, you're a type a person working in a scientific field and or space. And you're, you're also in this space, you're also in the manifestation space. We know I'm guessing, also that it didn't happen overnight. You weren't always this person. So how did you? What's your journey look like?

Jaclyn Johnston 11:05
Yeah. So when I went to, I went to college at UT Austin. And when I first got there, I thought I wanted to work in physics. And then my senior year, I realized, Oh, my gosh, I really love literature. And I love writing. And I'm an INFJ, and the Myers Briggs, which is a famous psychology test, which basically means I utilize both hemispheres of my brain equally. So you know, some people are extremely, like genius level on the right side of their brain or the left side of their brain. And I utilize both equally, so I'm a little bit more well rounded, and not really genius level in one particular subject. But yeah, so I ended up graduating with an English major and a minor in Communication Studies. But then I ended up in real estate, and I didn't like it wasn't for me, I was doing accounting in it, which is funny, because I don't have an accounting degree. But with my experience, I was able to wind up back in the physics area, doing math all day long. But I also have the pleasure of writing books. So I have three published books now. And I have my own business and my own products, like mugs and journals, and I have the podcast. And I also, you know, write for media platforms. So you know, when you put yourself in a any kind of confinement, that limits you. And so, I believe that because everything exists simultaneously in the universe, then why not have the best of both worlds. And if you, and I know it's hard, because I want to control too. But if you trust the process, it will happen so much faster for you whether it's getting out of debt, I used to be in $29,000 worth of debt. And I got out of it. And I got out of that debt two weeks after I fully surrendered to that. And that was a few years ago. And I mean, I manifested a brand new car of my choosing for free. I got a brand new washer and dryer set for free. And I met my most favorite person in the whole world, Bruce Springsteen. And there's just an i O. And I was single for nine years. And when I say single, I mean, could have checked myself into the convent single, I did not date. And I just decided I'm going to write him into reality. And I did that within 10 months. We've been together for four years, and now we're moving, moving forward in the relationship. And he's a chemist, he's an inventor in chemistry. Yeah. So yeah, why not have the best of both worlds? It's possible. And it's possible for someone else and it's possible for you, why can't it be?

Brandon Handley 14:08
So let's look at just starting small, right? Let's just let's just because, correct me if I'm wrong, but this a lot of this is going to work off of your beliefs, right? What are you willing to accept? And so let's start off in the beginning, how do I start off in this space? What do I need to do,

Jaclyn Johnston 14:30
I always recommend, don't focus on one particular desire. You don't focus on anything and everything that you would like to manifest so that way you're not focusing and creating vibrations of needs and lack. And you can start with smaller goals. And you can start with bigger goals. And you can start with, I don't know like mid range goals. I say just allow it. Anything and everything. And then as you practice each day with writing into reality and shifting, you know what's possible for you, which my my books, my three books that I have that don't feel stuck series, I guide you day by day on how to do this. And I literally put in all of my it's like programs but in a book, and I put in everything that I did for myself and still do for myself into these books. But it's it's that compound effect of the daily practice. So I know some people say, oh, start out with a small goal. Or some people say no, just focus on the one thing you want. And I'm saying why limit yourself just, you know, talk about anything and everything that you're open to. And then as you shift, your self esteem will start to shift. Because let's face it, most people want to believe in something that's outside of themselves. And through my books with the cognitive behavioral training, which is psychology, I literally guide you and teach you how to start trusting yourself more, which in turn is trusting the universe, because we are the same elemental particles that are of the universe. So yeah, as you practice this practice makes progression and progression brings the manifestation. And again, being open to anything and everything. Blessing wise, coming your way, it'll give you a confidence boost, and then over time, you'll start taking manifesting action is how I call it, but it's basically taking action towards your goals. So when you show the universe what you want, because physical action is a much stronger vibration than just thinking something, you know, a thought is just a thought, it's a fleeting moment of feeling a stronger vibration, because you put focus on it. But action action is where it's that and you want something to manifest, write it down, because that's action, right? visualizing. And also just, you know, taking steps and saying, hey, universe, I mean business, I'm showing you what I want. And then you got to, again, trust the process surrender, and it will happen so fast.

Brandon Handley 17:24
Right? So I, you know, here Amir was saying the the idea of, you know, writing it down is an action of itself. And not to limit yourself to just starting small you can you can, anything, right? You're saying anything is on the table? Why not? It's all here. And it's all here at the same time already, is something I'm kind of hearing you say, saying to like, you know, time is an illusion. So what's that look like? Right? What do you mean, it's all here already.

Jaclyn Johnston 17:56
So I like to tell people, if you close your eyes, and you imagine this clear, protective bubble around you, and then outside of it are all of your desires. I'm saying, you know, pop the bubble and let it come to you like it's floating around, you know, but if you keep that separation of, Oh, I don't know, if it's possible for me, then you're just you're just keeping it at arm's length. And so I say pop the bubble, allow it to come in. Don't worry about how it comes to you. Or when it comes to you just be open to it coming to you. And another scenario I like to use is I call it your manifestations are delivered by ups universe Parcel Service. I know it's so cheesy. But you know, when you go online, and you put in an item that you want to purchase, you click it and add it to the cart. And then when you go to check out, you put in your shipping address, and then you hit submit, and then you know that it's on its way to you, you know that it's coming. It's the same process when it comes to your desires. You say, Okay, I want this, and you click the checkout mentally. You put in your shipping address, meaning taking action, like taking steps to make it happen. And then you just trust that okay, well, it's on its way to me, and then as soon as you fully stop trying to control your surroundings, it shows up right away.

Brandon Handley 19:34
I love that. I mean, as you're sitting there talking, I'm like, wow, you can make a fun game out of that and of itself. And while I'm thinking of that, in terms of manifestation, you know, we've been talking about positive manifestation the whole time, right? So this also works negatively, you know. And I guess, you know, we can ask people who are looking for the evidence that it's an accent to kind of like, trace their thoughts back one way or another. Oh, where did that come from? How did that show up in your life? Right? So how do you, you know, for just just to get people started, right? Or even like kind of sharing your story? What uh, how did you get the free car? How did you know that's over your life? I'm curious on the story, just share with the audience like what's Tell us about that one? Yeah. So

Jaclyn Johnston 20:25
I, I remember, I had a is a Honda Civic, and I loved that car so much, the AC was broken. And since I live in Texas, it's super hot in the summer. And I just remember, I would leave campus, it was so hot, and I the windows rolled down. And I, every day, I kept imagining myself in my car with a nice cool breeze in my car, a working AC. And I just kept imagining myself feeling cool. And, you know, it's kind of like when you know, when you start talking about mosquitoes, and how they fly around you, and then they, they bite you, and then you get all itchy. And the more you talk about it, you're gonna start feeling itchy. Or if you have to use the restroom and you start talking about water, then you know, it's that urge. So I just kept telling myself on the drive home every day from the campus, like, Oh, my AC is so cool, it feels so good in here. And all I wanted was an a working AC in my car, it wasn't an old car, it just was a broken AC, that's all it was. And then about, I would say it was like a month later, I got a gift that I wasn't expecting. And I got some money. And I realized, oh my gosh, I can get a car of my choosing for free. And I didn't have to pay a dime for it. And it again, it's that whole, you know, 95% of the time, it's much better than you imagine coming to you. So why limit yourself into thinking that there's a certain stopping point in terms of your desires coming to you, again, I didn't think I would get a new car, or get money for a new car. But I just I was just so thankful that I was focusing on my AC working and then a bigger blessing came. And it's the same thing. I mean, with recently with, you know, vote now moving to Cincinnati and working on our campus affair, you know, I just, I just tried to focus on how thankful I am for everything. But I also imagined myself, you know, experiencing what it is that I want to experience. And like you said it can work in a negative way as well. And I always love to use the bug analogy because yeah, you start filling he I mean even just talking about it, I want to scratch my leg right now even though I know there's nothing there. But you know, your your body is not a solid, it's tiny little particles just bouncing around all the time. So your perception is your reality. We want to think that things are a certain way, but they're really not. And we're the same energy that makes up the universe. And energy just influences itself. So you might as well be the master at it and influence it in a way to where you're open to anything and everything coming to you and things that you want will come to you in a much better way. Well,

Brandon Handley 23:50
Jackie, Jacqueline, I need to plan this out. It's got to be linear. I've got to have a plan needs to be my way. I've got to pay attention to the plan. I've got to act it out. What the hell? How? We're out. Yeah. So what do you say?

Jaclyn Johnston 24:03
I'm the same way my, um, my grandpa is a Sicilian American. And growing up, he taught me everything happens in sequential order. So it again, it's like you're trained a certain way to expect things a certain way. And so you have to practice every day, even if it's five minutes. Take those mental breaks that alarms in your phone to go off so that way throughout your day when you're at work, you hear the alarm and you go, oh, mental break, and you just sit and relax. And you can meditate or you can just sit and write it out or type it on your computer. And just like focus on everything that you're thankful for it can be literally because your coffee tasted extra good that morning, or it could be something even bigger. You know if you had a big bowl I think come your way, but I, I literally focus on how thankful I am that, you know, I have hands that work and, you know, legs that I can move and, and I just build upon that compound effect of, of building and don't get me wrong I love to be in charge I love to take control. And I'm a planner. I'm a huge planner. And that's okay. Because that's what I did. I started looking for places in Cincinnati a week ago, and I thought, Oh, it would be cool to be over here. Oh, it'd be cool to be over here. But I didn't attach myself to it. I just thought, Oh, I'm open to it. Same thing with Bruce Springsteen. I had a dream at night he pulled me up on stage was obviously during dancing in the dark. And in my dream, you know, it was great. It was fantastic. I woke up I laughed. I said, huh, that would be awesome. But oh, well, if it doesn't work out, drove to work that day. And literally I kid you not one month to the day later, I was at his concert. He pulled me up on stage during dancing in the dark. Same thing habit.

Brandon Handley 26:16
I love it. Now what about somebody? Well, Jacqueline, that's great. Sounds like you have a lot of coincidences in your life,

Jaclyn Johnston 26:23
incidences. So yeah, you can call them coincidences. You can call them blessings. You can call them forks, you can literally, like identify it, and symbolize it and have it represent whatever you want it to be your, your, your own limit. Because again, everything exists simultaneously in the universe. we collectively as a society, call a laptop, a laptop, but really, it could be a table.

Brandon Handley 26:57
Right? Like say, it's just like, you know, call it what you need to call it. I'm gonna call it what I'm calling it, and it's working for me. Right? I mean, that's right. That's the gist. And you know, it doesn't have to be just because I come along, and I'm like, well, that's coincidence. That's whatever and like, doesn't sound like you're up for it. Right? I mean,

Jaclyn Johnston 27:15
you get to choose how it represents for you, you get to choose how you want to focus on it. And just because somebody says something a certain way doesn't mean it's actually a certain way. It's their perception. And that's their reality. Because, again, energy is just constantly bouncing around all day long throughout the universe, in colliding into itself, and shaping itself and molding itself. So you get to choose, just like if you were like, say your hand, for example, if you push on the skin on your hand, it moves and changes shape, because you're influencing it, and you're making that decision, but the universe it responds to you. So that's why I say you're your own limit. And you can call it whatever you want. Like in my new book, don't feel stuck with money. I have the reader pick out their favorite song, and change up the lyrics. And you'll change up the lyrics and put money or abundance in certain spots. And so that way, whenever you start hearing your favorite song, you you associate money with a positive thing rather than a negative thing. But it's your choice. Either way, I think it's hilarious. When law of attraction people try to say, Oh, no, you have to do it this way. And I'm like, Who says you have to do it that way. You say it has to be done that way, because that's what you choose for your own reality. But there's all kinds of ways you can manifest. I mean, you don't have to write it down every single time. I like to write because for me, it works. But I type onto my laptop as well. And that totally worth. It's just the whole point is just to get your mind to be more open and more accepting to whatever rather than things being a specific way, shape or form definition.

Brandon Handley 29:11
Fair enough. And I get you know, I guess that if you're just looking at it in this specific way, shape or definition, that's what you're tuning your brain to right. That's what you're tuning your mind to. And that's that's the limitation, right? Those are confinements I believe his words, used earlier confinements to how, how this can show up in your life. And again, you're like, Well, you know, here are the ways I suppose show up. Here's what I see in my mind. This is what I accept as proof that it's working. Whereas he just be like, again, letting it go. Right? Not be attached to the outcome. And chances of it showing up seem a little bit

Jaclyn Johnston 29:51
better. Yeah, because you you literally get what you expect and And that expectations, those are built through what beliefs and beliefs are built through what training to think and focus a specific way. And we go through school and we're taught to learn how to write, and we're taught to learn how to use mathematics. But it doesn't mean that just because most people write with their right hand, that left handed people should write with their right hand, I'm left handed, I was ambidextrous as a child, my pick the lucky one, because everybody else was doing it the other way. It's just a matter of Yeah, keeping your mind open and understanding that there is there's no such thing as time. Time is, is really an it's an observation between event A and event B. And that filler is what time is. But like I said earlier, anybody can have anything they want. And just because you see it happening for someone else, doesn't mean that it can't happen for you, you're a human being just like they are. And just because you see them at a successful point, doesn't mean you can't get there yourself, you just have to give yourself some time and practice and use the compound effect we don't see with our eyes, we see with our mind, our mind is the projector. And our eyes are the screens. And that's how our anatomy is built. So if you can see it and envision it, and like feel good when you visualize it. And the more you do it, the less foreign it feels. And then therefore, you are able to accept it.

Brandon Handley 31:48
How key is attaching some emotion to this?

Jaclyn Johnston 31:54
Well, depending on if you want to, it depends, it just kind of depends on what kind of a outcome for your emotion that you want to feel. Do you mean for someone who wants to be in a positive state like most of the time in attaching to positive feelings? Or do you just mean in general?

Brandon Handley 32:15
So if I am attempting to manifest something and completely brain manifest a saint, I got all those intellect I'm like, Alright, yeah, I want that thing. I want that thing. I want that thing. Give it to me Give it to me, I see it, I see it, I see it. I've written like my man, you know, I've written off, but I'm not feeling anything, right? isn't important. Can I do it with just like just thinking yeah? Or do I need to have some emotion involved? You

Jaclyn Johnston 32:43
can. It's not as strong as an emotion. Because a thought is a fleeting moment. And so you don't have much attachment to it. But a feeling you have a bit more attachment to it. And physical actions are even stronger vibrations. So I'm not saying that you can't just sit on your couch and just think something. And I'm not saying that it can't happen. It can't happen. I mean, there's a ratio to everything in the universe. So everything's mathematics, there's numbers. So it can happen. It's just if you want to happen faster, then you want to envision yourself, doing whatever it is you want. And relishing in that moment and feeling thankful and blessed because the emotion is the stronger vibration.

Brandon Handley 33:36
I got it. Yeah, I've jotted this down, right, yeah, as you were trying to talk and you talked about, like the bow and arrow earlier. Like, it's kind of like, your thoughts are the arrow in this scenario? And your emotions are kind of like what like sends it out? Right? Is that fair? Yeah.

Jaclyn Johnston 33:52
And for me, someone who has anxiety every single day, that that tension is the anxiety for me, it's the stress of, of, Oh, I need, I need to know what's going on. And I need to control because I'm a planner. And yeah, that's true. But I always think like, why do I want to feel that way all the time. So so then again, it's it's a, it's a journey, it's something that you're a student at all your life, because the more you practice it, practice the surrender, then you'll start manifesting things, and then it'll get a little bit easier. But also your desires get bigger, right? Because we always want more. So, exactly. So that's why when, when I say I'm a master at the law of attraction, I'm a master at 99% because we're always wanting more, and it's always learning the growth and expansion through the art of surrendering. So yeah, so the arrow is, is definitely what you want. And the bow is like the union Verse saying, Hey, this is you know, this is me, this is how I operate, here's the bow the framework. And then for me, the tension would be things it in the stress. But as soon as I let that go, it's like, I pop the can have a, you know, one of those bubbly drinks. And it's like, and I feel so much better because I released really, that need to control. And then the, it's just like, boom, there it goes. Arrow arrow has left and it's going in that direction.

Brandon Handley 35:33
Nice. The newest book is centered around what exactly,

Jaclyn Johnston 35:38
yeah, so I just published don't feel stuck with money. And that is all about all the different ways you can manifest money. And I feel like, whether it doesn't matter what the amount is, for me, it doesn't matter. I just want more, right, we always want more money. So I go through different ways to manifest it. Sorry, to make the pun of my brand. But I, you know, again, I mentioned earlier, you know, playing around with lyrics to your favorite song. There's also a kind of a fun exercise in there, about how, especially lately with the pandemic, you know, we're encouraged to wash our hands more often. So I have a fun exercise. That includes being mindful with washing our hands, but also manifesting more money using a hand washing method. I also talk about and we do exercises with house chores. And I know that sounds like how do you manifest money with house chores. But there's all kinds of fun ways to do you think. So this book is it's a little different from the other two books that I previously published, in the sense that, like, I'm mixing it up with different actions that you can take, because I've learned over the last four years that you know, yeah, for me, writing into reality is really effective. But I've also learned there's other ways you can take manifesting action and you can still manifest it.

Brandon Handley 37:18
Awesome. So what's next for you in this journey?

Jaclyn Johnston 37:22
That's a really good question. My podcast has been taking off so I've been collaborating with people who work in Hollywood and like some New York Times bestselling authors. So I'm going to continue doing the podcast it's been fun for me and I have a fourth book that I've already written so I will get going on the editing with that and you know, I'm going to continue working in academia I really love it and I'm going to enjoy living in a whole new city and being with my boyfriend after you know being in a long distance relationship for the last four years. So I'm open to any and every blessing coming my way. And you know, every year I like to write out my goals for the year and then six months into it, I like to look at them mark off what I achieved and then start either modify that same list or start a whole new list and just be open to you know, things happening unexpectedly but in a good way because again, you either get what you want or something much better comes to you and it's for you

Brandon Handley 38:39
nice no I love that I love that I was thinking the idea too that like if you didn't get like one of those things that you really wanted like maybe that was the thing you were supposed to like you know that that it worked out correctly right like I always make the joke that like I'm glad I didn't make a lot of money when I was younger because I probably would have like done some things and you know just wouldn't worked out right like I probably would have done some stupid things right like i mean is that right fair enough fair enough. Well that's like so gets this little part here where I just like to think about this podcast is kind of like this spiritual speed dating show right? Like somebody's gonna show up and like I'm looking for my next spiritual they and Jacqueline you could be somebody who's next spiritual date. Are you feeling up for a question or two? All right. Oh, come on what's going on here so Bachelorette I know you're not a real best spiritual Bachelorette. And maybe you are tied spiritually as well but just go with this right? Um,

do you ask enough questions, or do you settle for what? You know?

Jaclyn Johnston 39:54
I annoy people with all the questions I asked. Because I want to know why.

Brandon Handley 40:02
You go deep, you like to just keep asking you you like to keep asking.

Jaclyn Johnston 40:06
I'm a lot less talking a lot more action. So let's just go to the why let's just cut out the surface stuff.

Brandon Handley 40:14
Fair enough. Fair enough. What would you say is the biggest waste of human potential?

Jaclyn Johnston 40:22
That's, that's a very emotionally charged question for me, because I feel Honestly, I feel like the biggest waste is not being open to learning new ideas and new ways, because that's again, your your own limit.

Brandon Handley 40:45
Yeah, the cellphone posters. So you're saying like the self imposed limits? Just kind of murders? Yeah, for lack

Jaclyn Johnston 40:51
of a better way to use the analogy of, you know, there is no box, throw away the box. And I mean, I know it's cliche, but I agree, there is no box.

Brandon Handley 41:03
Yeah, and that's worked out for you, right? You've seen it, it's showing up in your life. And that's the way it living in life. And it's working out, you know, working with actors, Hollywood, New York Times. That's awesome. Right? So congratulations, like, on your journey. And just like kind of really stepping into it. And, you know, seeing it, I think that I think in for me anyways, I think the word is unfold, unfold has been like the best way to kind of hear people say it all the time. Like, you can go unfold, whatever, you know, but that's how it just kind of happens, right? You start taking that action towards it. it unfolds in front of you. And like just the easiest sense of

Jaclyn Johnston 41:45
it. I had a I had a dog for 10 years, and he was my best friend. And he just passed away a couple weeks ago. And I thought to myself, Oh, my gosh, like, what am I gonna do? You know, I thought, Oh, that's awful. I mean, it really is, has, it's been really hard. And I'm not saying that because you master the law of attraction, you won't go through hard things, we all go through hard things, because energy is constantly moving in all directions. So and that's why success is not a one way direction or a one way street. But I thought, Oh my gosh, you know, my dog died. He was like, my security blanket. And, you know, I was feeling so lonely. And I thought, whoa, I mean, I, I've always wanted to bring my relationship with my sweet chemist, forward and more permanent, where we're in the same city, and we're living together. And he had a dog. And we always said, well, when our, when our pets are alive, we're not going to do it. Because our pets were both really old. And, and then his dog died a couple months ago, and then my dog died. And I was just feeling so much loss. And I kept telling myself, you know, there's a reason for this. And, and, like I said, you know, everything, just like quickly came together. I, the job I'm taking is a creative job. It's a creative position. So I realized now that the reason why not saying that, you know, I would want my dog to die. But it was his time. He was old. And you know, he had cancer. So it was his time. But I realized now that the opportunity that has been placed before me to move across country, and to get a job that has higher pay, and be with my boyfriend every single day and move in together and all that, that, that is really and truly, it couldn't have happened before because it would have just been too much with my sick dog. And it's like we don't understand in a moment, but then afterwards, we're like, Hmm, okay, well, the puzzle pieces are coming together. Like you said, unfolding.

Brandon Handley 44:02
Yeah, no, at all, like the universe synchronized on your behalf. Right, and maybe not, in a way that and again, we don't know how it's gonna happen. Right? We just, you know, if we put faith in it happening for us, right, then then we don't, that's what we do. And then we step back. We're like, all right, yeah. Show me what you got. Right? It's

Jaclyn Johnston 44:25
not that it's a say if you want to be a best selling author, it's not that it

It can't. You're gonna have to read the book. Yeah. It may not happen overnight. Right.

Brandon Handley 45:09
Sure, for sure well Jacqueline this has been a pleasure thank you so much for showing up on where can I send people to find out more about you your books and your endeavors

awesome Jacqueline keep up doing what you're doing I think a lot of people you know they need this and they need it from different people right? It's like they're not all gonna gravitate to the same person. And so you've got your crowd you've got your people you've got your audience that you speak to and a doing a tremendous job with this. So keep it up. Thank you so much what you're doing.

You go Absolutely. Well, so you know, that's well and hopefully that was all right for you. When we hit the things that