Is this your window of opportunity?

Published: Nov. 25, 2020, 12:55 a.m.

Unknown Speaker 0:01
What is happening spiritual dope, been a minute, since I've gone to many places, in order to even do a podcast or anything from the car, which used to be one of my favorite places to hop on and do a podcast or do anything with

Unknown Speaker 0:30
simply because let's make good use of that time. Sometimes I'd rather get in the car and create, then consume. So that's what I miss about doing these in the car.

Unknown Speaker 0:46
So I had a, had somebody reached out. In regards to the podcast, I want to say thank you anonymous. I seem to be a younger lady who has kind of gone through some shit. And

Unknown Speaker 1:04
she's on her, she's on her spiritual journey. And has gone through some breakups and gone through some other stuff.

Unknown Speaker 1:13
But the big point really is she says, Hey, I have maybe this is my quarter life crisis. And

Unknown Speaker 1:21
I told her, you know, there's a, it's kinda like these windows of opportunities. I think you're, you know, at least in my experience, right, we always got to talk about, it's been my experience that, in my experience,

Unknown Speaker 1:34
I was in that space a couple times, in my younger years, where I was feeling very spiritual and closer connection to the divine, if you will, call it what you want. And when I brought it up to a couple different people,

Unknown Speaker 2:00
they just kind of gave me the eye, right? And there's like, whatever, dude. And the thing was, I didn't feel like I had somebody to talk to. Right, I know that she's coming out of

Unknown Speaker 2:15
talks about, you know, also coming out of her religion, 2.6 years. And the thing is, is what happens is, first of all, now you don't have something you don't feel like you have somebody you can talk to. So you kind of go back inside, you keep feeling it for a little bit. And then what happens is you're distracted. The pace of life picks up the game. And you kind of forget that you're on that spiritual journey. You know, you kind of forget and that window of opportunity. As I look back, it was there several times, there's always there's always a moment of transformation, there's always a moment where you can make that choice that send you down the path that could lead you to greater spiritual connection. And look, guys, and gals. I think that it's really important to say that that's spiritual spirituality, that sense of self. You know, that kind of the inside of you the divine spark that gives you life, you know, when they call it, they call it prana. You know, your lifeforce, it's going through you. And sometimes you're not feeling right, you're not feeling in touch with that if you're not feeling somewhat vitalized not revitalized. If you're not feeling that you've got some type of sensation that you're humming for in life, then you're not in touch with that and not in touch with stores you're in not connected to your your spirit, right? How many times have people say that, we're going to do this in the sphere of or that person is very spirited or a horse, spirit of horses, something that comes to my mind. Meaning that they're hard to control or maintain or they have a life of force of their own. That's driving them that's beyond your, your means of control. That meet that next internal control. My ability to control you because you're very spirited person meaning and I'm subservient to external forces. When you're driven by the spirit of something, the spirit of your your great ideas of passion Does this tremendous alignment with who you show up as every day. And that's the window of opportunity, as a window of opportunity is who, you know, if you're feeling that way. And you're able to have a conversation with somebody who has been in that space and knows what it's like to, to do both to do to reject it. Or to not be able to find somebody to help you facilitate grabbing hold of that shit and grabbing on for dear life and just saying, I don't know where this is going, but it feels fucking awesome. That's, that's kind of the, that's the window of opportunity. Because what'll happen is if you don't, if you don't, if you don't find that person, if you don't find somebody that, you know, says, Hey, you know what? Yeah, I get it, you know, align with that shit and go for it. And yes, it says just to you, because all you're looking for is just just a little, just a little bit of like, yes, okay to go for that. It's okay, that you're feeling like, you know, this, this spiritual disconnect, reconnect, because you've been outside of yourself for so long. The window closes. And I can tell you from personal experience, my window closed for 20 years. And so I told her, I said, you know, I'm just compelled to tell you how you make sure that you see this, don't lose this window of opportunity. Pay attention to it, because it's showing up in your life for a reason. And it's showing up now. So that, you may hold on to it, so that you may talk through it. And it's really, you know, that's the veil, right, the veil is so thin,

Unknown Speaker 7:19
that you can see through it. What you can't touch it, you know, the veil is so thin that you can, you could reach to it. And it always seems out of reach, but it's always right there. And all you got to do is be willing to, to stand the minimal amount of tension that's between you and your spirit to pierce it right to connect with it. And you know, that that's been my experience. And that that was my you know, that's all I can really say on that. So they're anonymous, you know, also know that it's, she said, there's a couple of pieces to write and other pieces to your brain. And your your cognitive abilities aren't fully formed until about 23 to 26. So the other piece of that is it's like it's kind of like your your whole consciousness is slamming into place right now. Right? So you're coming into being it's not like it's it's like, if we can go back to the Wayback Machine. And you'd look at some 56 k dial up internet and how long does it used to take to download that shit? The lifetime I guess what? new technology has not been invented as long as they can humans have been around and sometimes that download takes a long time for a full consciousness connection. Because if it came down all at the same speed, and just like they're your dog, right full full on explosion. So that does another piece. The other piece is you know, changing out of the religion. It's interesting. It's very interesting, because all the texts all the infinite wisdom that's in like, I think every religion is the same. You know, it's essentially the same Edwin Brian does, like Hinduism. was talking about it once upon a time. It's just like, there's so many different ways to go about it. That you know, eventually As you're done flipping through the pages of all the different ones you could choose, it's like, you just got to pick one and ride it out. You know, just kind of pick one and ride it out. And I promise you, that ship will take you there, it will take you there. Pick any one of them. They all work. What doesn't work is when you start hopping in between each and every other one of them. Now, that being said, also enjoy Florence scovel Shinn, and the idea that you can't learn your lessons from just one man. Right? So sometimes you need the other texts to supplement your current text. And how that work is, you know, I read a lot about Christians becoming better Christians through Buddhism, right, there are some, there are some wisdoms that you may not be open to, because you've heard them your whole life you've already set like some type of you've already set some type of level of understanding that you may not be willing to revise, because you said it right. You said hey, this is this, I understand it as such and does this, you know, and once you kind of lock it in, you're very reticent to alter that, unless, or until maybe you go and you pick up some Buddhism, right, and you're reading or Hinduism or whatever. And there's like this line in there. That seeks past, like the defense mechanisms that seeks past all these other levels of understanding that you've already set and created. For some, you know, Jews, even Christianity, for example, you've already set your level of understanding for XYZ story, and like the set and then like,

Unknown Speaker 12:15
something will come along and Buddhism, and it'll be almost the exact same story.

Unknown Speaker 12:23
And we'll make it click, you'd be like, Oh, my God, holy shit. That's it. That's what they meant. And you know, the book of Job. I don't even know, right, Leslie, but your filters are set to your current level of understanding. So

Unknown Speaker 12:41
if you go to this is why, like, you know, Buddhism, this is why Eastern religion is so attractive to us Westerners, because we've already we've already made up our minds about the Bible, we already made up our minds about God, we know all that should already give me something new. Right? Because we are also wise, full of it. So the thing is, whatever your your religion is, now, I promise you, the answer is available there. The thing is, you're done looking there, you want a new experience, and so you're just not willing to see it. And that's okay. But just know that you know, what your league, you know, what you're looking for, what you're seeking is seeking you what you're looking for is available, right where you are to day with the resources, and the people and the things that are there today. And that's okay. If you'd rather go look somewhere else, but know that know that it's available there for you today. Know that, you know, your group is a religion, if you've been in the same place for 26 years, you know, with the same religion there's, there's just, there's, it's in there for you. Right. And, and the way you're thinking the connection with spirituality, it's available within that group. And I say that simply because, you know, I still remember a good buddy of mine, Rudy. When I was going through like my quote unquote, awakening, right when I was going through this, you know, people like you know, existential crisis wise, going through this. Holy shit. I just connected with spirit, and I don't know what the fuck is going on. I was able to turn to Rudy and say, Rudy, I'm going through this. I'm going through this. Holy shit, Rudy, because I yeah, testimony. I was like, and he said it and it was just he accepted it just so easily. We were eating food, I still remember at the buffet. And he didn't skip a beat. Did not skip a beat. So I just watch it. Know that while it may not feel comfortable for you to have that conversation with someone that's you know, within, you know, your, your immediate confines, I guess it's okay. But the chances are is that there's much greater acceptance of who you are where you are, then sometimes you give people credit for, and especially when it comes to spirituality and that's been so far that's been my experience. So again, you know, look, windows of opportunity, meaning if you're feeling connected to source right now, follow that because if it shuts down and you let the rest of your life you know, take take place, then you may let it go. And you may, it may take a while for us to pick it back up again. If it takes a long time for you to pick back up where you left off with the ability to have the universe behind your back. You know, the next 10 to 1520 years just could be rough because you dropped it

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