Gaining Universal Support

Published: May 7, 2021, 11:35 a.m.

Transcription is AI driving from

Unknown Speaker 0:01
But can you get a couple of BJJ reports in this period of time? So first of all, I will say that if if the sound quality on these isn't the greatest, that's simply because I don't know where my lav mic is. And be, I'm driving in the car. But, you know, we live in this, this land of high productivity and all these other things. And there's, there's some times where I just want to create versus consume a and b. maximize my time. How do you how do you maximize your time? Where do people always like? Where do you find time to? To do all the editing for your podcast where you find the time to? To do anything? And sometimes the short and simple answer is you just you just fuck us free, you make the time

Unknown Speaker 1:09
you find the time, if it's important to you, you will find the time to do it. I always say that because get up at four 447 so that I can snooze for at least three minutes

Unknown Speaker 1:30
and drag my ass to resilient jujitsu. So I can get there at 530 in the morning. So that I can get the exercise that I like, was available, I haven't done it for mostly year, in once. But creating that time to do what's important. So like I said, I'm maximizing, maximizing this 20 minutes to just kind of pop in here and tell you, you know, hey, if it's important to you, you'll find the time and when you do it, you're going to be you're going to be pleased with yourself, you're going to be glad that you took that time to do that thing that you kept saying you wanted to do. And you did it. And you finally fucking did it. I was a couple conversations I had yesterday that that illustrate this, again, just really kind of glad that something went out in Florida or not in Sweden, or Texas. So things haven't been this wide open this a way that has been for some other places. So being able to get out and see people has been great. So yes, I was able to get out and see see a couple of people. And, you know, talking about making that time again, going out to grab breakfast with somebody that I know, admire, know, like, and trust and respect. And is the finding that time to find somebody who also has the capability to elevate you and and has good questions and is also just a joy to talk to and not like this just a friend, right? And then so so finding that time and getting that time in yesterday was was awesome. Again, had the wake up, you know, actually didn't have to wake up to do to get there on time. But I still woke up at 530 so that I was able to meditate, so that I was able to journal that I was able to put my gratitude stuff down in the journal the way that I aim to do every day. And if I don't do it first thing in the morning. And that time that I have set aside, it's not usually it's not, it's not going to get done. So So woke up and made and created that time where it would have been so much more comparables as lay in bed we're doing great. And I wouldn't have had outset either way. However, I'm just telling you that if it's important to you, you'll make that time so make time for that make time for that breakfast and you know, just it was meaningful. And so that's another place where again, if you're trying to find that time and trying to have that time, proofreading it and asking somebody to to repeat part of a group, I'm not sure what kind of groups out there these days, I know there's a number of groups like Toastmasters and all these others, there's all kinds of organizations that he doesn't have to be, you know, waking somebody up out of their bed and saying, hey, let's go, let's go grab breakfast, there's all kinds of groups that you can find that are willing to spend that time with you. And my guess is that they're starting to pop up again right now. And the second part was of the day was, had I grabbed once with another friend slash, you know, working, working co here, you know, the partners that I work with in the industry. And, you know, she and I were talking, and she was talking about wanting freedom, and in her life, and I asked her, I said, you know, what do you what do you want to do with that free time? She said, I don't know, like, wake up and, and exercise when I want, you know, just do things on my own schedule. I saceur is the point like, What? What's stopping you from doing that right now? And she tells us, he goes, nothing, I guess, and I'm like, okay, you know, what, that's often that's often the thing that we find. And we talk about these things that we want to do. And the first question that's gonna come to your mind, is what's stopping you from from doing that thing. And you'll hear a lot of people say, money. And you'll hear a lot of people say, time, we've already talked about time, we know that time isn't the enemy, that the time is available,

Unknown Speaker 6:41
the time is available for you, you've just got to make the decision, that that's what you want to do. And a lot of other people talk about money, you know, being in the way of what they want to do. And that's also simply not true. Because my guess is my question is, you say, first thing you say is Oh, money stopping me from doing what I want to do? And the first question that somebody got, gotta ask is, is that true? What How do you know? What have you found? That, you know, if it's money to stop me from what you want to do? My guess is that money is stopping you from the scaling up of the thing. Money stopped me from the scaling up in the thing, meaning? Maybe you've got an idea. Have you tested it? Have you put it to the market? Have you gone to the bank? Have you asked for a commercial loan? Have you looked for partners? Have you exhausted the truth of that statement of you know, what's stopping you from doing what you want to do? And you saying that it's money? Are you certain that the only way that your plan could ever happen is money my other than, then I would say that chances are, what it may be stopping you from is accelerating the process, accelerating the scale that you're trying to achieve or trying to get to, and you know, what you're trying to do and accomplish. And this was the other part of the conversation yesterday was like, when you go from one level of being a professional in the industry, in any industry, and you swap roles or, or you know, things that you're doing in life, then you're not going to be at the same level, there's a good chance, you're not going to get paid the same. And there has to be a willingness to, if that's what you say you want to do, there's got to be willingness for you to absorb that, and be doing what you say you want to be doing. Otherwise, chances are, we go regardless of how much you say, that may not be what you want to be doing. Right. And you can always be doing something, you can always feeling something to take slow and steady steps towards it again, the money is going to be the accelerant. And since we're, since we are, since we're spiritual beings living a physical life, I think that you know that intent and that fear, getting rid of that fear,

Unknown Speaker 9:21
and starting to take steps into that space of the thing that you say you want to be doing.

Unknown Speaker 9:29
Or you know, even aligning yourself spiritually. So the things that you are doing, will begin to change will begin to change the way you approach it. And so what does that mean? It means that again, once you start taking action towards the thing that you say that you want to be doing, it's kind of like this signal to the universe. You're sending out a signal regardless whether or not you think you are to the universe. Or even somebody else like sitting around and looked at and seeing you. You're signaling them, you know, so maybe you've got to take it from 100% exterior way of seeing things. And you feel that if people see you doing what you say that you

Unknown Speaker 10:17
want to be doing, they will recognize it. And if you share it with them verbally, maybe they say, you know, yeah,

Unknown Speaker 10:27
I've got somebody that you should talk to. Right? Or, you know, Hey, I know a guy that sits in the same industry, would you like to talk with them. And that happens in more ways than then then then acts your way. So if you see an exterior only, that's fine. You could do the same thing with just taking the actions and not even telling anybody else really what your intent is. And I promise you that the universe, the world, whatever is going to see your intent. And how does that how can you validate that for yourself? This is along the same lines of letting go. And it's, it's when you again, you start to start taking small, tiny steps that maybe other people aren't even going to recognize what it is that you're doing. And suddenly, you know, after you take this first couple of steps, you're going to recognize that a, Wow, you are taking steps. And that you can start working towards that thing you said you want to be working on. For me, it was the first the first podcast I did, as fatherhood for the rest of us. And, you know, it was it was just awesome, because like, I was really scared to start it. I didn't know how or what it was that I was doing. But as I began to do it, I began to learn more about learn the things that I didn't know, learn, learn that right, you begin to learn as you start to do, and, and then the resources of people that would reach out to me, because of what it was that I was doing in the industry that I was in, again, just simply podcasting in an industry that I was in an area space, that area that I was interested in, gave me confidence to reach out to people to say, Hey, I'm in the Dad, I'm a dad podcaster looks like your dad, he's off about being a dad, wherever you are. And he has some tips and tricks to help other fathers to be successful in fatherhood and in life. And that opens so many doors and the more people that I engaged, the more confident I became. And the same time more opportunities just started falling from the sky, like falling from the sky. Again, one of those that I can share I was being contacted by the state of North Carolina, who was I think they're working with students is working with either foster children or something else. And a big part of of that system. Is that fathers, fathers, fallouts, fathers aren't there and so, you know, makes it challenges the family life and then like, you know, at a certain point, these kids got to go be fostered. So I was being contacted to speak on that to help create a program. And so things like that would just kind of open up for themselves with simply because I was doing and following something that I was interested in and had had signal to the universe simply by stepping into that direction. Please show me and share opportunities that are in line with my my spiritual intent. And so my question again to you is what is it that may see your spirits saying, right from my friend she's wanting to Spain's you want to do or exercise? Have more of that in her life? And, you know, what would it look like? You know, what would it look like? Cast yourself what would a perfect day look like for you? plan it out, and go do it. Take that vacation days, go do that thing that you you say that you want to do and see That's your perfect like if you had the opportunity to do it for a week doing what what is that? You know, how does that look for you? How

Unknown Speaker 15:08
does it actually feel to experiences and try it on you know, let your let your spirits say let your hearts follow your heart song is the lose debut I had with Tom Cat shoe was was released, check out him and his content with you talking about involving your heart song. He went from being a lawyer to a therapist to use kind of this holistic energy, spiritual author and coach and therapist and bringing all these pieces into his own practice. Now I stress the word practice, because these things are something that you never do you never finish it. You never and this type of search or goal seeking or living way of life and feeling, feeling your bliss. So yeah, make the time for it. Like I said, the BJJ for today's today's thing is you're making that time for the thing that you said it's important to you kind of brushing off the excuses. That that you're suppressing, if so, you're essentially you're suppressing yourself from having the life that you say you want, and there's nobody else that's that's keeping you from it. And, and once you once you make that time, and once you take a couple of those steps, and once you see this evidence of it, I promise you that you'll have at least that experience of of having that time for yourself and doing that thing that you said you wanted to do. And having that heart song, and feeling and following your bliss and feeling feeling into it and experiencing it. And once you kind of had that experience, I don't think that you can quite ever look back. That's it for the BJJ report. If you're enjoying this podcast if you're enjoying the guest please go to good iTunes and leave a review shoot me an email Brandon at spiritual if you've got a topic that you want me to hit on, in particular, and from any angle, let me know Susan do an email like Hey, what do you think about this? And how does this line up into spirituality? If you've got some questions, happy to attempt to answer them from from my perspective, but a lot of this happens through dialogue through questions through comments and questions. So take it easy. Thanks for listening.

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