Emmy Harr | Bringing out your Army of Angels

Published: Nov. 22, 2020, 10:11 a.m.

Come on in for a spin, Emmy Harr & I have a blast as we cover topics such as following your bliss and pop up christian camps.

Check out Emmy with her crew over on Your Essential Nature!

Book mentioned by Emmy:

Unknown Speaker 0:02
You're listening to the Spiritual Dope podcast with your host, Brandon Handley the spiritual

Unknown Speaker 0:11
with today's

Unknown Speaker 0:11
guest from your essential nature's podcast this spiritual worked out ready

Brandon Handley 0:20
hey there spiritual dope I am on today with Emma har and she's coming to us here from your essential nature podcast. I met Emma through Dr. Ben chambers and the your essential nature podcast. And that podcast is based on the longer yearning that we all have to know ourselves at the deepest level. And in this podcast series, they explore the template to know yourself, experience peace, and grow in mindful awareness and bring more light into the world. Who wouldn't want to be check in into that? Right. So thanks for joining today. You know, tell us a little bit about what brings you here today.

Emmy Harr 1:06
Oh, my goodness, yes. Well, um, this is a common mistake. So I'll give you a little past card for this. But my name is actually me. So just like the Emmy Awards, short for Amber. So um, yeah, as far as bringing in, I think we're just kind of in this expansion phase of getting connected with your right tribe. Okay. And with your essential nature, Ben did an amazing job kind of plucking the the the misfit toys and putting them together. And we just had an amazing chemistry as the the group of four of us. And with that, each person's kind of doing their own thing, as far as building their spiritual practice and their spiritual businesses, and helping clients that way. And so, yeah, you and I got connected from mutual friends and mutual friends. And it's just, now's the time to say yes, and manifestation. So absolutely.

Brandon Handley 2:04
I love that. So I like to start these off with the idea that sources speaking through us, and that there's somebody out there listening to this podcast today. And a message can only come through you to them through this podcast. What is that message?

Unknown Speaker 2:30

Emmy Harr 2:34
Definitely patience, especially when it comes to the surrender process. As your life starts unfolding, it's happening for you, not to you. And it takes a little bit of patience, probably more patience than anybody wants to admit that they are.

Brandon Handley 2:50
Sure, sure. We are not patient. People, especially, especially in Western society, right. How has that shown up in in your life?

Emmy Harr 3:05
page? Oh, gosh, yeah, definitely more of a recent thing. So I remember when I was little, I always felt like I was different, not like a weird, different, but a really good different. And not an arrogant sense of I'm better than everybody. But just like, I felt like I knew something more than the average person my age did. And lo and behold, that was basically just like utilizing light, right? Like That was my gift is being a beacon instead of darkness really. And so I remember just like going through middle school, especially a little bit of high school, college, even post college, just feeling like I was like, Am I just so abnormal, that I don't have anybody, like, even my really good friends? That like truly gets me, you know, like, and I remember just like yearning for these deep relationships. And then, ironically, about five years ago, I moved from Wisconsin to Austin, Texas. And that was when my whole life was really just like, flipped upside down. like totally shaken. I remember. As soon as I stepped foot on Austin ground I remember looking straight up to the sky and asking what the hell am I doing here? Because I truly, I know I was guided down there and I knew it was gonna be like a powerful season in my life. But I mean, immediately like, I could just feel my whole aura just shaking, like could not get grounded for the first like year and a half No matter how much yoga, meditation, dance like none of that. And I remember just like crying, just begging for one person, one person that understood my heart and Yeah, then and of course, that can be friendships. I know for a lot of people, it's romantic partners as well. And we're always just craving that soul partnership. And yeah, I can tell you like, even with Austin I was that's when I started basically commission only a business insurance and finances, and I had no concept of what business or sales meant, you know, I came from the infant room with 14 infants prior to. So I was really I was on my own I had one friend that was never there, he moved from Austin with me. And then I didn't know anybody working 90 hours a week studying learning this whole new realm. You know, it was really a you eat what you kill type of environment, right survival mode on its on its best. And it just felt like I was always just like hacking away, right, like taking the ice pick to a sculpture. And yet the sculpture wasn't forming. And I was just working so hard. And it nothing was flowing, like not even my energy was. And so fast forward three years, I moved to Kansas City, again, a divine, a divine way on how I knew it was Casey that I was supposed to go to. But it just felt like a huge way it was just like, lifted off my my chest, I could breathe, even though it was freezing. And it just felt like things were coming together. And now I have an amazing tribe of members who like to have depth, in depth conversations, they like to talk about God, we can have civilized conversations, on politics, spirituality, all of this. And within the last probably six to eight months, I've just really been at this surrender phase of like, okay, universe, you're the one leading my life, I'm just swimming through it. I'm totally just at bay here. And I can say that, since that's happened, it's just been a lot more peaceful of a life. And I'm still being taken care of, you know, it's more of a less survival more of an abundance mentality. And so, you know, it's funny, I think about well, it only took me 28 years to get to that point. But I know people were in their 60s that aren't even at that point. So when I talk about patience, I mean, patience.

Brandon Handley 7:30
For sure, for sure. Lots in there. Right. So thanks for sharing, kind of that, you know, backstory on I remember, I went to Texas, went to Dallas. And I think that I had a really similar experience where I got down there and I was what what am I doing here? Maybe it's just Texas. They are, they are a different breed. And that's okay. Right. And, and, you know, you mentioned, you know, you know, all the yoga all the meditation kind of makes me think of all the king's men and all that, you know, you know, Humpty Dumpty couldn't put it back together again. But, uh, you know, but that's it, right? Like, everything you were doing you still you weren't kind of coalescing and gathering shape, they're right, or form the form at least that you were in search of, while you were in Texas, right. And you also talk about this being in survival mode. And, and, you know, kitten, you know, eating what you eat what you kill, right? survival mode aspect, and, you know, that's, it's, it's kind of a, it's a tough existence, right? There's a, there's a Francis ism involved with survival mode, right, there's a, there's a closed off sness of being in survival mode. Primarily, because you don't know that there is another mode available. Right? Like, this is just kind of how you're taught to, you know, go out there, it's like, you're literally being pushed out of the nest. Right? Yeah. Like, you know, you either fly, or you're or you figure out some other way to make it about a little broken wing. So, you know, definitely, definitely interesting to kind of be going through all that and also looking for some type of connection. You know, when when you're talking about, you know, killing you know, you know, eating what you kill in that moment. Even that phrase limits the potential of connection, right, if that's your mentality, right? Um, you know, it's kind of like, if we think of like law of attraction, like who's drawn to that, right. And then of Iran because it you know that that also to me indicates like the Yeah, the certain strength of will and desire to live and be so doesn't you know, there's also that right. But you probably weren't really thinking of it in those terms. I could be wrong, right? You may not have been thinking about it in those terms at that time, because it sounds like you're like, I gotta get the hell out of here. And where is the next year? And the next year for you? Kansas City.

Unknown Speaker 10:26
I mean, you know who, you know who

Brandon Handley 10:29
am Right, right, you're right. Like if I've got even even if I've got a map up on the wall and a Dart, the likelihood that is going to hit Kansas City, and that's going to be, you know, my nama stay place. Right. Oh, God, why and how so? Tell us a little bit about how you ended up there. What was it that drew you to Kansas City? Yeah, that's

Emmy Harr 10:51
so funny. Um, I had never even heard of Kansas City until a few years ago. And just real quick,

Brandon Handley 10:59
Kansas City's in Missouri. Not Kansas. No, it's

Emmy Harr 11:03
both split town. It's so what the hell no.

Brandon Handley 11:08
This is a strong note to that. It's like calling turkey burgers like hamburgers, right? Like that's just to know that's it. That's a turkey Patty.

Emmy Harr 11:16
No, there's Casey, Mo, and Casey. Okay. I learned that the hard way. So my, one of my dear friends from college moved here. I think four, four years ago or something. So I was still in Austin. She moved here. And I remember in Austin, when I was starting to make a little bit of money, I got the flow of business. You know, I was like, cool. The reason I'm making money and want to make money is so that I can go travel and experience the world, right? And so where do you go, you go to Kansas City to visit one of your best friends. So I remember I was I came here during summertime, in 2016, or 2017. And it was so much fun. It was great. And the irony is I remember she took me out for bagels. And we were sitting outside in the sunshine. And I remember being I was just starting to get into real estate investing at the time. And I was like, You know what, Brett? I'm, what if what if I bought a duplex and you live on one side, and I live on the other and we'll just be best friends forever, right? So, but it was just kind of like just talk, I was like, I'm not moving here like I don't know. So then fast forward a year, it was October of 2018. And end of September, I just nothing with my business with insurance was working. Everyone was canceling their appointments, I was getting chargebacks, which is where money gets taken out of my account because somebody cancelled their policy. I was nobody wanted to book an appointment. It was just like dead. And I was like, Okay, what is God trying to tell me here? Like, clearly this is a stop, right? And so, my business partner at the time, he was like, Okay, I just kind of throw it out to him. And I was like, You know what, I'm just going to stop until until October because that's when Medicare starts. And that was like a lot of what I was doing. And he was like, Yeah, cool, but what are you going to do for your soul? And I was like, what, and he was like, I'm gonna, I'm gonna almost force you to go up to Wisconsin and go visit Brittany in Kansas City, whatever you want to do. And I was like, okay, so I flew up to Wisconsin to visit family was there for a few days road trip down to KC to visit Brittany who had just had surgery. And so I just remember arriving in Kansas City. And the first day that I, the first morning, I woke up, it was 40 degrees, which, by the way, I think I was actually born on the sun. So anything less than 80 degrees is freezing to me. So the fact that it was 40 degrees. And I was just like, yes, like seriously, just a weight lifted off. I felt just such immense peace. And to me that Spirit speaking to me, that's God's peace, his presence. And I was just like, Okay, and then all of a sudden, all of these business inspirations just kept firing. And I was like, just I felt like I was home. And then, so after this, this visit with Britt, then I went back to Austin. And I was literally depressed, couldn't get off of the couch, my my friend's couch at the time, by the way, because for three days straight, and I remember my business partner, he'd have to text me to be like, hey, go for a walk today. Like I was in mobile. It just didn't feel right. And I was in between spaces because I had a duplex under contract that took five and a half months to close and it was just like, kind of a pain right? Then I don't remember how but I think my partner and I, we we met up for lunch one day, and I just randomly blurted out, I'm moving to Kansas City. And there was a sturdiness and the tone and the frequency that we both knew. We We're like, Oh, crap, it's time. And so I got everything squared away, closed on the property found renters in Austin. I hosted my parents for Christmas. And then they actually helped me pack up, and then move to Kansas City on their way back to Wisconsin, which was so sweet. And yeah, so then the irony Now, remember that story of Brittany and I bagels and the irony is now I own a four Plex. She's not one of my tenants yet, but one day, I'm sure she will be. No, but yeah, I ended up investing in real estate very quickly when I got down here and and that in and of itself was divine timing. And yeah, so it just I remember like walking in the rain and the snow that first that first season because I moved here December 2019. And I was like, yeah, this is great. Again, rain and snow, not my cup of tea. But it just felt like Oh, I'm so so happy. My heart was just Oh, singing in the rain.

Brandon Handley 15:54
I love it. I love it. It's kind of like, you know, you get this divine inspiration. And it is imminent in some way, shape or form. You don't know how it's going to happen. But you just kind of you have that you have that peek into the future. All right. And you speak it into existence, right? You make a joke about it. Right? You speak existence, though, right? It's real similar to kind of like how you're in. Kind of like you're like, I don't see any clients. I don't see any business. I don't see any of this. And sure enough, that these are the things that you're saying to yourself. And sure enough, you're not seeing any of it right. It's you're speaking that into existence. And then, you know, you find yourself in a place of harmony. And you know, this kind of good resonance where you're you're sitting or Brittany, you're hit by this sun. And things start opening up again for you because you've opened up right, because you've sent out like this sense of harmony in that space, where you were where you guys are kind of hanging out eating the bagels. And then when you go back and you're just kind of morose, right, you're like, Fuck, Texas. It's just isn't it? Right this this, isn't it? This isn't my space. This isn't something is off key. Right. And and, you know, again, you felt like in your heart to like the end, you felt the things weren't moving at your pace five and a half months to close on a place. I mean, come on. Right. So thanks,

Unknown Speaker 17:29
dad. Good. Can

Emmy Harr 17:30
I just add it took me 35 days to close on a four Plex here. Right? So wait, this is what it's supposed to be.

Brandon Handley 17:37
Right? Right. So I mean, you know, when when you are in alignment with your sense of purpose and bliss and your own good feeling. This isn't and you know, people always kind of, you know what I'm talking about following your bliss and just out there was a world we follow your bliss. Look, there's a certain that you know, there's a there's a discernment between like following your bliss and imminent folly. Right. So you were though, you know, you're following your bliss, your heart intuition. And when you're doing that, just as you're highlighting right now, your story indicates that the universe opens up and gets behind you with that right universes like Pikachu, this is this is happening, like you said, for you, not to you. Right. And so that to me, sounds like what your experience has been so far. Have I got that about? Right?

Emmy Harr 18:35
Yeah, absolutely. And I might even add, like for so I've always been deemed as sensitive, right? Like, I have an act and not only like not just really not emotionally sensitive but just like an awareness right. And one of my one of my spiritual comrades here in KC we were just talking a month ago, and she even said, because nobody can understand the why, you know, like, I came down to Texas and I again, I was guided down there, I knew it was Texas that I had to go, I could feel the energy of God saying Yes, go with that. And but I knew it was going to be like a learning curve. And so my, my spiritual comrade just made a comment, like, you know, there's there's different you know, how there's like different war zones or different like boot camps or base camps throughout. And it has a different energy when you drive past them, right. And so she said, the same thing with the spirit realm is there's these different Warzones these different base camps, and maybe just maybe Austin happens to be one of them. And I was connecting into that. And Casey like that we have a lot of like, there's the International House of Prayer here. Like there's a lot of a lot of that spiritual and spirituality. Even the religion here, you know, it's just like more

Unknown Speaker 19:57
God Yeah, so

Emmy Harr 20:01
maybe I was even picking up on that. And that's why like, which came first the chicken or the egg, you know?

Brandon Handley 20:08
Not for sure. I love that I love that idea to have you know, the the camps, right and different energies and, you know, I'm always reminded of the book the obstacles away. I'm not a big fan of the book, but that's what it reminds me of right? Have you ever read it, but the idea is, and then and then you know, as you're talking and you're sharing that kind of reminded of like, I'm even just holding up a mirror when you're trying to shine the light, right? Maybe your mirror was down in Austin, and the light was shining over into right like, Kansas City, right? You know, this is here's, here's where you catch your, your, your, your ray of sunshine is over there over here type of thing, you know, write a letter, but anyways, right? That's just kind of the thought processes, as I'm listening to the story. So you're kind of you're following your bliss. You're, you know, feeling your spiritual self, right? Where's Where did you feel like you kind of connected with your spirituality and felt the strong pull for that. And I love the idea to have like, you know, what are you going to do for your soul? I love that. Right? And Was that something that helped spark that? Or was that already in existence? Because I know, you'd already talked about a lot of yoga and meditation as well, where where did you initially kind of connect with source and decide that that was going to be a part of your life?

Emmy Harr 21:38
Yeah, so I was born and raised Catholic. And so God has always been a part of my life now. I love the traditions and rituals of Catholicism. However, the strictness never really resonated with me, but Jesus guide disciples, saints, just having an army for us. That always resonated with me ever since I was little. So luckily, I had that foundation innately and also fostered. Now when it became more of a relationship with God, instead of just an abnormal what word Am I looking for? Like just an abstract thought, right? I was in college, one of my dear friends, she had actually tricked me. And I talked about this on your essential nature, but she had tricked me on what happened to be a student led, faith based retreat. I didn't know is faith based. She was just like, yeah, it's really fun. You get to throw like, pockets of glue at each other. And there's like a mud fight and all of these things. I'm like, I'm super extroverted by nature. And I'm like, yeah, that's amazing. And I just transferred colleges. So of course, I was like, wanting to look for, like, get to know people and meet people who like to do fun things. And so when I was there, I read it, like dawned on me, okay, this is, this is about God. And I remember looking at Ashley, and I was like, what she's like, I'm sorry, I just didn't think you would come. Like, you're right. I probably wouldn't not like out of anti God or anything like that. Just a matter of, okay, like, I already know, God, I don't need to do anything, you know. But that's what, that's what opened my eyes to this concept of having a relationship. So that's how I in my world, Faith is the relationship of religion is the structure or the dogma. And so I started learning and developing relationship. And then I just had great spiritual mentors. And then eventually, I think it was my, either senior super senior year, I met a mentor that kind of blended this whole new age energy realm, she was very intuitive. I would even call her a medium. But then she also had this Christianity foundation as well. And she did a beautiful job from marrying the two. And that to me felt right and so for her to be like, Oh, yeah, I can see this energy in the room. I'm like, wait, there's a whole other round, like it was the next level of faith for me. I was like, Okay, so then, yeah, I just kind of started and just kept growing from there. And I just keep listening to what feels true for me, like what resonates it's a different frequency.

Brandon Handley 24:32
Now for sure. I love that. You know, I love the idea to this army for us, right? So it sounds like even even before you know, even while in Catholicism, you had this army for us mentality, right? The University of benevolent universe, right? This this kind of digital energy source, acting on your behalf right? And that's great. I love that. Yeah, I've never heard it said like that. And I think that that's, that's great, right? And I also like this little piece to where, you know, faith is. Faith is what again, I wrote down notes,

Unknown Speaker 25:13
but the relationship

Brandon Handley 25:13
faith is relationship and then your religions call it the framework right of everything else. No, I like that idea too. Because I look at I look at that, too. Without this kind of foundation of any type of religion, or spirituality background, right? It can be a challenge to lean into any type of spirituality, right? If you don't have kind of the foundation for it, and you start to feel you, like you said, you're kind of like, an peth, like high energy, connection to source, you can begin to wonder, what is this? What am I feeling? What am I going through, and if you don't have a, at least a framework, you are, you're kind of sLl, right? Like, you're just kind of out there without any anything to bring you back or ground you, right? Or something to at least anchor yourself to

Emmy Harr 26:16
something and I would even, I would even take it one step further. I know from my like, my parents generation, and I might even say that the degeneration just underneath them. Like it's not spoken about, even if you are extra feely, like I remember, in seventh grade, I actually became I think for at the time, one might have said I was depressed. But I was depressed because I was witnessing How rude. My classmates were being to this one, one particular classmate of mine, and I could almost feel her sadness. And I didn't know what was going on. And my mom thought I was going crazy. She signed me up for a child psychologist wanting to help me, you know, she's like, I don't know if she's suicidal. I was not. But I mean, that's how that's like, how I could process at the time. And so they shut off, you know, at no, at no criticism for themselves, but they were shut off because their parents were shut off, right? Like, that was the Great Depression era. So everyone was in survival mode. And then that's just kind of what was taught, and then handed down. And so if you're feeling me, or seeing or hearing these different things that you don't know, or you don't have the framework or foundation for, it can be really tricky when you're not even in a a, like an area where it's spoken about to normalize it.

Brandon Handley 27:45
Not 100 100%, right? And I love that too. You know, you're looking, you're looking back through history, and you know, what's acceptable in this energetic realm, right? So what you're kind of explaining is, you didn't have the ability to protect your energy field, right? Or the, you know, how do you address that again, and your parents addressed it by being like, Oh, she's okay. I don't know what the fuck her but let's go get her some help. Right? Because they did. And that's awesome, right? Because they realized that they weren't their limits, you know, as a parent myself, I'm like, Alright, we know if I'm out of all the other options, let's, who can we reach out to? Right? And what what do we got there? So, um, I love it. And then so your, your your friend, the New Age, energy, you know, connecting the realms of, you know, Christianity into all that even a mediumship? What would you say? You know, she did all that, you know, what have you taken away? And how are you implementing what she taught you? Like, what were a couple of key pieces that you you feel like you pulled away from her that you're replicating?

Emmy Harr 28:56
That's a great question. That's so interesting, because I feel like everything's just been so fluid. Like, it's just one extra layer kind of building, building bricks laying on top of each other. So to pinpoint it, I remember being in our office late on Tuesday nights where we were playing with the enneagram. Right? And she was teaching me intuition how to just pick what felt right. You don't have to analyze but just pick what felt right. Or we would play with other personality. wheels are, I don't know some more of the psychology side of, of intuition. Really, because psyche means intuition, I believe. And, but then just more I would say trusting a that you can see, like into another realm. I always thought that that was for somebody higher up right and I'm actually like in in development That that trait I didn't even realize that I had. And then I can put two into get together like, Oh, I do see things without even realizing. So trusting the intuition and trusting what you're seeing, right, because that's another form of intuition, I would say is probably the biggest one. And then also healing. So energy healing, she introduced to me Reiki, and that was a whole other like, the healing aspect was massive for my growth.

Brandon Handley 30:31
And let's talk about that for a second. So what I do want to talk about that but but before we do that, when you say intuition,

Unknown Speaker 30:41
what do you mean?

Emmy Harr 30:46
The internal knowingness

Brandon Handley 30:51
I like that. Yeah, that's good. You know, listen, because I don't know. You know, when when somebody says intuition exactly what you mean by that. So the internal knowingness i think that that, that that's a great, that's a great way to say it. succinct, even. So thank you. And then energy healing, reiki, right. I talked about that. Once I've never experienced it myself. I've had the offers right to for people to do it for me. But I've never had the experience. So talk to me kind of what that experience has been like for you. And you know, how you felt afterwards?

Emmy Harr 31:30
Yeah, so Reiki is really, it's divine lead. You know, there's a lot I'm learning that there's a lot of misconception on this new age, energy. And the fact that it's almost like black magic and know everything if it's done correctly, it should be divine LED, so whether you call it source God, power universe, he she it, you know, it's always with love and light intention. As always, if you're going to a real, a real healer, it's going to be with love and light as the intention anywho. So Reiki is basically just a cleansing of our energy centers, also known as chakras along the body. And we know that everything in life is energy, like even this hard table that I'm sitting at is made up of energy, it's just matter. And so we have energy around us also known as the aura, and then we have energy zones within us the chakras. So Reiki is really just utilizing someone's intuition because we are the vessels for God's like love. And where where things feel out of alignment or imbalanced or whatever the the word you want to use. You just send love and light because really love heals all. And so she was she was showing me Reiki and she would do it on me and I always felt like a peacefulness, a calmness. I felt lighter. People in pictures during college, they were like, are you losing weight, you have a glow to you. I wasn't losing weight. I was just reading my old baggage that I didn't need to keep, right. Like, we're emotional hoarders. I didn't need to keep that on me anymore. I learned that lesson. And so yeah, it was just it was so inspiring that by the end of college, so my super senior, I did become level one certified and Reiki. So then that led to other realms of energy healing as well. But yeah, it's it's a powerful gift. I mean, really, we're just giving each other

Brandon Handley 33:37
how, yeah, right. That's great. I love the idea to write emotional hoarders. You really are. It's like, I mean, and for no reason other than I don't think that we know any better. Right? You can't you know, what's, what's so what's the line? I forget who it is do what you do until you know better? Right? You know? And you know, you just you do best until you know better and I think that we are emotional hoarders and I love that I was pissed just a minute ago and I want to share some more about that let's we're gonna last week I was saying you know, you just hold on to that forever right? instead just be like, just let that go That was a moment and and what's next what's behind that and what's what are we going forward into? So you know, I love the idea of spiritual dope, right? How like this is just like, that's your hit every day like you can get like this you can get like this weird you know, full body super high vibration through spirituality, right? That's the kind of the spiritual dope, right of spiritual dope. So what would you say like some of your spiritual dope is if you're just getting ahead of it? What is that?

Emmy Harr 34:52
Gosh, even there's a running joke with your essential nature because every we film every The other week, and every other week when we do meet up, it's just like we're hanging out. And like buds are just hanging out at the table. Just invigorating conversation. I can't even explain it. So my spiritual dope my hit, is the conversation where we get to go in depth. Aside from that, I do get a spiritual dope when I either give and or receive energy healing. Love it.

Brandon Handley 35:29
Agreed, right? The this right here, right? This kind of conversation, we just get the opportunity to share your story. You can exchange, you know, the these high energy ways of being with somebody else. And they get it, right like to like, Oh, yeah, yeah. And not only that, but like, and there's more. But wait, But wait, there's more. Right. But wait, there's more and like, Oh, wow. Or like, why did I didn't think about it that way? And you know, helping somebody changed, change their paradigm. Right. And I think that that's what you guys are able to do on your essential nature as well. Right. So how did you get looped into doing? That was a couple other gentlemen. Right, you know, doing the your essential nature podcast? How did you get involved with that?

Emmy Harr 36:19
Yeah, truly, it was kind of one of those surrender moments where I didn't even ask for it. It just presented itself. And it felt right. So I followed it. So Ben, Dr. Benjamin chambers, he was really the the director, if you will. So he had, he had been getting a lot of these downloads, which for him is from spirit, right? downloads of some type of podcast talking about things that aren't being talked about, or in a way that they're not being talked about, or something like that. I see Benji chambers podcast on that. But he he and I always had like a sarcastic sense of humor with one another. So I got looped in with him originally, because he hosts guided meditations on Tuesdays. And so I've been going to those for maybe six months at the time. And we we have a great sense of humor. Like we just kind of shoot the shit like, give each other crap. And we just jive really well with humor, humor, humor, IQ, chemistry. Anyways, so he had brought this up, and he was like, well, I really want to get a group together. I'm going to ask these guys, but I really like I think you should be a part of it. And I'm like, okay, like, I never said no, in my brain. I was just like, yeah, it's fun. I like hanging out with you. I like to get to know other people. And I'd like to take my hint of spirituality. So in my mind, I was like, already on board, but apparently wasn't conveyed. Because he kept like, kind of pursuing or like, tickling. Like, he would keep bringing it up, like, Oh, you should do this. Like every other week, he would just make a comment as if I wasn't fully convinced or something. So then finally, I was like, yeah, so when are we like, let's not talk about it. Let's be about it. When are we? When are we filming? He's like, oh, you're in? Like, yeah. So he kind of orchestrated it. He, he knew the mic. They had met a year ago, Dave they had met prior to and then he just kind of got this sense that it would be the four of us would have a really good chemistry.

Brandon Handley 38:25
And you guys do have you guys do have good chemistry. And that's funny, too, right? The when we doing this, right? We've been talking about this, but like when it's like just pull the pull the trigger. Right?

Emmy Harr 38:37
That's kind of our mo like, I'm very much the the Dewar and he's very much the seer, I guess. I don't know, see the visitor? I think we're both visionaries. But yeah, I just I've got more of an action base to me, if

Brandon Handley 38:57
you will. Sure. Sure. I mean, look, you just you you uproot yourself ran down to taxation, then like, you're like, Hey, I'm gonna make this decision. And I think that that's a big part of it, too. Once you kind of make the decision that sounds like you just move ahead with it. Right. And I look, I made the decision, but let's, I mean, what's next, right? Like, I mean, what else we need to talk about? Then let's just go do it. Right.

Emmy Harr 39:20
That's so important to me. And that's kind of where, you know, I do feel like my, sometimes I've, okay, oftentimes, I've felt like I have to in our worlds kind of always at war in a way I know all this language. It sounds like I'm so intense. I'm really anyways, but um, so I have this like really bold entrepreneur movement maker, right? I was 100% Commission. No, of course I have that fight of me. You know, this is like I can thrive anywhere. But then I also do have this this soft, emotional conversation. Let's not do timeframe. So that's more of like the spiritual realm, right? So I consider it the entrepreneur realm, which is more masculine. And then my spiritual side, my spiritual realm, which is typically more and more feminine. And one thing that I've noticed as I'm moving it, like stepping out of the entrepreneurial realm, to the, in the traditional sense, and stepping more towards the spiritual realm, is that for some reason, in the spiritual realm, decisions are scary. And for me, I've always really been a big proponent of make a decision and commit, figure out the details later. That's how Apple moves. That's how Amazon moves, like, just figure it out. But you have to commit.

Brandon Handley 40:42
Sure, sure. So, you know, that's another part about I love that you brought that up. That's another big part about spiritual dope, is this idea? Yeah, there's of the softness, there's no timeframe, the surrender, you know, side of spirituality, there. You know, if we look into nature, right? We still have rainstorms. We still have, you know, raging rivers, we still have things that are forceful, right? And dynamically, so and it's okay to take action and be the one to initiate it to be a part of it. Right. And to go with what you feel and say, I've gone Austin, I've gone to Kansas City, you know, I'm doing these things and, and like you said, I'm committing to this, and I'm just gonna do it. I don't know how I just know that I am. Right. And that is like, like your like your Shawn attention to it's it's something that there's a fear and trepidation, I think, in making a decision with many people in the spiritual realm. And I think that mainly because if they, and this is my self speaking, right, coming into this space, if you don't have like, this kind of this hunter mentality, if you don't have like this business mindset, right? You feel almost like, it's against your nature in order to say you're committed to it, right? almost like you're afraid that if somebody finds out about, you said, you were gonna do this, and it didn't happen, and how can you believe in you know, all the spirituality then? Right? Because it's like, they don't want to be found that well, that's okay. Right? to like, not have that thing happen. Right? I love the one. There's plenty of them out, though. And the exact lines but like, you know, I always say, if I gotten exactly what I wanted, like when I wanted it, when I was younger, or any that like I'd probably be dead. Right? So it was probably spirit looking out for me for not getting what I wanted in those situations, right? Like, well, you know, so there's that, but the idea of drawing a line in the sand, or even a target and a destination for a lot of these people spirituality, it's like, they feel like it's too connected to materialism. Right? Where in actuality, a vision is not too far off from having a goal, right? Plenty people can have a vision, My vision is my goal, right? Or all these other things where ambition is more tied, you know, for me, growing up, like ambition was always tied to, you know, material success, whereas ambition can also be tied to this great spiritual vision. Right? So connecting, you know, those two streams of thought has been a big part of spiritual dopler again, connecting with somebody like yourself who's leading with spirituality, ambition and and this commitment and decision making capability that you've got is still being spiritually LED and is blowing the doors and you know, everything like I said in the beginning here is opening up for you because you're doing it that way and you're connected with your spirituality.

Emmy Harr 44:02
Yeah, and I might even say two things about that to help kind of bridge that that gap that some people in the spiritual realm like fear is a I always figured you know, God, God can see the entire forest I can maybe see a tree. So like, if he is the one telling me and directing me Hey, you need to go to Austin or Hey, you need to do go to Casey or you need to do this podcast. Why wouldn't I want to trust that like, he's got this vantage point he's an eagle and I'm just a squirrel. You know what I mean? Like hell yeah, I'd rather trust somebody else than myself. And not not to separate the two right like cuz we are all God, we're all spirit but then also it comes into the fact of manifestation, meaning, well, and this is something that I learned with my spirituality is once my intuition or my inner child or My angels would tell me something, or show me something and I would act on them out of trust. And then they're more likely because then it's building their trust. You know what I mean? Like, it just feels like a mutual pendulum, if you will. Okay, so we know that she's hearing us, she's receiving the messages, and she makes this she makes option or takes action on them. So yeah, we're gonna keep feeding her. You know what I mean? says this, this manifestation of when, when you say you're going to do something and do it, then it's, it's convincing your brain or your spiritual army that yes, she deserves more, she gets more, you know. So that's helped me.

Brandon Handley 45:41
Now, I love that, thanks for sharing that. It's really funny. There was um, you had another guest on who who really said it really similar, different different storyline, the similar outcome, right? You say you're going to do it, and you do it. And the universe becomes kind of like this. You know? Emma says that she's going to do it, right. Emma says that she's going to emphasize it's just going to keep keep opening. All right, Yep. Yep, go ahead, open up the path open up the path just because otherwise, like, right, it's like, you know, why would I open up the door? If you say you're not gonna do it? Right? Why would I? Why would I clear the path if, hey, I'm gonna be there at five and you show you don't show up? Right? Well, I'm not gonna keep open up the path for you. Right? So. So real, real similar stuff there. Um, favorite like is did you have any outside of like, of course, I Bible on scripture, any books, movies, anything that just kind of blew your mind on spirituality?

Emmy Harr 46:44
Gosh, so many. I remember there's this one movie called Joshua, when I was little. It's an older movie, I think it was probably in the 90s. But that was just like, again, learning to trust in something bigger than ourselves. And then as far as spirituality, there's like books on chakras, like aura cleansing. So that really helped me. And then I would say, probably my most recent, which was just very profound. Because of timing in my life, I just finished reading the surrender experiment by Michael singer. And not so that that was just so crazy, because I was actually part of a virtual book club club, who with a corporate couple of older women who wanted to read that book, months ago. And I was like, Hey, I'm not in like, I'm already reading free books. Right now. I'm not in the capacity to read it. But can I at least still join for the conversations, right? So don't we've talked maybe once or twice about the book, because it was such a quick read for them. And it was just fun. It was like a spiritual dope, it was a hit. But we never really registered what what they were reading, like what the content of the book was, because it just didn't feel like the right timing for me. then fast forward about a month and a half or two, I think about two months. And I just got this inkling you need the surrender experiment. And fourth of July, I was with my buddy, Jeremy Snowden. And we were just doing some inner work spiritually. And I had the revelation of a retreat center, a vision of a retreat center. And I was like, no way. Like, that's, it was so not me that I was like, This is divine. And so that it was for. So it's just after that vision that I got this inkling that I need to read the surrender experiment. So Ben actually bought us a couple copies. And we started reading it and or just before the day before I started reading it, I mentioned to one of my co workers. And he was like, oh, that'll be great. It talks about him in building a retreat center from scratch. And I was like, You're lying. I was like, No, this is super big. And man, I could not put that book down. I'm a slow reader, especially when it comes to work, like this type of inner work. Sure. But I finished that book in like two or three days, and I just I could not put it down. I was like, as is so crazy.

Brandon Handley 49:19
Yeah, that's it's a great one too. I definitely enjoy it. You know, it just begins in that, you know, with the, you know, the whole idea of how limited are you and I write with with what we think we what we think we know with our limited, whatever experiences versus what the universe what Source Energy knows is capable of. And if we go with the idea of having a benevolent universe, if we go with the idea of having an army that's helping to make things happen for us, what happens if we let go the reins a little Bit what happens if we just say, you know, show me what you got? Right? And just kind of take it? And that's the Oh, yeah, agreed. I mean that that blew my mind when he kind of described that to me in that book, right. Trying to experiment. The chakras and or, or cleansing books. Would you have like one or two that are top of mind that you share out with others?

Emmy Harr 50:24
Yeah. Do you mind if I go grab it? Because the author here? Okay.

Unknown Speaker 50:30
The more

Emmy Harr 50:32
like, it's actually an inner like, almost might I say self Reiki in a way, but it's, it's called your aura. And your chakra is the owner manual by Carla McLaren. Okay, and so it should it. It kind of goes through or walks through the process of what each aura represents how to what do you want to visualize how to clean it, how to cleanse your aura, your chakras, and then grounding yourself. It kind of goes through techniques with that. So I love that as I was getting started. Nice,

Brandon Handley 51:03
nice. Perfect. Very cool. Well, thank you so much for coming on today. Where should Where should I send people to kind of come check out what you're up to?

Emmy Harr 51:14
Yeah, definitely. So your essential nature is on both Facebook and YouTube for platforms. It's probably going to expand but for right now we'll just stick with Facebook and YouTube.

Brandon Handley 51:26
Fantastic. And before you hop off, is there anything else that you feel like you should share today with with spiritual Oh

Unknown Speaker 51:34
gosh, do

Emmy Harr 51:35
we have an extra three hours?

Brandon Handley 51:38
Sure podcast for

Unknown Speaker 51:40
surely. Surely.

Brandon Handley 51:42
Yeah. So guys, if you want to check out more Have a look. So your says me up here and Emma in the emails? Which is it again?

Unknown Speaker 51:52
know, what emails are you looking at?

Brandon Handley 51:55
I don't know. I saw Ms. I saw ms somewhere. So I just want to make sure it's me. Right. I was like, Listen, so it's me. Me. Yeah, you guys want to go find so this is probably the third time it's happened to me on spiritual dope. It's like cuz, you know, and, and I was gonna ask this one. Anyways, so if you guys want to go find out more, what he's up to the podcast that she's talking about is so much fun, your essential nature. You know, the three, four of you guys all get on there, you have a good time you talk about some really cool topics you have what's cool is it's not, you know, just diverse in you know, racial or, you know, male and female dynamics, but also the age dynamic too. So, you know, there's just a lot I think that has gone on really great with what you guys have created. So thank you for what you have created, and what you're sharing out there with your group. appreciate what you're doing.

Emmy Harr 52:56
And likewise, thank you for having me.

Unknown Speaker 52:58
Thanks for listening to the spiritual in Thank you, me for being on the show. Does spiritual dough Be sure to follow us on Facebook and on our website does spiritual joe.com

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