Dr. Ben Chambers | Optimal Health and Wellness

Published: Oct. 18, 2020, 6:42 a.m.

What would you do if you could experience perfection?

Even if it was just for one moment?

Take a listen to Dr. Benjamin Chambers as he shares with you how to connect with source and experience moments beyond magnificence.

Connect with Ben here: axiscw.com

And check out his podcast here: Your Essential Nature Podcast

Insights & Takeaways:

  • Brandon’s Intro: “I’m on with Dr. Ben Chambers and it's his life purpose to bring people into their optimal state of health and wellness.”
  • 2:03 Dr. Ben’s message is about “Tapping into what you are, as opposed to what other people perceive you as… We wear many different masks in life, many different personas.”
    • This relates directly to the unconscious personas and archetypes that Carl Jung discussed. It begs the question: Who am I really, behind these masks? Who am I truly when I am not portraying a persona?
    • Dr. Ben indicates that the masks/personas are not our real identities, “not really who you are at your deepest level.”
      • Dr. Ben believes that when we step away from these personas and into the present moment which is “already perfect. There’s nothing to fix, there’s nothing to perfect upon… you actually get to experience the perfection of simply being.”
  • 3:58 Dr. Ben refers to a Shakespearean quote from Hamlet which he loves: “There is nothing either good or bad but thinking makes it so.”
    • Dr Ben speaks of a patient who left a note in his office one day which stated simply “Love is.” This also reminds him of a friend that has recently passed who once said, “We are beings of Love and Light.
      • Dr. Ben says that when we don’t receive love and light that it creates pain within us that we store as trauma and emotion. He says, “The only thing that can unlock the trauma and emotion we’re carrying is going back to love.”
  • 7:25 Dr. Ben discusses the semantics of whatever individuals call their path or journey
    • I’m not here to define that for you… whether you call it consciousness, or you call it spirit, whether you call it soul, whether you call it God, whether you call it Divine Universe, it doesn’t matter. We are all on a spiritual path and everything we do is energy. You know, on a quantum level, we’re vibrating packets of light.”
  • 19:19 Responding to Brandon’s questions about what it was like when Dr. Ben began to integrate energy work holistically into his practice with patients, Dr. Ben responds:
    • “This gets into like, fulfilling archetypal roles.” He goes on to explain how the word “Doctor” is derived from a word meaning “to teach.” Where doctors in his field of Chiropractics typically see around 100 people a day he isn’t called to spend a mere few minutes with each person and send them off. He might see closer to around 20 patients per day instead. For him it isn’t about the cash cow of having these patients return again and again as is typical with much of modern healthcare. It is about teaching them to heal and stay healed holistically.
      • “...it’s the outcome that you get, you get tired of trying to sell people a system that you in your heart believe is not complete… as a chiropractor, you can get into the fear model: ‘I got to keep this person sick so that they can continue coming in to see me. Our whole medical system is predicated on the idea of disease care, rather than healthcare… as soon as you cure them you have lost a patient. So with me, I’m happy to lose patients. I’m happy for them not to come in, because there are a lot of sick people in the world… Everyone I get to work on, I get to teach, right?”

Spiritual Dope Eureka Moments!

  • 27:30 “You can’t get anywhere by being inauthentic and you can’t get anywhere by just following a map of what someone else did or being the same as a guy across the street.”

  • 28:15 & 28:53 “One of my favorite things to do, it’s called an ‘open secret.’ Do you ever see the halos over a saint’s head? Like the golden light around Christ or around Buddha? That’s an open secret… the halo was not a fancy hat, it was an opening of the Crown Chakra. So the trick is, and this is one of my favorite things to do… I focus on my heart and I say the words ‘Thank you.” That opens the Heart Chakra. So focus on your heart. You can tap it if you want to as well, and just think of the words ‘Thank you.’ Then you focus on your crown, say ‘Thank you’ and then focus inside your head and say ‘Thank you.’ What you’ll feel is a tingling along the top of your head…”
    • “If you pay attention to the center of your head, you’ll actually feel your pineal gland. The fastest way to be able to reach your spiritual side is gratitude. So when you say thank you with your heart, it opens up your heart. When you say thank you with your crown, it opens up your crown. Have you ever seen the lotus flower before? The lotus flower is a depiction of the crown chakra opening, right and enlightenment, right? So heart opens, thank you. Crown opens, thank you, and then that golden light that you see within those religious images, it happens to you.”

49:30 “When you're playing a role, rather than being who you really are, you'll never feel whole and complete. And you'll always look for something outside of yourself to fix it, or you'll blame someone outside or something outside of yourself for why things are the way they are.”

Transcript below machine generated

Brandon Handley 0:00
4321 Hey, there's spiritual dope. This is Brandon Handley and I am on with Dr. Ben chambers and it's his life purpose to bring people into their optimal state of health and wellness chicken with illness in his early 20s. He found he was outside found hope outside of conventional medicine. At the age of 22. He was diagnosed with chronic fatigue syndrome, which relegated him to a life spent at home, unable to work or attend school. While he was seeking medical treatment by some of the area's experts, he was told to, quote unquote, join a support group and learn to live with this chronic illness. He could not accept this dismissal sentence. Through changes in exercise, diet, lifestyle and regular chiropractic visits, he was able to overcome insurmountable fatigue, recurrent illness and pain, and he began to rebuild his life. This journey defined his passion for health and propelled him into the field of chiropractic and functional medicine, graduating from Cleveland chiropractic in 2009. And he wants you to know that health and living pain free is within reach for all of us. However, achieving true health can be a mystery with the flood of information and Miss information present in our chiropractic energy, healer, speaker and pass it misinformation present and that he is also a chiropractor, energy healer, speaker and he is passionate about helping people to connect with deeper aspects of their being. Dr. Ben, thanks for being here today. How are you?

Dr Ben Chambers 1:29
It's an honor and a pleasure to be here. Thank you. Yeah, man, I'm doing great doing great.

Brandon Handley 1:34
Yeah, loving life, loving life. So I love to start these off with the idea that we are conduits for creative energy source energy. And that you and I, while we're having a great conversation, somebody else is out there that's listening to this podcast. And there's a message coming through you. For them today. What is that message?

Dr Ben Chambers 2:00
Well, the message would be

Dr Ben Chambers 2:03
tapping into tapping into what you are, as opposed to what other people perceive you as what you perceive yourself, as we wear many different masks within life. Many different personas, you know, you you we talked on the phone while back, you know, you're a father, you're an entrepreneur, you're a podcaster. And these are all just like hats that you wear for a period of time. But it's not really your true identity or your your your essential nature, like it's not really who you are your deepest level. But getting a chance to step away and be in the present moment, in the present moments already perfect. There's nothing to fix, there's nothing to perfect upon. So when you step away from all these roles, and all these identities and all these ideas of perfection, you actually get to experience the perfection of simply being and when you're in that state of being, there's nothing else to really fix or impress upon life begins to slow down and you feel well, you feel authentic, you feel who you really are on your deepest level.

Brandon Handley 3:04
I love that feeling, you know, being something that I was I was on a podcaster this week on you know, my buddy Jeremy, who has a positive side podcasts, he was asking me kind of what it was that I was doing to get in touch with source and how what that look like to be. And I was talking about being in love, right? And that was my meditation. My meditation was about sitting with and being in love, like literally immersed in it, emanating it and just being a love being right, what else do you need to be, you know, in that moment, and you don't need to go anywhere to find it. It's already within you. Right? You are limitless potential of all things. And so that goes to Shakespeare's To be or not to be. And the question is, what do you choose to be?

Dr Ben Chambers 3:58
Right? Yeah, when we choose that we choose that from moment to moment. There's another quote from Shakespeare I like it is things are neither good nor bad, but the mind makes it so I'm a huge fan of that line

Brandon Handley 4:10
and love that line. Yeah.

Dr Ben Chambers 4:11
But But I have a patient who is in his 80s and he's just like, he's a giant teddy bear. He reminds me of like Winnie the Pooh or something like that. And he's just he's so still that he makes me feel not still myself like I'm very still but he's like, he's like a lake that doesn't move. And he wrote down on a piece of paper my room one day just just in a calm state just wrote down on piece of paper and left it on my desk. He wrote love is and that's it. He just wrote the words love is nothing more. Yeah. And and you know, the mind goes with love is what love is that and another friend of mine passed away last year. He said, We are beings made of love and light, per se. I like to add an addendum to that we're beings made of love and light. So that's why when If we don't receive love and light, creates pain within us, hmm. And we store it as trauma and emotion. And the only thing that can unlock the trauma and emotion we're carrying is going back to love. So, you know, you think about when you go to a therapist or you pay good money for someone to work on you, really what you're paying for is care. Hmm. And then they hold the space for them to, for you to receive the love that you didn't receive a long time ago. Hmm. And then that's what actually transmutes the pain that we're holding, it's just having still moment in time where there's no past or future. And you can take love it actually bring it liberally all throughout the body. And that's, that's what that's the catalyst for healing.

Brandon Handley 5:44
I love that I love that just being able to release that pent up energy, right, that trauma, right? Because it's kind of like deeply love within you and you're saying like, no kind of loves the key to let that go right and or be in be in that space. And you talk about like a therapist or something like that this is somebody that's specializes in that abilities the same way that an energy worker like yourself or coach would do right where they they excel in being able to coax a love coach and coax right that greatness out of you right? And let you realize that right now, just like you started this off with you are great, just right. Now as you are right. I was listening to Swami one of the Swamis earlier Yeah, this week, and he was talking about you are that right? You are that right? You know, Tommasi. Right? You are that not you are becoming that not you're going to be that you are right now that, just like you were saying, so let's rewind here and stop there for a second. Because we, you know, I've listened to some of your other podcasts that you're doing. And I know that we could do this all day. What I want to share with the people that are listening with whoever's listening today to is this, this, let's talk about, you know, you stepped into becoming a chiropractor, and going about it also with this energy work that you do. And what I want to find out from you is, what was it like? And is it like leading from a spiritual space? Right, versus just your versus simply clinical?

Dr Ben Chambers 7:25
Yeah, and that's, that's an interesting, the interesting paradox of, of getting into the healing arts, or anything for that matter. Is, is I think you can you can turn the world into a binary, the binary is, people that know they're on the spiritual path. And people who don't know how you define that is uniquely you. And I'm not here to define that for you. But what do you call it consciousness, we call it spirit, whether you call it soul, when you call it God, when you call it divine universe, it doesn't matter. We're all on a spiritual path. And everything we do is energy. You know, on a quantum level, we're vibrating packets of love, we're vibrating packets of light on a quantum level. So when we're in school, it is this idea of making everything clinical, somebody comes in who's sick, and you give them a label, and they become that identity. But that also becomes a prison. As long as you're looking at somebody as imperfect or broken, they're going to present as imperfect and broken. So if you understand that, on their deepest level, they are the universe they're not, as Alan Watts says, they're not a drop of the ocean, their entire ocean in one drop. They contain within them to see to perfection. And if you sit across in them and see the perfection, it's already within rapid healing happens. But as soon as you get overly clinical, and you go, Well, they've got this malady, you're seeing them is broken, and so they present is broken. It was, um, eric erickson, the one of the pioneers of psychology, I thought it was being clever because I thought whenever I work on someone, I see them as perfect. I see them as that light. And then and then healing is very rapid, very rapid. So I thought, How clever Am I to think of this? Well, he thought of it well before me, and I'm sure Christ and I'm sure Buddha, and I'm sure others got to that Well, before I did, too. There are no unique ideas in the world. We're mining them from the field of collective consciousness. And when you're sitting across from somebody, if you see them in perfection, what will present is perfection. If you see them as broken, mobile present is Zin breaking, if you want to heal them, you have to effectively create an open space where they can step into their perfection. It's like you talked about Shakespeare, you you you project the stage like for them to step on stage and shine. And then through Free Will they have the choice whether they step into that light or not.

Brandon Handley 9:34
Now, so a lot in that, that. I would love to kind of touch on one of those. One of those pieces is the idea. And I don't have the book right here with me. There's a book called off. Power versus force.

Dr Ben Chambers 9:50
Oh, yeah. Dr. Hawkins.

Brandon Handley 9:51
Yes, it's good stuff. Right. So it's kind of kind of touching on what you're talking about there. I actually have another friend who is a therapist out in California. Talking about exactly what you're saying here. Not only are you a practitioner and you know the physical sense of being, but when you have a mindful awareness that you aren't necessarily healing that person, you are seeing that person as whole. Right? That that accelerates the healing, because the energy that you're bringing to it and the vision of that person that you see, is that, is that fair? Is that kind of how I'm understanding it?

Dr Ben Chambers 10:28
Oh, right. Yeah, it's the idea that

Dr Ben Chambers 10:32
you know, who we are is already a perfected state.

Dr Ben Chambers 10:37
Healing is, you've heard this before for the placebo effect before, right? placebo effective effectively is, is giving yourself the belief that you're going to heal, and then you're receptive to the idea of healing. I have a lot of people who will schedule and they will start to heal before they come in. So they already start the process of healing Well, before they even come into the space. Sure, they know that it's the you know, and this is actually a common phenomenon. But, but when someone's driving off to the hospital, or the doctor's office, the body already begins to heal before you've even gotten there.

Brandon Handley 11:14
I'd like to I'd like to I love that. Right. So placebo is tends to be what around 30%? Is that? Is that right? Is was that a rough

Dr Ben Chambers 11:21
number? 35%. Somewhere there abouts? Yeah.

Brandon Handley 11:24
So that that means that these are the people that kind of have an optimist approach to it knowing feeling and knowing in some sense of the way that it whatever they're about to interact with, is working right and will work for them. Right? It is, you know, it's a mental game,

Unknown Speaker 11:43
right? But what we don't talk about,

Brandon Handley 11:47
there's the 35% of the people who believe in the placebo, what we don't talk about are the people who have like, I think I heard dispenza saying it one day like a no CBOE, right. Like, there's there's got to be X amount of people that have the mental belief that it won't work for them. Right. And those people I think are right, um, I think that they're lost in the shuffle, right, like so. of the 30 of the 100%. You've got the 35% that have placebo they've got what do they call that? What type of what? Archie's what type of healing? Is it? You know, that just that they can't account for? Right that you know, so?

Dr Ben Chambers 12:28
Oh, give me a seat, right?

Brandon Handley 12:30
Yeah. Right. So they've got the spontaneous healing. And, you know, that you can't point a picture to as a matter of fact, I've I know, of two people recently, one, whose older son just recently cleared out brain cancer at the age of like, 21. Dude, like, I mean, yeah, fucking real. Unreal, dude, like me. Right? And like he would they were going out and doing things. He was on his way to die. Yeah. And they were doing things like last minute shit, because they want to make the mess that most of their life. Yeah. cleared his fucking shit up to you. I'm so sorry. Like, I can't I can't I can't be anything but excited about that. Right, right, though. So but then. So there's the 35% of the placebo that are documented, spontaneous healing type things. Where's the documentation of the people were like, Nah, that's just not gonna work. Because that's got to be X number.

Dr Ben Chambers 13:17
Right? Oh, totally. And Bruce Lipton talks about the nocebo effect

Brandon Handley 13:21
that's separate. It's okay. Yeah,

Dr Ben Chambers 13:23
yeah, yeah. And that's but we're already living it. You know, there's only a small percentage of the population are willing to see me as a chiropractor. The irony is I'm not really a chiropractor. I'll do for lack of better word energy healing, I'll do nutrition, I'll do functional medicine. I'll do whatever the person holistic healing, holistic healing Right, right, which is ancient, this is not new Chinese medicine is 5000 plus years old. This is not a new science, right. But the person's receptivity to it makes a difference. Yeah. And if someone you know, it's, it's, there's a quote from Henry Ford, whether you believe you can or whether you believe you can't You're right. So people will enter into it with a closed mind. Right, we're closed disposition and just leave them the openness to heal. We have a family friend right now, who has stomach issues and ulcers through functional medicine and through things I've seen within the Office, I've seen people time and again, he'll you modify the diet you can use to quit rated licorice, you can use aloe vera juice, you can use slippery elm, etc, etc. And, and you can do meditation and things to lower stress. Now, if he took that integrative approach, he would likely he'll work rapidly from his from his ulcer. But his lack of being open to this prevents them from seeing that as an opportunity or possibility. I hear this all the time. With the mention somebody having spontaneous recovery from brain cancer. I've had many patients who've recovered from cancer, through hands on healing or other modes. I've actually touched tumors on people before and you can feel the melting underneath your hand. Wow. But the thing is, that's not crazy. Everything is an energy. Everything's a frequency through. I haven't learned Reiki that a lot of what I do is self taught or I've taken A few courses to kind of hone hone skills. But in Reiki, they talk about bio magnetic fields in the bio magnetic field is everything has its own oscillatory field, right? And when something falls out of rhythm, it's almost like having a concert where you know the horns are coming in late or, or, you know, the flutes or the clarinets are not playing the same song as the rest of the rest of the orchestra. If you can throw it through bringing frequency or bringing energy or bringing bringing integration back into the body, get them all into concert, then the body can fall back into rhythm and healing can happen. It's it's got What is his name?

Dr Ben Chambers 15:37
Oh, so he's got

Dr Ben Chambers 15:40
he's one of the talking heads with an alternative health but he had a video where he Gregg Gregg Braden Gregg Braden. Yeah, he has a video where? Yeah, it's got Yeah, it's got a video where he's got these these Chinese healers working on a lady and they have an ultrasound. Have you seen that before? Yeah. Got and you can see the tumor shrinking in real time. Yeah, I know, if I was skeptical, I wouldn't believe it. But I personally witnessed that, and I've had so many patients who've witnessed the same thing.

Brandon Handley 16:10
You know, it's, it's the idea of, either everything's a miracle or nothing's a miracle.

Dr Ben Chambers 16:14
Einstein, right.

Brandon Handley 16:16
But I mean, even even, you know, this past year for me, it's been a lot of time spent with Hinduism and Vedanta. You know, and, and the same premises, like, either everything is God or nothing is God. Right? So, same principle, either everything is or everything is not

Dr Ben Chambers 16:40
the loser? Yeah, for a second, my internet connection is not the best.

Brandon Handley 16:44
So you know what? So it's funny that you bring up the idea of, you know, people are receptive to something or not, I mean, I mean, there are receptor cells, right. I mean, again, the biochemic, our own biochemistry mimics kind of the outside, same thing, you know, if there's somebody that's, you know, mentally prepared themselves not to receive, you know, there's there's a, I'm guessing, you know, there's a bubbling out versus like a kind of receptor field, you know, being created totally, but they just won't let that in.

Dr Ben Chambers 17:15
Well, you've heard of chakras before, right?

Brandon Handley 17:17
Yeah, not too deep on Shockers, but you know, I am familiar with them.

Dr Ben Chambers 17:20
Yeah. So So, you ever get like a pit in your stomach before? Hmm. Now, the pit in your stomach is the solar plexus chakra. Okay. And chakra can be thought of as like Windows, right? So imagine, imagine, each chakra was a room to a part of your body. Okay. And you didn't open up the windows, so the air became stagnant. Hmm. You know, or otherwise, when people close off their chakra or their energy body, it's not allowing certain things in. And it's not allowing a flow of energy within those systems. I had chronic fatigue for a long time. And so my stomach always felt tight or knotted up. And as I've gotten, as I've, as I've healed over the years, and as I've actually improved my energy, my stomach, my solar plexus, my body's very open, I feel very loose and very, very open and free. Why bring that up is when people are closed, their mid back or their chest will tighten, or parts of their body will tighten. They literally become like a rock or stone. Right? And, and I look at it like a turtle going back in it show, huh? You know, like, it just kind of closes out from the world and blocks anything else from coming in. And you can tell because when you're inspired, you're breathing in deeply. And when you're not, you're not breathing in very much at all. So when you're in the flow rhythm of life, your body relaxes you breathe, and you you're actually connected. And when you're not, you'll drink you'll smoke, you'll you'll do something to like occupy your mind. So you can be somewhere else,

Brandon Handley 18:40
right? disengaged? Yeah. disengage, disengage. So, so you're in this business. Now let's talk about what what was it like for you? What is it like for you, you know, when you started with kind of leading holistically with the energy space? Did you start there? Or was it did you start with being a chiropractor being very doctory? Right, doctor, Dr. Ben, total doctor until least, you know, stiff, and then opening up into the space and talk about what how that changed for life for you a little bit in your practice for you.

Dr Ben Chambers 19:19
This gets into like, fulfilling archetypal roles. You know, like we have this idea of what the we have this idea of what the ideal is, hmm. So the ideal chiropractor is someone that sees 100 people a day, spends three minutes with each person, you know, cranks on their neck, pizza tarda them insane. Often they come back a week later. You know, that's the archetypal form. But I didn't, I didn't like that. It wasn't fulfilling and I never saw I'd never seen more than 20 people a day. I mean, take a chance to know them. Right? You don't get really chance, a chance to connect with them. Right? But working physically with people. I found So I started working nutritionally, that would only take them so far, right. And then I started doing more of the hands on healing work and everything else. And you start to get a clear idea of why people hurt. But it's about outcomes that you get, you get tired of trying to sell people, a system that you and your heart believe is not complete. And you go like a spiritual seeker, you keep on seeking until you get a clear idea of what that might be. So it's the idea that, that, that you don't receive healing from someone else that you are healing. And you learn how to carry that with you every day. And then hopefully, as a society, we teach each other how to be healthy and whole and balanced. Like the Buddha, the Eightfold Path of, of, of harmony, or enlightenment, is just an idea of being harmonized with everything that we do. Linda case of the patient, as a chiropractor, you can get into the fear model, I got to keep this person sick so that they can continue coming in to see me. Our whole medical system is predicated on the idea of disease care, rather than healthcare. You identify with an illness, you treat someone for the rest of their life for that illness. And, and you have a patient for life. As soon as you cure them, you've lost a patient. So with me, I'm happy to lose patients, I'm happy for them not to come in. Because there's a lot of sick people in the world. They refer people that they know and I get to work with them too. But everyone I work on, I get to teach, right? And then they get to take that into their lives. And that becomes each one teach one or or the idea that what the word doctor truly means. Is teacher.

Brandon Handley 21:35
Okay, okay. Yeah, never, I never even did not know that. The doctor meant teacher. So I love that. Yeah, kind of lines back into the discipline, which is a disciple, which is like education, right to learn, right? So I love kind of, I love that thought process. The other thing I want to know you're talking in there, you know, you've got these people that are walking around who think that they're sick. And again, I'm just I'm not a doctor myself, but but like this, to me, just like these are replicator cells, right? Like, everywhere they go, like, in the body of humanity. These are replicator cells. These are people anywhere they go, they look at you, and they say, I say doctor bad. I'm sick. And and, you know, you're like, Oh, yes, you're sick as a replicator cell, right? And the next person that you look over to you like that person, you know, over, they're sick, because you're a replication of what somebody's telling you. In essence, right? So what you're able to do is you're able to see them as whole and look back at them be like, no, you're, you are whole. Right? And then, you know, you're kind of reverse that reversing that replication back to them. Does that make sense? Right,

Dr Ben Chambers 22:40
yeah, you're in training them to the field?

Brandon Handley 22:42
Mm hmm. Yeah, that's another part. So that's another. I love it. So that's another part of the force versus power, right? Power sports. I forget the name of the book, The Dr. Atkins, right. Dr. Boyce? Yeah. Um, so when you first set people set the person's, like, verbally told somebody, you were doing energy work on them? You know, what was that? Like? What was it like to step into that space?

Dr Ben Chambers 23:08
Well, it's actually more of a recent endeavor, because we're not to be fair, we're always doing energy work.

Brandon Handley 23:15
So but when you when you like, you know, you're like, hold up a banner and be like, right? They were doing energy work? Right, right, somebody who's just walking into a chiropractor's office, and, you know, you've got the people who are not receptive to it. Right. Totally. I mean, there's got to be a little bit of a fear with leading with that,

Dr Ben Chambers 23:31
right. And the thing about it is, it's, it's, you can make something esoteric, exoteric, you can make it known to people. It's just like, you know, if you never had a mirror, you know, and I was like, You got hair on your head, you know, and you'd be like, well, prove it to me, and I'm like, well, raise your hand up and feel it. I'll say things to people, like, if you've ever had a child scrape his knee, you know, and then you hug and hold them and they feel better, or you've gotten a hug. And that that hug makes you feel better, right? Or, you know, you're out in traffic and you hold your hand up like this, or you point at somebody, this is all energy, right? And it's just understanding that emotion is energy. One of my favorite things to show people I think I have it in this drawer. Actually, this is this is good timing. Is this chart. Funny that I would have it here. This is a thermographic scan of the body.

Brandon Handley 24:22
Hmm. I love that. That's great.

Dr Ben Chambers 24:23
Yeah. And what it shows is with with somebody who has depression, their body is blue. Hmm. You know, under the heat under the wave, when they're angry. There's heat rising up to their head. They're a hothead. Right? But when they're in a state of happiness, or love, right, their whole body is warm. Hmm. And that's, that's just the movement of energy within the body. That's

Brandon Handley 24:45
energy that's lighting up. They're lighting up, they're becoming enlightened. I mean, is that fair to say?

Dr Ben Chambers 24:49
Oh, no. And that's the idea behind enlightenment. Enlightenment is a very simple term, it means that you've actually taken all of your trauma, and anything that does not cause you to vibrate with love and light and you've moved it into A state where it's all of enlightened become an empty container to hold more light. Hmm. And you think about that, then the whole body on a scan would just be light. Right? It would be the energy because because because the the heat, or the lack of heat. What I love here, though, right is the science

Brandon Handley 25:15
is proving out what's already been stated for many, many years, right? You're feeling blue, there's literally a picture and a graphic that corresponds to that. Right? Right. You are You are in loving presence, you are enlightened, there's literally now a scientific thermal graphic that

Unknown Speaker 25:32
can show that, right. So totally, I love that.

Dr Ben Chambers 25:36
I love that. And the thing is science and religion, were unpaired because of not to get spiritual, but because of the church A long time ago, you know, Galileo was on house arrest for the last 20 years of his life, right? You know, Copernicus, Kepler and others who were challenging geo centricity, you know, that idea that the Earth was the center of the universe. Were castigated. You know, they didn't they want to, they don't want to put themselves out there. So there was a natural split between the church and in science, but Einstein, Newton, other great thinkers, they were mystics, right? Right. They were tapping into something when Einstein will come up with his theorems. It would be in the twilight hours of night, he was in a deep meditative state, where he was getting these visions, right. So it's

Dr Ben Chambers 26:22

Brandon Handley 26:23
If we, if we look at if we like the idea of again, the idea of like constriction, or tightening up, right, or being ultra focus versus the idea of opening up and being receptive to other things that we simply have no idea of, right? We are we are receptive to new ideas, right? You don't know everything? And that's okay. Right, obviously, and then, you know, there are going to be pieces that finally just kind of fall out of the ether and click together. I mean, those are the eureka moments, right? You know, what, what was that when I forget, you know, who that was? Who said it, but you know, running through that, you know, the light has gone off, there's an epiphany happening, wrong. And so, you stepped into this, you're stepping into this space, what I want to kind of hammer home for some people is that, you know, has you you felt Have you felt more fulfillment, with leading from this energy space than a strictly clinical space? And has your business kind of grown in a way that you didn't think was possible because of it?

Dr Ben Chambers 27:30
Well, it can, it gets into this idea that you'll never, not that it's about separating, because it's ideally we're all unifying, right? We're unifying through the heart. But one you can't get anywhere by being inauthentic. And to you can't get anywhere by by just following a map of what someone else did. Or being the same as a guy across the street. If you feel so compelled to push things forward, push it forward. But I'm occupying space that I feel like needs to be occupied, and I feel authentic in doing so. And people. Generally speaking, people do not. They do not attack you when they can sense that what you're saying is true to your core, right? Or when you can show them aspects of themselves that they didn't know existed.

Brandon Handley 28:12
Right. So what's an example of that? I'd love to hear that.

Dr Ben Chambers 28:15
Oh, yeah. Yeah, totally. Um, and maybe we can play around with this at some point. But one of my favorite things to do is it's called an open secret. But do you ever see the halos over a saints head? Yes. And unlike the golden light around like Christ around Buddha around it, that's an open

Brandon Handley 28:30
graphic. I mean, that's, that's literally part of my, that's part of my, my logo, right? My awesome visual dope logos, right, I've got behind, you know, set, I've got a Jesus piece where he's got the he's holding up and he's got a heart on his head. And that's where the lights coming out of. And then I've got a Buddha where the hearts like, you know, with the lights coming out of and so the idea got, though, so.

Dr Ben Chambers 28:53
But that's, that's it right there. These are called Open secrets. And the halo was not a fancy hat, it was an opening of the crown chakra. So the trick is, and this is my favorite thing to do, we can do it right now if you want to. So you do and you know, and anyone listening to this right now pay attention, because you'll feel it as well. That's the amazing thing is whatever you're watching, you're getting programmed to, and you'll feel it energetically. So what I do is I focus on my heart. And I say the word Thank you. Okay, and that opens up the heart chakra. So focus on your heart. You can tap it if you want to as well. And and just think the word. Thank you. Thank you. And then focus about a foot above your head and say the word Thank you. Thank you. Thank you,

Brandon Handley 29:35
like, rubbing my belly. And yeah, thank you.

Dr Ben Chambers 29:39
Yeah, but just focus your heart. Thank you focus on your crown, say thank you, and then focus inside of your head and say thank you. Thank you. And what you'll feel is a tingling along the top of your head. And you'll feel Yeah, you don't have to tap anymore. But you'll feel a tingling on top of your head. Right? And if you pay attention to the center of your head, you'll actually feel your pineal gland. And the fastest way to be able to reach a spiritual side is gratitude. So when you say thank you with your heart, it opens up your heart when you say thank you for your crown, it opens up your credit ever seen the lotus flower before the lotus flower is a depiction of the crown chakra opening, right and enlightenment, right? So heart opens, thank you. Crown opens, thank you, and then that that golden light that you see within those religious images, it happens to you. Right? You know, I'm not saying it happens the same degree as Christ or Buddha. But you actually tap into your consciousness, your soul, your essence, we have

Brandon Handley 30:36
to think though, everybody has to know that they didn't start that way on day one. Right? I mean, it didn't start like that that way. On day one, this is, you know, you're in a medical and a spiritual and a life practice. Versus right, nobody calls this a life done or a meditation done, right? meditation, perfection, it's always a practice of always, you know, not not necessarily getting better at it, simply practicing it, right. I mean, it's even, um, you know, when So, my idea or thought process about the lotus flower is also the very idea that it is and it is naturally unfolding, right? It's naturally blossoming. You know, these are these are naturally unfolding essences of yourself that kind of, if you think about the heart, mind connection, right? Like you just did there right connecting both of those, but also kind of that welling energy without that just simply unfolds. Right? Totally blossoms.

Dr Ben Chambers 31:42
Yeah. Well into your point. It is it is a process, you can reach spontaneously as spontaneous enlightenment. That's what the Buddha was said to have done under the under the forget what kind of a tree Bodhi tree Yeah, yeah, Bodhi tree. But within within the chakra theory in this is more Hindu belief. And by the way, I'm not I'm not any particular religion, I just I listen to truth, and I take it in, but they talk about like, Governor's like, almost like on a car. Right? And how, as you develop spiritually, certain centers open up more and more and more. So for some people, the wide open for other people, it's a gradual unfolding, right. And it develops, and then they're able to tap in with with greater and greater ease. Now, I love it. I love it. So um,

Brandon Handley 32:36
yeah, dude. I mean, so do you feel now kind of more in alignment with all that you're doing? And kind of like this, this greater universe is opening up for you. experience.

Dr Ben Chambers 32:51
And you're, where you're at? Right?

Dr Ben Chambers 32:55
Right. It's about trust. And it's about authenticity. And so if you're, you think about it this way, the universe is a mirror. And if you make faces in front of the mirror, it makes faces back at you, right? You know, if you yell, someone was likely gonna yell at you. But if you constantly project authenticity, what comes back is authenticity. So whenever you feel your core, you have to express if that's your truth, and then meeting into trust, like you've heard of yin and yang before, right? You know, Yin would be the the flowing of the river, and Yang would be moving away from the branches that are in the river, so you don't get hit. Right. And there's a balance between the two, there's a time for action and time for inaction. Right. And if you're floating down the river, then the river is already doing all the work for you. Right, right. Yeah. But you have to be discerning enough to know when it's time to act. Yeah. And so when you're in a state of flow, or rhythm, in a state of harmony, and you're grounded, you don't really have to use a lot of energy or effort you just kind of float through life and everything comes to you because you become the attractor field for what it is you're trying to bring in. And the more you that you are, the more you get back exactly what it is you want

Brandon Handley 34:14
with like the attractor field and with the action Do you feel like there's some type of does action um, amplify the attractor field right does like you know, so yeah, this is kind of like a you know, Dr. Ben thinks it and he does it the universe revise right? You think it you say universe knows now that this is your accordance that you think it say do it universes like Well, shit, I better open up the way because every time you know, Dr. Ben says he thinks that he does it. This is a pattern. You know, again, does do the actions amplify this kind of attractor field?

Dr Ben Chambers 34:54
Oh, most definitely. Most definitely. It's it's the idea that was Energy you're putting out there is what you're amplifying. And and how you say it. Like there's there's a guy who's he does this relationship series, I'm gonna bleep myself a little bit, but it's life is either fps or F No. Right. And, and with that, it's like, if you don't feel that with anything you're doing, then don't do it is this point? Yeah, you know, bring 100% of yourself into whatever you're doing, and it'll come back. 100%. But people, you know, we talked about the nocebo effect before, people will think the thoughts that they don't want, thus attracting them. Because what they're saying like, let's say for instance, you come into my office and you want health, right? You know, what you might be saying is I'm sick, right? I'm sick, I'm sick. I'm sick. Right? And that's what I did for a long time. When I was sick, I would, I would, I would meet you. And I'd say, you know, Brandon, I'm on chronic fatigue syndrome. Sherry, nice to meet you. Alright. But now I think I'm healthy. And I feel it to my core. And what reflects back is health. But yeah, your thoughts and your actions are creating. And if you think about God in this way, I'm not I'm not saying like, you have to subscribe to this. But if the kingdom of heaven lies within, then it means God is interwoven into everything. Yeah, you guys everything or nothing. Right? God is everything. Right? So from that perspective, every thought you have in every word you say is a prayer. And God is interwoven into all things. So you are basically speaking to the field all the time. Now working with working with patients is fascinating. As soon as I think something, I feel it inside their body. If I think the thought for to clear a release it releases. That's how fast the field responds. Right. But we are swimming in we are swimming in the ocean of God, one of our receptionist who's an energy worker known, right? She said, she's watching a documentary on sharks. And she realized that the shark wasn't swimming in the ocean. But the ocean was swimming the shark.

Brandon Handley 36:52
That's cute. Yeah, I mean, right. It's I mean, the ocean is what's moving the shark around. Right. Exactly. And creating the space for it and and allowing and allowing for, you know, you mentioned the field. You know, For the uninitiated, I don't know who's made it that far through this podcast, it wouldn't be the uninitiated, but

Unknown Speaker 37:10
Sure. uninitiated, what do you mean by the field?

Dr Ben Chambers 37:14
Right? Well, let's say that.

Dr Ben Chambers 37:18
Let's say that we're all swimming in the ocean, right? If I were to take my arm and I was to push water, he would create a wave, right? And that wave might create a splash that affects you in some way. Or maybe a child is in the pool and peas or something like that. It's warmer in one area. Sure. kind of disgusting. But eventually it spreads out everywhere, right? So if you think of like the world as as basically swimming in an ocean of water, and that what you're doing is creating a wave. And that wave is rippling out further and further. That is the field. Okay? We don't think of our thoughts as something that carry out but our thoughts are actually matter that take up space and actually have an energy of their own. Right. So when you're having a thought, or you're thinking something, you're actually like, splashing a wave into the ocean, right? You know, are you making a little ripple? Are you making a tide? Are you splashing a wave? That's going to bring back good things to you? Are you going splashing a wave, it's actually going to cause you to drown?

Brandon Handley 38:15
Well, this is so this is on, and I love it. Right? So thank you, right? And this is, to me, this is where I'd love your thought process on it. This is where emotion and mind Connect. Right? This is where the heart mind connection comes from. This is where your emotion amplifies your thoughts, right? You can have a thought of gratitude you were talking about earlier, right? It's one thing to mentally think I'm grateful for this. I'm grateful for that snippety Snap, snap snap, versus feeling it right and emanating it. And as we think about that feeling of emanation. I mean, you've talked a lot about the attractor field, you've talked about, you know, the crown chakra, we've talked about energy talked about being the central point, I think about two things, I think about the tourist field, like being being you know, you're a core of the tourist. Right? You're like you're you're that middle of the vortex there. And then also think about, um, we are electromagnetic fields, we are no different then Planet Earth, where if you look out there, right there, okay, that's a tourist field. Again, you've got energy fields, you've got the North Pole, which we all know if you play with magnets, that you know, the north and south, you know, they attract each other, but that's the same field kind of going out there it emanates. And it keeps circulating, right, I mean, that that energy field keeps moving. So, again, you know, your emotions, amplify your thoughts, without connecting your heart and mind which was a Buddhist thing that I got, you know, talking about Alan Watts earlier, when he first talked about the heart mind that the Buddhism talks about, I lost my mind as I What is it? I had to I had to track it down. Right. And it was Gregg Braden who brought it home for me and his Thomas, you know, move mountains. thing, right? So Gregg Braden has got one on that, but what what are your thoughts on that? And how do you feel like you came to that space? If you did at all?

Dr Ben Chambers 40:12
Yeah. So we're talking about like emotions in the attractor field and, and, and the spin how it actually plays with the universe itself?

Brandon Handley 40:20
Well, so Connect. So, um, we talked about emotional mastery, right? That's the idea that, you know, you either, you know, depends on your where you come from on this too, but like, you know, your thoughts and your emotions working in unison, right to totally create that yield, right? Because your emotions are what? And electromagnetic field? Is that true or fine?

Dr Ben Chambers 40:45
No, no, it's true. It's it's creating, yeah, it's creating a wave, it has its own frequency. What I'd like to add to anyone listening, because this is an important point, too, is if you're feeling anger, feeling anger, if you're feeling sadness, feel sadness. You can watch it, or feel where it's located inside of your body. Like, as soon as you have a thought, I'd like to say as soon as you have a thought. It's only happening because of the energy you're holding inside of yourself, or the trauma, right? If you can go to where you're holding it inside of yourself, maybe you feel heaviness within your chest, maybe you feel a tightness along your stomach, maybe you're having a hard time breathing. But if you just feel it, the thought will go away, because that was the fuel behind the thought. So why I want to delineate that is because people think that just thinking positive thoughts is the answer. But if you have to sneeze, sneeze, if you have to burp, burp, right, don't it's no less spiritual, for getting angry or for being sad, right. And in fact, as your as your light as you're leveling up, getting more conscious and becoming more aware and feeling more connected, more things are going to come to the surface. Because you think about it, like all the things you haven't healed from right, are looking for an opportunity to find the healing once you're in a place to do so. It's all going to rise up. When you say becoming more conscious. You know, I believe what you're saying is of your anger, your emotions, right, and catching that and feeling it is that what you're saying? it's twofold. It's it's the path of enlightenment. So it's a path of feeling more connection to God, divine universe source, and your spirit, your consciousness, your energy field, whatever you want to call that. As you become more aware of these of the whole apparatus, right? You feel more stillness, you feel more connection, you feel more love around you, you see your connection to all things around you, as opposed to being separate from the world. You feel lighter, because you're not carrying as much heaviness It was like weighing you down. For sure. That kind of conscious, but then also being conscious of what you're feeling inside. A lot of us live inside of our head, and we're not feeling all the things we've been holding on to for most of our life. Right? And you think about it, like how much have you stored in your body over the course of however many years you're alive a lifetime, a lifetime, right? And, and it all wants one thing at all wants to have love understanding compassion, forgiveness, a god day, etc. And once that in order to be free, people think that they can just, you know, get rid of this for me. You have to love it into integration, not push it away from you.

Brandon Handley 43:12
That's the idea of Shadow Work. Right?

Dr Ben Chambers 43:14
Shadow Work. Exactly. Yeah, the Shadow Work is the shadow.

Dr Ben Chambers 43:21
What What is it? It's it's recognizing, it's recognizing that just because the clouds are out that the sun is still there. Mm hmm. So you may have darkness or shadow or anger or something inside of you. It doesn't make you any less spiritual.

Dr Ben Chambers 43:47
But recognize it, hear it, listen to it, and it will integrate. There's a Japanese artwork called kansui. And consumers where they break pottery, and then they meld it with gold to fix it, but the idea is, you're already whole you're already complete. The fact that you've forgotten that is

Unknown Speaker 44:22
I think I'm getting a bit of a lag.

Brandon Handley 44:23
Yeah, we got a little bit of lag. I love kansui I love the idea of you're already hold that you're presenting another way that I somebody shared it with me not too long ago as well. It's just, you know, it takes some it's hard to it's hard to do my incorrect in that like And so, in being able to connect pottery with gold. There's an artistry to it, right? Is that is that true or false? Oh yeah, most definitely. And then It's it's almost as that is almost as though that piece looks better because of what has been done the broken pieces being put back together with those with that goal. Right with. Yeah. So it's almost it's almost better off that that has happened. So I love I love that, um,

Dr Ben Chambers 45:23
I know gold makes everything better. Right?

Brandon Handley 45:27
Gold makes everything better,

Dr Ben Chambers 45:28
but some gold on it, it'll immediately make it. It's like Jim gaffigan said, if you want to make anything better add bacon. Right, right. But the others also pretty nice.

Brandon Handley 45:36
Yeah, it doesn't hurt it. You know, I think one of the other things too, when we talk about talk about being bodies of light. I just recently saw just kind of how we literally are made from stars. Right, everything that we are, right. So you know how, you know, I don't know, play with it a little bit, kick that around for something.

Unknown Speaker 46:01
What what do you what are your thoughts on that?

Dr Ben Chambers 46:04
Well, Carl Sagan said, we're all made of stars. Hmm. So so to the atheist when I was an atheist for a while, I would say it's we're all one. So whether we're all one and unified from the Big Bang, or while one unified from stars, the universe, but the universe translates. And you may already know this, it universe means one song, universe, one song. So we're all one, whether you call it an old man in the sky, whether you call it the you know, the the singularity or the Big Bang, where we all become quantumly entangled, we're all one. And so being all made from stars just means that we all come from the same cosmic soup. And a real abstraction, and this is going to be probably over a few people's heads is if we're all one, then as you climb the ladder, higher and higher, you dance with God. You dance with with what we are on our highest level, right? With that, and you know, you would say a Christ figure or Buddha figure merged.

Brandon Handley 47:10
I love it. And then there's a there's the idea that ourselves, you know, kind of regenerate right. I also recently saw how, just what you're saying there, right, Christ and Buddhist merging, but the cells that were in Christ and Buddha, if they were ever really true people, there's thousands of theirselves in your in you right now, as we speak. Oh, right. I mean, quite literally, yourselves. Right? Like, I mean, so quite literally, right now. You know, there are pieces of Jesus and Buddha in all of us.

Dr Ben Chambers 47:49
Right? Well, in that goes back to the kingdom of heaven lies within. You know, it's this idea that heaven and hell are our actual states outside of us. But their dimensional states that we exist in all the time, and more physical you become the more earthly that is, the more hell you're gonna experience. If you become q astral, you'll become unrelatable to anybody. Yeah, but but the idea is, is that there is a cosmic seed that lies within all of us. And I actually believe as many people do that the idea of the Second Coming is really Christ consciousness, or universal consciousness and all of us. Right, right.

Brandon Handley 48:28
I mean, I mean, right? I mean, let's do it. Right? I mean, what? Why not? Yeah. So listen, the idea, again, I think for this is for this podcasts is to have people like yourself who are leading from this space, and doing it with intention, doing it with purpose, and overcoming the fear of not, you know, not being your authentic self, like we kind of talked about before, what would you know, so let's say somebody is on the precipice of taking that, you know, Neo leap, right, or whatever, you know, into themselves. And finally, you know, connecting with God connecting with source and leading with that, what would you tell somebody who's been running a traditional business? What would be some guidance for them?

Dr Ben Chambers 49:26
Well, it gets back into that idea before that.

Dr Ben Chambers 49:30
That what you are is what you attract. So if you are scarcity, and if you're fear, you're going to attract more of it. So if you begin to lean into, like, for me I was when I was atheist, I started reading the Tao de Ching, or Taoism, and Taoism didn't promise heaven or hell. All it did was talk about how we fall into a universal flow. And now all things are in rhythm together. You know, business entrepreneurs talk about flow states. It's the idea that that as long as you're being anything but authentic, as long as you're living a life that isn't really who you are, you're going to suffer. And when you're playing a role, rather than being who you really are, you'll never feel whole and complete. And you'll always look for something outside of yourself to fix it, or you'll blame someone outside or something outside of yourself for why things are the way they are. So think about it. The life of the party is only the life of the party, because they create such a powerful attractor field that everyone wants to be around them, right. It's like how the sun collapses spacetime. And planets begin to orbit, right? So if you become that if you become the most authentic form of who you are, you're always rewarded. The universe always rewards authenticity. And people can tell when you're being fake and dishonest. So whatever your song is, I like to say, this is like, Kahlil Gibran, the prophet. He said, We're like instruments of God, you know, and God's winds blow through us and we play a beautiful melody. But your song may be different than my song. And your instrument may be different than mine. And we may make beautiful music, but may we may sound different.

Brandon Handley 51:08
Hundred percent, right? Yeah, that's how you have harmony. Right? That's, that's where the symphony comes into play. Right? That's where all these you know, courses come into play. It's to hear one note over and over and over. While it may be beautiful on its own, if it's, you know, accompanied in a true harmonic way, on a true harmonizing way. And symphonic it's, it's beautiful. Right. And, and so I feel like that's what you're saying.

Dr Ben Chambers 51:43
Oh, totally. And that's what makes up the spectrum. Like,

Dr Ben Chambers 51:47
another way I like to look at it as if God the universe is light. Do you ever, ever see a light play through a prism? And it makes a rainbow? Hundred percent? Yeah, we are the rainbow. And God, the universe is the light. Hmm. So when God the universe plays into the spectrum of this physical realm, we get all these different colors. And that's what we see as differentiation. That's what we see a separation. That's what we hear is different, different tunes in different notes. But it's really just that one light being broken up into different pieces. Right. And when we when we recognize that all those pieces joining together, make that one light, we have an appreciation for the diversity that's out there.

Brandon Handley 52:31
I love that, you know, celebrate each other's diversity, right? Yeah, celebrate, celebrate each other's differences, because that's what makes the whole?

Dr Ben Chambers 52:41
Well, and it's interesting, because for someone to have a position, there has to be an opposition. So for you to have a viewpoint or a belief, there has to be something that opposes it more often than not, you know, when it comes to love, there's nothing that opposes love. Hmm, I look at what

Brandon Handley 52:54
it is, is 100%. Right. All the way back to beginning where you got the client that right side on the paper, right? Love is. So

Dr Ben Chambers 53:04
yeah, in fact, in fact, it's funny, because I have that here, too.

Brandon Handley 53:11
That's awesome. Right? That's, that's just great. It's got a client. And it's great to be able to have clients that are willing to leave that behind for you. How great is that? as we as we kind of wind down here. What you know, I love the idea of spiritual dope, right? The idea kind of comes from taking those hits of spirituality and getting your life highs, right, your spirituality highs versus Look, I you know, I listened to your podcast with with your quartet. Right, and I enjoy it a lot. And I remember hearing a couple of them talking about like raves and the rave scene. Right. And that was something for me back in the day running around, you know, just taking everything that would like, you know, whatever, whatever I could ingest. And I'm lucky to admit it, made it out made it out there on skates, but Yeah, me too. To be able to feel even better than that. Through this connection with source or whatever you want to call it. Um, is that's my idea of kind of a spiritual ness, my spiritual dope, right? That's it. Yeah. What is the what is what is something that you do? That gives you that feeling?

Dr Ben Chambers 54:29
Whether there's aspects of meditation where you reach high levels, right, and and to talk about the spiritual dope. in some circles, they say that drugs actually open up those centers temporarily. They force them open, but you don't know how to keep them open or keep them connected. That's one thing I like to do is like to commune with nature. I love doing work with people. I love. I love working in the healing arts. But when I meditate, I'll meditate with my heart and my crown and I'll feel in Hinduism Nicola. Ananda, which means divine bliss. And I'll feel this immense divine bliss coming through. And what I realized is that divine bliss is there for me and for everyone else. Mm hmm. When you realize that at the door knocking, wanting to come in is this love that is like drinking from a firehose, hmm, then you don't have to seek anywhere else. You don't have to seek outside of yourself with relationships or anything else, you'll create relationships, but they'll be relationships that are healthy and whole, and mutual. But when you make that connection, like you're saying, with the spiritual dope, it is such a sublime feeling that requires nothing more than connecting in with what we already are. That it's, it's like, I believe that the Buddha in Christ took us to the sunset, and then man tried to describe it. But when you actually experience the sunset for yourself, it's sublime.

Brandon Handley 55:50
Right now, that's perfect. That's perfect. And, you know, I alluded to Alan Watts a lot simply because, um, he was there when I came into this space, right? Like, this is kind of how my entry into the into the space was through a ton of Alan Watts.

Dr Ben Chambers 56:05
I love Alan Watts.

Brandon Handley 56:06
Yeah. But the idea is that words are clumsy and can never truly capture the the totality of the experience that you just express. Right? You said sublime. But you know, what is that? You know? So, you know, if you haven't experienced that before, I know that I've mentioned it before that it's a lot like getting into that flow state. Right. But even greater, right, and kind of like a nicer, nicer way of being. So. Thank you for that. I really appreciate it. And then what you know, look, again, I feel like you and I could probably do this for like a week straight, easily. easily. What, where should I send people to connect with you? And you know, who would be your ideal client as somebody who's reached out to you from, you know, across the pond, right? digitally?

Dr Ben Chambers 56:59
Yeah. So I do distance sessions with people. And what I do is, I believe everyone's empathic, right, but we've forgotten how to feel inside. So like, when I'm talking to somebody, I can feel what's going on inside their body. And I'll do distance Healing Sessions where I'm just having them think thoughts, or going back to an emotion or feeling, I'll show them where it's located inside their body. And then I'll help them to move it. And it only takes a second. But when you can teach people that they can move, what they're holding inside of themselves very rapidly. My website is is access CW so x is CW calm. And we're on we're on Facebook, as well as access chiropractic. And we're in Lee's Summit, Missouri. I have a podcast, which is called your essential nature. And the essential nature podcast is on Facebook. But the idea behind that is is it's like it's like a cousin of of your podcast where spiritual dope where we're just having conversations from our perspective, because like we were saying before, we didn't get here overnight, we've had to take each individual step to get there. There's a song from from Atlas sound and Leticia Sadie a. It's about 10 years old now. But one of the lines within it is I thought saints were born saints. But then I realized I grew into it. You know, I one of my one of my boys is St. Francis, I just love him because he would he would pray to Him to sermonize with the animals. And when I do energy work, that the whole back area of my office will fill with birds, we had 40 doves come the other day, nature knows what's up. But the idea is we are on this this path is trajectory. And if we're patient with ourselves eventually we reach really, really amazing heights of spirituality and connection. But yeah, that's what that's what our podcasts and that's what my life is about.

Brandon Handley 58:49
So who should reach out to

Dr Ben Chambers 58:53

Dr Ben Chambers 58:55
No, no it people that are people that are wanting to go deeper people that are wanting to know deeper aspects of themselves. People are ready to really look at their their pain discomforts, things they've been holding inside of themselves. Not everyone wants to do that. You know, some people aren't ready to do that. But people who are ready to go deeper and have a deeper understanding of what's going on inside their, their internal world and then also how to learn how to connect on a deeper mystical or spiritual level. And they could take that into whatever belief system they have. It's not it's not specific to a particular religion. What you find is Christian mysticism, Jewish mysticism, Hindu Hindu, mysticism boot is etc. It's all the same teaching. It's just different. Different teachers. They're all saying the same thing.

Brandon Handley 59:44
Yeah, hundred percent. Yeah, there's a guy Edwin Bryan, who just tell he says, you know, look, you can you can study all of them in the end, just you're gonna have to you got to pick one up and just go with it. Yeah, right. So just

Dr Ben Chambers 59:58
get a picture of like Jesus in the swimming Dude like he's my pinup for this month.

Brandon Handley 1:00:01
That's it. That's it. I want to go with it. So thank you, Dr. Ben, so much for coming on today. I enjoyed this conversation and thanks for sharing out with people, different ways that they can kind of step into their greatness and what it's like to be able to lead a business from this space and the authenticity the way that you do it. So thank you.

Dr Ben Chambers 1:00:23
Yeah, it's been a pleasure. I really enjoyed it and Blessings to you.

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