Debbi Moran True Loves Kiss

Published: July 25, 2021, 5:46 p.m.

I had the opportunity to hang out with the author of True Loves Kiss, Debbie Moran on this episode, join in the conversation to get some practical applications of spirituality that you can use in your daily routine!

Unknown Speaker 0:00
Your journey has been an interesting one up here. You've put in so much more than those around you. You've even questioned yourself as to how you could have grown into these thoughts. Am I crazy? I'm wondering why do people in general You're so limited as Bob process for ensuring you are not alone The world is slowly waking up to what you already know inside getting can't quite verbalize. Welcome to the spiritual dough podcast, the show that answers the question you never even knew to ask questions about you in the world, the people in it? And most importantly, how do I proceed? Now moving forward? We don't have all the answers, but we sure do love Living in the Time for another spiritual dope with your host, Brandon Handley. Let's get right into today's episode.

Brandon Handley 0:41
Hey there spiritual dope. We are on today with my good friend Debbie Moran and Debbie and I connected through spirituality group that we're both members in the soul side, right soul side by side community. Yes. Also community with Mark Youngblood for some of you who've listened to the podcast a couple times, you've heard mark on the podcast, hurts I think I had Anna champagne on the podcast as well, all members of this incredible group, Debbie is no exception, in this group well, and they're just trying to learn how to improve, improve, you know, just how to harness our spirituality better throughout life. And Debbie has written a book that she's going to talk a little bit about with us today, that's going to help you to figure out, you know, what are what are some practical applications? And what are some ways that you can harness spirituality so that you can have some more fulfillment, some more happiness, confidence, Legos, some anxiety, those types of things. So, Debbie, thank you so much for being on today.

Debbie Moran 1:43
Hey, you're welcome, Brandon, thank you for having me.

Brandon Handley 1:46
Absolutely. Absolutely. And I always like to start these off with the idea that we are directly connected to source energy, like at all times, right? And it creates and speaks through us, right, we're vessels for for this. And the idea is that there's somebody listening to this podcast today, that is going to receive a message that can only be delivered through you at this precise time. What is that message?

Debbie Moran 2:15
I love that you're we're on the same page. I do believe not that we're connected to source, but that we are an extension of source. So we are here to embody us. So I feel like that actually is something that took me a long time to actually realize that I was here to embody Debbie Moran, rather than I was going to change my name. And so many of us have changed our names in our spiritual circles, I realized through my process that a lot of the names that I was going to change my name to, were simply the state that I was in and in my own evolution, for instance, bliss. So. So what's the message, the message is we are here to be who we came to be?

Brandon Handley 3:04
What's that look like for you? If you wanted to elaborate a little bit more?

Debbie Moran 3:09
Well, each of us, I think you said it really nicely. In the beginning, I don't feel like we're here to learn anything I hate, we're here to remember the truth of who we are, and the extent of what we're capable of, which is beyond our conscious level of awareness. So it's really about raising our states of awareness. So that we can actually tap into and become that presence. That is that clear vessel, that Clear Channel that doesn't, you know, words are what we have to work with. But the truth is really beyond words. And so it's challenging sometimes to actually put an expression in terms of a language to all of the truth. And so I feel like what you said is true. I in fact, a coach once told me, you know, there are people in the world who can only hear what they need to hear through you.

Brandon Handley 4:08
Right, I mean, it's true, right? There's, there's, you know, I think we all resonate at a certain level to our different people. Right. And, and that's really the idea of the podcast is, I may resonate with plenty of people, but you resonate with a different group, you're gonna attract, and you're gonna speak to a different group of people that that tune in, and they're gonna hear your message, they're gonna pick up on the Debbie vibe, right? And, and, and, and you're gonna maybe open up something inside of them, right? I really liked that idea, though, to what you were saying that, that you had considered changing your name, because of these states that you were in and the idea of all these other people kind of that maybe you knew that have changed their name that maybe they find the spirituality and then they go change their name. Right, they live into this other state of being that they think can flip in and out of at any time. Right. And and I'm really glad to hear that what you decided to do, though, was just, you know, understand that you were here to be, you know, kind of who you were meant to be. And not like these other, these other things, these other when you change your name like that, it's kind of like you're just changing your mask. Right,

Debbie Moran 5:24
exactly. Right. Right. So start roles. So it is the roles we play, and they vary throughout life, but our presence never buries. So it just shines through different masks and different roles.

Brandon Handley 5:40
Right? Well, so let me let me um, what what kind of got you into spirituality space to begin with,

Debbie Moran 5:47
was kind of born into a dynamic actually, it really wasn't meant as a that was really part of what maybe it's like coming full circle, rather full spiraling inward to this awareness that I came in sort of rejecting. Rejecting the sense of being here, there was a part of me, I literally came in with going, whoa, where am I? And this is pre words, where am I? And how did I get here? And none of this makes sense? And what is this language I'm hearing and I couldn't say it, but I say all these thoughts were going through my head. And so it took me almost my lifetime up till now to actually be okay with not only be okay, but recognize the brilliance and the blessing of being human. And being born into the family I was born into, and into the experiences that I experienced, to help me to be to remember to become aware of this is not a punishment, this is

Brandon Handley 6:57
what I mean, I don't know about you, it's just another experience the same way that we experienced any other sensation. We're having this? You know, I guess if we were to say it in one way, if this is basically our life sensation.

Debbie Moran 7:10
Yes. Yes, our experience of those things that if we truly are one, then I say that because I feel that and I believe that and I have a knowingness of that. However, we don't experience that full, that full expression of that all the time, because otherwise we wouldn't be having these senses that we have are these thoughts that come through, or these words that we're able to express these are things that the theory is we came to experience what we are not to remember who we are, and that's kind of

Brandon Handley 7:47
right, and, you know, I think that that's always, that's always a challenge, and you'll get like some eye rolls from people that haven't, I guess, experienced that space. Right, that happened kind of gone through some of those, those those those developments. And I think that, um, since it's such a subjective experience, you can't really you can't really, you can't really impart it on anybody else. Right, you can just all you can do is be like, Well, okay, I mean, I can just tell you from what I've experienced, and what I've gone through. And, you know, maybe if you these are some signals, right? Have you experienced this, that or the other thing, okay, then maybe, right. I like and I like in that experience to the idea of Joseph Campbell's, the hero's journey, right? When when, you know, when you hear the call of the hero, like, that's, that's kind of like your wake up call, right? That's, and you don't have to, you don't have to respond to it, but it's not gonna, it's not going to go away. Right, right. And it's kind of what you do after that, or each time it comes along, what do you do with it?

Debbie Moran 9:01
And it doesn't look the same for any individual. Right now. I work with a lot of people and a lot of families and a lot of times one family member will come to me to actually work on another. And I always bring them in first, especially as children or spouse, because, you know, it may look like the other person's not doing their work, but just because they're not doing it the same way you're doing. It doesn't mean they're not doing your work.

Brandon Handley 9:26
That's right. That's right. Right. And that's, that's a challenge. I mean, how, how was it for you to kind of overcome that idea, right? Yeah, the idea of, well, that person is not doing the work that person, I know, they're not doing the work and then you got to do it like this. You got to do it like that. And, you know, because I, I bring that up because when, you know some of my first experiences were similar to that until like, there was like this point was like, wait, wait a second. Your experience is going to be totally different than mine. I don't know what you're actually transfer is gonna be but yes. Right. So Where, where? Where did I mean? Where Where did that come into sight for you?

Debbie Moran 10:11
Again, it's deepened through my whole process. But I really kind of came in with the ability to see a person's soul that actually created problems for me a lot of times because I would see their soul and ignore their behavior. And I'm sure many people have had that experience. So it actually took me a long time to actually be aware that I could see their soul but I needed to pay attention to their behavior. So it was like, in a way, I wasn't holding others accountable. I was holding myself accountable for the world around me. So it was it felt very heavy and very burdensome. And so I I very early went to nature. Actually, I grew up Pentecostal. So I kind of grew into that indoctrination, which is I had a Pentecostal.

Brandon Handley 11:04
Okay. That's right. Yeah. Holy rollers. Right. Right. Right. I, you know, I, there's, I think there's a, from what I've heard, I kind of think that there's a grain of truth to, to, to that whole series. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Like I'm a fan,

Debbie Moran 11:23
lifetime journey to actually realize that Sunday was the day of Pentecost, and for the first time ever, I actually understood what that meant.

Brandon Handley 11:32
What is it? So what does that mean?

Debbie Moran 11:34
Pentecost is theoretically what is today, like 50 days, 10 days, meaning 50 days after the the resurrection of Christ. And what happened is, it's also the Jewish day of harvest. And from the Bible perspective, is the Jewish day apartness, that 50 days after the resurrection of Christ, and all of the disciples came together, and all of a sudden, they were all speaking in a language that no matter is funny. We started out with saying there are only those who can understand through you, right, in this any cost theory is that the apostles spoke in the language that whoever they were speaking to, could understand.

Brandon Handley 12:18
Yeah, that's, that's it? Yeah. I think it's beautiful, right? I mean, I see. Yeah, yeah. I think that i think that's pretty cool, right? If you can be in a place and you know, no matter what, whoever you're speaking to understand you. And I think that that's really, again, this space, right? Once you kind of get into this space, there's maybe there's a little, maybe there's a little dance, right? And then but then you just kind of land on Yep. Okay, cool, then then we're speaking the same language. Right. So, so real similar, I think in that right. And, you know, and so, I wouldn't take that literally, that's how I would see it, right. So kind of like this, you know, symbolic and or, you know, our allegoric kind of way. So very cool. Now, I love that. So, what, yeah, let's talk a little bit about the book that you you've put out.

Debbie Moran 13:06
Okay, so here's a picture of it. And it's interesting. It's called true love's kiss, and keep it simple, sweetheart. There you go. Yeah, books in one. Sure. And true love's kiss is it came to me. It's interesting, because I was writing, I was doing a 90 day book writing course, I have like books written everywhere, but none of them ever actualized. And I was in the middle of writing a different book. And all of a sudden, it got derailed. After the 90 days, I was ready to start putting it into book form, and is like, no, that goes away. This is what you're writing. And these characters came through these fictional names came through. And all of a sudden, I was like, Genevieve, who's genetti. What is this? So then I had this and I couldn't even like spelling, it wasn't even like the easiest names or names I would have chosen. So I started these, these voices, these names, these characters came through and started writing the story of a mother daughter, that like the birth of a daughter and the mother daughter relationship, all the way through the first chapter of her life. True from birth to 21. And so that that's the first part true love's kiss. It's the story told in fairytale form, from the perspective of a mother and daughter of what happened in their lives. And what it does is it shows how patterns or patterns emerge and how they're actually solidified and rigidify it and they become habits and then how they're unconsciously repeated.

Brandon Handley 14:40
What would be an example of that out of the book maybe?

Debbie Moran 14:44
Um, okay, so what I talked about earlier is being able to see an individual so in ignoring their behavior, and then constantly just saying, Okay, I'll forgive that behavior, but still not hold them accountable and go back and just kind of repeat the same thing over and over and over. And so there was that, and then there's so there's a dynamic around finances and money. So the consciousness here is about what is love? What is this this life I've come to live? And what is this money thing? You know, what is this all about? Why do we need this? And why are people saying one thing and doing another or not saying what they need. So it's it's story after story of just the pattern. And it was, it was brilliant how the mother and the daughter, we're parallel, but you kind of got both of their perspectives. And that's awesome.

Brandon Handley 15:41
That's awesome. So and so I guess, you know, the inspiration came from, you know, just basically these these figures coming forth for you, right, just kind of showing themselves,

Debbie Moran 15:53
they did show themselves. And then but the inspiration was, I don't know if it was a parallel like or what, but it was from Miami like,

Brandon Handley 16:02
Sure. Okay. That's great. That's great to know. And then so we, you know, we do I think you talked a little bit about the patterns. And then there was some more, I think that talks about, you know, the concept of belief systems.

Debbie Moran 16:17
Oh, very much. So, yeah. systems, habits, patterns, they all are just another word for a way that we rigidify ourselves and limit ourselves, and, and forget the brilliance or the divinity of the birth of ourselves.

Brandon Handley 16:38
You know, how is it then, you know, so as we forget, is there a way that you have come across or can think of that would prevent us from forgiving?

Debbie Moran 16:50
You know, it's funny, because I said this to mark recently, and he's like Devi, everybody talks about that, the breath,

Brandon Handley 16:57
the breath,

Debbie Moran 16:59
in breath. I mean, I have gone through an endless array of encyclopedias full of studies myself, different masters, different philosophies, and different religions and spiritual practices. And I put them all into action. And yet, I feel like part of the message here is the remembrance of that simplicity of the breath. I mean, literally, the breath is the first thing we take when we come out of the womb. Sure. And they've done scientific studies that show that when a person dies, the breath until that last breath is exhaled. Like that weighs six ounces, from what I understand, it's like they measured the breath. Exhale was six ounces. And that's like, essentially your spirit. Right? So that's our luggage.

Brandon Handley 17:50
Did they get the six ounces? Uh, yeah, I hadn't heard that. I hadn't heard that, that they nailed down a number. That's very interesting to hear.

Debbie Moran 17:57
That way, don't quote me. Do you remember six pounds?

Brandon Handley 18:01
Yeah, that'd be interesting. If we could find a I'd love to, I'd love to know kind of where that came from. I'll look it up and see, Yeah, that'd be great if we could share that out. Because again, you know, I agree to the breath, being this kind of kind of a recall, right? If we've been breathing this certain way, and we've been doing it incorrectly our entire lives. And that's the, you know, the easiest, the number one thing that we do, what else have we gotten wrong? As is my question, right?

Debbie Moran 18:36
You're not breathing, when you're not breathing freely. First of all, the breath, it's the rest of our lives. Man, he is the Bible quote here and God breathed life into the man the nostrils of mankind. So for sure, if we are not breathing, we're cutting off our connection to that to that source, that we are legislating through us experiencing through us. And when we do that, we don't make good choices.

Brandon Handley 19:10
Fair enough. Fair enough. would would you be able to point to any breath exercises or breath work that have had an impact on you throughout your life?

Debbie Moran 19:21
What does so many have done to Gong and everything and done the yogic practices, but the simplest breath that I've come back to, is to keep it simple, sweetheart. That's it. Breath of just in the nose, out the mouth, in the belly of the belly. And it's just and then gradually, there's a Buddhist smile meditation. So they gradually as you increase and bring the breath to without, without mentally thinking about it as you bring the breath into an even in an even exhale, but then you gradually add a smile. And what that does is that increases the end Do orphans in your body nice and has your body start to produce those endorphins, those chemicals that actually do help you stay clear in your thinking and in your feeling in your, in your physical body. make good choices.

Brandon Handley 20:14
Yeah. Well, I mean, look, I think that when you're creating love the fact that we are these walking chemical factories, we are, right and that we have the capability to generate, whichever chemical we we did we dictate that right? You're talking about being able to go in and say, you know, right now, right now, this is what I need, I need to feel gratitude. And my body's gonna respond and create these kinds of these, these endorphins, right. And so it's gonna, it's gonna send out like, these kinds of things that are making my entire body feel good. So knowing that you're This is walking chemical factory, I think that's just another another thing that along the path is very empowering.

Debbie Moran 20:58
It is. And and when you get that you recognize that you have everything you need. And by breathing in, and by the right chemicals being produced, what happens is you start seeing these seemingly synchronistic events where suddenly the right resources like, like, you reach out to me and say, Hey, you want to do a podcast?

Brandon Handley 21:19
So So I mean, I think I think you know, that just to your story, really, is it that you've always felt like this connection to source and you've always, you've always just kind of surround yourself by it was just a matter of how to really bring more of it into your life and be accepting of it in your life. And then, kind of letting it play a greater part in your life where again, we're here not here being you know, Debbie, the human, you're here being Debbie, the spiritual being having the human experience. Is that is that fair?

Debbie Moran 21:56
No, I am. Before I was rejecting being human. I was like, I am not this. What How did this happen?

Brandon Handley 22:06
That's funny. Yeah, no, that's good. That's good. Now, so I mean, I think that that touches on a pretty, pretty key point, too, because this whole experience is you. Yeah, yeah. And and I think that it's really easy for people to reject their body and spirituality, right in favor of spirituality. You want to talk a little bit about how you you've maybe merged, merged those two pieces yourself? Yes.

Debbie Moran 22:34
Well, part of the benefit of but the way I came in with this kind of dynamic of rejecting was became my big key, I became very physical. I was very athletic, always, I always love to dance, and those kinds of practices, and just I just had this awareness as I was writing this book. I, it really helped me remember I was in a body. So it helped to keep me grounded. And so what that what occurred with that is, I started realizing, and as I started accepting my role, right, rather than wanting to just go off onto a mountaintop somewhere, or an island, and just kind of living in peace, I started accepting my role. And I began teaching something called Body Talk. And the body talk was a really big key factor for me in terms of that put me on my spiritual path in a way where things started integrating and a structure was built within me to where I could actually tap into my intuition even more. So I came to realize that too often through our spiritual and religious practices, we talk about transcending the body. And that in itself is a rejection. So I don't feel like that's the case. I feel like we greatly misunderstand our physical bodies. We are like these walking galaxies. And we greatly misunderstand the capability of them. Because we watched nature and assumed that that is the pathway of this body. So that's what we create. So it's really unlearning the indoctrination of that is the way of biology because biology, I feel like our bodies are deliberately evolving into these light bodies that can bring that can actually bring in more of our source energy, so that we can actually fulfill an even greater, unimaginable way of being Yeah, no, I

Brandon Handley 24:38
think that makes sense. It's the idea of if we think about if we think about any type of conduit or anything that if we don't treat it properly, I'm thinking right now have a battery cables, right. And sometimes they get corroded and if they do, you let all this corrosion come through then then the juice doesn't go through. Right. And so if we neglect our bodies and this thing, this is really what allows us to be like those conduits of divine energy. Exactly. Right. Yeah, yeah. Absolutely. So I love that. I love that. So, um, before we I'm gonna, I'm gonna ask you a couple of questions. Maybe like one, we'll start with one, see where it goes. Because basically, the idea here is that this is a spiritual speed dating. So right, like, so there's going to be somebody on the other side, that's like, you know what, I'm looking for my next spiritual date. And Deb, you may be it. So, but it's all gonna hinge on what your answer to this question. And the question is gonna be? Ooo, let's figure Oh, man, let's

Debbie Moran 25:49
spiritual speed dating,

Brandon Handley 25:51
speed dating. Say yesterday? What is your one wish for the world?

Debbie Moran 26:03
That we wake up? And that we actually have to tap into see the divine vessels that we were designed to be? What would that look like? I Well, I've been saying multiple things about part of my role is to, and history as we know it. And to awaken to awaken the remembrance that heaven never left Earth. And it's just right here, as soon as we are able to open our eyes and be able to see it and experience it, and be it.

Brandon Handley 26:39
Have you been able to have that experience yourself?

Debbie Moran 26:42
I feel like I have been ironically, these last couple years when the world is in turmoil. I mean, I feel all of that out there. But I had this bliss, that experience of being able to work at home, I do all remote work. And I was able to write this book during that time. And I live in a home with a partner who, who has a different, much different approach than I do, but he's conscious. And we hold ourselves accountable in this conscious relationship. So it's like, we basically say, you know, I'm in charge in my my consciousness and my awareness, and you're in charge of yours. And if either of us feels out of integrity with that, we're gonna call the other on it. And ourselves. And I live in a home in Florida, Sarasota, one of the most, it so many people are coming here. But I live in a home where we can open up all our doors and windows and be outside from the inside. So it's like living in the inside out, which is kind of a great metaphor for what I choose to do, living from the inside out, or is market say living from the suicide?

Brandon Handley 27:51
For sure, for sure. Living from the soul side, I love it. Let's have one more we have time for another question. You know, you're talking about this as we started kind of being present. So what does it mean to live in the present moment.

Debbie Moran 28:13
It means to breathe fully, and allow space for your presence to come through, rather than having a preconceived idea of what that's supposed to do. When I find when I do that, it's like, time slows down. The words come through. It's not Debbie, the incarnate speaking. It's God, the incarnate speaking through it. And so it's this ever evolving discovery of the wonders of what this length is all about.

Brandon Handley 28:58
That's great. So I mean, it's a being present to what is,

Debbie Moran 29:05
right and what is because that's all there is. And you can you can another just a simplistic description of that is true. Many people worry about the future. So it robs them of the moment. And there's so much beauty and grace in this world that's being missed. And as a consequence of that, not being given. It's the grace, the glory is do is there. If we're if we're actually just to take that moment, to consciously we're never out of the moment. We just often think we have to take that moment of breathing into this space. It's like the miracle of life shows.

Brandon Handley 29:54
I think that's wonderful and I agree. It's the idea of it's all Present, right, those moments that you're talking about, they're always available. Sometimes we get caught up in some other moments, some other thoughts and worries, some concerns. And really, when we look back at those moments, when we are worried and concerned, we're like, why did I expend so much time and energy in that space? And when this other thing was available to me, you know, kind of whatever that was, but chances are, what you expended your time and energy on at that time, there was something better available for you at that time. Right. So, agreed, agreed. And I think that, you know, that's a brilliant point. That's not just because I agree, but you know, so where can I send people to find more out about Moran and the book that you've got out?

Debbie Moran 30:51
Okay, um, I have a website buddy talking beyond. And I've actually put on the front page, there is a link where you can go buy the book from Amazon if you choose to, but you can go to body talking beyond calm and on the front page, it can lead you to more information about me as far as the bio and everything and also to the link to the book where you can just go to to Amazon and look for to less kids by giving land and its loved with an apostrophe s so

Brandon Handley 31:24
so And where would somebody if they want to get in contact with you? How can they do that?

Debbie Moran 31:30
They could get contacted through there is a form on my body to on my body talking to me on website, or they can just email me at debbie dot Moran dot

Brandon Handley 31:43
thank you so much for being on today.

Debbie Moran 31:45
My pleasure. Thank you

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