BJJ Report 20220723

Published: Aug. 20, 2022, 3:10 a.m.


Brandon Handley 0:00
What is going on BJJ report these year is 2022. The date is July 23. It's been a minute, since I've done a BJJ report, spiritual dope, but just just just recognize that this is all in how you say, all spirituality, right? Spirituality, materialism, life is all encompassing, right? thing for the longest part. People separate each piece and what they do. And they say, Well, this is my spiritual practice, this is my life practice, this is my work practices, you know, they separate everything. But when you separate, everything becomes diffuse and begin the kind of watered down and weakened messaging, all this other stuff. So in saying that, realizing all my own path is that it's not separate. And so going to jujitsu and having jujitsu and practicing jiu jitsu and interacting with it, it's all part of my own spiritual practice. And nothing kind of brings that home more than when you go to new and, and or different gyms. And you realize that there are good old Jim, like, I haven't been gone that long right now from from precision. I haven't seen them for a little while. And so you go in there, and there's no, if you haven't been there for a little bit, there's new faces. And then there's old faces for the old faces, you're super happy to see him. And for the new and you catch up and for the new faces, you're excited, right? You're like, Okay, what's this person all about? What's their game, and you get to know where they from how long they've been doing it. And it's really, for me, it's a it's a welcoming? thing, right? It's very welcoming you.

Unknown Speaker 2:13
You can only when you wouldn't go back, I guess if it wasn't welcoming, if you would push for, for anything, but you kind of walk in and you just say hey, you know,

Brandon Handley 2:26
introduce yourself and go in and get about it. But then you get into these roles, and you get into flow, and you just start to lose time. And And again, that's in Tibetan Buddhism, and maybe I'm wrong, I don't really care. They call this a Bardo states, right? These transition states, these moments in between the rolls, while you're rolling, what happens in the in the midst of midst of transition, and anything can happen in that space. And so what are the other things that we talked about was really honoring? Like, any level belt, honoring anyone, regardless of kind of where they are in the immediate practice of say jujitsu? Because when you start Jiu Jitsu, everybody starts off as a white belt. Or do they? It's a real question. When when somebody comes in as a white belt, do you believe that there's some integrity with that, right? Like white belt means really kind of never done it and you're just getting started and whatnot. So you always ask them, I do anyway, it's hard to know what their background is where you're coming from? What brought you in? Have you wrestled before? Because that always plays a big bowls jujitsu, since it's a grappling art. And, and, you know, what are you? What are you about, and you kind of do a little dance as you try and figure it out. That being said, I mean, there's definitely, there's definitely people that are inherently, you know, athletic, we play football, maybe they again, if they've wrestled, maybe they've done jujitsu before, and then just picking it back up again, honoring every belt at every level. And that's one of the things that definitely learned and we're discussing today. When I first saw it, I was I was at a competition. And I was up against this guy who looked young looking too strong, but he only he didn't have any stripes on his belt and I think I looked maybe two or three African and I thought I was hot shit. Right. Yeah, no, and I had some so therefore ergo, felt like felt like there should have been my game. Turns out like you know, you ended up going across collar choke on me literally choked. So he's literally like choking me out and like, blood literally pops out my nose. And I still remember like the the younger guys that were there from our gym. And they're teenagers in the gym coming up to me. Like, what happened, man, I was like, he choked the shit out of me. Right, I lost. But what really happened was I didn't give. I didn't give respect to the person, I was paying attention to the belt. And ever since then, you know that that's come across several times. I always talk about people who are blue belts, or purple belts, like a blue belt could be a blue belt for a lifetime. And you just never know what you're going to go up against there. But I think that what this kind of illustrates is life in general, right? You never know, a person's complete background and what they're going to bring to the party. Right. And, you know, even if they've been there for a while, staying somewhere and being involved with a certain thing for almost too long of a period can almost be a hazard to the role, oh, most people get set in their patterns, they get set into what they think they know, they get set their set of beliefs, based off of what they know, and what they've experienced. And believe that that's it, that's the answer. And the illustration, there is things like Henry Ford and the VA, right. The the eight cylinder had already been like something that then existence, but what they don't think that they had was the VA. And he wanted to make it lighter, and want to make it more powerful. And his engineers kept telling him that it couldn't be done. Told him they couldn't be done. So what did he do? He kept asking for it to be built, kept asking for it to be done. And he hired on new engineers, he hired on engineers, that new engineers, and he did not let them work with the old engineers.

Right? And he told him, I want this VA, I want it lighter, I want it faster, I want it stronger. And lo and behold, over time, these engineers, even though it never been done before, they were able to do it. And this was of course against you know, the the old engineers that kept saying it couldn't be done. I think another example of this happens, you know, just because you've got money and resources you feel like, and by backing in support, it doesn't always mean that, like you're going to get it accomplished first or best. And the example that ends up being like the Wright brothers. Versus I forget the language, first name, but Langley, right. Had all this money had all this support was doing for like the I think, I think the military. And here are these two, like bicycle mechanics. Trying to figure out aeronautics, right, how to figure out like airplanes. And, you know, the Wright brothers were the ones that figure it out. And Langley was super pissed, right? Like, he was so mad. The deal is, like, these things can happen anywhere, any way, shape and form. And you got to give gotta give credence, you got to give respect to people that are putting the effort in and putting the time in and showing up regardless of where you think that they are. Because that's not important. What's important is like, where are they, where they are, right? They believe in what it is that they're doing. They believe in what it is that they see. They believe in themselves enough to keep that and keep showing up, put the effort in. And sometimes that effort is going to overcome wisdom, sometimes that effort is going to overcome technique and sometimes that effort and willingness to put themselves into it is going to overcome resources and support. You just gotta respect that. That's possibility and see that and flip that script and see that for yourself. Right? You play the over underdog, whatever you need to do whatever your story is. You're the one who's right in that in the same regards to these other people that we're talking and about right, they may not have had the same resources, but they had the ability, the capability and, and they soldiered on and made it through, right? Or they showed up and they put the effort in. Or maybe they put more work in. And that's just simply respect anybody, whatever level you think that they are, and appreciate and look forward to whatever it is that they have to bring. That's nothing that I think that I've learned through jujitsu is really and again, like today, I really look forward to what somebody else has to bring, versus in versus really myself already know what I know, already think I know, I already think you know, already aware of my level of knowledge about that. I'm aware of my level of knowledge. What I'm excited for is like what somebody else brings to the table? What are you bringing? What are you doing? And I get excited about that. Right? I get excited about somebody putting me in a move that I've never seen before and pausing. What just happened there? Right. And I, you know, I play my own game and I enjoy it immensely, and are very pleased to their own strengths and our level. So that is that's the rambling from the BJJ report today. But I mean, the biggest gist of it is your respect the respect the person, the level of where they're at. Appreciate the excited about whatever it is that they bring to share with you and celebrate the differences right

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