AYRTS Chapter 9 Deep Dive | Srikumar Rao

Published: June 24, 2021, 12:48 a.m.

Link to the mindmap: http://www.xmind.net/m/Za6NDz

Check out the CPM course: https://theraoinstitute.com/

Brandon Handley 0:00
Alright, guys, we are going to finish up. This book took a little bit longer than I had intended. And I guess that's just what life is about sometimes. The key thing here for me anyways, is that, go ahead and finish this up, I think that I did this with what was the other book I did. What was the other book I did, um, besides getting rich, took me a while to finish it. And it was really just a matter of sitting down to do it, finding the time making the time to do it. So we're gonna finish this up, We're on chapter nine of Are you ready to succeed, where's the book, there it is. I will also post the video of this to YouTube and put a link here as well. So you can follow along with the mind map. And I'll say the mind map as well. And you can download the whole thing and take a look at it if you want, if that's something that you would like to do. So just as what I'm choosing to do on Father's Day, finish this up. It's important to me and just kind of making that time and it's like, if you don't finish these things, you've always kind of got this open tab in your mind this open loop that never got closed. And that's just me finishing this up. I was always enjoyed getting something like this finished up as well. And this one's pretty important. It's a pretty important chapter that I feel like I'll share with you. And we'll work we'll work our way through it. So as we're looking here, and we'll work our way through it, We're on chapter nine of Are you ready to succeed, unconventional strategies for achieving personal mastery in business and life by Sreekumar. Ralph. And, you know, I'm also taking his course, with creative and personal mastery and taking the course in person with people after having gone through this several times already. It's it's a, it's a whole different world as well. So chapter nine is you create your world from what is inside of you. And the intro starts off with the whole idea that most of the models that you currently have in your life, they don't serve you well, are they serving us? Sure every model serves you, right, every story that you're telling yourself and everything that already exists, is serving you in one way or another. For better or worse. The idea is that you can't simply adopt a brand new model and just say, Yeah, well, that's my new model, and I'm gonna use it. The the key of it is to find evidence of it at work. For example, right now we are in the class going through the section of creating our new realities, determining what we want that new reality to be or that new model, and then looking for evidence of that model at play in action, and writing down and capturing that and saying, Hey, here's where I see that evidence of it, jotting it down. And it's when you do that, that you reinforce the idea. And that's really what what he's talking about here. And then the the whole idea is there's going to be he's going to give us a general purpose model as we go forward here. And I'll also liken that to framework right, here's the framework of something, here's the outline of something that you can use the model is an outline, and you can kind of fill it in as you see fit and ways that work best for you. So what's inside of you? You know, pretty sure I've talked to this a couple times. And I think I just did it recently, where I talked about the idea of Wayne Dyer talking about the oranges and orange juice is the only thing come out of orange juice because that's all that's inside of it. Sreekumar Rao uses this rasa gola, which is a traditional Indian sweet to round and white about size of a ping pong ball. And inside of it is a sweet sweet syrup. No matter how hard you squeeze it. That's all it's kind of come out because that's what's inside of it. The thing is, is that what's inside of us is currently or most often

Unknown Speaker 4:30

Brandon Handley 4:31
not sweet, syrupy, and not just orange juice. We've got all these other things that are inside of us that are we he calls, it's going to be guilt, depression, envy, worry, unhappiness, shame, sorrow, nervousness, jealousy, hate, fear, embarrassment, or frustration. Because that's, that's what our mental models have created within assess that mental chatter that when we started this process, that's what we kind of that's what we do. developed. And it reminds me of the stories that people call a news story or other stories and the the idea of you've got two dogs that are always fighting each other. Right? And the two dogs are always getting bet on by random people in a dogfight. And the person who is the person who's leading that right the in the story, like it's a grandfather, Indian who's who's doing this, and he always bets on the right dog, he never loses. And so one day his grandson asked some because why, how do you know which one of the dogs is gonna win? And he goes, Well, that's easy. It's the dog that I fed all week, right? So whichever, and this is like, the, you know, whatever you give your attention to is what grows. So whatever you tie up in your mind, and your mental chatter, that's, that's what grows, whatever model you give the most attention to, that's gonna be the one that quote unquote, wins, whether or not that's the quote, unquote, winning model for you, it's still going to be the model that gets the most energy still going to be the model that takes precedence in your life. So that idea of what's inside of you, you can cultivate, you can cultivate that. He says here, that transformation begins and ends with mental models, right? You keep the ones that build and nourish you, like I'm talking about here with the idea of you feed the dog that you want to win. And then you remove the mental models that are filled with poison and content. With what's an example this, think, I mean, trying to think of it earlier. Even myself in this past week, I was like, how could you do I forget what it was I'd done. I was like, how that was stupid, or, and I caught myself like talking, talking down on myself or saying something about myself or sometimes getting caught and worry, that doesn't make any sense to get caught in because the future is never kind of certain. Right? And why waste your time focus on these these worrisome moments that may never happen and most likely never happened? and waste your energy there. Where Where? Where else? Could you be using that thought, energy, that powerful creativeness of yours, right? You will, because you're using your creative energies, to create something that's just awful and shitty. And you could use that same energy to create something really awesome and beautiful, right? Or amazing or at least beneficial to you. So leverage, leverage a model a mental model that is beneficial to you, because regardless of whether or not you

Unknown Speaker 8:07

Brandon Handley 8:10
God create you, regardless, regardless of you creating something, he may as well create something that is useful for you. So he recommends this benevolent universe model and this is one that I know that ever since I first have seen it, it's something that I've been able to implement in my life. And it's, it's been wonderful serves me wonderfully. I'll read a little bit about reading from the book here it says the universe is conscious of benevolent entity, it always acts in your best interest and always brings into your life exactly what you need at any instant. And if the idea is to you know, just really look for those instances and I can I can look at you know, when I got let go of, from Cisco when when they, when they eliminated the job, right? They didn't let go of you, they've eliminated the job and then went into real estate for a couple months. And then as the pandemic was coming into full swing, somebody reached out to me, too. See if I was interested in another job, and I said sure, yeah, absolutely interested in it and think it'd be a great fit perfect almost for me. Exactly where I believe I need to be right now. It was it was like almost a perfect role for me. As you know, who I am and where I am at this point in my life. And then, right, the week that I'm and here's the deal to like, I mean, you know, kids are home from school. pandemic's going on. And this was a job working from home, great benefits, all the things. And then they stopped hiring that week that I was hired, right. So this like, again, the idea that it always acts in your best interest always brings into your life exactly what you need, at any instant, right? Right when you need it. That was, you know, that was how I saw, you don't have to sit, that's, and here's the thing, you have the opportunity to see this as you like, you don't have to see it. The thing is, if you're going to step into this model, you have to start looking for the evidence of it in action for you, so that you can support the model that you would like to implement. And there's been countless and several other times that I have seen this at play in my life. Since since picking up on this model, that wasn't the only time there's definitely several other times, but I just want to use that as the example because even though real estate people killed it this past year, in real estate, and they're and they're still doing really well. I don't know what would have happened, if I would have had to have stayed in real estate would I've gotten sick, but I've got somebody in the house sick, you know, would something else have happened? And, and there would have been a lot of worry and frustration at home in the family life, if I'd stayed in that so that the universe provided this, this other option that was perfect for me and my family at that point in time. And, you know, once you start seeing stuff like that, it's really kind of hard to stop or turn back. So the idea too, is that it inspires if you're able to do this, if you're able to begin to pull this type of model into your own life is is it as bad as the whole idea of heaven on earth? Right? Because now, like, you've got the universe actually working for you and your own benefit? And it is it becomes again, like heaven on earth? And the idea to is, is where's the time to think, you know, that is this? Is this real? No more so than any other model. Right? But the thing is that all the other all the other models are just as false as as this one. So, again, what if it's really true, though? What if, what if it really does work out this way? And then you know, what does that mean for your life then. And

I've been able to, again, implement these into a point where I believe it, and I see it. So he also mentions here that all the exercises within this book, have basically led up to this convergence point, giving you the exercises to test out to be able to see the universe is working on your behalf. And now it's like, okay, now you just may just come out and say it right. But this is, and you can look back, if you've done any of the exercises in this book, if you take many of its courses, and you've done a lot of it even to the lightest, lightest varying degree, then then you'll you'll be able to say, oh, shoot, the universe really was working on my behalf. And and now you know, there's, there's something amazing going on for me. So he's gonna hit back again on the idea that our beliefs cannot be forced. So you simply cannot force yourself to accept the proposed model. You may recognize it intellectually, and that it's a good idea, but you can't just automatically accept it. You can't believe it all once. And I liken this to the idea of who's the guy who wrote the book PLOS sees time mahalik go look for small things that you can believe then instead of trying to take it all in at once, if it's you know, if it's too much at one time to say yes benevolent universe, and bla, you're like, Fuck that. The thing is, then take something small that you can work with and then start looking for how that is beginning to show no small pieces of benevolence from the universe towards you. So whatever you believe now, small pieces and then just each time something a little bit beyond that initial point. So small increments outside of the known at the time and then over time, it will become massive over time. It will become This this piece of the universe that that is with you. And it's going to become very difficult and challenging to refute. At a certain point in time, just just like any of your existing models, like you've got models, right now you're like, they are totally true, this is always happening. And this is how it is blah, blah, blah. So if you can, however, begin to accept this, this, this model for yourself, and begin to implement, excuse me begin to implement it, you will, you'll, you'll start to see benefits almost immediately, again, I'll go to the current exercises that we're working on where we create, we have a current reality, we're like, this Dahlia thing is not ideal in my life and where I'd like it to be. And then you reshape that to say, you know, this reality is totally serving me, and here's how it serving me, and then you start looking for evidence that it is serving you. And that's what he talks about here. And the exercise of building up the level of universe is real similar, it says, a look through your history for areas that may seemed awful, but eventually lead you to a better place. Right? Look, I mean, the pandemic, I think the pandemic has led a lot of people to do some inner work that they, you know, hadn't been willing to face. And now, there's this mental resilience that I think is happening all over the world that is playing a big part and, and in who we are, I think it's also hit corporate, pretty hard. So that now our corporations are really seeing how people as people, as they should have, all the time and are really doing what they can to improve the mental stability of their, of their workers. And I think that I think a big portion of that is genuine right now versus a lot of it in prior had been lip service. And now, and now I think they I think it seems like it's more meaningful.

So you look for look through your history of where something seemed bad. And then you also look for areas where Hidden Hand played a role in getting you to a better place. I'll use the example I think I was in fourth grade and California, Northern California, it was the mid 80s. And we were moving again. And I was pretty upset that we're moving. However, I think a week or two after we moved. Like there was a ginormous flood from the Russian River literally wiped out the neighborhood where we'd lived. So within weeks of us leaving, where we'd lived have been wiped out who knows what would have happened, right? It could have been completely hideous and awful. But there's an area where Hidden Hand played a role, basically kind of saving our lives. So you've got something maybe not so drastic and dire that's happening in your life every day. So you want to look for ways of maybe something, maybe something that impacted your day. It seemed kind of shitty for a moment, but like you're like, what good can come out of this? What What did I learn from this, where's the benefit to me in this or my family or my job or anything like that, and you write that down a look for you look for a way that the universe is being benevolent for you like at least once a day. So and then you just you write it that hand write it down, I can't stress that enough. I really believe that that makes all the difference in the world by handwriting it versus anything else. So there's also going to come a point to where you feel like you're slipping back, you may feel like you're slipping back into your old models. But this is where you double down. You've put all this effort in and you don't want to risk losing the ground that you've gained. So and that that can easily happen. Because we've had our default models for most of our lives, right, it's really, really, really easy to fall back into that pattern. I used to be a smoker I used to smoke. And whenever you quit smoking near maybe you're smoking like one to two packs a day. The idea is that when you go back to it, you don't go back to one to two pack there. If you don't go back to a couple cigarettes a day you go back to where you left off. Same thing, same thing is applicable here. You're gonna go back to whatever dirty nasty habits you had before in your way of thinking versus this new way It is much more beneficial to and end your life. So he also, this is the way he gets it. So I feel, you know, when you get to the end of the book, and you've been doing all these exercises, it's just like I'm saying you kind of start slipping back into your mileage to so much work so much effort. Most of the times I've gotten through this book I don't always make it a point to go read these good stories right about Special Olympic where's the Shaka fellows who had just read about this was the first time in four years I went look this guy up and read about, you know, kind of what he's brought into the world. And then there's, you know, go and there are these there are these incredibly inspiring stories that you can go read and see what's possible for for just about anybody, given any conditions and conditions for some of these people can be absolutely horrendous but it's it's overcoming those those conditions that is what makes the stories awesome. And then there's a business people who snap back from bankruptcy. So that's one that I did look up and go through. Let me see if see if I say that yet. Like people like Milton Hershey, right, Hershey's candy, this guy, you know, he, he faced bankruptcy, George Foreman, he was bankrupt. And now he's got an estimated wealth of over $250 million. Who's another couple people I thought that were that were Henry frickin Ford, you know, bankrupted himself in 1903. You know, he tried failed again and kept on going until his dream becoming a reality with today's net worth estimated at is that like, I don't know, 188 billion, right? 188 billion. Today Walt Disney is another one who was bankrupt. And Abraham Lincoln So here you go through and he like you're worried about you know, these failures. Have you ever worried about like going bankrupt or anything like that think about some of these people and and what happened after their bankruptcy who they became even though at one point they were bankrupt, and start to apply this benevolent model, university yourself.

So coping with senseless tragedies is another piece that he's gotten here as we talk about, like these benevolent models, and we talk about everything else going on there. There are certain things that are going to happen in our lives were like, you know, loss of a child loss of a loved one that super close to you. Yeah, God, I was talking to a gentleman the other day, I was very upbeat, very kind doing his daily job. And he was in Florida with his child who's had who was a twin and his, his, his bones were all jacked up from the from the bottom, which call it the sack, you know, the, the prenatal sack that they're born in, and it opened up in 12 weeks. And so when he came out of the womb, he was twisted up like a pretzel. The doctors have had to work on his bones his entire lives, kids only nine years old, gone through all this stuff, getting his legs, broken ligaments, like, cut and spliced in so that he can walk, feet reset all these things. And this is a nine year old kid, a dad going through it. I was like, holy shit, man. The idea that you're even upbeat and going through all these things, and you still have this good sense of being was really impressive to me. But this is a type of thing that's kind of like a senseless tragedy. It doesn't make any sense. Why would this happen to anybody in it in this this benevolent universe, right. And the thing that struck Morales saying here is that you've got to do all the work that came before in this book before you can start to cope with these senseless tragedies. And the idea is that the universe's intervening in your life that is Ziering you around the pitfalls and bringing you what you need over to bringing you the help that you need. When you feel overwhelmed leading you to bounty in different guises and always looking after you in a myriad of ways. You have to feel this way to a very deep level before you can use the strategy of you saying take a look at the idea of a forest fire right when the forest fire happens. It's just like, it burns everything out of its way but it's also necessary for for the forest to go through that. History talks about he talks about the idea of leveraging you know maybe some of these things that are paying you or suffering you to take maybe maybe you got to take some Measure to lessen it, you do it consciously. Maybe you can, I don't know, bring awareness to it right, y'all you see that often I was another gentleman I saw that almost died last year of a blood clot in his leg. And now he's helping to bring awareness to it right, he's in a, he's got a role in his life where he's able to take this, this thing that's happened to him and apply it and bring awareness to to blood clots. By leveraging again his his status in the world, and share out with some people and some ways to prevent it and what you can do if it does happen. You know, again, here's the idea to right, did it uh, he says it's wonderful, liberating to live in this world, this world where the universe behaves as if it were specifically designed for you and actually give you exactly what you need a world where you can accept it. What you want is not always what you need the child. This is good, too. The child may want to tell advice, cream, but a wise parent provides fresh fruit and vegetables. He says, Are you kidding that the universe looks like this? Yes, you absolutely are. But you're also kidding yourself, if you think that the universe is the way that it is now. So you again, you have to you have to make this choice. Right that? Do you want to dwell on a peaceful abode with a sense of fulfillment and purpose? Or do you want to wander around the corridors of a House of Horrors where, you know, ghastly apparitions appear without notice? It's your choice and all your choice and it's far better choice to live in the bosom of benevolent universe. So I mean, that that kind of closes it up, right? It's, it's it is your choice. To live in this benevolent universe, it's your choice to go ahead and build out this model is your choice to support this model, I just always your conscious choice to build out any model. Because that's, that's exactly what you're doing. Anytime that you're, you know, you're beating yourself up, you're, you're, you're, you're supporting that other dog, but we talked about the dog that always wins. So

I hope that you've enjoyed already ready to succeed a little bit of a deeper dive into it. And I hope this inspires you to either pick up this book or try somebody exercises yourself or excuse me do some of the work yourself to to just dive into it in the back of this book too. As Sreekumar Rao has a some reading list, I'll see if I can go ahead and direct you to it or post a couple of it not only does it give you the Reading List of gives you a one year reading list, which is pretty cool. But then he has his other supplementary reading list where he will give you the levels of the book, he puts it under different headers, Business and Management. What's another header here? I don't know. Anyways, like plant plenty of plenty of plenty of other you know books. Here's one mind over matter. One of the first ones here I'm just gonna give you an example. Mind over matters the type of book you know, Dwayne wire. Wayne Dyer, you'll manifest your destiny. Popular speaker author Wayne Dyer has other books you may wish to explore. This book is good manual on how you can and he gives you a little synopsis good manual on how you can use metaphors to screen a physical reality. It contains good tips on how to harness the power of subconscious mind. And the whole has explicitly spiritual underpinnings was quite common in this genre reading level number one, right so you know check out this book if that's something that you're interested in. If you're interested in trying to get yourself into a mental model that just says hey, the way my life has been going not the model I want to use and really appreciate Brandon you sharing Sreekumar browse models sounds like something I could be interested in using and applying in my own life. Anyways, take care guys that's going to come bombed on Oh, god, I'm done. Like I said, I'll share out the I'll show this mind map. So you can kind of see the the map here of how I kind of wrote it out and you can pick up the book yourself. Try it out yourself. The book resonates with you. I highly suggest checking out the course. The live course if you can. It's called creating personal mastery. I'll share a link with that in the notes as well. Until then, we'll decide what our next little adventure baby take care of

Transcribed by https://otter.ai