Awareness of your Fears

Published: June 3, 2022, 12:17 a.m.


Brandon Handley 0:00
Hey, what is going on spiritual dope? I am I'm hesitating, it's really interesting to find that the podcasts I've recorded are taking me so long to put out. And it's funny, because it hasn't always been that way. And the reason, there's no real good reason, but I'd have to say that what I find interesting, I think that one of the reasons for this is I'm a little scared, a little fearful. I'm a little, it's not exactly what I wanted it to be. I'm sure that it will be enough. I knew that it will be enough. The thing is, and I think that you will find this so long, your own journey is not exactly what I wanted it to be. So I just don't want to take that step, which I know is just kind of BS, also, it's a lot of work. It's a lot of work, it's a lot of work to put it together. And I'm just curious, you know, for myself, what, what kind of effort to I believe is necessary for all of this, to, to kind of have that right message set out to do the right thing. To be inspired to be driven to be motivated, but not to be zealous, overzealous, I would I guess, I would say it's a little bit of zeal is, is okay. But I thought that I would share that with you that, in all honesty, there are parts of me that are intimidated right now. Because I've let myself get in my own head. And I share that because anyone could be on that journey, you could be on your journey. And I share it because geez, what, four or five years now worth of podcasting. And here, here I'm finding a little bit of fear along the journey simply because I pause for a moment, simply because I don't want to let who down? Right, in reality is I feel like I'm letting myself down a little bit. Because again, it's not exactly where I would have liked to have been, specifically right now with this podcast. And, you know, as I'm saying it out loud right now, I'm also reminded of, you know, here's where you are now. And, you know, five years ago, or, or whatever, at any point in time, you know, I'm right, exactly where I wish I had been, could be. And of course, now we find ourselves where we wanted ourselves to be, and find that that isn't what we wanted. That's part of the journey, I suppose, part of part of the growth part of this efforting part of us being so you know, personally judgment, self critical, all that other jazz. And I'm also saying this to want to stop by. So it happens to be that I think then that within the next month or so is the two year anniversary of the podcast. So I'll begin at that point in time to release some it just so happens to coincide. And I'm going to actually set a date. Because that's those are some other things that happened. With our dreams with our realities with with all things if we don't set a date, if we don't put something in mind. It doesn't matter how long it takes to get there. And sometimes that's okay. I'm not saying that that's not okay. But we we lose some type of drive, we lose some type of something, we lose the momentum. And I'm reminded of the late great Zig Ziglar. And I'm not sure where he got this from I'm sure he got this from someone himself. We lose the intent. It's it's called the law of diminishing intent. You know, we have this intention, we have this desire. And when we first feel it, that's when you strike while the iron is hot. That's where that comes from. You strike while the iron is hot, you strike while you're hot. It's true, you know, then because you've got that passion and everything going on with it. And the law of diminishing intent, says that, you know, over time, you're going to lose the intention to do XYZ. So that's all me a little bit there, right? I

I interrupted myself, I slowed down that intent. purposely let go of some of the momentum. And that was done to create and do a format, to deviate from what I had been doing to do what I believe, to be an improvement over what I've already been doing and in, in the desire to make it more palatable to you. The listener was to put this into some type of packaging, some type of easy to consume recognizable thing. And the funny thing about that is, is that I've got another listener, she reached out to me after going through a fair amount of the catalog. And she said, Well, did you did you create these? No, what she said, she said, this is interesting, because I was able to go through and listen to all these and each person had a different perspective, a similar story, and they were able to kind of share it out. Because was it your intent? To do it that way? So that, that was varied, but similar, so that there were these multiple stories that resonated over time with with the listener? And I said, Yeah, you know, that was that was exactly, that was exactly. And so it was really cool that that intention came through. And it's my hope that this next, this next bit comes through the intention to put like a stamp, as it were, on some of these next ones, categorize them a little bit more better. So that there is a point driven point a message, something we're trying to pull out of it right. When this next section of the podcasts has certain overtones, the first I'm thinking right now, I think the first one I'm just gonna do, I'm gonna lead with kind of what started these podcasts. And that was the the idea that, you prosperity, through spirituality. So there'll be a little stamp there. There's a, you know, four episodes, three or four episodes that we talk about prosperity through spirituality. There's going to be some episodes when we talk about energy work, breathwork, and spirituality, how do these kind of what are the intersection integration points of these things? And how can you harness them? In your story? How can you? If that's, and those are the things that are of interest to you along your journey? How do they play a part? And so be able to put those into sections so that the listener, you are able to go through and say, You know what, I've always been drawn to the breathwork side of things. How does this you know, how does this play a role in spirituality? We're gonna do psychedelics, how does that play a role in spirituality? Are they necessary? You know, what are some of the benefits? What are some of the not so great? And that? So as we come along, I think yeah, June 18. Is is the quote unquote, official date. Of of, of this. So look, look, the week of June 18. I'm also going to switch out the dates from putting these out on Sundays, and then the middle week, which will also make that challenging. That being said, I should have enough time, ladies and gentlemen, if I, if I play my cards, right to get some of these all finished up and posted and worked on, which I've actually been doing on in small batches, only to find myself frustrated, because some of them, you know, their challenges. There's some challenges with echoes, there's some challenges with just

echo is really as the primary one or you gotta go through and find where maybe somebody dropped off because of a bad connection. Where does that fit back in. So there's a fair amount of effort that does go into these. As much as we'd like to get them all with one shot right from the beginning. We do have to do some editing, we do have to do some cut and paste. We do have to get creative. I think the funny one for me on in this process is yeah, there's an echo. But the good thing is that there's an echo the entire way through so I'm able to use one feed out of two feeds to create the entire podcast. I'm really curious how that's gonna end up coming out after I filter it and edit it and get it all through There were challenges like the videos didn't didn't, you know that video is not going to sync up. So not to cut that out there were challenges for some reason is technically adept as I am, I couldn't figure out getting my video to come on. So it's like, what the hell. But these are some of the challenges. And these are some of the areas also of opportunity to grow to try to understand to see where you are, this is, this is for me, this is a full on full growth thing for me to see where I am and all the process but I thought that I would share with you that you're mildly intimidated, right? I was like, what's what's the hesitation here. And at first glance, it looks like there's some fear and trepidation on my side. So you're not alone in whatever it is that you're facing. Regardless of whether you're new just getting started. Also like to share with you that this will pop up as it is for me throughout the things that you're going through. And as much as I love this, there's, there's a law here and there where it's like, Okay, what's the value? Where am I doing? And I'm gonna get going now is I have gotten caught in the storm. I'll actually let the storm play a little bit. I've actually purposely put myself in the storm just waiting for a moment for it to pass over me as my own little practice of symbolism driving into the storm so that I can hear the cacophony, the melody that's offered in it, and know that just like all other things, this too shall pass.

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