Published: Jan. 13, 2021, 2:07 p.m.

Brandon Handley 0:00
All right, spiritual dope, what is going on today? Today we are on chapter six. Are you ready to succeed? By Sreekumar? Rao? Again, just just just a great book. We're on chapter six. This is which addresses this is I'm sorry about that.

Unknown Speaker 0:23

Brandon Handley 0:24
you live in a me centered universe, right? You live in a me centered universe. And we are on part two. And I believe we ended at the end of where we ended up, we ended. There we go, we ended up surrender to the universe last time, right. So

Unknown Speaker 0:49
what we've got here are,

Brandon Handley 0:51
we had an exercise, but here's a couple helpful Hansen. A big part of it. Maybe I said it last time, maybe I didn't, I don't recall. But you know, it bears repeating. It's a consider in when you're surrendering to the universe, and you're working with everybody. And when you go forward with your intention, consider an idea that there's a there's a resolution where all parts are better off, everybody is better off. Right. And it may not be readily visible. One of the things that I studied over the past couple years is just negotiation. And there's the the idea of pizza. And there's two people that that want a pizza, there's 100% of a pizza, right? But how about the idea that maybe this is a mushroom pizza, and maybe one person loves mushrooms but hates the crust? And the other person only likes

Unknown Speaker 1:46

Brandon Handley 1:48
So what do you do, we give one person 100% of what they like off of that pizza, right, they get, they get the crust, and the other person gets the entire pizza with, with the mushrooms, right? So you get 200% out of that pizza, then you get 200% of that pizza. And, and both people get 100% of what they like. So there's opportunity all over the place out there for everybody to get all of what they want. The problem is, is most people don't take that extra effort to kind of dig into it and figure out what that extra could be for the other person or what is that 100% for the other person. So as we move on, right, so that was a helpful hint for for that as we move on. We go into the idea that his surrender is not a passive experience. There is not passive acceptance, right? You're not gonna just accept injustice as it comes along. And and, you know, look, there may be times where you stand up, and you stand up for the injustice, maybe you see some injustice at work. And, you know, maybe you rally the troops, and you go to stand up for that injustice, but it doesn't work out as a matter of fact, for some reason, somehow, you end up getting punished for this adult, the idea is like don't don't get, you know, all sad and mopey. And, you know, dejected. Take a look at what you did. Think about what you did well, in that you stood up for injustice, right? You rally the troops, maybe maybe it was the actions in particular that they went awry. Or maybe it was the overall approach. Maybe it was the actual group of people. So maybe next time you re approach it with a different tactic or a different strategy and maybe maybe a different maybe a different set of people. So the other thing is, are you in this is it when you set out to do something that doesn't work in your favor? Do you need to you need to try and figure out how you can simply let it go with out the emotional baggage. All right, I know that we talked a little bit about just you don't want to be sad, morose, you don't want to, you know kind of be attached to that thing. And then, you know, the negative emotions when you can let go of those negative emotions. It's literally like a force multiplier. Imagine how much weight would be lifted off of your chest. If you if you could just let go of the negativity, right, you've got to deal with it. nobody's saying you don't have negative emotions. It's not letting them drag you down and get all mired up in it. So the sooner you can let go of those and and move forward right in a positive manner and positivity meaning forward motion forward momentum, not simply like, oh, everything's all fucking rosy and cheery. It's a move forward. Right. And at some point, at some point, it's gonna feel like the universe is actually working with you is actually dancing with you. It's such a it's a kind of a Beautiful Thing when it happens. And when it happens, this goes back to the chapter on miracles and being able to recognize that you are working in tandem with the universe to create these miracles. That's a beautiful dance scenario. And listen, this may take years, it's going to take years, I don't know, most most people, it's going to take years, it's going to take time to get better and better and better at it, and perhaps even decades deal is you got to persist, you got to keep up on it. And you cannot fail, right? If this is your approach, if you're letting go of negative emotions, if you're working towards the greater good for everybody, then you really can't, you can't fail. So it gives an exercise of the other sensitive universe. So you're going to pick one, you're gonna pick one week, we picked to one hour time slots, where whatever it is that you do, you were doing for the sole benefit of others involved, right, you're going to listen actively. And what that means is you're going to listen, to listen, not to respond. Another way of active listening is, and this is I forget the name of the book, motivational interviewing, really great book that was created for

addictions. And people in rehab, however, is very useful in coaching. And anywhere really, you teaches you how to actively listen very well. So you'll listen to somebody, they'll talk, maybe you'll ask him a couple questions. And it's a little It is like he Miller's the author. So one of the things that he recommends, and this is listen for for two lines, and then you'll kind of reflect back to them. Right? Listen, question, question, reflect back actively, you know, what you just heard summarize it. And there's different ways to do that. So, but while you're doing that, too, you will think of ways that you can be of service to them? How can you help this person move forward, again, you know, positive momentum, or, you know, deal with their situation, or just, maybe you're just there to listen, and that's okay, too. So you're going to practice, you can practice this with strangers anonymously, right? You don't have to tell somebody that you're doing this and you can you can you think of ways that you can be service to them, and you just go do it. And what you want to do is you want to take me my an eye out of the picture while you're listening. So, you know, especially those variables, and then don't just go give everything away, right, don't just let it all go. Given this comes from Buddhism, and you give with wisdom, right, you know, give with wisdom give with, like, where you you feel like, it's going to have the most impact and, and that's one way to kind of approach that as well. Be creative, there's so many ways that you can go out there and you know, help make somebody's day or help this, you know, person out and in a one hour time slot. And so ideally each day, you know, so you're going to do that, right. And then there's other pieces, so each day, deliberately and consciously do more than one thing to make the world a little bit better. One of the ways that that I found are a couple of ways, especially given our social media nature is hey, you know, go out there and given give out some LinkedIn recommendations, right? Maybe you've got a friend that's written a book, go leave Amazon book review. Maybe you have a friend who's got an Etsy shop, share their shop, buy something from them. Maybe again, that's the you know, same for people that have written a book, a friend of yours writes a book, don't ask for them to give you a copy, buy a copy, support them. That's what support is support isn't reading it for free. It's going out there and you know, how can you support that person and give them some encouragement to help move them forward? I'll be practical and empathize. Your attitude I've got here in parentheses is is actually your approach. So attitude is actually your approach. It is super important to not expect gratitude from others for what you've done, rather be grateful that they have allowed you to serve them. Right be grateful they've accepted your gifts. You know, essentially with the universe moving through you creative source moving through you has given you the capacity to gift to that person. So you're able to serve and that is a gift right that they're they're giving you a gift by by allowing you to serve each day make someone's day is another piece of this. Hi, again, I go back to the LinkedIn recommendation somebody on Facebook, so on Insta share their share their post, make a comment You know, show them that they're not alone and whatever it is that they're going for and doing. That's these are super simple ways that you can help make someone's day friend alien that I'm doing this with, you know, she writes, she writes a newsletter, maybe you get somebody newsletter reply back to the newsletter, and and say, Hey, I really appreciate you know what you wrote here today, thanks for sharing. And oh, I didn't see it. From my perspective, just a little bit of there are so many I know, there's so many newsletters out there and so many materials out there. But some of these are genuine and written from the heart and not strictly written to get you into their program. Right. Some of these are true, true things. So what do we got here? That's one way you can make someone's day, eventually, you know, this practice becomes a part of your life. It's not just, it's not just Hey, I did this for the one week. Now, how many of these can string together? Like with meditation with exercise? How many of these great moments Can you string together in your life? Where it's consistent, and it's a steady flow of the universe giving through you to how cool is that, right?

So the idea, though, is that this is true of all the practices in this book. This isn't just for the duration of going through this book or doing these exercises. It's for the rest of your life, right? I mean, it says, you know, appearance isn't something that's going to happen in days or weeks. Now, that being said, you will notice, like almost immediately the benefits, but imagine, you know, just how great the benefits are in such a short period of time. Right? Well, those benefits be over time. However, there's benefits pay over time. So it's common for this is under helpful hands. As we finish up the exercise of the other centered universe, it is common for others to feel dejected, if they do not get the response that they're looking for. Now, listen, if this happens to you stop, stop at. Focus on how you are feeling. When you do what you set out to do. Focus on how you're feeling when you are giving or when you are in the process of doing it. Not so much the outcome. Obviously, you want to give the gift you want to serve in some capacity and manner. It's while you are doing that, that you feel great. And oftentimes, you know, if somebody does react positively, you're great. And you know, that's a good feeling. But if if they aren't responding the way that you feel like they should just stop it, relax, chill. Let's step back a second focus on what it is that you set out to do. What was your intention when you got out there to go do it and eventually, you will find joy in what you do, and not the results that you get. I think that that bears repeating, you will find joy in what you do, not the results that you get. So there's always some way to make someone's day Don't be lazy, figure it out. And then finally, you know, keep a journal so you can flip back and reflect on how this process has been working out for you. So had to whip through that one wanted to get it out there for you. This weekend will be the release of Sreekumar Rao's podcast super excited about that, as I have been with so many others in and this is it's it's interesting the journey that this podcast is going on. So anyways, take it easy, don't have a sign off and we'll chat later.

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