Published: Dec. 29, 2020, 1:06 a.m.

A couple of links were promised on this one:

random love and kindness meditation :

Brandon Handley 0:00
Welcome back spiritual dope. Brandon Handley here voice of a generation of people that they see the microphones I've got when I'm on my, my work calls zoom calls. And I'm like, that's, that's pretty big Mike, what are you gonna do Sing for us that the chokes got to happen, right. And I'm always a pretty sure is the last thing that you want, bro anywho we are working through chapters, chapter five, you can change the universe, we just got done doing the law of increase. And we're going to do walk through a couple of exercises, and then helpful hints, and then we'll cut it and then we'll continue through the chapter. This one's a little bit longer than some of the others again, feel a key, Dr. Rao snuka snuck one in here that is a true gem. And and it bears much attention. There's much attention. So appreciation and gratitude exercise, this was pretty simple. If you don't already have a gratitude exercise, I imagine most of you listening do. The idea, though, is that this is the last thing that you do at night. Last thing you do at night is that you write down things that you are grateful for that have occurred during that day. So please give some focus and some things that you're grateful for during that day, spend about five to 10 minutes doing this. And do do it at least for a week, do it at least for one week. And I know that historically, I haven't done this one at night, even though again, I've gone through this book several times. And I've done it more often in the morning. This past week, I probably did it three days out of the week. And what I really love to do before I go to sleep is to put on like some other audio or something like that. I'll usually listen to some Vedanta society out watts, whatever, you know, whatever Swami is hot that weekend when Brian and I'll put out some audio. And so since it says right here, the last thing you do at night, I haven't been doing that. And I've been going to sleep right after I write out this gratitude. And he says, Hey, pay special attention to your morning chatter after you do this, I can tell you, I can tell you that there's a massive difference between doing these when you wake up versus doing it when you go to sleep. And of course, I'm going to go ahead and I'm gonna, I'm going to plug the subconscious again, that when you're going to sleep and you do this, and you love some of this information into your subconscious, that you're you're planting seeds that are overnight germinating and just setting your mind straight and you're getting you're getting that mental chatter to be the mental chatter that you want to hear. You want to see your appreciation, gratitude. So that's the first one. And and I can tell you again, if you haven't done it at night and made that the only thing that you do again, I have done it where I still put on some audio afterwards. And who knows who's duplos Mario from done? What happens is, it's almost like gibberish. Yeah, you interrupt the signal, right? You blur the signal, like old school, gravity or antennas, or maybe you're driving through a tunnel, and you got a satellite radio, you lose connection for a little bit, right? You've disrupted the signal that you've created for yourself. Especially in the very beginning when you're when your signals faint and weak to begin with. That's what some of this other stuff does, right? It's a massive interference between what you're trying to create and your belief in it working right. So, just got a part two to this appreciation and gratitude. This is in tandem or long with or as, as you as you kind of gotten stronger or better with appreciation, gratitude exercise number one. And that's going to be include moments of gratitude within the day. I do it with your heart, do it with your body. Really, really feel that emotion really, really feel that gratitude. I would I would dare say that gratitude is more of a feeling.

It's a thought and a feeling. It's a thought and a feeling. You do it with your heart do it do it with your mind, or just for a minute, merge them all and really connect and really feel, really feel it. That's when it's the most powerful. And he says, you know, do this throughout the day include moments of gratitude within the day. And just notice your tenor throughout the day. Very similar to noticing your mental chatter, your voice a judgment includes your witness in that so that what is your tenor? What is Brandon feeling right now you can see the feeling, you can almost see the emanation of emotion when you are in gratitude and it's just as much larger field of vibration, it's a clean and clear and wonders signal. helpful hints This one's kind of fun. I mean, because look, ideally to as you're going through it, don't just apply this appreciating gratitude to yourself and the things apply this appreciation and gratitude to the people around you. Look for the things that that maybe historically, you'd been like, you know, this person's put some me off this person's a challenge and get out of this kind of victim mentality role. Put yourself in their shoes, understand and make the meet this huge attempt. This was a shift for me, but make this huge attempt to love everyone as they are. All right. love everyone as they are as they exist currently, right now. And understand that they are doing the chances are that in that very moment of their lives, they're doing the best that they know how, even if you feel like they're being lazy, even if you feel like they're not pulling their way, even if you feel like for some reason they're trying to be some versiv to who and what you are. Give them love because they're teaching you something. They are teaching you something. And that's the lesson, right? The lesson is, everyone is kind of a mirror of who you are, if there's a trigger that they're triggering within you. What does that trigger? Why are you triggered that way? Give them love for teaching you that lesson. He also says hey, if challenged with others, well realize that you're actually wishing yourself well, right? Just because what's what's the line? You know, wishing others well is like, you know, something like the drinking the poison line. So big one there. And I think I think that's it's important, right? To go through life, honestly, not mistake, I was taught that honesty means you know, I salute the Divinity within you, right? See the divine and everyone around you realize that they their light is just as bright as yours. Even if they can't see it for themselves. Even if you feel like they're breaking their lightbulb and trying to stab you with it. They're not. Right. They're not just to see them as you see yourself and I think that the other line is you know, love your neighbors as you love yourself. You know, make sure that you love yourself properly or enough so that you are able to love others in the same manner. So let me see here. So again, he says, Hey, you will soon see this practice increases the good things in your life and it will not take long. I promise you this, there's there's a there's this huge elimination of stress when you can look at everybody as doing the best they possibly can. As as you're giving them love, as you're thinking positive thoughts about them. Another great exercise for this one is a loving kindness meditation, make a jot here on section two. Right here, your pencil going down here. If you do, that's great. If you don't, that's great to a section to add in loving kindness, meditation, if you've never done one, this is really nice and life altering as well. And I think it actually leads into the next chapter. We get begin to and listen, maybe you're not but I know that I definitely have been lived in this nice energy universe that and again, we'll talk more about that in the next chapter. You do this loving kindness meditation, and you get to start to

give your love to others in just like 10 to 15 minutes a day doing this and there's such as wonderful reduction in stress and this wonderful sense and feeling of giving that up. I think you'll you'll truly appreciate it. We will be stopping here as we mosey on through chapter five or E rates succeed you can change the universe

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