Published: Dec. 7, 2020, 11:44 a.m.

Brandon Handley 0:00
And here we go spiritual dope, what is going on with you today? Then a minute in a minute, but I am back with another episode that digs deep, deep, deep, deep, deep, deep, deep, deep, deep, deep into, are you ready to succeed? Ah by srikumar Rao and we are on chapter three. And this is a chapter all about that mental chatter. So we get into it, you know, he breaks it down and says listen to the first thing you got to do is come to terms with the fact that the world that you live in isn't real, because we covered that in the last chapter. If you don't recall, right, this is just like, everything is kind of in your mind, one way or another. It's a perception, it's all these other things. And there are these beliefs and ideas and models that you've created over time. All right, you've created your reality, using these models. And if you poke poke at any of them, any of them, any one of them, they will crumble and fall, if pushed hard enough, but the the deal is that you've created your very own reality. And what you mentally create shows up in reality, whether you haven't actually created it or not. Right, so most likely, the reality that you've created is unconscious, and that's okay. But that doesn't save you ignorance does not spare you from the reality that you do create. What happens then, is that, you know, you need to become aware simply of these facts. And you can become aware of them. Most people that apply to this are some law of attraction fans. And you may recognize this out of there. So totally different context. But same scenario, right? So whatever you're focusing on in your mind, now is the same stuff that is eventually going to show up, whether or not you're paying attention to that or not. This third year, third year, that I've read this book and gone through this book, and this is the first time that I've caught that, right, it's the first time that I've caught this piece in this book, and it's made made more sense, right? different level of understanding. So we're talking here about your mental chatter, right? It is your constant companion. It is that on going dialogue monologue that's always going on within your head. And it is your stream of consciousness and the hilic how he puts it in the book, because it can be a bubbling Brook. Or it can be white water rafting, and it's always going on. And we're kind of like most people, especially in western civilization, you're beating yourself up, it's always like, you should be doing this should be doing that. It's like one thing to another. It's exhausting, right? So he was down through some other stuff inside the book, kind of like the Giza. Imagine just your day and a steady stream of consciousness, what it's like and how it never shuts up and leaves you alone. He goes to wonder isn't that you feel stressed and overwhelmed. At the end of any day, after that stream of consciousness that ongoing Mandala is whether or not you were functional, at all, whether or not you're functional at all. And you can see right now, during the pandemic, especially during the pandemic, there's so many people that they can't take any more of it. And it's a lot. Sue your surgeon, let me see if this is where the quote is. He's actually got a great quote in this book somewhere

about your surgeon and it might have been in this chapter. But here's initially right, so he boiled it down to like, your mind is like a computer. It's always running. It's always doing this mental chatter. And it's basically like, it's lines are crossed, right? It's basically just like, the worst, right? It's a frickin mess. And, you know, it's like, imagine you had gotten a computer like that, like your mind, which is exactly what it is. Wouldn't you return it? Right? Wouldn't you be like, you know, how long would you put up with it? says how long he goes, how long would you take before you were laying out your case to the best mental malpractice lawyer in town. And how easy would it be to collect, right especially with the way that your mind and your mental chatter treat you? I throw it in. It's kind of a Wouldn't you look for a manual? Right? Wouldn't you look for a manual if he had this thing? And like, Man, it's pretty powerful. It's pretty potent, but to really like, know how to work it, And to me, that's what this book is. It's really good at it. Now, certainly, certainly combine it with a lot of others. But this book to me, and this, this whole thing is a little bit like a I'll keep these. If you're if you're a if you're curious. And you want to look at it. I'm also creating videos of these with a mind map that you may want to follow along with me not. I don't know, let me know though. It helped me to kind of break it out. There's a guy named Joseph Rodriguez, I want to say his name's Joseph Rodriguez, that does some of these. And I got the idea from him, because I like how he goes through it this way where he builds out the mind map, as he's as he's talking along with you on it. So I figured I'd use it for myself as well. I'll have to tag them somewhere. So look, little droppings. That's your vo J. The DOJ if you haven't femme said already. That's your voice of judgment. He srikumar Rao got it. The idea from Michael ray is professor of Korea. He was professor of creativity in Stanford. And the book's name is he he recommends his book, creativity in business. And if you're looking at three Kumar Rao's creative and personal mastery course, one of the books that you it's required reading for the creative and personal mastery course. So vj comes out of there, right voice of judgment, that's kind of basically what your mental chatter is usually prattling on about it's all like, judging you, and judging you. And everything else in one way or another. Right. And he lists a couple different ones. You goes there's a there's outright subtle insidious, every once in a while, there's gracious, right? A couple examples of those. And there's insidious, right, just downright kind of nasty, and they're ingrained, but outright would be like, hey, you're such a dummy. How'd you get this job? subtle may sound something like, you know, maybe you're or maybe you look at one of your co workers, and you're like, ooh, he is so smooth. He's not tongue tied in meetings like you who that's the kind of guy that gets a promotion, not a smoke like you. That's your voice judgment. That's your mental chatter that's talking to you, right? What a jerk in situations that you're judging your voice of judging your voice of your own DOJ in situ, it's just nasty. Every once in a while. It will be gracious. And it'll say something like, hey, look at that charming couple, they must have a great marriage, right? That's just being kind of gracious and looking at them in other ways. And but others are not free from your voice and judgment. Right. And it also reminds me of there's a little story that a bunch of kids are sitting in class, teacher goes up rights 19th rights 20 problems up on the board. And one of them's incorrect. And the teacher says I was anybody notice anything up here? Everybody, all the kids raised their hand, they then they all say, well, you missed one, you didn't get one, right. And so they were so focused on the one that was wrong. And the teachers like, Well, what about the 19? Right ones, right? We're so focused on what's wrong, that we tend to typically not focus on the things that are wrong. So what happened, what happened to focusing on the things that are correct or right or good in our lives, that's where I where I'm getting at with that is always always always on the voice. The judgment is always on it keeps you trapped. It's like kui crabs

story, it's like the crabs or you hear all the time, or like anytime you start to go out beyond the edge, it just wants to pull you back in and keep you right where you are, so that you don't dare stick your your, your head above and get it chopped off or anything like that, right. It's like coral. If you're familiar with corals, or the super tiny little living things, they're not super big. But over time, when they die, they leave their skeleton there and they all grow up over time they build up over time. And if you're not familiar with anything nautical, you know, there's big these big, huge coral reefs throughout the world. I mean, you rip a boat apart on those so even though they're small voices and judgments, just mental chatter over time, it can grow up and just for us, you said your mental diet. The soft voice and judgment is your mental diet and it you're gonna absorb it. Generally you do it honestly. And without permission, going all the way back up to the top it's like, you know, is these are these are this is your mental model most likely has been created unconsciously over time. Regardless of whether or not it's been created unconsciously, it's been done, it's done right, you haven't really created a filter, it's coming in on filtered and unobserved without permission. It's like all the Trojan horses and it's a hijacking these, these dislike the mental patterns like these little pop off. So me, I think when you wrote the book, they are more prevalent on the internet. And he was always like, you know, sometimes you just get like, pop up after pop up, he couldn't make it go away, really reminds me of you get more modern, it reminds me of the pop ups or just trying to install a free app on an Android voice. Who needs that? It's like your database is continuously updating to so like, as soon as you build this kind of you build this mental models, you build these vlj builds up over time. And eventually, it just ends up in this big, huge relational database. It's just constantly updating, you can never change the records on it. Here's a backup there. We go, right and haven't up until a kind of a point of recognition, where you go back and fix fix something or delete a record or modify a record, right? You were not born this way. He goes on to say, you have picked this up through socialized behavior. You have picked this up through cultural conditioning? He asked Yes. Question is, have you ever made a purchase to buy something to show your status, and you don't even want the thing he meant that's the type of coat that you know, conditioning that we're talking about here. And he also mentions the idea that you may, in certain situations have to comply behaviorally. But you never have to give up your equanimity, right. You never have to give up who you are as a person in regards to working with somebody else, or applying the voice of judgment to yourself, because that's all internal. And he also goes on I love this because it goes on right now, once we get to this point, once we start to get to this point, and you start to get to this point, you're working with your mental chatter, you are both the doctor and the patient. You want a doctor and a patient. So now, who is going to lead into is, is doing the mental chatter exercise. You know, you can simply google that, you know, what is a mental chatter exercise look like? But in terms of that, you end up becoming the doctor and a patient, you end up understanding what it is, that is your mental chatter. What is it? You will notice, from this exercise from this practice of noting your mental chatter throughout the day, throughout time, you will notice what you're building your life on those are the foundations that is your very own coral reef that you are building. And you're going to want to do this without judgment. And voices judged post judgment, right? Stop, start to do it. without judging yourself. They're just thoughts. They're not even your own. They showed up over time, like, oh, there's another one. That's another thought. That's gonna sometimes cause you to have a feeling or an emotion. That's just a feeling or emotion. Just judge don't judge it. Just note that that's a feeling. Just note that that's an emotion, the voice of judgment, voice of judgment. Note that that's a voice of judgment note if it is an outright mean one if it's subtle, mean, maybe it's being gracious and all these other things, but most of the times they're beating you up and not building you up.

I noticed this passionately, he don't let it Rouse you don't let it tear you apart. Don't let it beat you down. It's just again, they're just thoughts. They are just thoughts. Once you do this practice, over time, there will be less hijacking. Imagine you've installed pop up blocker. It's really what it is. And he likens it to shoplifting if you've ever been to grocery stores as shoplifters will be prosecuted. It's proven that just putting the signs up alone will reduce the shoplifting. I think we got through that one pretty quick. It's actually a very big part of this book. It's a very big part of this overall practice.

But that's the fundamentals right that's fundamentals and that's where you can you can begin to build yourself up on and you can just begin to note your mental chatter throughout the week and like I said you can go ahead and look look that up online to see if there's a good one for you. But yeah that'll close it down like I said, head on over to spiritual dope and you can go I don't think the video is posted yet somebody's email Brandon as spiritual dope co if you're interested in the videos I'll be happy to share them out with you but now you got an idea of what mental chatter is when it shows up in your life. Now that you're kind of armed and you're aware it's it's worth knowing is half the battle GI Joe. It's it's just knowing right now that becomes a this is something that you can negotiate with. This is something that you can actually acknowledge, and you can have an impact on it. All right. Yes.

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