Are you ready to succeed | Chapter 01 | Deep Dive 3 of 5

Published: Nov. 4, 2020, 7 a.m.

Brandon Handley 0:00
So as we continue through the book, are you ready to succeed. And as we continue on to the second ripple, which is organizational change, we're gonna we're gonna look at how we can, you know, we can look at the idea of how we connect, and how that determines our lives. And then we also look at the idea of, how do we how do we determine how do we differentiate between a pure network contact,

Brandon Handley 0:30
which are cultivated for connections and positions and and all this other stuff? Right? We go after the Hey, what do you do? Oh, man, you could really help me what I do, and let me see how I can use you. And your role for for my gain my company's gain, right versus a true contact, right? Which is gonna change our intention, how can I? How can I How can I help you out? What is it that you do? How can I help you close a gap? We look at Zig Ziglar. And his old saying, which was, you know, the more you help others to get what they need, the more you can get what you know, help others get what they want, so that you can get what you want type of thing. So that type of intention, and I love that srikumar Rao has in here, whatever you are trying to do, must bring spiritual and material growth to others, right? How can I help you to grow spiritually, and materially, because live that we we live in those two different worlds, and that's okay. And that is what's going to begin your organizational change, you know, to change how you connect, how do you connect, let go of the idea that you person or body that you are the orchestrator of the events, it goes back into kind of creating the serendipitous events, how we don't even know how we are here in existence, let go of the idea that you are the specific orchestrator of events. When when you know, so again, that also goes back to the idea of control what you can control. That's just kind of like your thoughts and emotions and reactions, responses, that type of thing. Everything outside of that. It's beyond your control. And again, this is this is this is coming at this with my current level of understanding. Okay, so second ripple, organizational change, when you have the right mixture of passion and detachment, as well as the acceptance of what really happens. So, look, I'm super excited to be involved with some of the technology that I'm involved with, and some of the ideas that I'm working on. But I'm not

Unknown Speaker 3:04

Brandon Handley 3:07
to the outcome, being what I believe it needs to be right. So I think it should come out like this, or even a relationship or dinner, anything, right? I go out at night and get a flat tire, we should go out. I remember one night that Meg and I, you know, went out how to Uber and, you know, the, the date night, we hit a deer on the way home Buber driver hitting you know that that was you know, if I was would have been attached to a certain outcome, that outcome, that wouldn't have been the outcome, right. And I could have gotten angry or upset that that happened, right? I could have gotten angry the doober driver, you didn't dodge it or whatever. But I accepted it. We accepted it of what really happened. And again, in technology, or, you know, in the sales business, wherever you are, you know, you've got a great idea I made this video, this is what I'm creating. I'd love for it to have thousands and millions of views. Maybe maybe one maybe get zero views and and that's got to be okay, I'm not doing it just for the likes, or the or any of it. I'm doing it because I enjoy it. I'm doing it because I believe that there's value for you to go through it as well. I believe there's value in these concepts and ideas. And the more that I learned about them, the more that I put them into my own mind, the more that I could bring bring into the world with them, if that makes sense. All right. So also think about the idea and like he says, you know, in an army, you know, you create these different connections, right you can, you've gone through this organizational change, and army will show up to support you the moment that you need it. You ever, you know, once you realize that you're not the person that needs to To create and do it all, soon as you realize that you're a member of a team, and you're willing to be a supporter in that team. This is something that I, you know, eight years working at Cisco, I think taught me. So I went in there and I just wanted to help and

Unknown Speaker 5:19

Brandon Handley 5:20
do well with others and help them along. And, and the idea is that it wasn't for just six, I just wanted to help. That's wanted to make sure that the work that I was doing, was helping another person, get their sales, again, helping them to get what they need, so that I get what I wanted type of thing. But not even that wasn't even even wasn't even done with that intent. I just wanted to do the work. And I want to do it because these were good people. And, and they showed it all the time, I they would turn back around, and they would support me all the time. How but it also reminds me to have the idea of an army of angels that I had an interview with like a Mar, the deal is like, Listen, whatever you're putting out there, as long as you're putting out there, like good stuff, you're supporting others and trying to help others. The moment you need them, the moment you need that army of angels, they are going to show up and support you. In the in the chapter of an ideal life under organizational change, he's got a James Allen quote, about the golden opportunities that will present themselves on your path. And honestly, this is always happening, going back up to the idea that there's going to be obstacles in your way, those obstacles. Man, I really, I still don't like the book. But you know, the obstacle is the way that obstacle, that challenge is, is the golden opportunity. What is it that's in there, if there's an obstacle in there, it's going to take some type of growth out from you from your team, from your ability to change perspectives, you simply need to identify it as such, and move forward on that, can I make this larger, let me make this larger. On the screen that is so that's that James Allen, quote, golden opportunities present themselves on your path. As you continue through, going through this, this change, right books and other aids, will, that you need, will come to you unsought. also understand that the books for reflect

Unknown Speaker 7:27
your current

Brandon Handley 7:28
level of understanding, and often contains the keys that you seek. I think of this in the terms of, look, I went through my awakening or conscious change, you know, that was a pretty dramatic, I don't, I didn't, I didn't understand the language that I needed to use, I couldn't understand it, because I hadn't been exposed to it before. I had no understanding. And I needed I need to these books that again, this is one of the books that came to, to my, to my aid, so that I could go ahead and I could grow in it, and could learn. So as we've got the, you know, the different levels of understanding that you're going to get from these books. You know, again, you're you've already got kind of queries in your mind, right? You've already got thought thoughts and ideas of how things are working, you've already got different ways of understanding. And what you're looking for is how do you teach that to others? How can you share that out? Right? I can't tell you the number of books that have just, that just continue to pop up in my life for the past like three, three and a half, four years that have helped me to understand

Unknown Speaker 8:58

Brandon Handley 8:58
right, who've helped me to understand all of all, all of what I'm going through with you right now. In Are you ready to succeed? And, you know, movies, anything really once once you once you kind of develop this, this idea of any you don't even notice it right? Really, this is kind of looking forward if you haven't already seen this for yourself. So Steve Jobs quote is you you can only connect the dots going backwards. Another interesting just kind of a tidbit here, my kids read this book, Deuteronomy Stilton. And what was interesting and I thought that it was cool that they did this they they needed keys to the crystal cavern or something like that. And and there was a crystal key that they have to find within the book. Right that that seed is planted in their mind that the keys are within the book, right? They had to find these images of the the key Within the book, and you know, they don't see it that way right now I guarantee it, right. But my current level of understanding is, Wow, that's really cool that they put actual keys within the book that would help them to unlock different different things. And that's probably not the way the author intends it. But it could be wrong. This book will help you to powerfully connect in ways so that you are in harmony with your values. And to me it has, and I believe, I believe for you that it could otherwise otherwise I wouldn't be taken this much effort to to share it all out with you. If your current level of connecting is, you know, how can that person benefit me in my life? How can I go to network to you know, climb a ladder type of mentality? Can you get there and that way? Yes. How will you feel in the end? You know, can you get there? And what's that going to look like? That's a you know, that's just a question that I've got for you versus, you know, we talked about the different ways that we connect right and how to differentiate that become a light that intersects with other lights creating a unified and brighter spot the ideas of like different spotlights on the stage, the idea of you being a light spotlighting somebody else. And what's great for them out there. When you know, you're driving up a vehicle, car, when you have the headlights go they they are they are set so that they they they intersect each other in a brighter space in front of the vehicle. So they will you know, you could do you have to manually adjust them, at least you did at one point so that they face is called light alignment. And you need to adjust those headlights so that they intersect at a certain place where the beams will intersect facing down in front of you. And where they intersect. They create a brighter light and they work together as a team. So if you're working again as a team and not as an individual, as a part of the greater whole, as a part of the all then you you will create that stronger ripple that was discussed.

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