Are you ready to succeed | Chapter 01 | Deep Dive 2 of 5

Published: Nov. 3, 2020, 6:57 a.m.

Brandon Handley 0:01
Have chapter one ideal life on both podcasts and the video. So part two, we're going to go into the first ripple, which is individual change. And, you know, the first ripple is, you know, be you want to be so involved with work that you that you love so much that the time flies and to me, that brings up the idea of the book and the concept of flow by Matt Haley, and I don't have his last name in front of me, but but my Hayley, and, you know, the idea is that you continue to grow each time you continue to learn and you continue to expand on what you already know and love and and converge on. And, you know, when you do that time will fly. That's part of the first ripple of individual change. A penetrating awareness of the course that you are creating, what what, where do you want it? Where do you see yourself right? What exactly is it that you are creating, and when you become aware of the choices that you are making and what you are doing with your life and your goal for life, then then the course becomes, develops more clarity. Alright, so again, here are a couple that come in here a clear knowledge of your place in the scheme of the universe. That's, that's something that, that you'll recognize in this and that also aligns with vision, you've got a vision, you may not know how to get to that end. But as you chart that course, that we're talking about, in the course of creating the becomes becomes clear as you work along.

Unknown Speaker 1:53
The work that you do,

Brandon Handley 1:56
feeds and brings you great contentment and peace you're getting this is the idea that you are getting what you put into the universe if you're if you're doing this work to serve others and to help them come along themselves and to bring them along. And it's not just for you. Um, that's you literally you get what you attract, right? That's the idea is to concept in my mind, again, this current level of understanding, you will face obstacles, those obstacles are not designed for frustration. those obstacles are designed to bring out the best in you, they help you to create a strong, sharp edge going back up the flow. And the idea is you're on the ever expanding edge of the universe. And you have to keep in mind that we are approaching all of this as though the universe really only wants what is best for you because you are a part of the universe and the universe is put you here for some reason and purpose and it wants to see you succeed so the universe is in full support of your endeavors and this is just a mindset that you create within your individual change in your individual change as you go through this lock doors will open mysteriously you don't need to know how some of these things are going to happen. You simply have to believe that they can and that they will and I can tell you from personal experience that this happens you put the vision out there and you put it out there with the intent with a with your purpose and and you take the first couple steps towards that and and things begin to open up and it's a it's this kind of indescribable but it happens you essentially your personal life becomes more fulfilling right? And to be to be honest with you looking for how the question should be how do I have a more fulfilling life To me it's not your why your why it's weaksauce your why it's cool, it's a sure it's a it's a it's a cool, it's like a pebble in the bottom of the lake. Right? Um, to me, the bigger piece this is your What is it that's going to bring you ultimate fulfillment in your life. I also love that he hits on the idea is if you're a parent as I am, and if you are understand that you know in this individual change that child or children will bring you great satisfaction also know that they will chart their own path and that you will not be able to To see their path,

Unknown Speaker 5:01

Brandon Handley 5:04
if you will be their springboard and know that and to know that that's the case, to me that that brings me very much satisfaction. Being a parent and seeing it, I mean, see right now, I was working with Liam, my youngest to go, you know, create a video or do something he wants to do him my vision, my path, start his path, I can give him the ideas, he can give me his ideas, and I can try and help him and enact those. And however he decides to do it is up to him each day, and the individual change is going to be a, it's going to be an improvement over the day before, each one day more perfect than the day before. If you can imagine it. Maybe you don't think that the day before you today was perfect, but who knows. Just talking to I just had an interview, I just recently had an interview and the Word Perfect means that you don't need anything else, right? don't need any more to to to get through the day or two to get through life. So if you look at yesterday, did you have everything that you needed? In sometimes Did you have everything that you wanted in that day? It's neat, but like, did you have everything that you needed in order to have a successful day, and if that's the case, and you had a perfect day. So know that today, maybe and probably is more perfect than the day before. You will feel an infinite amount of gratitude. And this gratitude is tough. Gratitude is tough because most of us, especially as men are going through life in an A, in what we're going through it and a analytical mind first kind of thing. And as men in Western society, we've been taught to shut down or remote odds, shut that shit down. Right. So everything's by thought, everything's by analytics. Everything's by logic, everything's linear. And that's just that's just, that's just not the case. So the feeling of gratitude is something that we need to implement. And once we begin to get in contact, touch our feelings and understand what those feelings are. We can begin to feel gratitude. And as we think and feel gratitude at the same time. We are we are then tuning it in, right we are then we're then tuning ourselves to gratitude, mentally, with feeling and we are pulling that into our lives. You will recognize throughout all this process, right? This is again, this is the first individual change you will recognize all this is is the cosmic principle, which according to this book is the merger or emerging of spirit, body and mind.

Unknown Speaker 8:21

Brandon Handley 8:22
sensation and feeling is really indescribable. I've done a podcast called I've done a podcast based on word called numinous with Carl Jung, and Theodore auto where whereby you have tried to capture some of what that cosmic principle looks and feels like. There's other ways to go through it and feel that but that's one way to recognize it. So this type of life is your birthright. There's nothing like this. It's nothing. This isn't entitlement. This is open to everyone. And it doesn't matter how old or young you are. Sure, birth rate. I mean, God I had a conversation the other day with my wife and I love her death. And she goes, you know, I'm not special. Nobody special. We're not you know, we're not a bunch of special snowflakes out there. Yes and no. Yes. And everybody is special and everybody's looking for a way to express themselves. The thing is, is that you've been taught not to express yourself to the fullest of who you are. You've been taught to express yourself in an industrial age into what you know, what is it about you that is most productive in an industrial environment. We are not industrial beings. We are fucking human beings. So what you got to do is convert back If you are, and understand that this is, indeed, your birthright, and as we go through this book, you'll understand that this is this is a process a way to achieve it. And so during the first ripple of individual change, you will also recognize that you must desire this desperately, you must want this with all of your being all of who you are. But you must also be okay with the dot happening. It like what the hell man? And this is what a Sreekumar calls the desire, paradox desire issues a paradox. And he also because because all paradoxes are resolved with greater understanding, and we can look at, we can look at, you know, what are some things that you wanted, when you were younger? What are some things that you wanted, when you were younger, you desired it, desperately, but they didn't happen. And, you know, sometimes, sometimes I can tell you with myself sometimes, like, for example of, you know, I partied way too hard back in the day, and what would have happened if I had been, you know, super rich, or had access to a lot of money in party that same way, I would have bought, like, more more jobs or more of these things, and those things that I desired at that time. Maybe they might have killed me, right, and we go scroll back up, and we're gonna say, all right, well, let's not forget that the universe, a universe is really kind of got my back on this right. In the universe's, like, he may not deliver on that. Because that's not in my best interest. That could be, you know, something that kills me. And so thank you universe for not delivering on some of those. That sub desire pirate paradox, again, the best that the greater understanding is, you know, then I'm like, Man, I'm pissed and upset that this didn't happen. today. I'm grateful and thankful, as I continue to go through life and learn and grow more, and can deliver some of these messages as I have a different level of understanding. As it says, as we've talked about, and the story of the you know, kind of like the layman and the master, right, attempting to rush this will double the time to achieve and impede progress. Again, imagine, if I put up a wall I put up, you know, even if it's an energetic wall, I create something and I put something in the way of allowing something in I am impeding progress by trying to go harder, faster, I'm not going to recognize I'm not going to see things because I'm too focused on my personal desire,

Brandon Handley 13:14
versus what may truly be better for me. So again, nature like a vacuum. Soon, as soon as you remove any energy or substance from an area, nature will replace it with another universe like, you know, likely result that you are seeking. And you can do something you can do with like half the effort. Right? Imagine, imagine that and I'm sure that you've, you've tried to open a jar of whatever. And, and sometimes you're turning, you're turning, you're suing you putting all this effort in one way. But if you almost like if you loosen the grip a little bit and turn it like with a little less effort, it finally releases. So that's going to be the first ripple of individual change. I'm going to cut it here as well.

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