Are you ready to succeed | Chapter 01 | Deep Dive 1 of 5

Published: Nov. 2, 2020, 6:44 a.m.

Brandon Handley 0:00
Alright guys, what is going on? Welcome a spiritual dopers working with a small group. And I figured I'd share on the podcast to the book is called Are you ready to succeed? This is about the third or fourth time I've gone through this book, it's very powerful. I'm gonna be working on chapter one today, and one of the things I'm working on is do a vine map of this. So you may want to check out the video, you may want to just listen to podcasts nanji, May, you may just want to reach out to me. But that that's what today is about. Yeah, so we're gonna be we're gonna be sharing some of that with you. The book is again, are you ready to succeed streak Kumar Rao. Great book, I found it when going through, you know, my Ted bench fees. And he's got a video a TED talk called, you know, you are hardwired for happiness. that inspired me quite a bit, pick up the book. And when I first got the book, in the beginning of the book, it basically tells you, you need to commit to this, you need to be ready to go through it, you should have a group to do it and all these other other pieces. And I thought that was pretty cool. But I wasn't ready at the time took me a year to even decide to pick up the book. And then I went ahead and I decided that I would also I would also create a group to do it with and I did that. And this is I think the third or fourth year that diet each year I get a little bit different takes from it. And each year I grow a little bit more and come at it from a different angle. And just just wanting to share some of it with you. This is the first year that I've gone as deep as I've gone. Where I mean, I've got notes written I'm holding up on hold up the video, but i've you know, I've already highlighted it for the past couple of years. But this year, you know, I've got I've got new highlights, I've got new underlines. I've got notes in the I've got notes in the actual book, where are you? What are these things making me think of? All right, what is one of my takeaways? What's my level of understanding as I approached this book, this year, and this time, so this year, and this time, I will be recording, like I said, the this mind map that I'm using an app called x mind, I got this idea from God, gosh, man, what's the guy's name Rodriguez, he does some amazing videos over on YouTube. And I saw him going through his ex map, an ex mine and sharing out some other books that he's done. And I figured, hey, let's try that out for just myself as a way to again further ingrain some of this stuff and really embody it. The knowledge so I'm gonna go ahead and I'm going to pop over into I'm doing this in a video, like I said, I'm gonna pop over to x mind. The book is going to be rd rates succeed. The first chapter that we're dealing with here is his ideal life, right talks about what does it look like to build out your ideal life? And you know, because he has some questions in there, he says, Hey, are you you know, do you feel he sets the whole thing up? Right? Do you feel stagnant is uh, do you have low Connections is it you know, as you feel like life is short, and talk through it, because again, look every day, this this is some of the stuff makes you crazy writing every day that you're not radiantly alive and brimming with cheer is a day wasted, which is to me, like an uppercut into the soul. It takes your breath away. All right. Um, he also talks about the idea that there's a nonlinear relationship between the work that you do and the results. And he also ties that into a story

Brandon Handley 4:16
of like a Zen master. Right? So it turns into like a story of a Zen master the uses to, you know, illustrate this and basically, you know, let's say a monk or a lay person comes up to a Zen master or just a person who has mastery and goes, Well, how long is it going to take me? Master to get to your level, or at least a level of mastery? Because if you work at it now, it'll take 10 years. A guy goes bad 10 years. Well, what happens if you're at it? 24 seven, if all I do is is this? And his intent is to cut the time in half and in his mind is And this took me five years. And the master goes, if you double your efforts, instead of taking 10 years now will take you 20, it will take you 20. And when you think about it, you just think about all the efforts that you put into everything. And in my mind, it kind of brought up this this idea of if you're also again, this comes from a level of understanding all the other stuff that I've got my mind. So it comes up with the idea of all the imagine, you know, nature abhors a vacuum, that's, that's the line that I'm working with here. And maybe instead of putting all my energy into a space, I create the space and let nature fill that vacuum. And so what's that look like? It means again, if I'm putting all my effort, if I'm doubling my efforts, I'm not allowing anything else to get in. To my space, i'm not i'm not i'm putting all my energy versus letting some other energy or ideas into it, I think, you know, right now, my current level of understanding, that's how I that's how I see that. So in the ideal life section, it also talks about learning to create serendipitous moments. If you keep doing what you've always done and acting in the way that you've always acted, you can pretty much and thinking the way you've always thought you can pretty much expect to have the same results. So what does it look like to create a serendipitous moment, maybe you're inspired to go volunteer somewhere, you're there because you simply want to be there. And, you know, you run into some other people who believe in the same cause, and, and, and they, you know, they're in the spirit of giving their opening, giving and the happy to be there. And they know that their efforts are meaningful, and you create a connection with that person, then that person and you connect and then further further on throughout life and you know, eventually create something together. That would have never happened if you didn't leave your house because you are inspired to go volunteer, go do something, it doesn't have to be a volunteer activity. But that does it does look like acting on your inspiration or inspired moments in order to create those serendipitous moments. And that's right there be moved by deep inner conviction and you What do you believe in what is powerful for you? Right. I believe in this pledge believe in this. I believe in this book, I believe in you know, caring for my children, I believe in things for my family. For before like, career, all right. I believe that you know, I want to see what happens here or or even within right? If you look at the motto, I think I was Keller Williams for a little bit. It's God family, career, God family work, right. And as as we kind of come along this path and if you're a fan of Vedanta, or you know any other religion, they all tell you kind of focus on God first, but what does that mean? That's going to be you know, something that's up to you. So, you know, your ideal life again, you there's something in that you deserve, right? You deserve to wake up and have a brilliant and beautiful life that's filled with joy. So, how do you know that this book would be a fit for you? He goes through this book and it says, Hey, you know, how do you know this book would be be for you? Well, it basically this was the line of the book that that I knew that it was for me. Do you have the nagging sense that there's a great deal that you have to accomplish in this somehow? You are not living up to even a fraction? even a fraction

Brandon Handley 9:20
of your potential?

Brandon Handley 9:26
That's it That's a hell yeah, for me it was a hell yes. Every time I read that line, it's a hell yeah. Is this is comfort, strong and growing again, that's a big Hell yeah. A big Hell yeah. Are you willing to make the effort to Know thyself every time? What who is thy self goes back into that deep inner convictions. Right? Who? Who are you?

Unknown Speaker 9:52

Brandon Handley 9:54
That's where we kind of get into you're not living up to even a fraction of your potential. Where's your connection who With right, according to his book, you know, these are these are just a couple of the the key indicators that you are indeed a fine fit to we pick up this book and check it out why change matters, right? You know shifts of consciousness can occur with started startling rapidity. When I first picked up this book, I think that I was in I was in just a, you know, follow these steps, and these are the things that will happen for you. kind of mentality, it was very external. It was very, I guess, career externally motivated. And is somewhere in between reading this book and, and, and the first and second time, it has some massive shifts in consciousness. And it's hard not to say that the part of that didn't because it wasn't because of this book, or in part because of it. So where are a couple of areas that need to change, you know, where, where change will need to occur. So that's individual change. And I think that that's, that's fairly self explanatory. It goes on to so there's three levels of it. So the individual, organizational and societal individual fairly self explanatory. Organizational. goes over says, look, the old command and control hierarchies are unsuited to our current era. Right? That and, and some of the change mechanisms that are out there, they're, they're really literally just just band aids. Right. And I love the visual that sukumar puts out there is that band aids cannot cope with a severe artery, right? She shouldn't need surgical, high level medical assistance, you know, a complete and total, you need the doctor, right? He's somebody who can really come in and help with that. So that's an organizational change, right? And then under societal value changes, better leaders will only emerge when we change what we honor. Right now, we honor a lot of this material, external success only at the detriment to the detriment often, of the internal personal self, to the family to too many other things. And it doesn't have to be that way. God, I love this line Tuesday of spreading ripples from a stone tossed into a pond. And this is under societal, right spreading ripples from a stone and toss it upon with ripples growing stronger instead of attenuating. Let's take a look at it in this in this one way. We can look at it in in kind of a social network kind of way. Or if you're from the finance world, one at one of the things that they'll have you look at and finance when you're going through it. Business Finance and and you know, who's kind of like the most likely to pay? Or, you know, be engaged with you? Is it the person that has, you know, kind of put the most money in? Or is the person who's paid last I mean, that's, that's one of the that's one way to look at it. Right? Generally speaking, it's going to be the person who's engaged last with you. Versus, you know, over time, so who the one closest and most recently engaged is going to be your stronger ripple. Another way to look at it as kind of as, as you speak your truth, as you engage others, the ripple you know, you know, attenuate it means that it gets, you know, kind of weaker as it goes out there. Instead, it's going to grow stronger. And we're going to talk a little bit about that as we get into the third report societal change, and you'll see how and why that can happen. But again, imagine, imagine that, you know, it's weak from the center and it's not until later that that, that that, that that ripple finally grows into a tsunami

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