Amie Dean - Akashic Records: A New Way to Connect with Your Past

Published: Dec. 12, 2021, 12:25 p.m.


Amie Dean is a certified clinical trauma counselor and an Ascension Coach. She helps driven, empathic women struggling with self-criticism and not feeling good enough, heal their inner child wounds so they can live an authentic, spiritually awakened life- true to their souls.

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Unknown Speaker 0:00
Your journey has been an interesting one up to hear you\'ve questioned so much more than those around you. You\'ve even questioned yourself as to how you could have grown into these thoughts. Am I crazy? When did I begin to think differently? Why do people in general appear so limited in this process? Rest assured, you are not alone. The world is slowly waking up to what you already know inside yet can\'t quite verbalize. Welcome to the spiritual dough podcast, the show that answers the questions you never even knew to ask, but knew the answers to questions about you, this world, the people in it? And most importantly, how do I proceed? Now moving forward? We don\'t have all the answers, but we sure do love living in the question. Time for another head of spiritual dub with your host, Brandon Handley. Let\'s get right into today\'s episode.

Brandon Handley 0:41
Hey, there\'s spiritual dope. We are on here today with Amy Dean. She is a certified clinical trauma counselor and an ascension coach. She helps driven empathetic women struggling with self criticism and not feeling good enough to heal their inner child wounds so that they can live an authentic spiritually awakened life true to their souls. Two things here for you, Amy, first of all, thanks for having a short bio. Second, you know, happy to have you here. And I appreciate it. I know we try to connect you. You see you travel, kind of around a good bit last time you and I tried to connect, we weren\'t able to have a strong connection but happy to you know, reconnect. Right? Sometimes we set these, we set these up and we don\'t connect and then we never hear from each other again. So, so glad we\'re able to, to to to pick it back up. Thanks for being here today.

Amie Dean 1:31
Yes, thank you. It really is truly a pleasure to be here. And thank you for being so flexible too. I know I do travel often and just did a four corners tour of the US over the past year and back where we started from. So now this is just the new beginning so to speak.

Brandon Handley 1:49
Freight, and you\'re you\'re out in San Diego right now. Is

Amie Dean 1:51
that right? I\'m in San Diego. Yes. And this is home base. This is where you know, when I call home? Yeah.

Brandon Handley 1:58
Yeah, fantastic. So I like to start this off with the whole idea that you and I are spirituals for universal energy, like we\'re the vessels where, you know, that energy is expressed. Right? And the idea is that you and I are going to have a conversation here today, you and I will, we\'ll have our dialogue and we\'ll try we\'ll figure it out. And then there\'s going to be somebody else who\'s listening today, that\'s going to pick something totally different out of what we talked about. And it\'s gonna be exactly what that person needs, maybe for their awakening, maybe to pick themselves off the ground through an awakening or you know, not not be so you know, not be so taken aback by their awakening, and what you know, just what is that message today that\'s coming through you for that person?

Amie Dean 2:46
Yeah, I love how you put that, by the way to that it\'s, it\'s almost like this is the channel, right, and people are getting exactly what they need in the moment. So I would say the biggest message is that we all have an inner child, and this inner child within us, it\'s natural state is to be innocent and playful and loving, and completely in tune with the joy that we are naturally. But sometimes we have these wounds. And most people I would say have wounds, you know whether or not you\'ve been through trauma, although of course trauma can make a huge impact on the you know, I would say the depth of wounds that an injured inner child part might carry. But with that being said, it\'s totally 100% healable to work through these wounds that the inner child carries. And often we don\'t necessarily see this as a stepping point on the spiritual awakening journey. Sometimes, you know, we might go to therapy, for example, and just work on our past or heal certain memories. But it really does keep us stuck. These wounds keep us stuck on the spiritual awakening path. So I\'d love to impart some insights around that today and how to work through those wounds to heal them so we can awaken to our true nature as love and joy.

Brandon Handley 3:57
Sure, sure. Would you would you say that these trauma wounds are often blocking us from our spiritual awakening.

Amie Dean 4:09
Absolutely, yeah, I would say they are. And, you know, and also this is maybe a little bit, you know, often the left field a little bit, but I would say that when we even work to heal our trauma, this is on a conscious level, right? We\'re coming to it on a sense of, Oh, I know, I have this memory or I have this belief and it\'s keeping me stuck. And so we\'re coming to therapy, for example, or coaching or whoever, you know, we end up you know, moving through this kind of growth experience. But we don\'t always know exactly sometimes what is causing our triggers, you know, on a subconscious level. And so there can be some subconscious wounding, you know, I hear a lot from from people when they come to see me it\'s something like, you know, I\'ve worked through this before, I don\'t know why, you know, I still have these triggers in my relationship, for example, or why I you know, still feel like, I\'m just not happy, you know, in the way that I thought I could be after healing these wounds. And sometimes there\'s some subconscious factors there that could be keeping, you know, person from really knowing their wounds, and knowing exactly what that inner child might be going through within their within their heart.

Brandon Handley 5:14
Right. Yeah, I mean, there\'s there\'s a lot there for sure. Just trying to understand. Even accessing that inner child can be a challenge, right? That admitting that there\'s an inner child there, and then I\'m sure there\'s plenty people will be like, I\'m not wounded. I\'m fine. But I think that everybody\'s got a little bit of something. Right? Even if it\'s just a nice grape, right, address it? I think, and I don\'t know, would you call would you call doing this type of work similar to shadow work? Are they one of the same? Are they different yet?

Amie Dean 5:47
Oh, no, that\'s a really great point, it is absolutely shadow work, I would say on the deepest level, can give you an example to I\'m glad you brought up you know how to access the inner child or just, you know, the difficulty in accessing it sometimes. And I would say that it is a little bit more difficult on your own. But when you\'re working with someone directly, whether it\'s a friend or you know, a therapist or a coach, it can be really helpful to have somebody to see you right, And to see these different aspects of you showing up. But you know, for example, I, you know, I have clients, sometimes they\'ll come to our session, and they\'ll say, I have nothing to talk about today. And there\'s nothing going on, and I\'m feeling pretty good, actually, everything\'s going fairly well, I mean, it\'s not great, but it\'s not bad. And then you know, we\'ll do a little bit of digging, and we\'ll start to, you know, go into meditation, meditation is a really big help in activating the inner child and getting to know her, or him or, you know, whichever, you know, also, the inner child can show up, as, you know, as an animal, sometimes, too, right? There\'s so many different ways that this inner child shows up within us. And so when we are looking at this inner child, sometimes, you know, it shows up out of nowhere, you know, in that moment in our work together, where that little, you know, little person inside says, I just need more love, or I\'m not getting the kind of experience that I need right now. Or I need a break, or I\'m tired of working so hard, or whatever that might be for that person. And typically, my client is taken back by it, I see the look of surprise on their face, their eyebrows are raised, and they\'re confused. Like, I didn\'t know, this was happening inside of me, I thought that everything was actually okay. And then tears, you know, sometimes will come out and they\'ll, you know, recognize that that\'s that little, you know, little self inside coming out and trying to trying to heal, trying to move through the wounding, just by being in contact with, you know, that person\'s higher self. And then that\'s a lot of the work that I do is helping people contact their higher self so they can connect with their inner child.

Brandon Handley 7:42
Sure, no, I think that\'s pretty. One of the things that I noticed and doing some of this work, is exactly what you\'re saying, we were really good at lying to ourselves. I\'m fine. I\'m great. I\'m doing I\'m doing everything I need to be doing. And it\'s when it\'s when you have somebody else out there asking you that second question, it could be your spouse, you know, it could be anybody that\'s willing to kind of ask you the second questions. But typically, we\'re really good at lying to ourselves, and we feel like we\'re just fine. And it\'s not until somebody asks you what\'s beyond that question. Another thing that I found is that we\'ve got a narrative that we don\'t realize that there are holes in, right, and we go and we share that narrative with, with a coach such as yourself, or somebody that, you know, that that we\'re working with. And that and those questions that there\'s that plank hole in the narrative, they get asked, and we\'re like, Oh, my God, I didn\'t even realize like, that was missing. I\'ve been driving around with three wheels, right? Instead of four type of thing. So very cool. What What, um, you know, I\'d love to talk about the journey to where you are today to the work that you\'re doing. So how did you find yourself in this line of work? Start wherever you want?

Amie Dean 9:03
Yeah, what a great question. So I would say that I\'ve always been drawn to, you know, I could even start really young, I was six years old, teaching my little sister to read. And I was thinking, I\'m going to be a teacher someday. This is what I\'m going to do. I just knew it and not in the way of course, that I am a teacher now. But as time went on, I realized I have something to share, I have something I want to, you know, impart to others and I really felt like a helper. And for a while there, I didn\'t know what that looked like. And I didn\'t know what that would exactly feel like, but I decided, you know, to become a coach. It just realized, you know, it just feels right. I feel like I just enjoy talking with people in this way. And I was helping, you know, my friends would come to me naturally, you know, and and ask for advice. And I realized, okay, maybe I have a knack for this and decided to become a coach and did some coaching training and then realize I had a client actually, who changed things for me pretty dramatically. This client came to me with a lot of mental health issues and a lot of challenges that they were seeing a therapist for, and then seeing me separately as their coach. And I learned a lot from her in the recognition that the coaching work I was doing was really limited as much as I wanted to help, you know, heal mind body spirit, and I felt there was a huge integrative connection with that I just didn\'t have the skills, I didn\'t have the resources, you know, as a coach. So I decided, okay, this matters to me, I know, there\'s absolutely need to have a much bigger picture, I think, you know, in order to understand how to heal, and how to work through things, not just on, you know, the spiritual, emotional level. But I think if I understand the mental, you know, side of things, the psychological side, then it would make a big difference for me. So I looked into going to graduate school, and I thought, you know, what, I\'m going to become a psychotherapist, and I\'m going to make this work. And I moved from Florida to California, and went to school, at a really small transpersonal more holistic psych psychotherapy School. And from there, I realized that this was my path that I was always meant to integrate psychology and spirituality together, and then spent, you know, a couple years really, you know, learning therapy and what that was like, and understanding, you know, the holistic side of that too, which was excellent, which 100% connects with coaching in that way. But then I realized, I really want to do coaching still. So then I just began doing both and realize there\'s, there\'s a way you can do that. So I think, you know, it just took me some time to realize that clients had certain need, right for Mind Body Spirit connection, and I didn\'t have the skills at the time to do that. But after, you know, going to therapy school, realize that that was going to make a big difference, I think for the clients that I was going to work with. And, of course, you know, I want to mention, you know, something important to you just in a vulnerable way, I had to go through a lot of my own trauma healing in, you know, during this journey. So as I was talking with that client, you know, we\'re winding back to that coaching client, I recognized in her you know, there was some mirroring trauma showing up in me, and I realized, you know, I thought that was healed, I thought I had healed my own trauma around this. And it brought up, you know, a lot of triggers for me. And so it was a journey. It wasn\'t just a how do I learn to help others heal, but through that, it was learning how to truly heal myself. And it was something it was a journey I never, ever could have anticipated. But I discovered, you know, who I really am through that process. So I know that it\'s a long journey, but I think that kind of sums up, you know, the main points of it.

Brandon Handley 12:38
Right now it does, and it\'s great that you you already knew at a young age that hey, you wanted to help and kind of facilitate others learning and coming along their journeys. And, you know, so you go to a psychotherapist route, and then you end up at this transpersonal holistic school, I\'ve never even heard of such a thing. So I love I love that idea. Can you talk a little bit more about what that education was like? Because, again, when I think of somebody going to a psychotherapist school, I think of like this kind of this, I don\'t know, what was called clinical studies, you know, that type of thing, white jacket, and when you say transpersonal holistic school, I think burning sage and you know, dreamcatchers. So, yeah, so I\'d love to know, just like a little bit of how those two merged for you. And I mean, what drew you more to the spiritual side versus going straight clinical?

Amie Dean 13:38
Ooh, yeah, that\'s good one, too. So I went to so the school I went to is called Sofia University in Palo Alto, California. And the school itself is kind of like a cohort model. And it\'s very different. You\'re right. It\'s not like the white wall clinical ideas, sit in a classroom and you know, listen to a lecture kind of thing. It was more overall sitting in a circle together. And it was a very small cohort, you know, of, you know, sometimes even five people in a classroom, and it was very experiential. And we did a lot of art therapy and getting to know ourselves through meditation, and then using other kinds of therapy that you probably wouldn\'t have heard, you know, wouldn\'t hear us most times, like internal family systems, or psycho synthesis and all these different, you know, they\'re just pointing to understanding that there is a core self, and there\'s an OS in here, you know, that\'s beyond our personality that\'s beyond who we think we are. And so you\'re right, there was, you know, this idea of the burning of stage and, you know, and understanding, you know, how to actually bring, you know, crystals into some of the work that we do, and, you know, a very deep level, it was very connective, right, it was more of a relational experience, you know, with therapy and understanding, you know, our approach. And you know, more so than here\'s, you know, here\'s what you need to learn. Now go out and kind of make that a reality. It was more like you\'re going to learn it here. You\'re going to get the experience here. And you\'re going to take that right into the next mixed into the next stage of your therapy work. So it felt more integrative for me, you know, just bringing that all together, we did a lot of, you know, inner somatic body work and understanding how our body, you know, connects with our mind and our spirit and really getting a hold on who we are, as therapists, you know, not so much as this is what a therapist is, right? If that makes sense, a little bit more of an eye and identity, you know, experience around that. So that was that was that school? And I would say, I would never ever go back and no regrets around that. I think that that was exactly what I needed. And leading up to why I went there. And my spiritual journey, you know, to get there was, you know, I\'ve so I\'m definitely an empath, I\'ve always been very highly sensitive. So I\'ve always picked up on emotions of others, you know, quite frequently, and it really caused me a lot of anxiety growing up. So I had a lot of anxiety as a young child had no idea how to manage it, or how to cope with it. And so as time had gone on, you know, I realized that I was also having the psychic experiences, in addition to the anxiety. And so then I was really freaked out, of course, right as a young child, and no understanding as to what that means, you know, I\'m seeing my grandmother who had passed in the living room, and I\'m having anxiety getting up every day. And so I just didn\'t really know how to sort through the experience, but I felt a draw. Anyway, I felt a draw to how do I figure this out? Who, who is this enemy, or what\'s happening inside of me. And that\'s when I, you know, started embarking on, you know, a totally different journey than my upbringing, which was Christian at the time. And at that point, realized, I would say, maybe in my late teens, it didn\'t really, you know, connect with my needs. It wasn\'t something that was really helping me thrive and understand who I am as a soul. And so I would say at that point, started looking into different spiritual books. And, you know, leaders such as Neale Donald Walsch was a really big life changer for me, you know, I would say, Abraham, you know, Hicks, that kind of, you know, experience to more manifestation Louise Hay, all these different authors really gave me an understanding that there\'s more to life than what we see and what we experienced. And then my anxiety started to subside. And I started to feel better. And I started to understand my psychic abilities a lot more and realize, okay, I\'m different, maybe I\'m not the same as a lot of people I know. But it\'s not bad, different, right. So I had to learn through that, you know, that it was just who I am. And a lot of other people were also struggling with that as well out there. And I\'m feeling empathic and not knowing what to do with it. So that led me to, you know, this, obviously, the, the long journey led me to discovering who I am really, truly feeling who I am, and having a clear sense of, you know, self awareness within. And then I decided, this is my path. This is number one for me. I just felt this was my purpose. And it was like, nothing could shake that. Nothing could shake the knowing that this is my purpose now, to awaken spiritually and to help others do the same. Yeah.

Brandon Handley 18:12
So lots of lots in there. Right. All good stuff. A couple things that I want to hit on is you mentioned integrative, quite a bit. And I believe that one of the biggest challenges that we have, especially in western civilization\'s last culture, is our ability to integrate spirituality, with everyday life, you know, we, we\'ve got this spiritual life, and then we\'ve got like this, this other life, and I was listening to I was listening to Alan Watts the other day, and he was talking about Hinduism. How, in Hinduism, that\'s the same, like there\'s there\'s no separation. Right? So what you know, when you say integrative, what do you what do you mean by that? And is it along those lines? And is that kind of some of the work that you\'re trying to do is get people to integrate their spirituality with the whole of who they are? Yes,

Amie Dean 19:09
yes. Excellent. That is exactly what I\'m pointing to. It\'s really all about, how can we stop separating our life? Right? How can we actually start to see that in our spiritual life or a meditative life, right is the same as our everyday life, right? The life where we have to do list of so many things you have to check off every day, and responsibilities, right, that are absolutely 100% needed. And what I find through this is mindfulness. I\'m also a mindfulness teacher. So I\'m a huge proponent on helping to bring people to this understanding that the more mindful we can be, the more we can bring spirituality into our everyday life and integrate it more. And that doesn\'t look like for example, necessarily sitting on a meditation cushion for 30 minutes a day, getting up and then doing the rest of your day and then going to bed and feeling exhausted right by the end of the day. But it\'s more of how do I want to start my day mindfully? What does that look like for each person, maybe you know, for each person, it\'s more of an informal mindfulness practice of, I\'m going to make my coffee, right with awareness, I\'m going to smell that cup of coffee, I\'m going to really be with it, I\'m going to find gratitude in the moment of it. And I\'m going to do my sitting meditation, maybe, but the rest of the day, I\'m going to make an intention to really notice what\'s happening, in my mind, what\'s happening in my body, what\'s showing up for me right now, and how can I tend to that compassionately, as I go through the day, because that\'s huge, I think, too, you know, if we can be compassionate with ourselves, then we can, you know, bring the spiritual dimension into our everyday life, because that\'s the dimension of love, right? Helping us to reconnect with with who we are.

Brandon Handley 20:47
Now, that\'s, I mean, that\'s solid, right? So just bring it all in, I think another piece to that you\'re talking about you, you\'re bringing in the mindfulness, you\'re talking about the meditation. To me, it sounds like you\'re talking about overall wellness, which is kind of what\'s meant by holistic, and, you know, if you if you would just say whole self, right, or, or all of these things that you know, are generally going to benefit you as a holistic practice versus I think what we look at as the acute doctor, you know, we go to a doctor, you get, you know, you they work on, oh, your hand hurts, we\'ve got a specialist for that, and, and for that person, everything\'s going to be about the hand, right? Because that\'s what they specialize in for them, you know, the hammer nails thing. And then, and then I love the idea to, you know, setting the intentions and you said 10 to it, which I like, I like the 10 to it versus nurturing piece. A lot of people are always talking about you got to nurture this, you got to nurture that nurture, nurture, nurture. That\'s great. Yeah, you got to nurture to a lot of things. But when you tend to your garden, you, you know, you sometimes you pull some weeds, right? Sometimes you got to sometimes you got to clear some space, sometimes you got to make way for the things that you are nurturing. And in the hole, you\'re tending to it. So I think that that\'s a great, great word to use. And then I have a great point. I mean, a question I\'ve been asked before, and I\'m really curious, what\'s your, what\'s your, what\'s your take is on it is what would you say the differences, you brought up the word awareness? And we\'re talking about mindfulness. But what would you say the difference between those two are?

Amie Dean 22:22
Yeah, oh, great. So I would say that mindfulness of being mindful is just simply paying attention to the present moment, you know, and what\'s happening in the now, right. So for example, it\'s hearing the sounds in the room, right? Or feeling yourself in the chair, it\'s just being mindful of what\'s happening moment by moment. And that, you know, in my experience, anyway, creates self awareness. So mindfulness kind of leads to self awareness. And self awareness would be you know, acknowledging, oh, there\'s thoughts in here that maybe really don\'t connect, you know, with who I really feel myself to be. Right. As you mentioned, I love that metaphor around the garden, right, tending to the garden in this way. And it\'s, I mean, if every day we were to wake up and say, Okay, I\'ve got a garden, right, in one way, and this garden has some weeds in it, because I\'m human. And that happens. And I might need to, you know, work through that today. But how can I tend to that garden, right, the inner garden, so to speak, as I go throughout my day, you know, noticing those weeds tending to them, as you mentioned, right? Just being with them, and not maybe no, often we\'re tend, we tend to be in a rush, right? We tend to be busy, we tend to try and make things happen as quickly as we can. Because we want to get more done, right? It\'s just our culture in many ways. But we\'re missing that attending right to ourselves, when we\'re doing that when we\'re so doing focused instead of being focused, right? And so the more being focused we can be, which is, you know, simply being mindful, then we are truly, you know, gaining self awareness and understanding more of what\'s happening inside because that\'s the first step towards healing the inner child or any, you know, any kind of healing truly self awareness, because without that, we\'re gonna get lost, right? We\'re gonna be walking in circles and we\'re going to keep running through the same old cycles that have kept us stuck right in the past.

Brandon Handley 24:08
Not for sure, I mean, I think that\'s a great way great way of putting it so I appreciate that and then you also threw in there the idea of you know, we\'re so busy like I gotta I gotta do this I\'ve got to run it the next day. I\'ve got a good day but busy doesn\'t always and we equate busy Yeah, working on the things with being productive. Right and sometimes right sometimes going back to the garden right? Like you don\'t rip out you don\'t rip out the you don\'t rip out the you know, the corn to see if it\'s growing right you don\'t you don\'t rip it out. Take a look at the roots to see if it\'s growing you leave it flip kind of suicide thing and you sit back and know again that you\'ve got to do these other pieces in order to let it go ahead and be one of the things I want to touch on too is you know you brought up a Christian background. Also notice that you do Akashic work you doing all this? Other work again, you\'re smudging, you\'ve got dreamcatchers you\'ve got like all these other things going on how\'s your family take, you know, kind of where you\'re focused at right now? Because I think a big part of, of doing these journeys and getting into this space, sometimes we meet with resistance from family or friends who were like, What do you mean, you\'re doing this and this, like, you\'re putting a position to the fan, like your purpose and what you feel like your purpose is? Right? So what was that journey? Like for you?

Amie Dean 25:29
Oh, yeah, that was a journey. So I will tell you that I know at first so one thing about my family is that they are very open minded. So that\'s a positive. Now my mom was not very open minded. At first, she was more, you know, your, towards Christianity and trying to help me, you know, kind of pivot my way back a little bit, you know, as I\'ve as I\'ve grown through this journey, but my dad was always 100% open, he\'s like, tell me more about this. Let\'s read the spiritual books together, you know, oh, the Akashic records, let\'s do a reading. So I think his kind of openness, you know, and his, his true curiosity around it was something that helped me to recognize that it\'s okay for me to explore these things. And I know not everyone has that, you know, like one parent or a friend or somebody that says, go for it, you know, what do you have to lose figure, you know, figure out what works for you kind of thing, right? And my mom was on the opposite spectrum. She\'s like, don\'t do that, you know, that\'s a sin. And you can\'t, you can\'t read that book, and you can\'t do those things. And so it was there was like, a push pull on me for a while, like, Dad is good, I\'m good with this mom is not so good with this, right? And I had to kind of move through this experience of how do I be fully authentic with myself, right? Well, not, you know, creating chaos in my family around this. And over time, you know, for a while there, I just had to learn how to speak my truth and be authentic with my mom and, and really just share with her my experience of it and and also help her to see that didn\'t negate her experience, right? That it\'s okay for her to feel the way she feels and to have her Christian beliefs and to really connect with those, and that they\'re really not all that different. There\'s just different perspectives around it, right. And so she opened up a lot, I think, after a few years, she realized, Oh, this is just who my daughter is now. And I have to kind of accept that. And so there was acceptance piece that she was coming to around it. And then she\'d say things to me like, well tell me more about that, you know, I want to know more about that retreat you went on, or that shamanic death and dying workshop that you did, you know, it\'s like, things like that, where, I mean, my mom would never have asked that. So I could tell that she was growing through my process of growth. And I tend to see that often with the clients I work with too. And in their family, sometimes it\'ll mirror their experience when they\'re healing, eventually, there\'s pushback, you know, and there usually is, you know, some difficulty or a lot of difficulty, and how other people, you know, experience your experience. But sometimes there\'s a mirroring effect, where you can start to realize that, oh, other people, actually, you know, they\'re growing with me, we\'re growing together through this, it doesn\'t mean we\'re always going to be on the same page. But it does mean that sometimes, you know, we can come together a bit more. And so my mom still has her same beliefs, you know, she\'s not going to the other side, necessarily with me, but she is so open to it. And she just tells me, you know, how happy she is for me that on all my purpose, and then I\'m living my dream, and then I\'m doing the things that really matter to me. And it took a while for her to get there. It really did. And it wasn\'t something I was really holding out for, you know, as I was doing, you know, my own trauma healing work, I realized, you know, what, my mom\'s approval, right, of course, as I was going through this, and recognized, you know, what is it\'s actually okay for my mom to be where she is right now with this. And for me to be where I am with this because I have to, I have to do my own healing work with that. So this is important for me. And I think over time, my mom just recognized that it was okay for me to be who I am. Because she loved me anyway. Okay, not everyone\'s gonna have that experience. I think, you know, of course, but having, like you mentioned a good friend, or maybe your spouse or something like that can make a huge impact. And I\'ll also add in that my spouse is not he is not necessarily, you know, involved in the same things I am, you know, he\'s not like, oh, yeah, let\'s go to a meditation retreat this weekend. You know, but he\'s 100% supportive. And I think that\'s the difference, right? We just need to have at least a few people in our lives, who are kind of our cheerleaders, right? They\'re like, I\'m here for you, you\'ve got this. And, and, you know, I love you for who you are. Because that touches on the wound, you know, the people who don\'t love us for who we are, then we activate our shame wound of our inner child right around not being good enough. And it can absolutely hinder our spiritual journey, right? And maybe even you know, make us decide that we don\'t even want to, you know, embark on that path because it\'s too hard or because our family doesn\'t understand or doesn\'t agree with it. Right on a deep level. So yeah, it\'s a really good question, though, that you brought up.

Brandon Handley 29:52
So for, like, right, the talents here, especially when you\'re leaning into something, non convention All right, I think that that\'s the best way to put it, you know, larger percentage of the world is Christian and larger, even even a large percentage of them don\'t realize that the Bible is kind of like a, I don\'t know, a Snow White remake, right? Of all the things that came before it, right? And it\'s like, all the same exact stories are in there. But like, just because it\'s over here in this book, it means something different than it ever meant before. So it sounds like you know, she\'s she\'s got that genuine curiosity, because she\'s seeing the the kind of alignment and she\'s like, alright, well, you know, what the path that you\'re on, actually aligns kind of really well to everything I already know, I\'m sure I\'m not sure she\'s ever said that like out loud, but also have to go to the idea of, you know, I\'m a parent. And, you know, it\'s a general thing that I would have to say is, you know, it\'s just wanting to make sure that your child is okay. Right. Like, it\'s not even so much of like, you know, worried about, you know, yeah, you are more more so like, you know, just wanting to make sure you\'re okay. And so I mean, to me, that\'s what it sounds like. And it\'s great that you know, that your dad was kind of there going through and being genuinely interested is sitting down, going through and looking through Akashic stuff with you as well. That\'s kind of fun. And, and he talked a little bit about to this, this idea of not holding on to needing her acceptance or their acceptance. And I think that I think that\'s really a powerful thing as well, that the idea of sure you would love it, if they understood and they were there with you and your journey. And that that might be something kind of meaningful. Yeah, but you\'re not attached to that, right? That doesn\'t necessarily mean that, that you\'re not going to do it. And it doesn\'t necessarily mean that your happiness is derived from their approval. Right? I think that\'s it, that\'s a big challenge. I mean, that Good on you for kind of, you know, being able to make those breaks. And even even in that, what else was there? Just that? That, was it, the idea that doesn\'t negate the truth of who she is. Right? Like, you know, so your mom, you know, doesn\'t, you know, she can still have her journey, you\'ve got yours. And again, that\'s another another thing that I that, you know, I experienced myself and have, you know, seen from others, like, this is the way follow me, right? Like, you know, if you\'re not going this way, then you know, you\'re not living the truth of who you are. Right. And so being able to being able to look at others and realize that they\'re all on their journey, you\'re on yours, you guys all meet, I think about it, kind of like in the in the idea of Wizard of Oz, right? You know, we all kind of meet along the way to Oz, and like, you\'re going to get a brain you\'re going for our heart, I just want to go home, right? And, and, but like everybody\'s kind of on their own individual journey for their own individual reasons. So really cool story, I enjoy it. Another big piece of that is, a lot of us face that, right? We face this wall of, you know, I really want to I really want to step into the truth of who I am, right? I really want to go do this thing, but I\'m not sure that XYZ you\'re going to accept it. Right? Or what are the what is everybody gonna say? And the truth of the matter is like, do you want to sit there and lay in bed at night being like, why aren\'t I living out my life the way I want to. And, you know, that said, thank you for sharing that journey. And then hopefully, like I said, that\'s going to be helpful for others who are who are kind of in that same space in place or similar journey to to know what some of the positive steps that they can take. And I\'ll also caveat that when I say positive, I don\'t mean like, you know, it\'s always gonna have a joyous outcome, it means that there\'s forward progress. When I say positive, there\'s, there\'s, you\'re moving forward, you\'re you\'re getting unstuck, you\'re moving towards wherever you\'re trying to move to. So let\'s say, you know, I reached out to you, Amy, and I\'m like, I want to do some work with you. What, you know, walk me through, like, an introductory session and what we might talk about.

Amie Dean 34:17
Absolutely. So there are two avenues to that. And one avenue is, you know, just spending some time first in like a consultation. So it\'d be a phone call to decide number one is coaching right for you, or it\'s counseling right for you, because, and there\'s two different layers of this, right. So for example, therapy tends to be better for you know, an individual who is kind of in a in a stage where maybe they haven\'t done a lot of therapy already before or they have but they still have some very traumatic wounds that they\'re stuck in. It\'s almost like the survival stage, right, that they\'re trying to move through. And so that\'s, you know, typically therapy, right where we want to actually get down to the bottom of it, what is this core wound? What are some of these things that are in these memories and past you know, Your senses that are causing this wound. So that\'s more of like the therapy side of it. So and that\'s also if you know, a person\'s experiencing, you know, extreme anxiety or depression, or they\'re really having a hard time, you know, functioning on a, you know, more balanced level in their everyday life. Now, coaching is for people who say, you know, what I know I still have wants to heal, or pretty sure I do. And I\'d like to find out more about what that looks like. But kind of similar to what you\'ve mentioned before, it\'s for those truth seekers, almost right, the ones who are ready to kind of deepen their spiritual journey, you know, a bit more, and they want to connect with like minded people, because the coaching I do is within a group setting with other women. And in the setting, this is a place to truly heal together, because we\'re not on this spiritual awakening journey alone, right? We\'re not meant to be anyway, we\'re supposed to connect and heal through each other\'s stories and heal through each other\'s wisdom and compassion. So I would say that the major differences is, you know, therapy is kind of a stepping stone to the coaching work I do. Because it does help to have a really clear understanding of the whys. Why I went through this and the house and, and to have the coping, you know, skills and resources, and then the coaching is that next level, to say, but you know, I got a really clear sense, and my life is, you know, a little more balanced, or a lot more balanced. And now I\'m ready, I\'m ready to really dive into Who am I really? What is my life purpose? Like, what is most important to me, as a spiritual being? And how can I bring spirituality as the main source of my life? How can I truly understand who I am? And so that would be I think, that next level, you know, and, and often in the consultation, I can help, you know, person discover more about that and understand, you know, where they\'re at, if they\'re unsure, you know, where they\'re at in this journey. But that\'s usually the first step. I would say to the process. Yeah.

Brandon Handley 36:52
So we\'ve determined that I am you I am fresh out of survival mode, right? And I\'m ready to go on to this, this coaching, I\'m ready to deepen my spiritual journey. I love that you\'re creating space, and you\'re working primarily with women, is that correct?

Amie Dean 37:10
That is yes. Primarily with women with you know, doesn\'t have to be developmental trauma, but women who have had some kind of level of trauma or or difficulty in, or just maybe processing through certain life events that they\'ve been through. So And usually, of course, it always stands in childhood, even if they don\'t have a core memory that connects to that just yet.

Brandon Handley 37:32
How do you help them connect to that core memory? What\'s something that you do for that?

Amie Dean 37:37
Yeah, so when so not usually in the consultation? Usually, this happens in our first session together, we spent some time, you know, creating these building blocks around, what are some of these memories you do remember, what are some things that do come to mind, right, that makes sense for you. And then we just go a little bit deeper, and we go backwards in time together. So I use a meditative technique with visualization. And I use something called internal family systems as well. It\'s a form of therapy that allows you to go deep into your psyche, to understand different sub personalities. And these are simply, you know, different parts of us that show up in our everyday life, like our critic or perfectionist, our, let\'s say, you know, there\'s a part of you that you know, wants to, well, maybe a control part, right, I want to control my everyday experiences and creates anxiety for you. So these are parts we get in touch with, and we try to understand how do they connect to your timeline as to when the symptoms began for you? Right? So maybe for this person, it\'s I started having extreme anxiety at age 10. And I don\'t know why. Right? I don\'t know what caused it. So we\'ll just start to explore what happened, you know, around that time frame, so it\'s very similar to therapy in this way to you know, in discovering the core wound, but then we go into, you know, the Akashic records, and then we discover more of the whys and the hows around this core wound. And then more memory starts to become more obvious

Brandon Handley 39:00
for me because I was waiting to get to the Akashic records. I\'m like, can we use feel all this shit and get to the Akashic records? Because I\'m ready, go there. Right, let\'s, let\'s, let\'s talk. Let\'s talk about the Akashic records. What would you say they are? And what, when, and how, how do your clients usually kind of react to what they are versus what their perception of that is?

Amie Dean 39:27
Yes, so how so? Typically, it\'s really interesting. There\'s such a big interest now in the Akashic records, and most people are like, I don\'t really know what it is, but I just want to figure out how to access mine, right? Because it sounds so cool to know more about who I am and, and to ask questions to understand my spiritual side. But the Akashic Records really are it\'s just this etheric library have, really of our inner worlds, right. So I know sometimes you can think of the Akashic records is out there somewhere, right? Somewhere out there, but there\'s really within us and it\'s within the physical dimension of consciousness. And typically we\'re living on the third dimension of consciousness, we can think of it that way. And the third dimension is very physical, you know, we have a lot to do this is that state of kind of get things done, we are time limited. And as we move up into, you know, fourth dimension is more of the astral plane, which helps us to launch into the fifth dimension of love, which is where the Akashic records exist. From here, we\'re able to actually understand more of our life purpose, understand why we went through what we went through from a place of love, which is why it\'s such an amazing, you know, opportunity to heal. But some people, you know, they see their Akashic records. It\'s like a giant library of information, because it holds all of your souls records from all time. So for those who believe in past lives, it\'s holds your past lives, future possibilities of what could happen in the future, your life purpose, your soul contract as to why we came here, and why we\'re doing what we\'re doing, and the kind of karma that we might need to work through. So it has an immense amount of information here. It\'s like the internet, but you know it within you have information, so to speak. And it\'s powerful, really powerful.

Brandon Handley 41:07
So, do you access my Akashic records? Or do you help me to access them? And then then what were we out there?

Amie Dean 41:20
Yes. Oh, I like this question. So for while I was doing one to one readings for people and doing community readings for people and recognize that it wasn\'t really helping to, you know, provide the tools that were necessary. So I now what I do is I help people directly. So I would guide you, you know, and help you access your Akashic records, but I\'d be in there with you. Hopefully, that makes sense. So it almost you know, we so the way that this works is there\'s a prayer process. And this prayer process helps you to get in touch with the truth of your essence, right? The love that you are. And because of that you\'re able to, you know, dive deeper into this love, right, the dimension of love in this way. And so the prayer is kind of like a vibrational frequency, almost, you know, that we go into together. So you would say that prayer, for example, right out loud. And I would, you know, stand you know, kind of sit with you hold the space with you. And then you would access your Akashic records at that same time. Usually, for some people, they see light, right open up after the prayer, for example, some people see the library of books show up around them. But there\'s a lot of different things that can happen in this way. So with that being said, I\'m there as a support in the background trying to help in any way I can. And sometimes I will get information, you know, and I\'ll pull it in, and I\'ll say, what about this? What do you think about that? And then, you know, people can let me know if they\'re on the same page, if they feel that too, right, if they\'re also sensing those changes within them. So yeah,

Brandon Handley 42:49
would you say it\'s a little bit like, yeah, would you say it\'s a little bit like when Morpheus is in there with Neo, and he\'s like, you know, stop trying to hit me and just hit me. Right? That type of thing. And then like, he just kind of back away, and he does his own thing? Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. That\'s it all

Amie Dean 43:04
the way. Exactly. Yeah. I love that analogy. Yeah, it\'s perfect. That\'s perfect. Yeah, it\'s, it\'s a joint, it\'s kind of like teamwork, you know, in some way in this in this process, because they don\'t want to just go into your records. I was doing this for a while. And then then everyone has to keep coming to me for mention their records. And I just didn\'t feel like that was empowering, really. And I realized everybody can access their records. I don\'t need to do that for them. But I want to empower them to know how to do that. So I\'m more of a teacher, I think in this way than a reader like I was in the past.

Brandon Handley 43:35
Yeah, that\'s great. I\'m gonna even spin all the way back kind of to the beginning of the conversation, where you talk a little bit about recognizing kind of how you had these psychic abilities, and that made you different. Yeah. And I would, I would almost hesitate to say you, yeah, you were aware of your psychic abilities that I think are innate in everybody. Yeah. Right. It\'s just, it\'s just you, you know, you chose to kind of chase the path and give, give yourself to that. And through things like what you\'re doing with teaching them how to access the Akashic records, you\'re like, Hey, listen, it\'s not just me. Right? I\'m capable. You\'re capable. And here\'s how and here\'s what this looks like. And just kind of give yourself open openness to that.

Amie Dean 44:26
Exactly. So

Brandon Handley 44:28
yeah, I love what you\'re doing. I think I think it\'s a definitely think it\'s very cool. What um, you know, who would you say is kind of like your ideal client?

Amie Dean 44:39
Yeah. So I would say that so there\'s a couple different clients that might be you know, interested in this work and interested in this healing. Usually, it\'s a person number one, they\'re highly spiritual, dedicated, you know, usually work with a lot of spiritually dedicated women who not to say that they feel like their spiritual life is on track, but they want their spiritual life to be on track, right? Maybe they want You know, more meditation and yoga and more of an understanding of how to deepen, right, their understanding of who they are, but they\'re not quite there, right. So they, the, you know, there are those people who are ready, but they don\'t know the path or like, help me figure it out, I\'m confused about how to make this happen. So there\'s that. And then typically, these women tend to be highly self critical, they tend to, you know, be really hard on themselves, sometimes perfectionistic in certain ways, and tend to experience you know, anxiety quite a bit as well, they might also be empaths, you know, and really, you know, tapping into other people\'s emotions on a regular basis. So these women, usually to, you know, they are busy, busy, busy people, right, they\'re spending a lot of time, you know, just trying to make things happen. And maybe they have families that they\'re trying to, you know, balance out with work and their spiritual life. And, you know, coming back to our conversation around integration, they\'re thinking, how on earth do I integrate my spiritual life, into my everyday life of being a parent of being a friend of being a entrepreneur, maybe of being a business owner? Or, you know, being even being an employee? How do I figure this out? Right? How do I really understand my path? And my purpose in this? So it\'s usually people who are, they\'re just ready, really, they\'re just ready to step into their life. And they\'re ready, you know, they\'re, they\'re tired of living in that third dimension, you know, is one way of thinking of it, living so heavily in that third dimension of consciousness, that the dimension of love within them, that fifth dimension is not present in the way that they would hope? So that would be Yeah, that would be the right person.

Brandon Handley 46:36
Thanks for Thanks for sharing that, right. So just so that people who are listening tuned in today, they have an idea of whether or not you know, that\'s a great fit. One of the things I like to do here is just kind of look at, I look at this podcast is kind of like a spiritual speed dating show, right? Because they\'re gonna tune in to looking for their next spiritual, you know, date as it were, they\'re looking for. And I think another thing is, too, is, is, even in the idea of, I\'ll go back to Hinduism, you know, you can have more than one guru, right? It\'s like, you know, you go to like one, and you hang out with him for a while. And you awaken certain aspects of yourself. And that\'s, that\'s what that Guru does. That\'s what that teacher does. And so yeah, it\'s okay to move on. And, and so my guess is like, you\'re not trying to hold these clients for life. It\'s like, Alright, come get what you need and move on. Right? Like, you\'ve got what you need for me, I\'ve given you all I can give now. Scoop, right? So says, people are kind of calling on their on their paths. This would be, I think, one or one or two of the questions that I would ask, let\'s see, what do we had to ask for spiritual Bachelorette number one today? Ooh, to do, let\'s say, how does one obtain true peace? Oh, I

Amie Dean 47:59
love it. How does one obtain true peace? You know, I would say the best way to obtain true peace is to acknowledge the human condition, first and foremost, which is this negativity bias to not have true peace, right? Coming back to that shadow work, right, that we all need to do, I think on a very deep level, that, you know, we\'re one part of us, for example, once piece, one part of us or several parts of us do not want peace, right? For example, some parts of us want to be angry, some parts of us want to be, you know, in a state of fear, right, and some parts of us really want peace. So first maybe is to acknowledge this kind of multiplicity of our personality, right, where we\'re not just one person. And, you know, the, the way to obtain that is to make peace, you know, for lack of a better word, make peace with the parts of us that do not want peace, if that makes sense, right? Make peace with the parts of us that need some time to be in anger, to stew in things sometimes to to really allow that sense of mindfulness, right to bring that to our experience, instead of forcing ourselves right to move past it, which is spiritual bypass. Right? Just to get to that true peace state. So hopefully, that makes sense. Yeah, it\'s a journey for sure.

Brandon Handley 49:11
It makes a lot of sense a in the idea of the you said two things there. I\'m not super deep on spiritual bypassing, but, you know, that would be the idea of saying, you know, exactly, exactly what said, Well, there\'s anger there and I shouldn\'t have that in my life. There\'s this over there. And that shouldn\'t be my life. Like, there\'s like a spiritual bypassing is like, you know, when you\'re at the buffet, and there\'s like, all the things there, which makes the full buffet what it is, and then you\'re like, well, that shouldn\'t be on there. I\'m not having any of that that shouldn\'t be on there. I\'m gonna fill my plate with all the spiritual things that I think I was supposed to have. Yeah, but no pudding. Right? I can\'t have pudding. I love pudding, but I can\'t have pudding. And what I found through the Shadow Work is is understanding the There\'s just like you said, anger may sound like a may sound like an oxymoron, right? It\'s kind of part of peace. Right? You gotta you gotta you\'ve got you can\'t ignore that you\'re feeling angry. If you ignore that you\'re feeling angry then there\'s always going to be a disturbance are never going to be peaceful sake if I\'m angry. Why am I angry? What\'s up there? Should I keep feeling it? Okay, I\'m feeling it. I\'m feeling it. I\'m feeling it. Yeah, I\'m over it, right. Yeah, I was pretty angry. But I\'m over it right like but but it to try and reject it and suppress it is gonna make it a lot like a geyser. In the end? Absolutely. Oh, yeah. Never thrown putting into a spiritual conversation before. But there it is.

Amie Dean 50:50
It just comes up on its own. Right? That\'s right.

Brandon Handley 50:54
Let\'s see to do trying to find one that I don\'t always ask. Yeah. Let\'s see, no longer longer to do to do. What does it mean to live in the present moment?

Amie Dean 51:10
What does it mean to live in the present moment, I would say to live in the present moment means to be 100%. So this is kind of a number one, of course, coming back to living moment by moment. Right. So reminding yourself that it\'s not about it\'s not necessarily that you\'re not thinking about the future. And it\'s not necessarily that you, you know, you\'re not thinking about the past? Because these are thoughts that are happening, right. Thoughts happen on their own? They don\'t we\'re not thinking thoughts necessarily. They\'re just coming in. Right. So it\'s more about, can I be aware? Can I be open? Can I be just yet self aware in the moment of what\'s coming up for me, for example, that my thoughts are going to the future that my thoughts are going to the past, right? It\'s, it\'s this recognition that as we\'re present with our body, for example, right, noticing sensation, noticing emotion, can I allow that to be right, it\'s really the aspect of surrender, I would say, because you have to surrender in order to be present. Because you know, the idea of not being present is the opposite of surrender, right? It\'s about control. It\'s about trying to fix it\'s about trying to jump into the future in some way. And in this instance, so when we\'re trying to be present, we are understanding that surrender is the way therefore we have to surrender to this doesn\'t feel good to be present right now. Oh, for example, that anger is showing up, and I really don\'t want to be present with it. But it\'s here. And therefore, I\'m going to invite it into my experience the best way I know how, right, which is just to maybe be gentle with myself in this moment. So there\'s that Yeah. To be present.

Brandon Handley 52:40
Could you clarify, would you clarify, you know, the word surrender, because I think a lot of people look at surrender, as in giving, as in not standing up for myself, as you know. So when you\'re saying surrender, what are you saying?

Amie Dean 52:56
Yes. So surrender is no, this is actually really important conversation. Because often we can think well, so we\'re just surrendering, we\'re just letting it go. And it\'s no big deal. And as we\'re doing that, we\'re just letting go of everything, right, which means our ability to assert any kind of, you know, maybe not necessarily control, but to assert any kind of influence over our lives in some sort of way. But it\'s not like that surrender is just simply noticing our experience, noticing what\'s arising, choosing not to fight with it, choosing not to resist it, just allowing it to be and I know that, you know, that is a process. And for many, you know, they might ask well, how do I know if I\'m resisting it? How do I know if I\'m surrendering? Right? And I would say that, you know, you\'re surrendering, when there\'s a sense of openness around your experience, right? There\'s a sense of just knowing that you\'re okay, as you are in that moment. And there isn\'t the sense of tension or tightness around a situation, right? For example, you know, if you have to make a big decision, let\'s say, right, and you\'re just going back and forth, you know, Option A or Option B, Option A or Option B, and you realize, you know, I\'m not really surrendering right now, because I\'m feeling stressed about this, I\'m feeling tension about this, I\'m feeling like I have to figure it out in some way. That would be the opposite of surrender, right? And then surrendering would be okay, this is how I feel. Right now. I\'m feeling torn. There\'s a part of me that feels this way. There\'s a part of me that feels that way. And I can\'t make a decision. In this moment. I\'m going to surrender to the knowing that this is the current snapshot of my life right now. And I\'m going to be okay with that in this moment. Or at least be okay. Right, with the knowing that this is going to change because all experiences are temporary in this moment. And so there\'s that right, and that can help you see right that you are surrendering or not surrendering. But the big key here is that you can\'t just say I\'m going to surrender and then okay, fine. I\'m not going to make the decision. Greg\'s gonna make a decision either way. But the point is that as you create some space around it, a decision is made naturally. It comes intuitively through you in that moment, and it\'s not based on Control Data comes through your higher wisdom is one way of looking at it.

Brandon Handley 55:05
Yeah, thanks for Thanks for clearing that up. Right. I think that, again, a lot of people are going to look at surrenders, just kind of rolling over and letting letting things just kind of take over, or they don\'t have anything that they can do about it. In that regard, you\'d mentioned that you had something you\'d like to share with the audience. And what was that? Amy?

Amie Dean 55:25
Yes. So there is a spiritual awakening guidebook that I offer, just as a complimentary download on my website. And this is this guide book walks you through the six phases of spiritual awakening. I know we didn\'t get to that today. But I have the six phases that we go through on our spiritual journey. And it\'s 100% connected to healing our inner child. And this tells you how to go about healing that how to work through these challenges that are coming up and to determine which phase of awakening you\'re in. Right now. And and of course, there\'s an option to book a call with me that constant we talked about earlier, if that feels right. And they can download this. So would it be helpful to give the website information now? Absolutely, absolutely. Perfect. So the website is one awakening. So that\'s o n e And right there, you can just download it at that page. And yeah, then it\'s yours. Oh, and there\'s a journal with it, too. I think that\'s another important piece as spiritual awakening journal to integrate your daily habit.

Brandon Handley 56:31
Yeah, awesome. Yeah. I think that I think that\'s a good point to make. I recall, when I was going through what I would call my awakening process, and reaching out to people, right. I was like, Jesus, like, Who can I talk to about this? And a couple of people that I chatted with, it was like, just, you know, also, while you\'re going through this, sure, there\'s plenty of materials you can read, and lots of things you can do. But one of the one of the things you can do that\'s very beneficial is to write it out, capture that kind of in the journal right? And just make sure that you\'re creating space and time to do that. Amy, thanks for so much for being on today. Making the time where can I send other people to connect with you today?

Amie Dean 57:12
Yes, wonderful. So I would say that so I do have a Facebook community as well. And this is, so you can go to spiritually together, you can always look that up on Facebook. And I go live every week, every other week, sometimes in the group and their spiritual awakening resources in that Facebook group. And I\'m also on YouTube as well, which you can find all those links on my website, which you can find once you download that workbook. I want Yeah.

Brandon Handley 57:46
Fantastic. Thanks for being on today with us. Amy.

Amie Dean 57:48
Thank you so much. It\'s a pleasure. And thank you to all who are listening and hopefully, this helped with your spiritual awakening journey. Thank you for having me. I mean journey. Thank you for having me. I

Unknown Speaker 58:03
really hope you enjoyed this episode of the spiritual dove podcast. Stay connected with us directly through spiritual You can also join the discussion on Facebook, spiritual dough, and Instagram at spiritual underscore Joe. If you would like to speak with us, send us an email to Brandon at spiritual dough Co. And as always, thank you for cultivating your mindset and creating a better reality. This includes the most thought provoking part of your day. Don\'t forget to like and subscribe to stay fully up to date. Until next time, be kind to yourself and trust your intuition.
