EP 45 When The Going Gets Tough with RHINO JULIE

Published: March 5, 2021, 7 a.m.

Rhino Julie suffered trauma and had issues with low adrenals. As a result, she gained 65 pounds and then was able to heal herself. She had gained weight so rapidly that she remembers waking up one morning, and she couldn’t get any of her clothes to fit. Listen in to find out her journey of healing.

Filling Up Time to Avoid Dealing with the Pain of Trauma

“For most of my life, I’ve been in over my head, always going to escape the things in my head. Just fill up your time and be uncomfortable in all of the ways you want to be uncomfortable.” She decided to put aside time to move through her healing journey and decided to fill her time with work.

This way of life affected every minute of her day, including always thinking about what food she would eat next. “It was this constant war in my head that was me being obsessed with losing the weight.”

Seeking Out Medical Advice for Weight Loss

After seeing several different medical professionals, Julie was frustrated and sad. She was told it would be hard for her to lose weight and that her adrenals didn’t work correctly. Julie decided to take on a drastic change and decided to join the military and work her way through boot camp to become thin again. She hired a team to help her work through and create a civilian boot camp.

Losing Her Weight Didn’t Solve Her Problems

Julie lost the weight she gained within a year of creating her Civilian Boot Camp. “I didn’t love myself, and I ended up gaining the weight back.” Each time she gained weight, she would do more extreme activities. “I would put myself through extreme physical activity, so I wouldn’t have to deal with my emotions.”

Fight or Flight Adrenal Fatigue

“I went into denial; I was obsessed with weight loss and didn’t care about my body or myself.” Her stress level was so high she ended up in the hospital several times but still didn’t care about herself. “It was 100% mental.” Julie decided to find balance and love herself to keep off the weight and find healing in her journey.

Aesthetics as a Self-Inflicted Social Standard 

“In the end, everything that we seek when it comes to aesthetics is ourselves putting it on ourselves - it has nothing to do with anyone else.” When she decided to be healthy and impact this world, she realized she had to put herself first with good nutrition and regular exercise.

Resources Mentioned

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