Published: May 13, 2023, 8:35 p.m.

b"Originally published on 12.02.2021.\\n\\nBen reads the latest instalment in a series of pamphlets on the \\u201cOrwellian\\u201d: \\u2018Sales Soar at the Everything Store: Orwell, Power-Worship and the \\u201cStory of America\\u201d\\u2019. The piece looks at Orwell\\u2019s many critiques of James Burnham, whose 1940s works inspired 1984\\u2019s nightmare vision of an Anglicised Soviet surveillance state. Ben also explores the relationship between traditional intelligence methods (mostly leading to mass murder in the name of \\u201canticommunism\\u201d) and the modern \\u2018data companies\\u2019 role in running that game for the ruling class. It\\u2019s easy to forget that power and control are not the same thing, and that sometimes our desire to feel like the ship is being steered entices us into believing that things are not going haywire. Hence Biden\\u2019s (and others\\u2019) guff about \\u2018the story of America\\u2019.\\n\\nRead the piece at\\u2060 and subscribe for free to read future pamphlets in the newsletter.\\n\\nOpening music: 'Now That I Can See' by Gerry Nobody.\\n\\nClosing music: 'The Chestnut Tree' by Glenn Miller"