Published: May 14, 2023, 1:26 p.m.

b"We're joined by Hatty Nestor, author of Ethical Portraits: In Search of Representational Justice, published by Zer0 Books last year. Hatty talks to us about how the carceral system dehumanises the people caught in its machinery and how this is reflected visually through mugshots and courtroom drawings circulated in the media, but also through surveillance methods like facial recognition technology, forensics and DNA sampling. Ethical Portraits asks the question: \\u2018How can understanding the visual representation of prisoners help us confront the invisible forms of power in the American prison system?\\u2019 We also discuss being half-American and how this affects all three of our worldviews, how portraits and portrayal are weaponised by a repressive surveillance state, the 'affective potential of art' and whether it can be revolutionary, Chelsea Manning, prison and police abolition, and finally how you can be both perverted and Italian at the same time.\\n\\nCheck out Ethical Portraits and more of Hatty Nestor's writing here: https://hattynestor.com/Editorial"