Astronaut Selection, Extreme Environments, Mars Analogs, and Life's Curve Balls: An Interview with Sian Proctor

Published: June 2, 2020, 4 a.m.

An interview with Dr. Sian Proctor, CEO of Flight Ready systems.  Sian is a geoscientist, STEM communicator, and analog astronaut, who gets to travel and participate in unique learning experiences around the world. She was a PolarTREC teacher in Alaska, an astronomy educator ambassador to Chile, and a NOAA Teacher at Sea in Alaska. She has participated in the HI-SEAS program,  a NASA funded analog habitat for living on Mars in Hawaii. 

Sian has a B.S. in Environmental Science, an M.S. in Geology and a PHd in Curriculum and Instruction on Science Education.  She is a  geology, sustainability and planetary science professor at South Mountain Community College in Phoenix, Arizona. In 2009, she was short listed to the top 50 candidates for the NASA astronaut selection program out of 3,500 applicants. 

She’s been featured on numerous tv shows including the Discovery Channel show The Colony. She devotes a lot of her time in STEM communication and inspiring the next generation of space explorers.

In this interview, Sian talks about how life trows curve balls at us and brings abundant opportunities.  She talks about her experience as an astronaut candidate, to a four time participant of analog missions to the Moon and Mars, as well as exotic trips to the ends of the Earth in the name of environmental science and sustainability.

Hostd by: Emeline Paat-Dahlstrom, Co-Founder, SpaceBase
Music: reCreation by airtone (c) copyright 2019 Licensed under a Creative Commons (3.0)

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