98: Janet Attwood - How To Find Your Passion and Live A Purposeful Life

Published: Jan. 22, 2020, 3:41 p.m.


"The way that you are going to be really turned on and really excited about life is when you are helping others through your passions."

Episode Summary: Janet Attwood, best-selling author of \\u201cThe Passion Test-The Effortless Path to Discovering Your Life Purpose\\u201d is an expert on what it takes to live a passionate life. But it wasn\\u2019t always so. In this episode, she openly shares how she managed to overcome a broken home, an alcoholic mother and drug abuse problem through meditation. She also talks about the importance of self-love and how to overcome the limiting beliefs that stop us from going after our passion.

Some Questions I Ask

  • What was it like to meet someone so enlightened as Maharishi Mahesh and what was your experience of him?
  • What have you observed that stops people, as common denominators, from really living their passions?
  • How can a person start to let go of their limiting beliefs?
  • What is passion? For someone who doesn\\u2019t know what their passion is, how can they begin to clarify their passion?
  • If there were 3 key life-lessons for the next generation that you could pass on, what would they be?


In This Episode You Will Learn

  • The definition of enlightenment and the key difference between an enlightened being and the rest of the world.
  • Two questions that will help you find your top 5 passions in life.
  • A common denominator in all processes that help you get rid of your limiting beliefs.
  • 3 steps to finding self-love.
  • The importance of finding your \\u2018stop word\\u2019 in the process of self-love.
  • How to find your self-love mantra.