60: Ken Honda - How To Achieve Financial Independence Doing What You Love

Published: May 28, 2019, 4:36 a.m.


"You don\\u2019t have to be courageous to start doing what you love. Just begin."

Episode Summary: Money is a constant worry in most of our minds. Whether we have it or we don\\u2019t have it, it occupies a big portion of our energy. Listen to this episode as Ken Honda, best-selling author who has\\xa0sold over 7 million books in Japan, explains the difference between happy and unhappy money. Learn how a simple shift in your approach to paying the bills can free the flow of abundance in your life.

Some Questions I Ask:

  • How did you get into the field of writing about money?
  • Did you have a sense that you were going to be this successful?
  • What would you say to someone who is in a job they hate?
  • Is there something people can do to cultivate a deeper trust in life?
  • Are there any beliefs or misconceptions that block money?
  • How can someone find their purpose?
  • Did you ever feel like giving up? What kept you going through the challenging moments in your life?

\\xa0In This Episode You Will Learn:

  • Two steps to translate your passion into making money.
  • One important trait to embrace that will affect your flow of money.
  • The secret key to embracing grace in your life.
  • How to move beyond wanting external validation.
  • The biggest common denominator that consistently blocks people from making money.