41: Robin Sharma - How To Make Your Life A Masterpiece

Published: Jan. 8, 2019, 8:05 a.m.


\\u201cGreat people take the stones people throw at them and build them into monuments of mastery and heroism.\\u201d

Episode Summary:\\xa0\\xa0Making a career change, particularly when you are successful in your chosen field, can be terrifying. In this episode, Robin Sharma, best-selling author of \\u201cThe Monk Who Sold His Ferrari\\u201d, talks about some of the reasons that led him to give up law and go from successful litigator to writer and inspirational speaker. He also shares insights into the habits and traits that lead to staying creative, being super productive and achieving success.

Some Questions I Ask:

  • What was the inspiration to change your career?
  • What is real success to you?
  • How can someone deal with the fear of making the change they know they need to make?
  • How do you deal with other people\\u2019s opinion and move beyond needing external approval?
  • How do you stay grounded in the face of success?

In This Episode You Will Learn:

  • The importance of getting up at 5:00am.
  • 4 common traits for all great leaders.
  • Interior mindsets that you must develop to turn your life around.
  • 4 key rituals to stay creative and access your inner genius.
  • The importance of infusing love into your work.