277: How to Overcome Imposter Syndrome (4 keys) with Kute Blackson

Published: March 7, 2023, 7:13 p.m.


Episode Summary:

You are not alone!

In today\\u2019s special episode of SoulTalk Podcast, let me discuss a topic that\\u2019s very relevant to our society today, Imposter Syndrome.

Imposter syndrome is defined as a psychological pattern of one\\u2019s doubts about their life, accomplishments, and goals. It would let you feel like a fraud despite the evidence of your competence and success. It often attributes to external factors such as social media validation, community judgments, and the like.

Bottomline is, Imposter Syndrome can be a monster living within you for a time being. A monster that can affect one\\u2019s life. A monster that can either make or break one\\u2019s career or relationship. A monster that can lead to self-destruction, anxiety, self-doubt, low self-esteem, pushback, and fear.

So if you\\u2019re struggling with Imposter Syndrome, there is hope. There\\u2019s a chance to stop it. And there are several ways that can help you cope. You are not the only one who\\u2019s experiencing this. It has been a similar feeling that most successful individuals have gone through.

Head over to this week\\u2019s episode to learn more about Imposter Syndrome and how to take action today!



  • 0:00 - Intro
  • 2:12 - Understanding the idea of imposter syndrome.
  • 5:13 - We are spiritually trained as imposters!
  • 7:57 - Imposter syndrome is a spiritual understanding of who and what you are.
  • 11:22 - Imposter syndrome never ends because you can\'t end it by external validation.
  • 14:25 - Imposter syndrome is a false set of identification.
  • 16:06 - Imposter syndrome can manifest its natural genius.
  • 21:18 - 4 keys to overcoming imposter syndrome
  • 21:33 - Key 1: Acknowledge the feelings we feel.
  • 23:22 - Key 2: Bring love to those parts where you\\u2019re hurting.
  • 24:31 - Key 3: Focus on what is beautiful about you and give up comparing yourself.
  • 26:26 - Key 4: Develop a self-inner integrity.

In This Episode You Will Learn:

  • \\xa0What is imposter syndrome?
  • \\xa0 Signs you are experiencing imposter syndrome.
  • \\xa0 The power and dangers of connecting with ourselves.
  • \\xa0 The importance of focus.
  • \\xa0 Who you are VS Who you want to be.
  • \\xa0 4 ways to handle imposter syndrome

Some Questions I Ask:

  • What is imposter syndrome?
  • \\xa0 What is the goal of your feeling?
  • \\xa0 Is asking for help a failure?
  • Can imposter syndrome be cured?
  • How to deal with the feeling of not being good enough?
  • How to overcome imposter syndrome?

Get in Touch:

Events with Kute Blackson:

Join me on a life-changing journey in Bali this July 28 - August 8.

Apply here:\\xa0www.boundlessblissbali.com
